> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See main.inc.php for release information AMM_Install : classe to manage plugin install --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include_once('amm_version.inc.php'); include_once('amm_root.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCTables.class.inc.php'); class AMM_install extends AMM_root { private $tablef; public function __construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $this->tablef= new GPCTables($this->tables); } public function __destruct() { unset($this->tablesManager); unset($this->tablef); parent::__destruct(); } /** * function for installation process * * @return Bool : true if install process is ok, otherwise false */ public function install() { $this->initConfig(); $this->loadConfig(); $this->config['installed']=AMM_VERSION2; $this->config['newInstall']='y'; $this->saveConfig(); $tables_def=array( "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['urls']."` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `label` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `mode` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `icon` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `position` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `visible` char(1) NOT NULL default 'y', `accessUsers` varchar(1024) NOT NULL, `accessGroups` varchar(1024) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `order_key` (`position`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised']."` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `visible` char(1) NOT NULL default 'y', `nfo` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised_langs']."` ( `id` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lang` CHAR(5) NOT NULL default '*', `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '', `content` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `lang`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['blocks']."` ( `id` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `order` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `users` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, `groups` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX `byOrder`(`order`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci" ); //$table_def array //$tables_def = create_table_add_character_set($tables_def); $result=$this->tablef->create($tables_def); unset($tables_def); GPCCore::register($this->getPluginName(), AMM_VERSION, AMM_GPC_NEEDED); return($result); } /** * function for uninstall process */ public function uninstall() { $this->deleteConfig(); $this->tablef->drop(); GPCCore::unregister($this->getPluginName()); } public function activate() { global $template; $this->initConfig(); $this->loadConfig(); $this->udpateTablesDef(); $this->config['newInstall']='n'; $this->config['installed']=AMM_VERSION2; //update the installed release number $this->saveConfig(); GPCCore::register($this->getPluginName(), AMM_VERSION, AMM_GPC_NEEDED); } public function deactivate() { $this->initConfig(); $this->loadConfig(); $this->restoreMenuConfig(); } /** * update tables & config between releases * */ protected function udpateTablesDef() { global $conf; /* AMM release earlier than the 2.1.3 uses two parameters to manage the display * of the menu items ("amm_sections_modspecials" and "amm_sections_modmenu") * * These two parameters are replaced by a single parameter "amm_blocks_items" * * This function aim to import the old conf into the new conf property */ if(isset($this->config['amm_sections_modspecials'])) { foreach($this->config['amm_sections_modspecials'] as $key=>$val) { $this->config['amm_blocks_items'][$key]['visibility']=($val=="y")?"guest,generic,normal,admin/":"admin/"; } unset($this->config['amm_sections_modspecials']); } if(isset($this->config['amm_sections_modmenu'])) { foreach($this->config['amm_sections_modmenu'] as $key=>$val) { $this->config['amm_blocks_items'][$key]['visibility']=($val=="y")?"guest,generic,normal,admin/":"admin/"; } unset($this->config['amm_sections_modmenu']); } if(!array_key_exists('installed', $this->config)) { /* * if key does not exist, probably try to update a plugin older than the * 2.2.0 release */ $this->config['installed']="02.01.06"; } switch($this->config['installed']) { case '02.01.06': $this->config['newInstall']='n'; $this->updateFrom_020106(); case '02.02.00': case '02.02.01': case '02.02.02': case '02.02.03': $this->config['newInstall']='n'; $this->updateFrom_020200(); case '03.00.00': $this->config['newInstall']='n'; $this->updateFrom_030000(); default: /* * default is applied for fresh install */ if($this->config['installed']<='02.02.03' or $this->config['newInstall']=='y') { /* * if new install * or plugin updated from a release <= 2.2.3 * or plugin * * update AMM menu from piwigo's menu */ $this->backupMenuConfig(true); } else { /* * plugin actived without being installed or updated, only backup * the piwigo's menu */ $this->backupMenuConfig(false); } break; } } /** * update the database from the release 2.1.6 * * - update config for menu translation * - update fields length for table 'personalised' */ private function updateFrom_020106() { $sql="ALTER TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised']."