> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ See main.inc.php for release information PIP classe => manage integration in public interface --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'AMenuManager/amm_root.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'grum_plugins_classes-2/ajax.class.inc.php'); class AMM_PIP extends AMM_root { protected $ajax; function AMM_PIP($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $this->ajax = new Ajax(); $this->css = new css(dirname($this->filelocation).'/'.$this->plugin_name_files."2.css"); $this->load_config(); $this->init_events(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public classe functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* initialize events call for the plugin */ public function init_events() { //TODELETE: add_event_handler('loc_begin_menubar', array(&$this, 'modify_menu') ); parent::init_events(); add_event_handler('loading_lang', array(&$this, 'load_lang')); add_event_handler('blockmanager_apply', array(&$this, 'blockmanager_apply') ); add_event_handler('loc_end_page_header', array(&$this->css, 'apply_CSS')); } /* load language file */ public function load_lang() { global $lang; //load_language('plugin.lang', AMM_PATH); // ajax is managed here ; this permit to use user&language properties inside // ajax content $this->return_ajax_content(); } public function blockmanager_apply( $menu_ref_arr ) { global $user; $menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0]; global $page; /* Add a new random picture section */ if ( ( ($block = $menu->get_block( 'mbAMM_randompict' ) ) != null ) && ($user['nb_total_images'] > 0) ) { $block->set_title( base64_decode($this->my_config['amm_randompicture_title'][$user['language']]) ); $block->data = array( "delay" => $this->my_config['amm_randompicture_periodicchange'], "blockHeight" => $this->my_config['amm_randompicture_height'], "firstPicture" => $this->ajax_amm_get_random_picture() ); $block->template = dirname(__FILE__).'/menu_templates/menubar_randompic.tpl'; } /* Add a new section (links) */ if ( ($block = $menu->get_block( 'mbAMM_links' ) ) != null ) { $urls=$this->get_urls(true); if ( count($urls)>0 ) { if($this->my_config['amm_links_show_icons']=='y') { for($i=0;$iset_title( base64_decode($this->my_config['amm_links_title'][$user['language']]) ); $block->template = dirname(__FILE__).'/menu_templates/menubar_links.tpl'; $block->data = array( 'LINKS' => $urls, 'icons' => $this->my_config['amm_links_show_icons'] ); } } /* Add personnal blocks random picture section */ $sections=$this->get_sections(true); if(count($sections)) { $id_done=array(); foreach($sections as $key => $val) { if(!isset($id_done[$val['id']])) { if ( ($block = $menu->get_block( 'mbAMM_personalised'.$val['id'] ) ) != null ) { $block->set_title( $val['title'] ); $block->template = dirname(__FILE__).'/menu_templates/menubar_personalised.tpl'; $block->data = stripslashes($val['content']); } $id_done[$val['id']]=""; } } } /* hide items from special & menu sections */ foreach(array('mbMenu' => 'amm_sections_modmenu', 'mbSpecials' =>'amm_sections_modspecials') as $key0 => $val0) { if ( ($block = $menu->get_block( $key0 ) ) != null ) { foreach($this->my_config[$val0] as $key => $val) { if($val=='n') { unset( $block->data[$key] ); } } } } } /* return ajax content */ protected function return_ajax_content() { global $ajax, $template; if(isset($_REQUEST['ajaxfct'])) { if($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']=='randompic') { $result="


"; switch($_REQUEST['ajaxfct']) { case 'randompic': $result=$this->ajax_amm_get_random_picture(); break; } $this->ajax->return_result($result); } } } // return the html content for the random picture block private function ajax_amm_get_random_picture() { global $user; $local_tpl = new Template(AMM_PATH."menu_templates/", ""); $local_tpl->set_filename('body_page', dirname($this->filelocation).'/menu_templates/menubar_randompic_inner.tpl'); $sql="SELECT i.id as image_id, i.file as image_file, i.comment, i.path, i.tn_ext, c.id as catid, c.name, c.permalink, RAND() as rndvalue, i.name as imgname FROM ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." c, ".IMAGES_TABLE." i, ".IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE." ic WHERE c.id = ic.category_id AND ic.image_id = i.id AND i.level <= ".$user['level']." "; if($user['forbidden_categories']!="") { $sql.=" AND c.id NOT IN (".$user['forbidden_categories'].") "; } $sql.=" ORDER BY rndvalue LIMIT 0,1"; $result = pwg_query($sql); if($result and $nfo = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $nfo['section']='category'; $nfo['category']=array( 'id' => $nfo['catid'], 'name' => $nfo['name'], 'permalink' => $nfo['permalink'] ); $template_datas = array( 'LINK' => make_picture_url($nfo), 'IMG' => get_thumbnail_url($nfo), 'IMGNAME' => $nfo['imgname'], 'IMGCOMMENT' => $nfo['comment'], 'SHOWNAME' => $this->my_config['amm_randompicture_showname'], 'SHOWCOMMENT' => $this->my_config['amm_randompicture_showcomment'] ); } else { $template_datas = array(); } $local_tpl->assign('datas', $template_datas); $local_tpl->assign('plugin', array('PATH' => AMM_PATH)); return($local_tpl->parse('body_page', true)); } } // AMM_PIP class ?>