> * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * See main.inc.php for release information * * AMD_install : classe to manage plugin install * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/CommonPlugin.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCCss.class.inc.php'); include_once(PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH.'GrumPluginClasses/classes/GPCRequestBuilder.class.inc.php'); include_once('amd_jpegmetadata.class.inc.php'); include_once(JPEG_METADATA_DIR."Common/L10n.class.php"); include_once(JPEG_METADATA_DIR."TagDefinitions/XmpTags.class.php"); class AMD_root extends CommonPlugin { protected $css; //the css object protected $jpegMD; public function __construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation) { global $user; $this->setPluginName("Advanced MetaData"); $this->setPluginNameFiles("amd"); parent::__construct($prefixeTable, $filelocation); $tableList=array( 'used_tags', 'images_tags', 'images', 'selected_tags', 'groups_names', 'groups', 'user_tags_label', 'user_tags_def', 'tags_values'); $this->setTablesList($tableList); $this->css = new GPCCss(dirname($this->getFileLocation()).'/'.$this->getPluginNameFiles().".css"); $this->jpegMD=new AMD_JpegMetaData(); if(isset($user['language'])) { L10n::setLanguage($user['language']); } } public function __destruct() { unset($this->jpegMD); unset($this->css); //parent::__destruct(); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- common AIP & PIP functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* this function initialize var $config with default values */ public function initConfig() { $this->config=array( // options set by the plugin interface - don't modify them manually 'amd_GetListTags_OrderType' => "tag", 'amd_GetListTags_FilterType' => "magic", 'amd_GetListTags_ExcludeUnusedTag' => "y", 'amd_GetListTags_SelectedTagOnly' => "n", 'amd_GetListImages_OrderType' => "value", 'amd_AllPicturesAreAnalyzed' => "n", 'amd_FillDataBaseContinuously' => "y", 'amd_FillDataBaseIgnoreSchemas' => array(), 'amd_UseMetaFromHD' => "y", 'amd_InterfaceMode' => "advanced", // 'advanced' or 'basic' // theses options can be set manually 'amd_NumberOfItemsPerRequest' => 25, 'amd_DisplayWarningsMessageStatus' => "y", 'amd_DisplayWarningsMessageUpdate' => "y", 'amd_FillDataBaseExcludeTags' => array(), 'amd_FillDataBaseExcludeFilters' => array(), ); /* * ==> amd_FillDataBaseExcludeTags : array of tagId * the listed tag are completely excluded by the plugin, as they don't * exist * for each tagId you can use generic char as the LIKE sql operator * array('xmp.%', 'exif.maker.%') * -> exclude all XMP and EXIF MAKER tags * * ==> amd_FillDataBaseExcludeFilters : array of filterValue * if you exclude all the xmp tag you probably want to exclude everything * displaying 'xmp' * array('exif.maker', * 'exif', * 'iptc', * 'xmp', * 'magic', * 'com') * * ==> amd_DisplayWarningsMessageStatus : 'y' or 'n' * amd_DisplayWarningsMessageUpdate * you can disable warnings messages displayed on the database status&update * page */ } public function loadConfig() { parent::loadConfig(); } public function initEvents() { parent::initEvents(); } public function getAdminLink($mode='') { if($mode=='ajax') { return('plugins/'.basename(dirname($this->getFileLocation())).'/amd_ajax.php'); } else { return(parent::getAdminLink()); } } /** * */ protected function configForTemplate() { global $template; $template->assign('amdConfig', $this->config); } /** * returns the number of pictures analyzed * * @return Integer */ protected function getNumOfPictures() { $numOfPictures=0; $sql="SELECT COUNT(imageId) FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE analyzed='y';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $numOfPictures=$row[0]; } } return($numOfPictures); } /** * this function randomly choose a picture in the list of pictures not * analyzed, and analyze it * */ public function doRandomAnalyze() { $sql="SELECT tai.imageId, ti.path, ti.has_high FROM ".$this->tables['images']." tai LEFT JOIN ".IMAGES_TABLE." ti ON tai.imageId = ti.id WHERE tai.analyzed = 'n' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { // $path = path of piwigo's on the server filesystem $path=dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($row['has_high']==='true' and $this->config['amd_UseMetaFromHD']=='y') { $this->analyzeImageFile($path."