concours_id = (int)$concours_id; $this->get_concours($concours_id); } // Load general parameters $this->load_config(); } /** * Load configuration from database * Assign value to the variable $config */ function load_config() { $query = 'SELECT value FROM '.CONFIG_TABLE.' WHERE param="concoursphoto";'; $result = pwg_query($query); if(isset($result)) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); if(is_string($row[0])) { $this->my_config = unserialize(($row[0])); } } if ($this->debug) foreach ($this->my_config as $key => $value) { echo "my_config[".$key."] = ".$value."\n"; } $this->load_default_config(); } /** * Load default configuration, initialize default values of params */ private function load_default_config() { include CONCOURS_INC_PATH.''; foreach ($concours_default_values as $key => $value) { if (!isset($this->my_config[$key])) $this->my_config[$key] = $value; } } // Save general configuration to config_database function save_config() { $query = ' REPLACE INTO '.CONFIG_TABLE.' VALUES( \'concoursphoto\', \''.serialize($this->my_config).'\', \'Configuration Concours Photo\') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if($result) return true; else return false; } /** * Save the current configuration (ie the value of $config) to the database */ function set_config() { conf_update_param('concoursphoto', pwg_db_real_escape_string(serialize($this->my_config))); } // Retrieve user groups function get_user_groups() { global $user; $query = 'SELECT group_id FROM ' . USER_GROUP_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($this->user_groups, $row['group_id']); } } // create a concours and store it to db. // return id for concours. function create_concours() {} // Get informations array for a concours id function get_concours($concours_id = null) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ' LIMIT 1 '; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result) $this->concours_infos = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); } } // save informations on database for a concours_id function save_concours($concours_id = null) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . CONCOURS_TABLE . " ( `id`, `create_date`, `name`, `descr`, `begin_date`, `end_date`, `category`, `groups`, `method`, `guest`, `admin` ) VALUES (".($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id).", now(), \"".$this->concours_infos['name']."\", \"".$this->concours_infos['descr']."\", \"".$this->concours_infos['begin_date']."\", \"".$this->concours_infos['end_date']."\", ".$this->concours_infos['category'].", ".$this->concours_infos['groups'].", ".$this->concours_infos['method'].", ".($this->concours_infos['guest'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE").", ".($this->concours_infos['admin'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")." );"; if (pwg_query($query) != null) return true; else return false; } else return false; } // update informations on database for a concours_id function update_concours($concours_id = null) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = "UPDATE " . CONCOURS_TABLE . " SET create_date = now(), name = \"".$this->concours_infos['name']."\", descr = \"".$this->concours_infos['descr']."\", begin_date = \"".$this->concours_infos['begin_date']."\", end_date = \"".$this->concours_infos['end_date']."\", category = ".$this->concours_infos['category'].", groups = ".$this->concours_infos['groups'].", method = ".$this->concours_infos['method'].", guest = ".($this->concours_infos['guest'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE").", admin = ".($this->concours_infos['admin'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE").", Podium_onCat = ".($this->concours_infos['Podium_onCat'] ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")." WHERE id = ".($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id)." ;"; pwg_query($query); if (pwg_query($query) != null) return true; else return false; } else return false; } // update field on database for a concours_id function update_concoursfield($field_id, $concours_id = null, $field_value = null) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = "UPDATE " . CONCOURS_TABLE . " SET " . $field_id." = ". ($field_value != NULL ? $field_value : $this->concours_infos[$field_id] ) . " WHERE id = ".($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id)." ;"; pwg_query($query); if (pwg_query($query) != null) return true; else return false; } else return false; } // delete concours from db (and all sub informations such as details, vote and result function delete_concours($concours_id = null) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' '; pwg_query($query); $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' '; pwg_query($query); $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' '; pwg_query($query); $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' '; pwg_query($query); } else return false; } // delete all closed concours from db function delete_allclosed_concours() { $concours_list=array(); $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) > 0 AND id>0;'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $this->delete_concours($row['id']); } } // today's date is between open and close date of concours? function is_active($concours_id = NULL) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(begin_date,now())) < 0 AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) < 0 '; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result != NULL) return true; else return false; } else return NULL; } // today's date is not between open and close date of concours? function is_closed($concours_id = NULL) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) > 0 '; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result != NULL) return true; else return false; } else return NULL; } // Get high value of concours (max score for each criterias) function get_MaxScore_concours($concours_id = null) { $max = 0; $query = ' SELECT criteria_id, max_value, ponderation, uppercriteria FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' ORDER BY criteria_id '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { if ($row['uppercriteria'] != NULL || !$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($row['criteria_id'])) // subcriteria or uppercriteria without sub $max += $row['max_value']*$row['ponderation']; } return $max; } // Get criterias that are stored on db for default mode (concours_id = 0) function get_default_criterias() { $criterias = $this->get_criterias_list(0); $query = 'SELECT IF(MAX(id)+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX(id)+1) AS next_element_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE . ' ;'; list($next_element_id) = pwg_db_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); foreach ($criterias as $criteria) { $query = 'INSERT INTO '.CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE.' (id, id_concours, criteria_id, name, descr, min_value, max_value, ponderation, uppercriteria)' .'VALUES ('.$next_element_id.', '.$this->concours_id.', ' .$criteria['criteria_id'].', "'.$criteria['name'].'", "' .$criteria['descr'].'", '.$criteria['min_value'].', ' .$criteria['max_value'].', '.