conf = $conf['batch_download']; $this->data = array( 'id' => 0, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'date_creation' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'type' => null, 'type_id' => null, 'size' => 'original', 'nb_zip' => 0, 'last_zip' => 0, 'nb_images' => 0, 'total_size' => 0, 'status' => 'new', 'estimated_total_size' => 0, // not in db ); $this->images = array(); // load specific set if (preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $set_id)) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' WHERE id = '.$set_id.' '.(!is_admin() ? 'AND user_id = '.$this->data['user_id'] : null).' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { $this->data = array_merge( $this->data, pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result) ); // make sure all pictures of the set exist $query = ' DELETE FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' WHERE image_id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ) ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' WHERE set_id = '.$this->data['id'].' ;'; $this->images = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'image_id', 'zip'); if ( $this->data['status'] != 'done' and count($this->images) != $this->data['nb_images'] ) { $this->updateParam('nb_images', count($this->images)); } } else { throw new Exception(l10n('Invalid download set')); } } // create a new set else if ($set_id == 'new') { if ($size != 'original') { $types = array_keys(ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map()); if (!in_array($size, $types)) { throw new Exception(l10n('Invalid size %s', $size)); } } $this->data['type'] = $type; $this->data['type_id'] = $type_id; $this->data['size'] = $size; $query = ' INSERT INTO '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.'( user_id, date_creation, type, type_id, size, nb_zip, last_zip, nb_images, total_size, status ) VALUES( '.$this->data['user_id'].', NOW(), "'.$this->data['type'].'", "'.$this->data['type_id'].'", "'.$this->data['size'].'", 0, 0, 0, 0, "new" ) ;'; pwg_query($query); $this->data['id'] = pwg_db_insert_id(); $date = pwg_query('SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(NOW());'); list($this->data['date_creation']) = pwg_db_fetch_row($date); if (!empty($images)) { $this->addImages($images); } } else { trigger_error('BatchDownloader::__construct, invalid input parameter', E_USER_ERROR); } } /** * updateParam * @param: string param name * @param: mixed param value */ function updateParam($name, $value) { $this->data[$name] = $value; pwg_query('UPDATE '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' SET '.$name.' = "'.$value.'" WHERE id = '.$this->data['id'].';'); } /** * getParam * @param: string param name * @return: mixed param value */ function getParam($name) { return $this->data[$name]; } /** * getImages * @return: array(image_id => zip_idx) */ function getImages() { return $this->images; } /** * isInSet * @param: int image id * @return: bool */ function isInSet($image_id) { return array_key_exists($image_id, $this->images); } /** * removeImages * @param: array image ids */ function removeImages($image_ids) { if (empty($image_ids) or !is_array($image_ids)) return; foreach ($image_ids as $image_id) { unset($this->images[ $image_id ]); } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' WHERE set_id = '.$this->data['id'].' AND image_id IN('.implode(',', $image_ids).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $this->updateParam('nb_images', count($this->images)); } /** * addImages * @param: array image ids */ function addImages($image_ids) { if (empty($image_ids) or !is_array($image_ids)) return; $query = ' SELECT id, file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN('.implode(',', array_unique($image_ids)).') ;'; $images = simple_hash_from_query($query, 'id', 'file'); $inserts = array(); foreach ($images as $image_id => $file) { if ($this->isInSet($image_id)) continue; if (!in_array(get_extension($file), $this->conf['allowed_ext'])) continue; $this->images[ $image_id ] = 0; $inserts[] = array( 'set_id' => $this->data['id'], 'image_id' => $image_id, 'zip' => 0, ); } if (count($inserts)) { mass_inserts( BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES, array('set_id','image_id','zip'), $inserts ); } $this->updateParam('nb_images', count($this->images)); } /** * clearImages */ function clearImages() { $this->images = array(); $query = ' DELETE FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' WHERE set_id = '.