get_fs_themes(); foreach ($this->get_db_themes() as $db_theme) { $this->db_themes_by_id[$db_theme['id']] = $db_theme; } } /** * Set tabsheet for themes pages. * @param string selected page. */ function set_tabsheet($selected) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/tabsheet.class.php'); $link = get_root_url().'admin.php?page='; $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $tabsheet->add('themes_installed', l10n('Installed Themes'), $link.'themes_installed'); $tabsheet->add('themes_update', l10n('Check for updates'), $link.'themes_update'); $tabsheet->add('themes_new', l10n('Add New Theme'), $link.'themes_new'); $tabsheet->select($selected); $tabsheet->assign(); } /** * Perform requested actions * @param string - action * @param string - theme id * @param array - errors */ function perform_action($action, $theme_id) { if (isset($this->db_themes_by_id[$theme_id])) { $crt_db_theme = $this->db_themes_by_id[$theme_id]; } $file_to_include = PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.'/'.$theme_id.'/admin/'; $errors = array(); switch ($action) { case 'activate': if (isset($crt_db_theme)) { // the theme is already active break; } if ('default' == $theme_id) { // you can't activate the "default" theme break; } $missing_parent = $this->missing_parent_theme($theme_id); if (isset($missing_parent)) { array_push( $errors, sprintf( l10n('Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s'), $missing_parent ) ); break; } if (file_exists($file_to_include)) { include($file_to_include); if (function_exists('theme_activate')) { theme_activate($theme_id, $this->fs_themes[$theme_id]['version'], $errors); } } if (empty($errors)) { $query = ' INSERT INTO '.THEMES_TABLE.' (id, version, name) VALUES(\''.$theme_id.'\', \''.$this->fs_themes[$theme_id]['version'].'\', \''.$this->fs_themes[$theme_id]['name'].'\') ;'; pwg_query($query); } break; case 'deactivate': if (!isset($crt_db_theme)) { // the theme is already inactive break; } // you can't deactivate the last theme if (count($this->db_themes_by_id) <= 1) { array_push( $errors, l10n('Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.') ); break; } if ($theme_id == get_default_theme()) { // find a random theme to replace $new_theme = null; $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.THEMES_TABLE.' WHERE id != \''.$theme_id.'\' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $new_theme = 'default'; } else { list($new_theme) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); } $this->set_default_theme($new_theme); } if (file_exists($file_to_include)) { include($file_to_include); if (function_exists('theme_deactivate')) { theme_deactivate($theme_id); } } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.THEMES_TABLE.' WHERE id= \''.$theme_id.'\' ;'; pwg_query($query); break; case 'delete': if (!empty($crt_db_theme)) { array_push($errors, 'CANNOT DELETE - THEME IS INSTALLED'); break; } if (!isset($this->fs_themes[$theme_id])) { // nothing to do here break; } $children = $this->get_children_themes($theme_id); if (count($children) > 0) { array_push( $errors, sprintf( l10n('Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s'), implode(', ', $children) ) ); break; } if (!$this->deltree(PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.$theme_id)) { $this->send_to_trash(PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.$theme_id); } break; case 'set_default': // first we need to know which users are using the current default theme $this->set_default_theme($theme_id); break; } return $errors; } function missing_parent_theme($theme_id) { if (!isset($this->fs_themes[$theme_id]['parent'])) { return null; } $parent = $this->fs_themes[$theme_id]['parent']; if ('default' == $parent) { return null; } if (!isset($this->fs_themes[$parent])) { return $parent; } return $this->missing_parent_theme($parent); } function get_children_themes($theme_id) { $children = array(); foreach ($this->fs_themes as $test_child) { if (isset($test_child['parent']) and $test_child['parent'] == $theme_id) { array_push($children, $test_child['name']); } } return $children; } function set_default_theme($theme_id) { global $conf; // first we need to know which users are using the current default theme $default_theme = get_default_theme(); $query = ' SELECT user_id FROM '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' WHERE theme = \''.$default_theme.'\' ;'; $user_ids = array_unique( array_merge( array_from_query($query, 'user_id'), array($conf['guest_id'], $conf['default_user_id']) ) ); // $user_ids can't be empty, at least the default user has the default // theme $query = ' UPDATE '.USER_INFOS_TABLE.' SET theme = \''.$theme_id.'\' WHERE user_id IN ('.implode(',', $user_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); } function get_db_themes($id='') { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.THEMES_TABLE; $clauses = array(); if (!empty($id)) { $clauses[] = 'id = \''.$id.'\''; } if (count($clauses) > 0) { $query .