$criteria['ponderation'].', ' .($criteria['uppercriteria'] ? $criteria['uppercriteria'] : 'NULL').') ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $next_element_id = $next_element_id +1; } } // Get criterias from a concours function get_criterias_list($concours_id = NULL) { $criteria_list = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' ORDER BY criteria_id '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($criteria_list, $row); } return $criteria_list; } else return $criteria_list; } // Get list of the fist level criterias function get_firstlevel_criterias($concours_id = NULL) { $criteria_list = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND uppercriteria IS NULL ORDER BY criteria_id '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) array_push($criteria_list, $row); return $criteria_list; } else return $criteria_list; } // check if a criteria contains subcriterias function is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria_id, $concours_id = NULL) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT criteria_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND uppercriteria = '.$criteria_id.' '; $result = pwg_query($query); if(pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) return true; else return false; } return NULL; } // Get list of subcriterias from a criteria_id function get_subcriterias($criteria_id, $concours_id = NULL) { $criteria_list = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND uppercriteria = '.$criteria_id.' ORDER BY criteria_id '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($criteria_list, $row); } return $criteria_list; } else return $criteria_list; } // Get a detail from a criteria function get_criteria($criteria_id, $concours_id = NULL) { $criteria = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '. ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND criteria_id =' . $criteria_id . ' '; $result = pwg_query($query); $criteria = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); } return $criteria; } // Get a detail from a criteria function get_criteria_by_id($id) { $criteria = array(); $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . $id . ' '; $result = pwg_query($query); $criteria = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); return $criteria; } // Add a criteria to a concours // Datas is an array and contains all infos. // Return the criteria id function add_criteria($datas, $concours_id = NULL) { // determines the criteria_id if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = 'SELECT IF(MAX(id)+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX(id)+1) AS next_element_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE . ' ;'; list($next_element_id) = pwg_db_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = 'SELECT IF(MAX(criteria_id)+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX(criteria_id)+1) AS next_criteria_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE . ' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' ;'; list($next_criteria_id) = pwg_db_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' (`id`, `id_concours`, `criteria_id`, `name`, `descr`, `min_value`, `max_value`, `ponderation`, `uppercriteria`) VALUES ( '.$next_element_id.', '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).', '.$next_criteria_id.', "'.$datas['name'].'", "'.$datas['descr'].'", '.$datas['min_value'].' , '.$datas['max_value'].', '.$datas['ponderation'].' , '.($datas['uppercriteria'] ? $datas['uppercriteria'] : 'NULL').' );'; pwg_query($query); if ($this->debug) echo $query."\n"; } } // Update a criteria to a concours // Datas is an array and contains all infos. function update_criteria($datas, $concours_id = NULL) { // determines the criteria_id if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' UPDATE ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' SET name = "'.$datas['name'].'", descr = "'.$datas['descr'].'", min_value = '.$datas['min_value'].', max_value = '.$datas['max_value'].', '.($datas['uppercriteria'] == false ? '' : 'uppercriteria = '.($datas['uppercriteria'] ? $datas['uppercriteria'].',' : 'NULL ,')).' ponderation = '.$datas['ponderation'].' WHERE id = '.$datas['id'].';'; pwg_query($query); } } // Delete a criteria from a concours function delete_criteria($criteria_id, $concours_id = NULL) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND criteria_id = '.$criteria_id.' '; $result = pwg_query($query); if($result) return true; else return false; } else return null; } // Delete a criteria (with id) from a concours function delete_criteria_by_id($id) { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . $id . ' '; $result = pwg_query($query); } // check if a result is already present in the database function is_result_present($concours_id = null) { // recover all img_id from the category $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(id_concours)' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).';'; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each images if (pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) return true; else return false; } // TESTTEST // function to return the number of images for a concours function nb_img_by_concours($concours_id = NULL) { // nb of users who vote for each image (for a selected concours $query = 'SELECT count( AS NBIMG ' .' FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE.' AS img' .' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON = ic.image_id' .' INNER JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS cat ON ic.category_id =' .' INNER JOIN '.CONCOURS_TABLE.' AS conc ON conc.category =' .' WHERE = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { return $row['NBIMG']; } return 0; } // function to return the number of votes for a concours by images function nb_votes_by_img($concours_id = NULL) { // nb of users who vote for each image (for a selected concours $query = 'SELECT img_id, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS NBVOTE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' AND ipguest IS NULL' .' GROUP BY img_id ' .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); $nbvotes = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { $nbvotes[$row['img_id']] = $row['NBVOTE']; } // Add guest infos $query = 'SELECT img_id, COUNT(DISTINCT ipguest) AS NBVOTE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' AND ipguest IS NOT NULL' .' GROUP BY img_id ' .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) if (!isset($nbvotes[$row['img_id']])) $nbvotes[$row['img_id']] = $row['NBVOTE']; else $nbvotes[$row['img_id']] += $row['NBVOTE']; return $nbvotes; } // Get All user that are vote for guest who have vote (IP Stores in db) in a concours function get_user_list($concours_id = NULL) { global $conf; $userid = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT distinct(user_id) FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) . ' AND ipguest IS NULL AND user_id !='.$conf['guest_id'] .' ORDER BY user_id '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($userid, $row['user_id']); } } return $userid; } // Get All iaddr for guest who have vote (IP Stores in db) in a concours function get_guest_list($concours_id = NULL) { global $conf; $ipguest = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT distinct(ipguest) FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' AND user_id = '.