> * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * See main.inc.php for release information * * RBCallBackAMetadata classe => used for the request builder * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ global $user; if(!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) die('Hacking attempt!'); if(!defined('JPEG_METADATA_DIR')) define('JPEG_METADATA_DIR', dirname(__FILE__)."/JpegMetaData/"); //include_once('') include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCRequestBuilder.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'AMetaData/JpegMetaData/Common/Const.class.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'AMetaData/JpegMetaData/Common/L10n.class.php'); load_language('plugin.lang', AMD_PATH); if(isset($user['language'])) { L10n::setLanguage($user['language']); } class RBCallBackAMetaData extends GPCSearchCallback { /** * the getImageId returns the name of the image id attribute * return String */ static public function getImageId() { return("pait.imageId"); } /** * the getSelect function must return an attribute list separated with a comma * * "att1, att2, att3, att4" */ static public function getSelect($param="") { return(" pait.value AS amdValue, paut.name AS amdName "); } /** * the getFrom function must return a tables list separated with a comma * * "table1, (table2 left join table3 on table2.key = table3.key), table4" */ static public function getFrom($param="") { global $prefixeTable; return($prefixeTable."amd_images_tags pait LEFT JOIN ".$prefixeTable."amd_used_tags paut ON pait.numId = paut.numId "); } /** * the getWhere function must return a ready to use where clause * * "(att1 = value0 OR att2 = value1) AND att4 LIKE value2 " */ static public function getWhere($param="") { switch($param['conditionIf']) { case 'E': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']; break; case '!E': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']; break; case '=': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value = '".$val."'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '!=': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND NOT "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value = '".$val."'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '%".$val."%'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '!%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND NOT "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '%".$val."%'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '^%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '".$val."%'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '!^%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND NOT "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '".$val."%'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '$%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '%".$val."'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; case '!$%': $returned="pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']." AND NOT "; $tmp=array(); foreach($param['listValues'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[]="pait.value LIKE '%".$val."'"; } $returned.="(".implode(' OR ', $tmp).")"; break; } return($returned); } /** * the getJoin function must return a ready to use where allowing to join the * IMAGES table (key : id) with given conditions * * "att3 = pit.id " */ static public function getJoin($param="") { return("pit.id = pait.imageId"); } /** * the getFilter function must return a ready to use where clause * this where clause is used to filter the cache when the used tables can * return more than one result * * the filter is equal to the where clause, or is equal to a part of the where * clause * */ static public function getFilter($param="") { return("pait.numId = ".$param['metaNumId']); } /** * this function is called by the request builder, allowing to display plugin * data with a specific format * * @param Array $attributes : array of ('attribute_name' => 'attribute_value') * @return String : HTML formatted value */ static public function formatData($attributes) { /* attributes is an array : * Array( * 'amdValue' => 'value1#sep#value2#...#sep#valueN' * 'amdTagId' => 'tagId1#sep#tagId2#...#sep#tagIdN' * ); */ $returned=''; $values=explode('#sep#', $attributes['amdValue']); $tagIds=explode('#sep#', $attributes['amdName']); foreach($tagIds as $key => $val) { if($returned!='') $returned.='
'; $returned.="".L10n::get($val)." : ".L10n::get($values[$key]); } return($returned); } /** * this function is called by the request builder to make the search page, and * must return the HTML & JS code of the dialogbox used to select criterion * * Notes : * - the dialogbox is a JS object with a public method 'show' * - when the method show is called, one parameter is given by the request * builder ; the parameter is an object defined as this : * { * cBuilder: an instance of the criteriaBuilder object used in the page, * eventOK : a callback function, called when the OK button is pushed * id: * } * * * * * @param String $mode : can take 'admin' or 'public' values, allowing to * return different interface if needed * @return String : HTML formatted value */ static public function getInterfaceContent($mode='admin') { return(AMD_functions::dialogBoxMetadata()); } /** * this function returns the label displayed in the criterion menu * * @return String : label displayed in the criterions menu */ static public function getInterfaceLabel() { return(l10n('g003_add_metadata')); } /** * this function returns the name of the dialog box class * * @return String : name of the dialogbox class */ static public function getInterfaceDBClass() { return('dialogChooseMetadataBox'); } } ?>