= ' WHERE '. implode(' AND ', $clauses); } $result = pwg_query($query); $themes = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($themes, $row); } return $themes; } /** * Get themes defined in the theme directory */ function get_fs_themes() { $dir = opendir(PHPWG_THEMES_PATH); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file!='.' and $file!='..') { $path = PHPWG_THEMES_PATH.$file; if (is_dir($path) and preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/', $file) and file_exists($path.'/') ) { $theme = array( 'id' => $file, 'name' => $file, 'version' => '0', 'uri' => '', 'description' => '', 'author' => '', ); $theme_data = implode( '', file($path.'/') ); if ( preg_match("|Theme Name: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val) ) { $theme['name'] = trim( $val[1] ); } if (preg_match("|Version: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val)) { $theme['version'] = trim($val[1]); } if ( preg_match("|Theme URI: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val) ) { $theme['uri'] = trim($val[1]); } if ($desc = load_language('description.txt', $path.'/', array('return' => true))) { $theme['description'] = trim($desc); } elseif ( preg_match("|Description: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val) ) { $theme['description'] = trim($val[1]); } if ( preg_match("|Author: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val) ) { $theme['author'] = trim($val[1]); } if ( preg_match("|Author URI: (.*)|", $theme_data, $val) ) { $theme['author uri'] = trim($val[1]); } if (!empty($theme['uri']) and strpos($theme['uri'] , 'extension_view.php?eid=')) { list( , $extension) = explode('extension_view.php?eid=', $theme['uri']); if (is_numeric($extension)) $theme['extension'] = $extension; } if (preg_match('/["\']parent["\'][^"\']+["\']([^"\']+)["\']/', $theme_data, $val)) { $theme['parent'] = $val[1]; } if (preg_match('/["\']activable["\'].*?(true|false)/', $theme_data, $val)) { $theme['activable'] = get_boolean($val[1]); } // screenshot $screenshot_path = $path.'/screenshot.png'; if (file_exists($screenshot_path)) { $theme['screenshot'] = $screenshot_path; } else { global $conf; $theme['screenshot'] = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/themes/' .$conf['admin_theme'] .'/images/missing_screenshot.png' ; } $admin_file = $path.'/admin/'; if (file_exists($admin_file)) { $theme['admin_uri'] = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=theme&theme='.$file; } // IMPORTANT SECURITY ! $theme = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $theme); $this->fs_themes[$file] = $theme; } } } closedir($dir); } /** * Sort fs_themes */ function sort_fs_themes($order='name') { switch ($order) { case 'name': uasort($this->fs_themes, 'name_compare'); break; case 'status': $this->sort_themes_by_state(); break; case 'author': uasort($this->fs_themes, array($this, 'theme_author_compare')); break; case 'id': uksort($this->fs_themes, 'strcasecmp'); break; } } /** * Retrieve PEM server datas to $server_themes */ function get_server_themes($new=false) { global $user; $get_data = array( 'category_id' => 10, 'format' => 'php', ); // Retrieve PEM versions $version = PHPWG_VERSION; $versions_to_check = array(); $url = PEM_URL . '/api/get_version_list.php'; if (fetchRemote($url, $result, $get_data) and $pem_versions = @unserialize($result)) { if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/', $version)) { $version = $pem_versions[0]['name']; } $branch = substr($version, 0, strrpos($version, '.')); foreach ($pem_versions as $pem_version) { if (strpos($pem_version['name'], $branch) === 0) { $versions_to_check[] = $pem_version['id']; } } } if (empty($versions_to_check)) { return false; } // Themes to check $themes_to_check = array(); foreach($this->fs_themes as $fs_theme) { if (isset($fs_theme['extension'])) { $themes_to_check[] = $fs_theme['extension']; } } // Retrieve PEM themes infos $url = PEM_URL . '/api/get_revision_list.php'; $get_data = array_merge($get_data, array( 'last_revision_only' => 'true', 'version' => implode(',', $versions_to_check), 'lang' => substr($user['language'], 0, 2), 'get_nb_downloads' => 'true', ) ); if (!empty($themes_to_check)) { if ($new) { $get_data['extension_exclude'] = implode(',', $themes_to_check); } else { $get_data['extension_include'] = implode(',', $themes_to_check); } } if (fetchRemote($url, $result, $get_data)) { $pem_themes = @unserialize($result); if (!is_array($pem_themes)) { return false; } foreach ($pem_themes as $theme) { $this->server_themes[$theme['extension_id']] = $theme; } return true; } return false; } /** * Sort $server_themes */ function sort_server_themes($order='date') { switch ($order) { case 'date': krsort($this->server_themes); break; case 'revision': usort($this->server_themes, array($this, 'extension_revision_compare')); break; case 'name': uasort($this->server_themes, array($this, 'extension_name_compare')); break; case 'author': uasort($this->server_themes, array($this, 'extension_author_compare')); break; case 'downloads': usort($this->server_themes, array($this, 'extension_downloads_compare')); break; } } /** * Extract theme files from archive * * @param string - install or upgrade * @param string - remote revision identifier (numeric) * @param string - theme id or extension id */ function extract_theme_files($action, $revision, $dest) { if ($archive = tempnam( PHPWG_THEMES_PATH, 'zip')) { $url = PEM_URL . '/download.php'; $get_data = array( 'rid' => $revision, 'origin' => 'piwigo_'.