$conf['guest_id'] .' AND ipguest IS NOT NULL ORDER BY ipguest '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($ipguest, $row['ipguest']); } if ($this->debug) { foreach ($ipguest as $ip) echo "IP=".$ip."\n"; } return $ipguest; } else return $ipguest; } // After concours is completed (closed date is passed), generate the result and store it to DB function create_result($concours_id = NULL) { global $conf; // var which contains id=img_id and val =global note $global_note = array(); // FOR MODERATION // var which contains id=user_id and val =global note $vote_by_user = array(); $amplitiudeMINmax = 999; // MIN of all max score (for each users) $amplitiudeMAXmin = -999; // MIN of all max score (for each users) $REFaverage = 0; // reference average (average between amplitiudeMINmax and amplitiudeMAXmin) $global_note_mod1 = array(); $global_note_mod2 = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { // only for closed concours and not already result generated if ($this->is_closed($concours_id) AND ! $this->is_result_present($concours_id)) { // array with the number of vote by image for the concours. Needed for the moyenne $nbvotes = $this->nb_votes_by_img($concours_id); $user_id = array(); // vars not initialized if ($this->concours_infos == array()) $this->get_concours(); $category = $this->concours_infos['category']; // Get all user_id from a concours $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT user_id' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' AND user_id <> '.$conf['guest_id'] .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) array_push($user_id, $row['user_id']); // Add guest info is present $ipguest = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { if ($this->debug) echo "Check IPGUEST"; $ipguest = $this->get_guest_list(($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id )); } // recover all img_id from the category $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(image_id)' .' FROM ' .IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE .' WHERE category_id = '.$category.';'; $nb_image_concours = 0; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each images while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { $nb_image_concours++; foreach ($user_id as $i => $userid) { $img_note_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, $userid); if (!isset($global_note[$row['image_id']])) $global_note[$row['image_id']] = 0; // FOR MODERATION // store the nb of vote for each user if ($img_note_user >= 0) // user has made a vote { if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'] = 0; $vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'] ++; // update vote counter $global_note[$row['image_id']] += $img_note_user ; // FOR MODERATION // store the total of note for the same user if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'] = 0; $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'] += $img_note_user; // FOR MODERATION // store min/max for each user if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['min'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] = 999; if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['max'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] = 0; if ($vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] > $img_note_user) $vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] = $img_note_user; if ($vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] < $img_note_user) $vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] = $img_note_user; } } // Add guest scores if present foreach ($ipguest as $i => $userid) { $img_note_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, null, $userid); // $userid contains the ip address for the guest! if (!isset($global_note[$row['image_id']])) $global_note[$row['image_id']] = 0; // FOR MODERATION // store the nb of vote for each guest (with ipaddr) if ($img_note_user >= 0) // user has made a vote { if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'] = 0; $vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote'] ++; // update vote counter $global_note[$row['image_id']] += $img_note_user ; // FOR MODERATION // store the total of note for the same user if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'] = 0; $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote'] += $img_note_user; // FOR MODERATION // store min/max for each user if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['min'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] = 999; if (!isset($vote_by_user[$userid]['max'])) $vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] = 0; if ($vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] > $img_note_user) $vote_by_user[$userid]['min'] = $img_note_user; if ($vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] < $img_note_user) $vote_by_user[$userid]['max'] = $img_note_user; } } } // FOR MODERATION // calcul the average by user and min/max global foreach ($user_id as $i => $userid) { $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote']/$vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['lowerAmp'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['min']; // calcul the max value of the concours (for the moderation) $vote_by_user[$userid]['upperAmp'] = $this->get_MaxScore_concours() - $vote_by_user[$userid]['max']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] - $vote_by_user[$userid]['lowerAmp']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] + $vote_by_user[$userid]['upperAmp']; if ($amplitiudeMINmax > $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel']) $amplitiudeMINmax = $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel']; if ($amplitiudeMAXmin < $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel']) $amplitiudeMAXmin = $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel']; } // calcul the average by guest and min/max global foreach ($ipguest as $i => $userid) { $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['totalvote']/$vote_by_user[$userid]['nbvote']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['lowerAmp'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['min']; // calcul the max value of the concours (for the moderation) $vote_by_user[$userid]['upperAmp'] = $this->get_MaxScore_concours() - $vote_by_user[$userid]['max']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] - $vote_by_user[$userid]['lowerAmp']; $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel'] = $vote_by_user[$userid]['average'] + $vote_by_user[$userid]['upperAmp']; if ($amplitiudeMINmax > $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel']) $amplitiudeMINmax = $vote_by_user[$userid]['maxLevel']; if ($amplitiudeMAXmin < $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel']) $amplitiudeMAXmin = $vote_by_user[$userid]['minLevel']; } // FOR MODERATION // calcul the reference average $calcultemp = (int)($amplitiudeMINmax+$amplitiudeMAXmin)/2+0.5; if ((int)(($amplitiudeMINmax+$amplitiudeMAXmin)/2+0.5) > $amplitiudeMAXmin) { if ((int)(($amplitiudeMINmax+$amplitiudeMAXmin)/2+0.5) < $amplitiudeMINmax) $REFaverage = (int)(($amplitiudeMINmax+$amplitiudeMAXmin)/2+0.5); else $REFaverage = $amplitiudeMINmax; } else $REFaverage = $amplitiudeMAXmin; // FOR MODERATION // calcul the moderation scopr for each users foreach ($user_id as $i => $userid) $vote_by_user[$userid]['moderation'] = $REFaverage - $vote_by_user[$userid]['average']; // FOR MODERATION // calcul the moderation scopr for each guest ($ipguest) foreach ($ipguest as $i => $userid) $vote_by_user[$userid]['moderation'] = $REFaverage - $vote_by_user[$userid]['average']; // FOR MODERATION // need to parse again image for new calcul with moderation // moderation 1 => For each photo without note (user = author or user != author but no vote) add each user avaerage to the total of note and calcul the average // moderation 2 => For each photo with note, adapt/change all the value with the moderation value : user note + moderation. // parse again all img_id from the category $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(image_id)' .' FROM ' .IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE .' WHERE category_id = '.$category.';'; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each images while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { // for each user foreach ($user_id as $i => $userid) { if (!isset($global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']])) $global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']] = 0; $globalnote_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, $userid, null, 1, $vote_by_user[$userid]['average']); $global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']] += ($globalnote_user >= 0 ? $globalnote_user : 0) ; if (!isset($global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']])) $global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']] = 0; $globalnote_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, $userid, null, 2, $vote_by_user[$userid]['moderation']); $global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']] += ($globalnote_user >= 0 ? $globalnote_user : 0) ; } // for each guest foreach ($ipguest as $i => $userid) { if (!isset($global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']])) $global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']] = 0; $globalnote_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, null, $userid, 1, $vote_by_user[$userid]['average']); // userid contains the ip addr for the guest $global_note_mod1[$row['image_id']] += ($globalnote_user >= 0 ? $globalnote_user : 0) ; if (!isset($global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']])) $global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']] = 0; $globalnote_user = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['image_id'], null, null, $userid, 2, $vote_by_user[$userid]['moderation']); $global_note_mod2[$row['image_id']] += ($globalnote_user >= 0 ? $globalnote_user : 0) ; } } // update database and store result into RESULT table // note = global note $IMGmoyenne = 0; $IMGmoyenneModeration1 = 0; $IMGmoyenneModeration2 = 0; foreach ($global_note as $id => $val) // id contains the image id { $IMGmoyenne = (isset($nbvotes[$id]) && $nbvotes[$id] != 0 ? $val/$nbvotes[$id] : 0); // Moderation $IMGmoyenneModeration1 = ($nb_image_concours != 0 ? $global_note_mod1[$id]/$this->nb_user_by_concours() : 0); // all photos have note $IMGmoyenneModeration2 = (isset($nbvotes[$id]) && $nbvotes[$id] != 0 ? $global_note_mod2[$id]/$nbvotes[$id] : 0); // only voted photos are used $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .'(`id_concours`, `img_id`, `date` , `note`, `moyenne`, `moderation1`, `moderation2`, `nbvotant` ) VALUES ('.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .', '.$id .', now() ' .', '.$val .', '.$IMGmoyenne .', '.$IMGmoyenneModeration1 .', '.$IMGmoyenneModeration2 .', '.(isset($nbvotes[$id]) ? $nbvotes[$id] : 0) .');'; $result = pwg_query($query); } } else return false; } else return false; } // Get array with nb of vote for each user of a concours_id function nb_user_by_concours($concours_id = NULL) { $nbusertotal = 0; // user $query = 'SELECT count(distinct(user_id)) as nb_user FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id).' AND ipguest IS NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); $nbusertotal += $row['nb_user']; } // guest $query = 'SELECT count(distinct(ipguest)) as nb_user FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id).' AND ipguest IS NOT NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); $nbusertotal += $row['nb_user']; } return $nbusertotal; } // Check if an image's author OR addebBy is the same as the actual user // depending the config param function check_img_user($img_id) { global $user; $query = ' SELECT id,author, added_by FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE .' WHERE id =' . $img_id . ' '; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($this->debug) echo $query."\n
"; if ($result) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); $authorid = get_userid($row['author']); $addedbyid = $row['added_by']; /* echo "img ID=".$row['id']."
"; echo ">>>auteur=".$row['author']."
"; echo ">>>authorid=".$authorid."
"; echo ">>>addedbyid=".$addedbyid."
"; echo ">>>Type_compare=".$this->my_config['author_vote_available'].'
'; */ switch ($this->my_config['author_vote_available']) { case 0 : // no check (allow to vote for all photos) return false; case 1 : // check between author and user if ($authorid) // Author name present as username { if ($authorid == $user['id']) return true; else return false; } else { // check if author name = user name $AuthorArray = strip_punctuation2($row['author']); $UserArray = strip_punctuation2($user['username']); // Patch if author is empty if (empty($AuthorArray)) return false; if (count(array_intersect($AuthorArray, $UserArray)) == count ($AuthorArray)) // found return true; else return false; } case 2 : // check between author and user if (isset($addedbyid) AND $addedbyid == $user['id']) return true; else return false; case 3 : // check between author OR addedby and user // Check Author if ($authorid AND $authorid == $user['id']) // Author name present as username { // echo " > > > Auteur OK1
"; return true; } else { // check if author name = user name $AuthorArray = strip_punctuation2($row['author']); $UserArray = strip_punctuation2($user['username']); if (!empty($AuthorArray) AND (count(array_intersect($AuthorArray, $UserArray)) == count ($AuthorArray))) // found { // echo " > > > Auteur OK2
"; return true; } } // check addebBy if (isset($addedbyid) AND $addedbyid == $user['id']) { // echo " > > >ADDED OK
"; return true; } // echo " > > > FASLSE
"; return false; default : // echo " > > > FASLSE