/".dirname($row['path'])."/pwg_high/".basename($row['path']), $row['imageId']); } else { $this->analyzeImageFile($path."/".$row['path'], $row['imageId']); } } $this->makeStatsConsolidation(); } } /** * this function analyze tags from a picture, and insert the result into the * database * * NOTE : only implemented tags are analyzed and stored * * @param String $fileName : filename of picture to analyze * @param Integer $imageId : id of image in piwigo's database * @param Boolean $loaded : default = false * WARNING * if $loaded is set to TRUE, the function assume * that the metadata have been alreay loaded * do not use the TRUE value if you are not sure * of the consequences */ protected function analyzeImageFile($fileName, $imageId, $loaded=false) { $schemas=array_flip($this->config['amd_FillDataBaseIgnoreSchemas']); /* * the JpegMetaData object is instancied in the constructor */ if(!$loaded) { $this->jpegMD->load( $fileName, Array( 'filter' => AMD_JpegMetaData::TAGFILTER_IMPLEMENTED, 'optimizeIptcDateTime' => true, 'exif' => !isset($schemas['exif']), 'iptc' => !isset($schemas['iptc']), 'xmp' => !isset($schemas['xmp']), 'magic' => !isset($schemas['magic']), 'com' => !isset($schemas['com']), ) ); } //$sqlInsert=""; $massInsert=array(); $nbTags=0; foreach($this->jpegMD->getTags() as $key => $val) { $value=$val->getLabel(); if($val->isTranslatable()) $translatable="y"; else $translatable="n"; if($value instanceof DateTime) { $value=$value->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } elseif(is_array($value)) { /* * array values are stored in a serialized string */ $value=serialize($value); } $sql="SELECT numId FROM ".$this->tables['used_tags']." WHERE tagId = '$key'"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $numId=-1; while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $numId=$row['numId']; } if($numId>0) { $nbTags++; //if($sqlInsert!="") $sqlInsert.=", "; //$sqlInsert.="($imageId, '$numId', '".addslashes($value)."')"; $massInsert[]="('$imageId', '$numId', '".mysql_escape_string($value)."') "; } } } if(count($massInsert)>0) { $sql="REPLACE INTO ".$this->tables['images_tags']." (imageId, numId, value) VALUES ".implode(", ", $massInsert).";"; pwg_query($sql); } //mass_inserts($this->tables['images_tags'], array('imageId', 'numId', 'value'), $massInsert); $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['images']." SET analyzed = 'y', nbTags=".$nbTags." WHERE imageId=$imageId;"; pwg_query($sql); unset($massInsert); return("$imageId=$nbTags;"); } /** * returns the userDefined tag for one image (without searching in the * database) * * @param Array $numId : array of userDefined numId to get * @param Array $values : array of existing tag for the images * @return Array : associated array of numId=>value */ protected function pictureGetUserDefinedTags($listId, $values) { if(count($listId)==0 or count($values)==0) return(array()); $listIds=implode(',', $listId); $rules=array(); $returned=array(); $sql="SELECT numId, defId, parentId, `order`, `type`, value, conditionType, conditionValue FROM ".$this->tables['user_tags_def']." WHERE numId IN ($listIds) ORDER BY numId, parentId, `order`;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rules[$row['numId']][$row['parentId']][$row['defId']]=$row; } } foreach($listId as $numId) { $returned[$numId]=$this->buildUserDefinedTagConditionRule(0, $values, $rules[$numId]); } return($returned); } /** * * @param String $id : id of the metadata to build */ protected function buildUserDefinedTags($id) { $num=0; $sql="SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT value ORDER BY value SEPARATOR ',') FROM ".$this->tables['user_tags_def']." WHERE `type`='C' or `type`='M' AND numId='$id'"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { // get the list of tags used to build the user defined tag $list=''; while($row=pwg_db_fetch_row($result)) { $list=$row[0]; } $sql="(SELECT ait.imageId, ait.numId, ait.value FROM ".$this->tables['images_tags']." ait WHERE ait.numId IN ($list) ) UNION (SELECT pai.imageId, 0, '' FROM ".$this->tables['images']." pai) ORDER BY imageId, numId"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { //build a list of properties for each image $images=array(); while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if(!array_key_exists($row['imageId'], $images)) { $images[$row['imageId']]=array(); } $images[$row['imageId']][$row['numId']]=$row['value']; } //load the rules $sql="SELECT defId, parentId, `order`, `type`, value, conditionType, conditionValue FROM ".