'.l10n('Home').''.$conf['level_separator'].l10n('Batch Downloader').$conf['level_separator']; $page['title'] = l10n('Batch Downloader'); switch (@$tokens[1]) { case 'init_zip': $page['sub_section'] = 'init_zip'; $page['section_title'].= l10n('Generate ZIP'); break; case 'view': $page['sub_section'] = 'view'; $page['section_title'].= l10n('Edit the set'); if (isset($conf['GThumb']) && is_array($conf['GThumb'])) { $conf['GThumb']['big_thumb'] = false; // big thumb is buggy with removes } break; default: redirect('index.php'); } } } function batch_download_page_header() { global $page; $page['body_id'] = 'theBatchDownloader'; } /* download section */ function batch_download_page() { global $page; if (isset($page['section']) and $page['section'] == 'download') { include(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH . '/include/download.inc.php'); } } /* add buttons on thumbnails list */ function batch_download_index_button() { global $page, $template, $user, $conf; // check accesses if ( !count($page['items']) or !isset($page['section']) ) return; if (check_download_access() === false) return; switch ($page['section']) { case 'categories': if (!isset($page['category']) && !isset($page['chronology_field'])) return; // don't download the full gallery in flat mode ! if (!in_array('categories', $conf['batch_download']['what'])) return; break; case 'collections': if (!in_array('collections', $conf['batch_download']['what'])) return; break; default: if (!in_array('specials', $conf['batch_download']['what'])) return; } // download the set if ( isset($_GET['action']) and $_GET['action']=='advdown_set' ) { $set = get_set_info_from_page(); if ($set !== false) { $BatchDownloader = new BatchDownloader('new', $page['items'], $set['type'], $set['id'], $set['size']); if ($BatchDownloader->getParam('nb_images') != 0) { // if we plan only one zip with less elements than 'max_elements', the download starts immediately if ( $BatchDownloader->getParam('nb_images') <= $conf['batch_download']['max_elements'] and $BatchDownloader->getParam('size') == 'original' and $BatchDownloader->getEstimatedArchiveNumber() == 1 ) { $BatchDownloader->createNextArchive(true); // make sure we have only one zip, even if 'max_size' is exceeded $u_download = get_root_url().BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH . 'download.php?set_id='.$BatchDownloader->getParam('id').'&zip=1'; $null = null; $template->block_footer_script(null, 'setTimeout("document.location.href = \''.$u_download.'\';", 1000);', $null, $null); $page['infos'][] = sprintf(l10n('The archive is downloading, if the download doesn\'t start automatically please click here'), $u_download); } // otherwise we go to summary page else { redirect(add_url_params(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC . 'init_zip', array('set_id'=>$BatchDownloader->getParam('id')))); } } else { $BatchDownloader->delete(); unset($BatchDownloader); $page['errors'][] = sprintf(l10n('Sorry, there is nothing to download. Some files may have been excluded because of filetype restrictions.'), implode(', ', $conf['batch_download']['allowed_ext'])); } } } if ($page['section'] == 'collections') { $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $url = duplicate_index_url(array(), array('action')); } $url = add_url_params($url, array('action'=>'advdown_set', 'down_size'=>'')); // toolbar button $template->assign(array( 'BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH' => BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH, 'BATCH_DWN_COUNT' => count($page['items']), 'BATCH_DWN_URL' => $url, )); foreach (ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $params) { $template->append( 'BATCH_DOWNLOAD_SIZES', array( 'TYPE' => $params->type, 'DISPLAY' => l10n($params->type), 'SIZE' => $params->sizing->ideal_size[0].' x '.$params->sizing->ideal_size[1], ) ); } $template->append( 'BATCH_DOWNLOAD_SIZES', array( 'TYPE' => 'original', 'DISPLAY' => l10n('Original'), 'SIZE' => null, ) ); $template->set_filename('batchdwn_button', realpath(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH.'template/download_button.tpl')); $button = $template->parse('batchdwn_button', true); $template->add_index_button($button, 50); $template->concat('COLLECTION_ACTIONS', $button); } /* menu block */ function batch_download_add_menublock($menu_ref_arr) { global $user; $menu = &$menu_ref_arr[0]; if ($menu->get_id() != 'menubar') return; if (check_download_access() === false) return; $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND status != "done" LIMIT 1 ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (!pwg_db_num_rows($result)) return; $menu->register_block(new RegisteredBlock('mbBatchDownloader', l10n('Batch Downloader'), 'BatchDownloader')); } function batch_download_applymenu($menu_ref_arr) { global $template, $conf, $user; $menu = &$menu_ref_arr[0]; $block = $menu->get_block('mbBatchDownloader'); if ($block != null) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND status != "done" ;'; $sets = array_from_query($query, 'id'); $data = array(); foreach ($sets as $set_id) { $BatchDownloader = new BatchDownloader($set_id); $set = $BatchDownloader->getSetInfo(); array_push($data, array( 'URL' => add_url_params(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC . 'init_zip', array('set_id'=>$BatchDownloader->getParam('id'))), 'TITLE' => str_replace('"', "'", strip_tags($set['COMMENT'])), 'NAME' => $set['sNAME'], 'COUNT' => $set['NB_IMAGES'], )); } $template->set_template_dir(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_PATH . 'template/'); $block->set_title(l10n('Downloads')); $block->template = 'menublock_batch_down.tpl'; $block->data = $data; } } /* archives and databse cleanup */ function batch_download_clean() { global $conf; // we only search for old downloads every hour, nevermind which user is connected if ($conf['batch_download']['last_clean'] > time() - 3600) return; $conf['batch_download']['last_clean'] = time(); conf_update_param('batch_download', serialize($conf['batch_download'])); // set old sets as done and clean images table $query = ' DELETE i FROM '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TIMAGES.' AS i INNER JOIN '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' AS s ON i.set_id = s.id WHERE status != "done" AND date_creation < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.$conf['batch_download']['archive_timeout'].' HOUR) ;'; pwg_query($query); $query = ' UPDATE '.BATCH_DOWNLOAD_TSETS.' SET status = "done" WHERE status != "done" AND date_creation < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL '.$conf['batch_download']['archive_timeout'].' HOUR) ;'; pwg_query($query); // remove old archives $zips = glob(BATCH_DOWNLOAD_LOCAL . 'u-*/*.zip'); if (is_array($zips)) { foreach ($zips as $zip) { if (filemtime($zip) < time()-$conf['batch_download']['archive_timeout']*3600) { unlink($zip); } } } } /* ajax request to remove an image */ function batch_downloader_remove_image() { if (!isset($_POST['action']) || $_POST['action']!='bd_remove_image') return; check_status(ACCESS_CLASSIC); if (isset($_POST['set_id']) and isset($_POST['toggle_id'])) { try { $BatchDownloader = new BatchDownloader($_POST['set_id']); $BatchDownloader->removeImages(array($_POST['toggle_id'])); echo 'ok'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'error'; } } else { echo 'error'; } exit(0); } ?>