"; return false; } } return false; } // Add tpl to picture.php page to display concours informations and vote function display_concours_to_picture() { // Step0 : if user = guest, check the concours param and store ip address to user name. // Step1 : concours is defined to this category AND concours is open AND user is authorized to access to this category (thru group) // Step1 bis : dont show concours if check author or added_by id is the samie as used_id (depending the param) // Step 2 : Recover stored informations in db for this user // Step 3 : Complete tpl information // Step 4 : concat tpl global $page, $user, $template, $conf; // Get user group. $this->get_user_groups(); $concours = array(); // STEP 0 $user['ipguest'] = null; // Check if the user is a guest only if (is_a_guest()) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) $IP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) $IP = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; else $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // store ip $user['ipguest'] = $IP; } // disable author name on image which are present in a concours. // check the categories where the current image is present and disable the author name if (isset($this->my_config['mask_author']) && $this->my_config['mask_author'] == true) { // Get all categories where the current image is present $query = ' SELECT category_id,uppercats,commentable,global_rank FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ON category_id = id WHERE image_id = '.$page['image_id'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $related_categories = array(); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($related_categories, $row['category_id']); } // //echo related_categories; if (count($related_categories)) { // Request for all concours prepared & actived on each categories $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE category IN ('.implode(',', $related_categories).') AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) < 0 '; $result = pwg_query($query); // If one or more concours are found, the author name is masked if ($result && pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) $template->assign('INFO_AUTHOR',l10n('concours_img_author')); } } // End disable author name if (($page['section']) == 'categories' AND !empty($page['category'])) { // Step 1 $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE category =' . $page['category']['id'] . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(begin_date,now())) < 0 AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) < 0 '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { if (!is_a_guest() AND !empty($row['groups'])) { if (is_admin() AND $row['admin']) // allow admin $concours = $row; else { $authorized_groups = explode(',', $row['groups']); if (array_intersect($this->user_groups, $authorized_groups) == array()) continue; // If no group is parameter for that concours ==> available for all registered users $concours = $row; } } else $concours = $row; } //------------ // Step 1 bis // Actual user is the author of the picture ==>end // for the image, check (depending the config) if user = author or addedby or none if ($this->check_img_user($page['current_item'])) { return; } // Check if user is guest and if guest is allowed if (is_a_guest() AND array_key_exists('guest', $concours) AND !$concours['guest']) return; // Check if user is admin and if admin is allowed if (is_admin() AND (!isset($concours['admin']) OR (isset($concours['admin']) AND !$concours['admin']))) return; //------------ // Step 2 if ($concours != array()) { // If user validate the notation if (isset($_POST['concours_submit'])) { // array_push($page['infos'] , l10n('concours_vote_saved')); $user_note = ""; // concat all the notes to save on db $firstcriterias = $this->get_firstlevel_criterias($concours['id']); foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours['id'] )) { // Check value $value = str_replace(",",".",(isset($_POST[$criteria['criteria_id']]) ? $_POST[$criteria['criteria_id']] : floatval($criteria['min_value']))); $value = str_replace(" ","",$value); $value = floatval($value); if ($value < floatval($criteria['min_value'])) $value = floatval($criteria['min_value']); if ($value > floatval($criteria['max_value'])) $value = floatval($criteria['max_value']); $user_note .= (strlen($user_note) != 0 ? ";" : "").$criteria['criteria_id']."=".$value; } else { $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours['id'] ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { // Check value $value = str_replace(",",".",(isset($_POST[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]) ? $_POST[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : floatval($subcriteria['min_value'] ))); $value = str_replace(" ","",$value); $value = floatval($value); if ($value < floatval($subcriteria['min_value'])) $value = floatval($subcriteria['min_value']); if ($value > floatval($subcriteria['max_value'])) $value = floatval($subcriteria['max_value']); $user_note .= (strlen($user_note) != 0 ? ";" : "").$subcriteria['criteria_id']."=".$value; } } } $this->store_img_note_user($page['current_item'], $user_note, $concours['id'], $user['ipguest']); $this->store_img_comment_user($page['current_item'], $_POST['concours_comment'], $concours['id'], $user['ipguest']); } // If user want to erase notes if (isset($_POST['concours_raz'])) { $this->delete_img_note_user($page['current_item'], $concours['id'], $user['ipguest']); $user_notes = array(); } else { // Recover previous note in DB (if exists) $user_notes = $this->get_img_note_user($page['current_item'], $concours['id'], $user['id'], $user['ipguest']); } // Comment is not RAZ, always restore $comment = $this->get_img_comment_user($page['current_item'], $concours['id'], $user['id'], $user['ipguest']); //------------ // Step 3 // Recover all 1st level criterias $firstcriterias = $this->get_firstlevel_criterias($concours['id']); foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours['id'] )) { $template->append( 'concours_criteria', array( 'nosub' => true, 'level' => 1, 'id' => $criteria['criteria_id'], // id du critere 'name' => $criteria['name'], // id du critere 'lib' => $criteria['descr'], //.'(min='$criteria['min_value'].';max='.$criteria['min_value'].')', // libelle du critrer 'val' => (isset($user_notes[$criteria['criteria_id']])?$user_notes[$criteria['criteria_id']] : $criteria['min_value']), // valeur du critere 'min' => $criteria['min_value'], // min 'max' => $criteria['max_value'] // max )); } else { $template->append( 'concours_criteria', array( 'nosub' => false, 'level' => 1, 'id' => $criteria['criteria_id'], // id du critere 'name' => $criteria['name'], // id du critere 'lib' => $criteria['descr'] )); $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours['id'] ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { $template->append( 'concours_criteria', array( 'nosub' => true, 'level' => 2, 'id' => $subcriteria['criteria_id'], // id du critere 'name' => $subcriteria['name'], // id du critere 'lib' => $subcriteria['descr'], //.'(min='$criteria['min_value'].';max='.$criteria['min_value'].')', // libelle du critrer 'val' => (isset($user_notes[$subcriteria['criteria_id']])?