$this->tables['user_tags_def']." WHERE numId='$id' ORDER BY parentId, `order`;"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $rules=array(); while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $rules[$row['parentId']][$row['defId']]=$row; } $inserts=array(); // calculate tag values for each image foreach($images as $key=>$val) { $buildValue=$this->buildUserDefinedTag($key, $val, $id, $rules); if(!is_null($buildValue['value'])) { $buildValue['value']=addslashes($buildValue['value']); $inserts[]=$buildValue; $num++; } } mass_inserts($this->tables['images_tags'], array('imageId', 'numId', 'value'), $inserts); } } } return($num); } /** * build the userDefined tag for an image * * @param String $imageId : id of the image * @param Array $values : array of existing tag for the images * @param String $numId : id of the metadata to build * @param Array $rules : rules to apply to build the metadata */ protected function buildUserDefinedTag($imageId, $values, $numId, $rules) { $returned=array( 'imageId' => $imageId, 'numId' => $numId, 'value' => $this->buildUserDefinedTagConditionRule(0, $values, $rules) ); return($returned); } /** * build the userDefined tag for an image * * @param String $imageId : id of the image * @param Array $values : array of existing tag for the images * @param String $numId : id of the metadata to build * @param Array $rules : rules to apply to build the metadata */ protected function buildUserDefinedTagConditionRule($parentId, $values, $rules) { $null=true; $returned=''; foreach($rules[$parentId] as $rule) { switch($rule['type']) { case 'T': $returned.=$rule['value']; $null=false; break; case 'M': if(isset($values[$rule['value']])) { $returned.=$values[$rule['value']]; $null=false; } break; case 'C': $ok=false; switch($rule['conditionType']) { case 'E': if(isset($values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '!E': if(!isset($values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '=': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and $values[$rule['value']]==$rule['conditionValue']) $ok=true; break; case '!=': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and $values[$rule['value']]!=$rule['conditionValue']) $ok=true; break; case '%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and preg_match('/'.$rule['conditionValue'].'/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '!%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and !preg_match('/'.$rule['conditionValue'].'/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '^%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and preg_match('/^'.$rule['conditionValue'].'/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '!^%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and !preg_match('/^'.$rule['conditionValue'].'/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '$%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and preg_match('/'.$rule['conditionValue'].'$/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; case '!$%': if(isset($values[$rule['value']]) and !preg_match('/'.$rule['conditionValue'].'$/i', $values[$rule['value']])) $ok=true; break; } if($ok) { $subRule=$this->buildUserDefinedTagConditionRule($rule['defId'], $values, $rules); if(!is_null($subRule)) { $null=false; $returned.=$subRule; } } break; } } if($null) { return(null); } return($returned); } /** * do some consolidations on database to optimize other requests * */ protected function makeStatsConsolidation() { // reset numbers $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut SET ut.numOfImg = 0;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['images']." pai SET pai.nbTags = 0;"; pwg_query($sql); // count number of images per tag $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT imageId) AS nb, numId FROM ".$this->tables['images_tags']." GROUP BY numId) nb SET ut.numOfImg = nb.nb WHERE ut.numId = nb.numId;"; pwg_query($sql); //count number of tags per images $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['images']." pai, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT numId) AS nb, imageId FROM ".