$this->data['id'].' ;'; pwg_query($query); } /** * getMissingDerivatives * @param: bool update, if true, update IMAGE_SIZES with FS datas * @return: array of i.php urls */ function getMissingDerivatives($update=false) { if ($this->data['size'] == 'original') { return array(); } $uid = '&b='.time(); $params = ImageStdParams::get_by_type($this->data['size']); $last_mod_time = $params->last_mod_time; $image_ids = array_keys($this->images); $to_update = $urls = $inserts = array(); global $conf; $conf['old_question_mark_in_urls'] = $conf['question_mark_in_urls']; $conf['old_php_extension_in_urls'] = $conf['php_extension_in_urls']; $conf['old_derivative_url_style'] = $conf['derivative_url_style']; $conf['question_mark_in_urls'] = $conf['php_extension_in_urls'] = true; $conf['derivative_url_style'] = 2; // images which we need to update stats if ($update) { $query = ' SELECT image_id, filemtime FROM '.IMAGE_SIZES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN('.implode(',', $image_ids).') AND type = "'.$this->data['size'].'" ;'; $registered = array_from_query($query, 'image_id', 'filemtime'); $to_update = array_filter($registered, create_function('$t', 'return $t<'.$last_mod_time.';')); $to_update = array_merge($to_update, array_diff($image_ids, $registered)); } $query = ' SELECT id, path, width, height, rotation FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN('.implode(',', $image_ids).') ORDER BY id DESC ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $src_image = new SrcImage($row); // don't give representive_ext // no-image files if ($src_image->is_mimetype()) { if ($update && in_array($row['id'], $to_update)) { $inserts[ $row['id'] ] = array( 'image_id' => $row['id'], 'type' => $this->data['size'], 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'filesize' => filesize(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path'])/1024, 'filemtime' => filemtime(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path']), ); } } // images files else { $derivative = new DerivativeImage($this->data['size'], $src_image); $filemtime = @filemtime($derivative->get_path()); $src_mtime = @filemtime(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path']); if ($src_mtime===false) continue; if ($filemtime===false || $filemtime<$last_mod_time || $filemtime<$src_mtime) { $urls[] = $derivative->get_url().$uid; } else if ($update && in_array($row['id'], $to_update)) { $imagesize = getimagesize($derivative->get_path()); $inserts[ $row['id'] ] = array( 'image_id' => $row['id'], 'type' => $this->data['size'], 'width' => $imagesize[0], 'height' => $imagesize[1], 'filesize' => filesize($derivative->get_path())/1024, 'filemtime' => $filemtime, ); } } } if (!empty($inserts)) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_SIZES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN('.implode(',', array_keys($inserts)).') ;'; pwg_query($query); mass_inserts( IMAGE_SIZES_TABLE, array('image_id','type','width','height','filesize','filemtime'), $inserts ); } $conf['question_mark_in_urls'] = $conf['old_question_mark_in_urls']; $conf['php_extension_in_urls'] = $conf['old_php_extension_in_urls']; $conf['derivative_url_style'] = $conf['old_derivative_url_style']; return $urls; } /** * deleteArchives */ function deleteArchives() { $zip_path = glob($this->getArchivePath('*')); if (is_array($zip_path)) { foreach ($zip_path as $file) { unlink($file); } } } /** * getFilename */ function getFilename($row, $filesize=array()) { $row['filename'] = stripslashes(get_filename_wo_extension($row['file'])); // datas $search = array('%id%', '%filename%', '%author%', '%dimensions%'); $replace = array($row['id'], $row['filename']); $replace[2] = empty($row['author']) ? null : $row['author']; $replace[3] = empty($filesize) ? null : $filesize['width'].'x'.$filesize['height']; $filename = str_replace($search, $replace, $this->conf['file_pattern']); // functions $filename = preg_replace_callback('#\$escape\((.*?)\)#', create_function('$m', 'return str2url($m[1]);'), $filename); $filename = preg_replace_callback('#\$upper\((.*?)\)#', create_function('$m', 'return str2upper($m[1]);'), $filename); $filename = preg_replace_callback('#\$lower\((.*?)\)#', create_function('$m', 'return str2lower($m[1]);'), $filename); $filename = preg_replace_callback('#\$strpad\((.*?),(.*?),(.*?)\)#', create_function('$m', 'return str_pad($m[1],$m[2],$m[3],STR_PAD_LEFT);'), $filename); // cleanup $filename = preg_replace( array('#_+#', '#-+#', '# +#', '#^([_\- ]+)#', '#([_\- ]+)$#'), array('_', '-', ' ', null, null), $filename ); if (empty($filename) || $filename == $this->conf['file_pattern']) { $filename = $row['id'].'