$user_notes[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : $subcriteria['min_value']), 'min' => $subcriteria['min_value'], // min 'max' => $subcriteria['max_value'] // max )); } } } // Add the comment $template->assign( 'CONCOURS_COMMENT', $comment); // if a user has already vote for this photo, check if the score change is allowed if ($user_notes == array() OR $this->my_config['concours_change_score']) // Allow user to change his vote after a validation $template->assign( 'CONCOURS_CHANGE_SCORE', true); else $template->assign( 'CONCOURS_CHANGE_SCORE', false); $noteuser = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($page['current_item'], $concours['id'], null, $user['ipguest']); // Add concours informations on template $template->assign( 'concours_infos', array( 'name' => $concours['name'], 'descr' => $concours['descr'], 'note' => ($noteuser >= 0 ? $noteuser : 0 ), 'begin_date' => $concours['begin_date'], 'end_date' => $concours['end_date'], 'end_concours_min' => (strtotime($concours['end_date'])-time()) , 'max_note' => $this->get_concours_maxnote($concours['id']), 'deadline_type' => $this->my_config['concours_deadline'] )); $template->assign( 'SCORE_MODE', $this->my_config['score_mode']); $template->assign( 'TEXT_OVERLAY', $this->my_config['text_overlay']); $template->set_filenames(array('concours' => CONCOURS_ROOT.'/template/concours.tpl')); $template->concat('COMMENT_IMG', $template->parse('concours', true)); $template->assign('INFO_AUTHOR',l10n('concours_img_author')); } } } // RAZ notation from user to db // fill criterias notes to 0 in DB // return false if error function delete_img_note_user($img_id, $concours_id = NULL, $ipguest = null, $userid=null) { global $user; if ($concours_id === null) if ($this->concours_id !== null) $concours_id = $this->concours_id; else return false; $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).' AND user_id = '.($userid == null ? $user['id'] : $userid).' AND img_id = '.$img_id. ($ipguest ? ' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"' : '') .';'; return pwg_query($query); } // RAZ notation from user to db // fill criterias notes to 0 in DB // return false if error function RAZ_img_note_user($img_id, $concours_id = NULL, $ipguest = null) { $user_note = ""; if ($concours_id === null) if ($this->concours_id !== null) $concours_id = $this->concours_id; else return false; $firstcriterias = $this->get_firstlevel_criterias($concours_id); foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours_id )) $user_note .= (strlen($user_note) != 0 ? ";" : "").$criteria['criteria_id']."=".$criteria['min_value']; else { $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours_id ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) $user_note .= (strlen($user_note) != 0 ? ";" : "").$subcriteria['criteria_id']."=".$subcriteria['min_value']; } } if (strlen($user_note) != 0) { $this->store_img_note_user($img_id, $user_note, $concours_id, $ipguest); return true; } else return false; } // Store notation from user to db // save with format "criteria_id=note;criteria_id=note..." for data function store_img_note_user($img_id, $datas, $concours_id = NULL, $ipguest = null) { global $user; if ($this->get_img_note_user( $img_id, $concours_id, $user['id'], $ipguest) == array() ) { $query = 'SELECT IF(MAX(id)+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX(id)+1) AS next_element_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE . ' ;'; list($next_element_id) = pwg_db_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' (`id`, `id_concours` , `user_id` , `create_date` , `img_id` , `datas`'. ($ipguest ? ',`ipguest` ' : '') .') VALUES ( '.$next_element_id.',' .($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' , '. $user['id'] .', now(), '.$img_id.', "'.$datas.'"' .($ipguest ? ',"'.$user['ipguest'].'"' : '') .');'; } else { $query = ' UPDATE ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' SET datas = "'.$datas.'", create_date = now() WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).' AND user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND img_id = '.$img_id. ($ipguest ? ' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"' : '') .';'; } pwg_query($query); } // get notation's user from db // Return an array with : // Criteria_id ==> value // Note : criterias with subcriterias are not saved and not restored. They are calculated for global result function get_img_note_user($img_id, $concours_id = NULL, $user_id = null, $ipguest = null) { global $user, $conf; $img_note = array(); if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT datas FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ($ipguest == null ? ' AND user_id = '. ($user_id !== null ? $user_id : $user['id']) : ' AND user_id = '.$conf['guest_id'] .' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"') .' AND img_id = '. $img_id .';'; ($ipguest ? ' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"' : '') .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { $datas = explode(";",$row['datas']); foreach ($datas as $val) { if (strpos($val, '=') !== FALSE) $img_note[substr($val, 0, strpos($val, '='))]=substr($val, strpos($val, '=')+1); } } return $img_note; } else return array(); } // Return the max note for a concours function get_concours_maxnote($concours_id = NULL) { if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT SUM(max_value) AS TOTAL FROM ' . CONCOURS_DETAIL_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) .' AND uppercriteria IS NULL' .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($this->debug) echo "query=".$query."
\n"; if ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { return $row['TOTAL']; } else return -1; } } // get notation's user from db // Return the global note for a picture id from a user // if moderationMode = 1, the 'moderation' contains the GlobalAverage for all the concours // if moderationMode = 2, the 'moderation' contains the user moderation for all image that are voted by // return -1 if there is no vote for that user function get_img_globalnote_user($img_id, $concours_id = NULL, $user_id = null, $ipguest = null, $moderationMode = 0, $moderation = 0) { global $user, $conf; $img_note = array(); $global_user_note = -1; $note_found = false; if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT datas FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ($ipguest == null ? ' AND user_id = '. ($user_id !== null ? $user_id : $user['id']) : ' AND user_id = '.$conf['guest_id'] .' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"') .' AND img_id = '. $img_id .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($this->debug) echo "query=".$query."
