click here'] = '文档正在下载中,如果没有开始自动下载请点击这里'; $lang['Set type'] = '类型'; $lang['Return to download page'] = '返回下载页面'; $lang['Download set deleted'] = '删除下载设置'; $lang['Remove all finished downloads'] = '删除所有已完成下载'; $lang['Estimated number of archives'] = '估计文档数量'; $lang['Downloads'] = '下载'; $lang['Archives'] = '文件'; $lang['Archive prefix'] = '文件名前缀'; $lang['Archive comment'] = '文件注释'; $lang['Maximum size of each archive (in Megabytes)'] = '单个文件最大大小(M)'; $lang['Maximum photo size'] = '最大图片大小'; $lang['Maximum number of photos per download set'] = '每次最大下载图片数量设置'; $lang['Generate ZIP'] = '生成ZIP'; $lang['Estimated size'] = '估计大小'; $lang['Edit the set'] = '编辑设置'; $lang['Download permissions'] = '下载权限'; $lang['Download links'] = '下载链接'; $lang['Download info'] = '下载信息'; $lang['Download history'] = '下载历史'; $lang['Download all pictures of this selection'] = '下载所有选定图片'; $lang['Delete this set'] = '删除这个'; $lang['Delete downloads after'] = '删除下载时间'; $lang['Confirm the download of %d pictures?'] = '确定下载 %d 张图片?'; $lang['Cancel this set'] = '取消这个设置'; $lang['Cancel this download'] = '取消本次下载'; $lang['Batch Downloader'] = '批量下载器'; $lang['Warning: all files will be deleted within %d hours'] = '警告: 所有文件将会在 %d 小时内被删除'; $lang['Unable to find ZipArchive PHP extension, Batch Downloader will use PclZip instead, but with degraded performance.'] = '未发现PHP的ZipArchive扩展,打包下载器将使用PclZip作为替代,但表现将会不佳。'; $lang['Starting download Archive #%d will destroy Archive #%d, be sure you finish the download. Continue ?'] = '正在开始下载的存档 #%d 将会损坏存档 #%d,请确认你已完成下载。继续吗?'; $lang['Warning: Only registered users can use Batch Downloader.'] = '警告:只有注册用户才可以批量下载'; $lang['What can be downloaded?'] = '可以下载什么呢?'; $lang['No result'] = '没有结果'; ?>