$action, ); if ($handle = @fopen($archive, 'wb') and fetchRemote($url, $handle, $get_data)) { fclose($handle); include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/pclzip.lib.php'); $zip = new PclZip($archive); if ($list = $zip->listContent()) { foreach ($list as $file) { // we search in archive if (basename($file['filename']) == '' and (!isset($main_filepath) or strlen($file['filename']) < strlen($main_filepath))) { $main_filepath = $file['filename']; } } if (isset($main_filepath)) { $root = dirname($main_filepath); // path in archive if ($action == 'upgrade') { $extract_path = PHPWG_THEMES_PATH . $dest; } else { $extract_path = PHPWG_THEMES_PATH . ($root == '.' ? 'extension_' . $dest : basename($root)); } if ( $result = $zip->extract( PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $extract_path, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $root, PCLZIP_OPT_REPLACE_NEWER ) ) { foreach ($result as $file) { if ($file['stored_filename'] == $main_filepath) { $status = $file['status']; break; } } if (file_exists($extract_path.'/obsolete.list') and $old_files = file($extract_path.'/obsolete.list', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES) and !empty($old_files)) { array_push($old_files, 'obsolete.list'); foreach($old_files as $old_file) { $path = $extract_path.'/'.$old_file; if (is_file($path)) { @unlink($path); } elseif (is_dir($path)) { if (!$this->deltree($path)) { $this->send_to_trash($path); } } } } } else $status = 'extract_error'; } else $status = 'archive_error'; } else $status = 'archive_error'; } else $status = 'dl_archive_error'; } else $status = 'temp_path_error'; @unlink($archive); return $status; } /** * delete $path directory * @param string - path */ function deltree($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { $fh = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($fh)) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') { $pathfile = $path . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($pathfile)) { $this->deltree($pathfile); } else { @unlink($pathfile); } } } closedir($fh); return @rmdir($path); } } /** * send $path to trash directory * @param string - path */ function send_to_trash($path) { $trash_path = PHPWG_THEMES_PATH . 'trash'; if (!is_dir($trash_path)) { @mkdir($trash_path); $file = @fopen($trash_path . '/.htaccess', 'w'); @fwrite($file, 'deny from all'); @fclose($file); } while ($r = $trash_path . '/' . md5(uniqid(rand(), true))) { if (!is_dir($r)) { @rename($path, $r); break; } } } /** * Sort functions */ function theme_version_compare($a, $b) { $pattern = array('/([a-z])/ei', '/\.+/', '/\.\Z|\A\./'); $replacement = array( "'.'.intval('\\1', 36).'.'", '.', ''); $array = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, array($a, $b)); return version_compare($array[0], $array[1], '>='); } function extension_revision_compare($a, $b) { if ($a['revision_date'] < $b['revision_date']) return 1; else return -1; } function extension_name_compare($a, $b) { return strcmp(strtolower($a['extension_name']), strtolower($b['extension_name'])); } function extension_author_compare($a, $b) { $r = strcasecmp($a['author_name'], $b['author_name']); if ($r == 0) return $this->extension_name_compare($a, $b); else return $r; } function theme_author_compare($a, $b) { $r = strcasecmp($a['author'], $b['author']); if ($r == 0) return name_compare($a, $b); else return $r; } function extension_downloads_compare($a, $b) { if ($a['extension_nb_downloads'] < $b['extension_nb_downloads']) return 1; else return -1; } function sort_themes_by_state() { uasort($this->fs_themes, 'name_compare'); $active_themes = array(); $inactive_themes = array(); $not_installed = array(); foreach($this->fs_themes as $theme_id => $theme) { if (isset($this->db_themes_by_id[$theme_id])) { $this->db_themes_by_id[$theme_id]['state'] == 'active' ? $active_themes[$theme_id] = $theme : $inactive_themes[$theme_id] = $theme; } else { $not_installed[$theme_id] = $theme; } } $this->fs_themes = $active_themes + $inactive_themes + $not_installed; } // themes specific methods function get_fs_themes_with_ini() { $themes_dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'themes'; $fs_themes = array(); foreach (get_dirs($themes_dir) as $theme) { $conf_file = $themes_dir.'/'.$theme.'/'; if (file_exists($conf_file)) { $theme_data = array( 'name' => $theme, ); $ini_file = $themes_dir.'/'.$theme.'/theme.ini'; if (file_exists($ini_file)) { $theme_ini = parse_ini_file($ini_file); if (isset($theme_ini['extension_id'])) { $theme_data['extension_id'] = $theme_ini['extension_id']; } } array_push($fs_themes, $theme_data); } } echo '
'; print_r($fs_themes); echo '
'; } } ?>