delete(); unset($set); } if (isset($_GET['cancel'])) { $set = new BatchDownloader($_GET['cancel']); $set->updateParam('total_size', $set->getEstimatedTotalSize()); $set->updateParam('nb_zip', $set->getEstimatedArchiveNumber()); $set->updateParam('status', 'done'); $set->deleteArchives(); $set->clearImages(); unset($set); } if (isset($_POST['delete_done'])) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' WHERE status = "done" AND date_creation < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) ;'; $sets = array_from_query($query, 'id'); foreach ($sets as $set_id) { $set = new BatchDownloader($set_id); $set->delete(); unset($set); } } // filter $where_clauses = array('1=1'); $order_by = 'date_creation DESC, status DESC'; if (isset($_POST['filter'])) { if (!empty($_POST['username'])) { $where_clauses[] = 'username LIKE "%'.$_POST['username'].'%"'; } if ($_POST['type'] != -1) { $where_clauses[] = 'type = "'.$_POST['type'].'"'; } if ($_POST['status'] != -1) { if ($_POST['status'] == 'new') $where_clauses[] = '(status = "new" OR status = "ready")'; else $where_clauses[] = 'status = "'.$_POST['status'].'"'; } if ($_POST['size'] != -1) { $where_clauses[] = 'size = "'.$_POST['size'].'"'; } if ($_POST['order_by'] == 'size') { $order_by = 'FIND_IN_SET(size, "square,thumb,2small,xsmall,small,medium,large,xlarge,xxlarge,original") '.$_POST['direction']; } else { $order_by = $_POST['order_by'].' '.$_POST['direction']; } } // get sets $query = ' SELECT, u.'.$conf['user_fields']['username'].' AS username FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' AS s INNER JOIN '.USERS_TABLE.' AS u ON s.user_id = u.'.$conf['user_fields']['id'].' WHERE '.implode("\n AND ", $where_clauses).' ORDER BY '.$order_by.' ;'; $sets = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'username'); foreach ($sets as $set_id => $username) { $set = new BatchDownloader($set_id); $template->append('sets', array_merge( $set->getSetInfo(), array( 'USERNAME' => $username, 'U_DELETE' => BATCH_DOWNLOAD_ADMIN . '-sets&delete='.$set->getParam('id'), 'U_CANCEL' => BATCH_DOWNLOAD_ADMIN . '-sets&cancel='.$set->getParam('id'), ) )); unset($set); } // filter options $page['status_items'] = array( -1 => '------------', 'new' => l10n('new'), 'download' => l10n('download'), 'done' => l10n('done'), ); $page['type_items'] = array( -1 => '------------', 'calendar' => l10n('Calendar'), 'category' => l10n('Album'), 'flat' => l10n('Whole gallery'), 'tags' => l10n('Tags'), 'search' => l10n('Search'), 'favorites' => l10n('Favorites'), 'most_visited' => l10n('Most visited'), 'best_rated' => l10n('Best rated'), 'list' => l10n('Random'), 'recent_pics' => l10n('Recent photos'), 'collection' => l10n('User collection'), ); $page['size_items'] = array( -1 => '------------', ); foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $params) { $page['size_items'][ $params->type ] = l10n($params->type); } $page['size_items']['original'] = l10n('Original'); $page['order_by_items'] = array( 'date_creation' => l10n('Creation date'), 'total_size' => l10n('Total size'), 'nb_images' => l10n('Number of images'), 'nb_archives' => l10n('Number of archives'), 'size' => l10n('Photo sizes'), ); $page['direction_items'] = array( 'DESC' => l10n('descending'), 'ASC' => l10n('ascending'), ); $template->assign(array( 'status_options' => $page['status_items'], 'status_selected' => isset($_POST['status']) ? $_POST['status'] : '', 'type_options' => $page['type_items'], 'type_selected' => isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : '', 'size_options' => $page['size_items'], 'size_selected' => isset($_POST['size']) ? $_POST['size'] : '', 'order_options' => $page['order_by_items'], 'order_selected' => isset($_POST['order_by']) ? $_POST['order_by'] : '', 'direction_options' => $page['direction_items'], 'direction_selected' => isset($_POST['direction']) ? $_POST['direction'] : '', 'F_USERNAME' => @htmlentities($_POST['username'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 'F_FILTER_ACTION' => BATCH_DOWNLOAD_ADMIN . '-sets', )); $template->set_filename('batch_download', realpath(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH . 'admin/template/sets.tpl'));