_'.$row['filename']; } $filename.= '.'.get_extension($row['path']); return $filename; } /** * createNextArchive * @param: bool force all elements in one archive * @return: string zip path or false */ function createNextArchive($force_one_archive=false) { // set already downloaded (we should never be there !) if ( $this->data['status'] == 'done' or $this->data['nb_images'] == 0 ) { trigger_error('BatchDownloader::createNextArchive, the set is empty', E_USER_ERROR); } global $conf; // first zip if ($this->data['last_zip'] == 0) { $this->updateParam('status', 'download'); // limit number of elements if ($this->data['nb_images'] > $this->conf['max_elements']) { $images_ids = array_slice(array_keys($this->images), 0, $this->conf['max_elements']); $this->clearImages(); $this->addImages($images_ids); } $this->getEstimatedArchiveNumber(true); $this->updateParam('date_creation', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); trigger_notify('batchdownload_init_zip', $this->data, array_keys($this->images)); // triggered once for all } // get next images of the set $images_to_add = array(); foreach ($this->images as $image_id => $zip_id) { if ($zip_id != 0) continue; // here are already added images $images_to_add[] = $image_id; } if (count($images_to_add)) { $query = ' SELECT id, name, file, path, rotation, filesize, width, height, author FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $images_to_add).') ;'; $images_to_add = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); if ($this->data['size'] != 'original') { $query = ' SELECT image_id, filesize, width, height FROM '.IMAGE_SIZES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($images_to_add)).') AND type = "'.$this->data['size'].'" ;'; $filesizes = hash_from_query($query, 'image_id'); } // open zip $this->updateParam('last_zip', $this->data['last_zip']+1); $zip_path = $this->getArchivePath(); $zip = new myZip($zip_path, $this->conf['force_pclzip']); // add images until size limit is reach, or all images are added $images_added = array(); $total_size = 0; foreach ($images_to_add as $row) { if (!file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path'])) { $this->removeImages(array($row['id'])); continue; } if ($this->data['size'] == 'original') { $zip->addFile(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path'], $this->getFilename($row, $row)); $total_size+= $row['filesize']; } else { $src_image = new SrcImage($row); // don't give representative_ext // no-image files if ($src_image->is_mimetype()) { $zip->addFile(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$row['path'], $this->getFilename($row, array())); $total_size+= $row['filesize']; } // images files else { $derivative = new DerivativeImage($this->data['size'], $src_image); if (!file_exists($derivative->get_path())) { // we shouldn't be here // TODO : generate missing derivative (if generation where not performed) or remove } $zip->addFile($derivative->get_path(), $this->getFilename($row, $filesizes[ $row['id'] ])); $total_size+= $filesizes[ $row['id'] ]['filesize']; } } $images_added[] = $row['id']; $this->images[ $row['id'] ] = $this->data['last_zip']; if ($total_size >= $this->conf['max_size']*1024 and !$force_one_archive) break; } $this->updateParam('total_size', $this->data['total_size'] + $total_size); // archive comment $comment = 'Generated on '.date('r').' with PHP '.PHP_VERSION.' by Piwigo Batch Downloader.'; $comment.= "\n".$conf['gallery_title'].' - '.get_absolute_root_url(); if (!empty($conf['batch_download_comment'])) { $comment.= "\n\n".wordwrap(remove_accents($conf['batch_download_comment']), 60); } $zip->setArchiveComment($comment); $zip->close(); // update database $query = ' UPDATE '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' SET zip = '.$this->data['last_zip'].' WHERE set_id = '.$this->data['id'].' AND image_id IN('.implode(',', $images_added).') ;'; pwg_query($query); trigger_notify('batchdownload_end_zip', $this->data, $images_added); // triggered for each zip // all images added ? if (count($images_to_add) == count($images_added)) { if ($this->conf['one_archive']) $this->updateParam('status', 'done'); // over estimed $this->updateParam('nb_zip', $this->data['last_zip']); } // under estimed else if ($this->data['status'] != 'done' && $this->data['last_zip'] == $this->data['nb_zip']) { $this->updateParam('nb_zip', $this->data['last_zip']+1); } return $zip_path; } else { return false; } } /** * getEstimatedTotalSize * @return: int */ function getEstimatedTotalSize($force=false) { if ($this->data['status'] == 'done') return $this->data['total_size']; if ($this->data['nb_images'] == 0) return 0; if ( !empty($this->data['estimated_total_size']) and !