\n"; while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { $global_user_note = 0; // init note if one vote is present $note_found = true; $datas = explode(";",$row['datas']); foreach ($datas as $val) { if (strpos($val, '=') !== FALSE) $img_note[substr($val, 0, strpos($val, '='))]=substr($val, strpos($val, '=')+1); } } $firstcriterias = $this->get_firstlevel_criterias($concours_id); foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours_id )) { if (isset($img_note[$criteria['criteria_id']])) $global_user_note += (int)$criteria['ponderation'] * (float)$img_note[$criteria['criteria_id']]; } else { $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours_id ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { if (isset($img_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']])) $global_user_note += (int)$subcriteria['ponderation'] * (float)$img_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]; } } } // MODERATION // moderation 1 => For each photo without note (user = author or user != author but no vote) add each user avaerage to the total of note and calcul the average // moderation 2 => For each photo with note, adapt/change all the value with the moderation value : user note + moderation. if ($user_id !== null) // only for user { if ($moderationMode == 1 && !$note_found) { // Moderation1 $global_user_note = $moderation; } elseif ($moderationMode == 2 && $note_found) { // Moderation2 $global_user_note += $moderation; } } return $global_user_note; } else return array(); } // Store comment from user to db function store_img_comment_user($img_id, $datas, $concours_id = NULL, $ipguest = null) { global $user; if (($comment = $this->get_img_note_user( $img_id, $concours_id, null, $ipguest)) == false) { $query = 'SELECT IF(MAX(id)+1 IS NULL, 1, MAX(id)+1) AS next_element_id FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE . ' ;'; list($next_element_id) = pwg_db_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); $query = ' INSERT INTO ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' (`id`, `id_concours` , `user_id` , `create_date` , `img_id` , `comment`' .($ipguest ? ' `ipguest`' : ''). ') VALUES ( '.$next_element_id.',' .($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .' , '. $user['id'] .', now(), '.$img_id.', "'.$datas.'");'; } else { $query = ' UPDATE ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' SET comment = "'.$datas.'", create_date = now() WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).' AND user_id = '.$user['id'].' AND img_id = '.$img_id. ($ipguest ? ' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"' : '') .';'; } pwg_query($query); } // Get comment on an image for a user function get_img_comment_user($img_id, $concours_id = NULL, $user_id = null, $ipguest = null) { global $user; $datas = false; if ($concours_id!== null or $this->concours_id !== null) { $query = ' SELECT comment FROM ' . CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours =' . ($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id) . ' AND user_id = '. ($user_id !== null ? $user_id : $user['id']).' AND img_id = '. $img_id . ($ipguest ? ' AND ipguest = "'.$ipguest.'"' : '') .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) $datas = $row['comment']; } return $datas; } // Generate csv file for a closed concours with result generated function generate_csv($concours_id = NULL) { global $conf; $file = "rang, id_concours,method, img_id, img_name, img_file, date, note, moyenne, nbvotant, datas\r\n"; if (!(isset($this->concours_infos['method']))) $this->concours_infos['method'] = 1; // recover all img_id from the category $query = 'SELECT id_concours,method, img_id,, IMG.file, date, note, moyenne, nbvotant, datas' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' INNER JOIN ' . CONCOURS_TABLE.' AS CONC on = id_concours' .' INNER JOIN ' . IMAGES_TABLE.' AS IMG on = img_id' .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ); if ($this->concours_infos['method'] == 1) // total $query .= ' ORDER BY note DESC'; elseif ($this->concours_infos['method'] == 2) // moyenne $query .= ' ORDER BY moyenne DESC'; $query .=';'; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each images $rang = 1; while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { $file .= ($row['nbvotant'] != 0 ? $rang : 'N/A').', ' .$row['id_concours'].', ' .$row['method'].', ' .$row['img_id'].', ' .$row['name'].', ' .$row['file'].', ' .$row['date'].', ' .$row['note'].', ' .$row['moyenne'].', ' .$row['nbvotant'].', ' .($row['datas'] != null ? $row['datas'] : '') ."\r\n"; $rang ++; } return $file; } // Generate csv file for a closed concours with result generated and all users informations function generate_detail_csv($concours_id = NULL) { global $conf; $MethodType = "0"; if ($concours_id === null) $concours_id = $this->concours_id; // Prepare the list of criteria $criteria_list = ""; $firstcriterias = $this->get_firstlevel_criterias($concours_id); $ident1 = 1; foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // format (id:name) $criteria_list .= (strlen($criteria_list) ? "," : "") .$ident1.":".$criteria['name'] ."(id=".$criteria['criteria_id'].")"; // First wit sub criterias if ($this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours_id )) { $ident2 = 1; $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours_id ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { // format (id:name) $criteria_list .= (strlen($criteria_list) ? "," : "") .$ident1.".".$ident2 .":".$subcriteria['name']."(id=".$subcriteria['criteria_id'].")"; $ident2 ++; } } $ident1++; } $user_list = array(); $users_criteria = ""; // Get all the users who have notes for the concours $query = 'SELECT distinct(user_id), USER.username' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_DATA_TABLE .' INNER JOIN ' . USERS_TABLE.' AS USER on = user_id' .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) // Dont take the guest informations because .' AND user_id <> '.$conf['guest_id'] .' ORDER BY username ASC' .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each user while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($user_list, $row); $users_criteria .= (strlen($users_criteria) ? "," : "")."user, user_global_note, comment, ".$criteria_list; } $ipguest = array(); // Get guest info (if available) if ($this->concours_infos['guest']) { $ipguest = $this->get_guest_list(); // For each guest foreach ( $ipguest as $i => $userid ) //on parcours le tableau { $users_criteria .= (strlen($users_criteria) ? "," : "")."user, user_global_note, comment, ".$criteria_list; } } // All informations in csv format $file = "rang, id_concours, method, nom_concours, date_debut, date_fin, date_export, img_id, img_name, img_file, img_author, note, moyenne, moderation1, moderation2, nbvotant, datas," .$users_criteria ."\r\n"; // nb of users who vote for each image // NOT NEEDED, INFO STORE IN DATABASE 'RESULT' $nbvotes = $this->nb_votes_by_img($concours_id); // recover all img_id from the category if (!(isset($this->concours_infos['method']))) $this->concours_infos['method'] = 1; $query = 'SELECT id_concours, method, img_id,, IMG.file,, date, note, moyenne, moderation1, moderation2, nbvotant, datas, comment' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' INNER JOIN ' . CONCOURS_TABLE.' AS CONC on = id_concours' .' INNER JOIN ' . IMAGES_TABLE.' AS IMG on = img_id' .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ); switch ($this->concours_infos['method']) { case 1 : // total $query .= ' ORDER BY note DESC'; $MethodType = "1-Sum"; break; case 2 : // moyenne $query .= ' ORDER BY moyenne DESC'; $MethodType = "2-Average"; break; case 3 : // moderation1 $query .= ' ORDER BY moderation1 DESC'; $MethodType = "3-Average(Mod1)"; break; case 4 : // moderation2 $query .= ' ORDER BY moderation2 DESC'; $MethodType = "4-Average(Mod2)"; break; } $query .