$this->tables['images_tags']." GROUP BY imageId) nb SET pai.nbTags = nb.nb WHERE pai.imageId = nb.imageId;"; pwg_query($sql); $sql="SELECT COUNT(imageId) AS nb FROM ".$this->tables['images']." WHERE analyzed = 'n';"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->config['amd_AllPicturesAreAnalyzed']=($row['nb']==0)?'y':'n'; } } $sql="UPDATE ".$this->tables['used_tags']." ut SET ut.newFromLastUpdate = 'n' WHERE ut.newFromLastUpdate = 'y';"; pwg_query($sql); $this->saveConfig(); } /** * This function : * - convert arrays (stored as a serialized string) into human readable string * - translate value in user language (if value is translatable) * * @param String $value : value to prepare * @param Boolean $translatable : set to tru if the value can be translated in * the user language * @param String $separator : separator for arrays items * @return String : the value prepared */ static public function prepareValueForDisplay($value, $translatable=true, $separator=", ") { global $user; if(preg_match('/^a:\d+:\{.*\}$/is', $value)) { // $value is a serialized array $tmp=unserialize($value); if(count($tmp)==0) { return(L10n::get("Unknown")); } if(array_key_exists("computed", $tmp) and array_key_exists("detail", $tmp)) { /* keys 'computed' and 'detail' are present * * assume this is the 'exif.exif.Flash' metadata and return the computed * value only */ return(L10n::get($tmp['computed'])); } elseif(array_key_exists("type", $tmp) and array_key_exists("values", $tmp)) { /* keys 'computed' and 'detail' are present * * assume this is an Xmp 'ALT', 'BAG' or 'SEQ' metadata and return the * values only */ if($tmp['type']=='alt') { /* 'ALT' structure * * ==> assuming the structure is used only for multi language values * * Array( * 'type' => 'ALT' * 'values' => * Array( * Array( * 'type' => Array( * 'name' =>'xml:lang', * 'value' => '' // language code * ) * 'value' => '' //value in the defined language * ), * * Array( * // data2 * ), * * ) * ) */ $tmp=XmpTags::getAltValue($tmp, $user['language']); if(trim($tmp)=="") $tmp="(".L10n::get("not defined").")"; return($tmp); } else { /* 'SEQ' or 'BAG' structure * * Array( * 'type' => 'XXX', * 'values' => Array(val1, val2, .., valN) * ) */ $tmp=$tmp['values']; if(trim(implode("", $tmp))=="") { return("(".L10n::get("not defined").")"); } } } foreach($tmp as $key=>$val) { if(is_array($val)) { if($translatable) { foreach($val as $key2=>$val2) { $tmp[$key][$key2]=L10n::get($val2); } if(count($val)>0) { $tmp[$key]="[".implode($separator, $val)."]"; } else { unset($tmp[$key]); } } } else { if($translatable) { $tmp[$key]=L10n::get($val); } } } return(implode($separator, $tmp)); } elseif(preg_match('/\d{1,3}°\s\d{1,2}\'\s(\d{1,2}\.{0,1}\d{0,2}){0,1}.,\s(north|south|east|west)$/i', $value)) { /* \d{1,3}°\s\d{1,2}\'\s(\d{1,2}\.{0,1}\d{0,2}){0,1}. * * keys 'coord' and 'card' are present * * assume this is a GPS coordinate */ return(preg_replace( Array('/, north$/i', '/, south$/i', '/, east$/i', '/, west$/i'), Array(" ".L10n::get("North"), " ".L10n::get("South"), " ".L10n::get("East"), " ".L10n::get("West")), $value) ); } else { if(trim($value)=="") { return("(".L10n::get("not defined").")"); } if(strpos($value, "|")>0) { $value=explode("|", $value); if($translatable) { foreach($value as $key=>$val) { $value[$key]=L10n::get($val); } } return(implode("", $value)); } if($translatable) { return(L10n::get($value)); } return($value); } } } // amd_root class Class AMD_functions { /** * return all HTML&JS code necessary to display a dialogbox to choose * a metadata */ static public function dialogBoxMetadata() { global $template, $prefixeTable; $tables=array( 'used_tags' => $prefixeTable.'amd_used_tags', 'selected_tags' => $prefixeTable.'amd_selected_tags', ); $template->set_filename('metadata_choose', dirname(__FILE__).'/templates/amd_dialog_metadata_choose.tpl'); $datas=array( 'urlRequest' => 'plugins/'.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/amd_ajax.php', 'tagList' => array(), ); /* * build tagList */ $sql="SELECT ut.name, ut.numId, ut.tagId FROM ".$tables['used_tags']." ut JOIN ".$tables['selected_tags']." st ON st.tagId = ut.tagId ORDER BY tagId"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $datas['tagList'][]=Array( 'tagId' => $row['tagId'], 'name' => L10n::get($row['name']), 'numId' => $row['numId'] ); } } $template->assign('datas', $datas); unset($data); return($template->parse('metadata_choose', true)); } } ?>