'['.$conf['gallery_title'].'] '.l10n('Registration'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain', ) ); } return $errors; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); load_language('plugin.lang', UMR_PATH); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Tabs | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $page['tab'] = 'home'; // tabsheet include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/tabsheet.class.php'); $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $tabsheet->set_id('umr'); $tabsheet->add('home', l10n('User Mass Register'), UMR_ADMIN . '-home'); $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Actions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $emails = explode("\n", $_POST['emails']); $emails_to_create = array(); $emails_rejected = array(); $emails_already_exist = array(); $emails_created = array(); $emails_on_error = array(); foreach ($emails as $email) { $email = trim($email); // this test requires PHP 5.2+ if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false) { $emails_to_check[] = $email; if (!get_userid_by_email($email)) { $emails_to_create[] = $email; } else { $emails_existing[] = $email; } } elseif (!empty($email)) { $emails_rejected[] = $email; } } foreach ($emails_to_create as $email) { // find a username list($base_username,) = explode('@', $email); $username = $base_username; $i = 2; while (get_userid($username)) { $username = $base_username.($i++); } // find a password $password = generate_key(8); $errors = register_user_and_notify($username, $password, $email); if (!empty($errors)) { $emails_on_error[] = $email; } else { $emails_created[] = $email; } } $emails_for_form = array(); if (!empty($emails_created)) { array_push( $page['infos'], sprintf( l10n('%d users registered'), count($emails_created) ) ); } if (!empty($emails_on_error)) { array_push( $page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('%d registrations on error: %s'), count($emails_on_error), implode(', ', $emails_on_error) ) ); $emails_for_form = array_merge($emails_for_form, $emails_on_error); } if (!empty($emails_rejected)) { array_push( $page['errors'], sprintf( l10n('%d email addresses rejected: %s'), count($emails_rejected), implode(', ', $emails_rejected) ) ); $emails_for_form = array_merge($emails_for_form, $emails_rejected); } if (!empty($emails_existing)) { array_push( $page['warnings'], sprintf( l10n('%d email addresses already exist: %s'), count($emails_existing), implode(', ', $emails_existing) ) ); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | form | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // define template file $template->set_filename('umr_content', realpath(UMR_PATH . 'admin.tpl')); // template vars $template->assign(array( 'UMR_PATH'=> get_root_url() . UMR_PATH, // used for images, scripts, ... access 'UMR_ABS_PATH'=> realpath(UMR_PATH), // used for template inclusion (Smarty needs a real path) 'UMR_ADMIN' => UMR_ADMIN, )); if (isset($emails_for_form) and !empty($emails_for_form)) { $template->assign('EMAILS', implode("\n", $emails_for_form)); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sending html code | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // send page content $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'umr_content'); ?>