` MODIFY COLUMN `id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, MODIFY COLUMN `title` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL, MODIFY COLUMN `nfo` VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;"; pwg_query($sql); foreach($this->config['amm_blocks_items'] as $key => $val) { $this->config['amm_blocks_items'][$key]['translation'] = $this->defaultMenus[$key]['translation']; } } /** * update the database from the release 2.2.0 * * - create 'personalised_lang' table ; filled from the 'personalised' table * values * - modify 'personalised' table structure (remove lang attributes) * - modify 'urls' table structure (add users&group access) * - update 'urls' table values (default values for users access) * - update config (parameter 'amm_sections_items' is renamed into 'amm_blocks_items') */ private function updateFrom_020200() { global $user; $tables_def=array( "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised_langs']."` ( `id` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `lang` CHAR(5) NOT NULL default '*', `title` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default '', `content` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `lang`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci", "CREATE TABLE `".$this->tables['blocks']."` ( `id` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `order` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `users` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, `groups` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), INDEX `byOrder`(`order`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ".DB_CHARSET." COLLATE utf8_general_ci" ); $this->tablef->setTables(array( $this->tables['personalised_langs'], $this->tables['blocks']) ); $result=$this->tablef->create($tables_def); $sql="INSERT INTO `".$this->tables['personalised_langs']."` SELECT pap.id, pap.lang, pap.title, pap.content FROM `".$this->tables['personalised']."` pap WHERE pap.title!='' OR pap.content!='';"; pwg_query($sql); if(!isset($user['language']) or $user['language']=='') { $sql="SELECT language FROM ".USER_INFOS_TABLE." WHERE user_id='1';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $user['language']=$row['language']; } } } $sql="DELETE FROM `".$this->tables['personalised']."` WHERE lang!='".$user['language']."';"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="ALTER TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised']."` DROP COLUMN `lang`, DROP COLUMN `title`, DROP COLUMN `content`;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="ALTER TABLE `".$this->tables['urls']."` ADD COLUMN `accessUsers` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL AFTER `visible`, ADD COLUMN `accessGroups` VARCHAR(1024) NOT NULL AFTER `accessUsers`;"; pwg_query($sql); if(isset($this->config['amm_sections_items'])) { $this->config['amm_blocks_items']=$this->config['amm_sections_items']; unset($this->config['amm_sections_items']); } $usersList=array('guest', 'generic', 'normal', 'webmaster', 'admin'); foreach($this->config['amm_blocks_items'] as $key => $item) { $tmp0=explode('/', $item['visibility']); $this->config['amm_blocks_items'][$key]['visibility']=implode(',', array_diff($usersList, explode(',', $tmp0[0]))).'/'.$tmp0[1]; } } /** * update the database from the release 3.0.0 * * - add auto increment on personnalised_lang table */ private function updateFrom_030000() { global $user; $sql="ALTER TABLE `".$this->tables['personalised']."` MODIFY COLUMN `id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;"; pwg_query($sql); } /** * report hidden menu from piwigo's config to AMM config */ private function backupMenuConfig($updateMenu=false) { global $conf; $this->config['amm_old_blk_menubar']=$conf['blk_menubar']; pwg_query("UPDATE ".CONFIG_TABLE." SET value = '' WHERE param='blk_menubar';"); if($updateMenu and $conf['blk_menubar']!='') { $tmp=unserialize($conf['blk_menubar']); foreach($tmp as $key => $val) { pwg_query("REPLACE INTO ".$this->tables['blocks']." VALUES ('$key', '".abs($val)."', '".($val<0?'guest,generic,normal,webmaster,admin':'')."', '');"); } } } /** * restore piwigo's menu */ private function restoreMenuConfig() { if($this->config['amm_old_blk_menubar']!='') pwg_query("UPDATE ".CONFIG_TABLE." SET value = '".pwg_db_real_escape_string($this->config['amm_old_blk_menubar'])."' WHERE param='blk_menubar';"); } } //class ?>