$force ) return $this->data['estimated_total_size']; $image_ids = array_slice(array_keys($this->images), 0, $this->conf['max_elements']); if ($this->data['size'] == 'original') { $query = ' SELECT SUM(filesize) AS total FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $image_ids).') ;'; } else { $query = ' SELECT SUM(filesize) AS total FROM '.IMAGE_SIZES_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $image_ids).') ;'; } list($this->data['estimated_total_size']) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); return $this->data['estimated_total_size']; } /** * getEstimatedArchiveNumber * @return: int */ function getEstimatedArchiveNumber($force=false) { if ($this->data['status'] == 'done') return $this->data['nb_zip']; if ( !empty($this->data['nb_zip']) and !$force ) return $this->data['nb_zip']; $this->updateParam('nb_zip', ceil( $this->getEstimatedTotalSize($force) / ($this->conf['max_size']*1024) )); return $this->data['nb_zip']; } /** * getDownloadList * @return: string html */ function getDownloadList($url='') { if ($this->data['nb_images'] == 0) { return ''.l10n('No archive').''; } $root_url = get_root_url(); $out = ''; for ($i=1; $i<=$this->getEstimatedArchiveNumber(); $i++) { $out.= '
  • '; if ($this->data['status']=='done' or ($this->conf['one_archive'] and $i<$this->data['last_zip']+1)) { $out.= ' '.l10n('Archive #%d (already downloaded)', $i); } else if ($i==$this->data['last_zip']+1 or (!$this->conf['one_archive'] and $i<$this->data['last_zip']+1)) { $out.= 'conf['one_archive']) ? ' onClick="return confirm(\''.addslashes(l10n('Starting download Archive #%d will destroy Archive #%d, be sure you finish the download. Continue ?', $i, $i-1)).'\');"' : null). '> '.l10n('Archive #%d (ready)', $i).''; } else { $out.= ' '.l10n('Archive #%d (pending)', $i); } $out.= '
  • '; } return $out; } /** * getArchivePath * @param: int archive number * @return: string */ function getArchivePath($i=null) { if (!file_exists(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL . 'u-' .$this->data['user_id']. '/')) { mkgetdir(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL . 'u-' .$this->data['user_id']. '/'); } if ($i === null) $i = $this->data['last_zip']; $set = $this->getNames(); $path = BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL . 'u-'. $this->data['user_id'] . '/'; $path.= !empty($this->conf['archive_prefix']) ? $this->conf['archive_prefix'] . '_' : null; $path.= $set['BASENAME'] . '_' . $this->data['size'] . '_'; $path.= $this->data['user_id'] . $this->data['id']; $path.= '_part' . $i . '.zip'; return $path; } /** * getNames * @return: array * NAME, set name with HTML * sNAME, set name without HTML * BASENAME, set filename * COMMENT, set comment */ function getNames() { switch ($this->data['type']) { // calendar case 'calendar': { global $conf, $page; $old_page = $page; $fields = array( 'created' => l10n('Creation date'), 'posted' => l10n('Post date'), ); $chronology = explode('-', $this->data['type_id']); $page['chronology_field'] = $chronology[0]; $page['chronology_style'] = $chronology[1]; $page['chronology_view'] = $chronology[2]; $page['chronology_date'] = array_splice($chronology, 3); if (!class_exists('Calendar')) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/calendar_'. $page['chronology_style'] .'.class.php'); } $calendar = new Calendar(); $calendar->initialize(''); $display_name = strip_tags($calendar->get_display_name()); $set['NAME'] = l10n('Calendar').': '.$fields[$page['chronology_field']].$display_name; $set['sNAME'] = l10n('Calendar').': '.ltrim($display_name, $conf['level_separator']); $set['BASENAME'] = 'calendar-'.$page['chronology_field'].'-'.implode('-',$page['chronology_date']); $page = $old_page; break; } // category case 'category': { $category = get_cat_info($this->data['type_id']); if ($category == null) { $set['NAME'] = l10n('Album').': #'.$this->data['type_id'].' (deleted)'; $set['BASENAME'] = 'album'.$this->data['type_id']; } else { $set['NAME'] = l10n('Album').': '.get_cat_display_name($category['upper_names']); $set['sNAME'] = l10n('Album').': '.trigger_change('render_category_name', $category['name']); $set['COMMENT'] = trigger_change('render_category_description', $category['comment']); if (!empty($category['permalink'])) { $set['BASENAME'] = 'album-'.$category['permalink']; } else if ( ($name = str2url($category['name'])) != null ) { $set['BASENAME'] = 'album-'.$name; } else { $set['BASENAME'] = 'album'.$this->data['type_id']; } } break; } // flat case 'flat': { $set['NAME'] = l10n('Whole gallery'); $set['BASENAME'] = 'all-gallery'; break; } // tags case 'tags': { $tags = find_tags(explode(',', $this->data['type_id'])); $set['NAME'] = l10n('Tags').': '; $set['BASENAME'] = 'tags'; $first = true; foreach ($tags as $tag) { if ($first) $first = false; else $set['NAME'].= ', '; $set['NAME'].= '' .trigger_change('render_tag_name', $tag['name']) .''; $set['BASENAME'].= '-'.$tag['url_name']; } break; } // search case 'search': { $set['NAME'] = ''.l10n('Search').''; $set['BASENAME'] = 'search'.$this->data['type_id']; break; } // favorites case 'favorites': { $set['NAME'] = ''.l10n('Your favorites').''; $set['BASENAME'] = 'favorites'; break; } // most_visited case 'most_visited': { $set['NAME'] = ''.l10n('Most visited').''; $set['BASENAME'] = 'most-visited'; break; } // best_rated case 'best_rated': { $set['NAME'] = ''.l10n('Best rated').''; $set['BASENAME'] = 'best-rated'; break; } // list case 'list': { $set['NAME'] = l10n('Random'); $set['BASENAME'] = 'random'; break; } // recent_pics case 'recent_pics': { $set['NAME'] = ''.l10n('Recent photos').''; $set['BASENAME'] = 'recent-pics'; break; } // collection case 'collection': { try { if (!class_exists('UserCollection')) throw new Exception(); $UserCollection = new UserCollection($this->data['type_id']); $set['NAME'] = l10n('Collection').': '.$UserCollection->getParam('name'); if ( ($name = str2url($UserCollection->getParam('name'))) != null) { $set['BASENAME'] = 'collection-'.$name; } else { $set['BASENAME'] = 'collection'.$this->data['type_id']; } } catch (Exception $e) { $set['NAME'] = l10n('Collection').': #'.$this->data['type_id'].' (deleted)'; $set['BASENAME'] = 'collection'.$this->data['type_id']; } break; } } if (!isset($set['sNAME'])) $set['sNAME'] = strip_tags($set['NAME']); if (!isset($set['COMMENT'])) $set['COMMENT'] = null; if (!isset($set['BASENAME'])) $set['BASENAME'] = $this->data['type'] . $this->data['type_id']; return $set; } /** * getSetInfo * @return: array */ function getSetInfo() { $set = array( 'NB_IMAGES' => $this->data['nb_images'], 'NB_ARCHIVES' => $this->data['status']=='new' ? l10n('Unknown') : $this->getEstimatedArchiveNumber(), 'STATUS' => $this->data['status']=='ready' ? 'new' : $this->data['status'], 'LAST_ZIP' => $this->data['last_zip'], 'TOTAL_SIZE' => $this->data['status']=='new' ? l10n('Unknown') : l10n('%d MB', ceil($this->getEstimatedTotalSize()/1024)), 'DATE_CREATION' => format_date($this->data['date_creation'], true), 'SIZE' => $this->data['size'], ); if ($this->data['size'] != 'original') { $params = ImageStdParams::get_by_type($this->data['size']); $set['SIZE_INFO'] = $params->sizing->ideal_size[0].' x '.$params->sizing->ideal_size[1]; } return array_merge($set, $this->getNames()); } /** * delete */ function delete() { $this->deleteArchives(); $this->clearImages(); pwg_query('DELETE FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' WHERE id = '.$this->data['id'].';'); } } /** * small class implementing basic ZIP creation * with ZipArchive or PclZip */ class myZip { private $lib; private $zip; function __construct($zip_path, $pclzip=false) { if ( class_exists('ZipArchive') and !$pclzip ) { $this->lib = 'zipa'; $this->zip = new ZipArchive; if ($this->zip->open($zip_path, ZipArchive::CREATE) !== true) { trigger_error('BatchDownloader::createNextArchive, unable to open ZIP archive (ZipArchive)', E_USER_ERROR); } } else { $this->lib = 'pcl'; require_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/pclzip.lib.php'); $this->zip = new PclZip($zip_path); // create a temporary file for archive creation touch(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL.'temp.txt'); if ($this->zip->create(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL.'temp.txt', PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH) == 0) { trigger_error('BatchDownloader::createNextArchive, unable to open ZIP archive (PclZip)', E_USER_ERROR); } unlink(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL.'temp.txt'); $this->zip->delete(PCLZIP_OPT_BY_NAME, 'temp.txt'); } } function addFile($path, $filename) { if ($this->lib == 'zipa') { $this->zip->addFile($path, $filename); } else { $this->zip->add($path, PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_ALL_PATH); } } function setArchiveComment($comment) { if ($this->lib == 'zipa') { $this->zip->setArchiveComment($comment); } } function close() { if ($this->lib == 'zipa') { $this->zip->close(); } } }