=';'; $result = pwg_query($query); // For each images $rang = 1; $previousNote = $previousMoy = 0; while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { // Check and verify for exaequo if ($this->my_config['check_exaequo']) { if ( ($this->concours_infos['method'] == 1 // total AND ($row['note'] == $previousNote)) OR ($this->concours_infos['method'] == 2 // moyenne AND ($row['moyenne'] == $previousMoy))) { $rang --; } } $file .= ($row['nbvotant'] != 0 ? $rang : 'N/A').', ' .$row['id_concours'].', ' .$MethodType.', ' .str_replace(",", "",$this->concours_infos['name']).', ' .$this->concours_infos['begin_date'].', ' .$this->concours_infos['end_date'].', ' .$row['date'].', ' .$row['img_id'].', ' .str_replace(",", "",$row['name']).', ' .$row['file'].', ' .$row['author'].', ' .$row['note'].', ' .$row['moyenne'].', ' .$row['moderation1'].', ' .$row['moderation2'].', ' .$row['nbvotant'].', ' .($row['datas'] != null ? $row['datas'] : '') ; foreach ($user_list as $uuser) { $comment = $this->get_img_comment_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $uuser['user_id']); $user_note = $this->get_img_note_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $uuser['user_id']); $user_global_note = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $uuser['user_id']); $file .= ', '.$uuser['username'].', '.($user_global_note >= 0 ? $user_global_note : 0) .', '.($comment != false ? str_replace(array(",","\r\n", "\n", "\r"), " ",$comment) : '') .', ' ; $user_note_by_crit = ""; foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours_id )) { $user_note_by_crit .= (strlen($user_note_by_crit) ? "," : "").(isset($user_note[$criteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$criteria['criteria_id']] : ' '); } else { $user_note_by_subcrit = ""; $subcrit_note = 0; $user_has_vote = false; $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours_id ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { if (isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']])) $user_has_vote = true; $user_note_by_subcrit .= (strlen($user_note_by_subcrit) ? "," : "").(isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : ' '); $subcrit_note += (int)$subcriteria['ponderation'] * (float)(isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : 0); } $user_note_by_crit .= (strlen($user_note_by_crit) ? "," : "").($user_has_vote ? $subcrit_note : ' ').",".$user_note_by_subcrit; } } $file .= $user_note_by_crit; } // Add guest infos (if present) foreach ($ipguest as $ipguestt) { $comment = $this->get_img_comment_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $conf['guest_id'], $ipguestt); $user_note = $this->get_img_note_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $conf['guest_id'], $ipguestt); $user_global_note = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($row['img_id'], $concours_id, $conf['guest_id'], $ipguestt); $file .= ', Guest('.$ipguestt.'), '.($user_global_note >= 0 ? $user_global_note : 0) .', '.($comment != false ? str_replace(array(",","\r\n", "\n", "\r"), " ",$comment) : '') .', ' ; $user_note_by_crit = ""; foreach ($firstcriterias as $criteria) { // First without sub criterias if (!$this->is_criterias_contains_sub($criteria['criteria_id'],$concours_id )) { $user_note_by_crit .= (strlen($user_note_by_crit) ? "," : "").(isset($user_note[$criteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$criteria['criteria_id']] : ' '); } else { $user_note_by_subcrit = ""; $subcrit_note = 0; $user_has_vote = false; $secondcriterias = $this->get_subcriterias($criteria['criteria_id'], $concours_id ); foreach ($secondcriterias as $subcriteria) { if (isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']])) $user_has_vote = true; $user_note_by_subcrit .= (strlen($user_note_by_subcrit) ? "," : "").(isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : ' '); $subcrit_note += (int)$subcriteria['ponderation'] * (float)(isset($user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']]) ? $user_note[$subcriteria['criteria_id']] : 0); } $user_note_by_crit .= (strlen($user_note_by_crit) ? "," : "").($user_has_vote ? $subcrit_note : ' ').",".$user_note_by_subcrit; } } $file .= $user_note_by_crit; } $file .="\r\n"; $rang ++; $previousNote = $row['note']; $previousMoy = $row['moyenne']; } return utf8_decode($file); } // Save csv datas to physical file function save_file($file,$concours_id = NULL) { // check if already saved file if ($filename = $this->get_file_name($concours_id)) return $filename; else { $dirpath = CONCOURS_RESULT_FOLDER; $filename = date('Ymd')."_concours".($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ).".csv"; if (!is_dir($dirpath)) @mkdir($dirpath); if (file_exists($dirpath. $filename)) unlink($dirpath. $filename); $fh = fopen($dirpath. $filename, 'w') or die("can't open file"); fwrite($fh, $file); fclose($fh); //update result database with filename $query = "UPDATE " . CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE . " SET file_name = \"".$filename."\" WHERE id_concours= ".($concours_id !== NULL ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id)." ;"; pwg_query($query); return $filename; } } // Get result file name from db function get_file_name($concours_id = NULL) { $query = 'SELECT distinct(file_name)' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' WHERE id_concours = '.($concours_id !== null ? $concours_id : $this->concours_id ) .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result); if ($row) return $row['file_name']; else return false; } } // Get csv datas from a saved file function get_file($concours_id = NULL) { $filename = CONCOURS_RESULT_FOLDER. $size = filesize($filename); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Length: '.$size); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); $file = @fopen($filename, ‘rb’); if ($file) { // stream the file and exit the script when complete fpassthru($file); } } // DEPRECATED Piwigo 11 Activation page administration /* function concours_admin_menu($menu) { array_push($menu, array( 'NAME' => CONCOURS_NAME, 'URL' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=plugin-'.CONCOURS_DIR.'-manage' ) ); return $menu; } */ // register Concours Menubar public function register_blocks( $menu_ref_arr ) { $menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0]; if ($menu->get_id() != 'menubar' OR $this->my_config['active_menubar'] == false) return; $menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'CONCOURS_menu', 'concours', 'ConcoursPhoto')); } // initialise menubar's menu. called by menubar object when making menu public function blockmanager_apply( $menu_ref_arr ) { global $user, $template; $menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0]; if ($this->user_groups == array()) $this->get_user_groups(); if ( ($block = $menu->get_block( 'CONCOURS_menu' ) ) != null ) { $menu_list=array(); if(is_admin()) { array_push($menu_list, array( 'NAME' => l10n('concours_admin_add'), 'TITLE' => l10n('concours_admin_add'), 'URL' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php?page=plugin-' . CONCOURS_DIR . '-add_concours&action=new', 'REL' => "" ) ); } // recover all img_id from the category $query = 'SELECT distinct(id_concours), groups, guest, admin,' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE .' INNER JOIN '.CONCOURS_TABLE. ' AS CONC ON = id_concours' .' ORDER BY id DESC' .';'; $result = pwg_query($query); $nb_concours = 1; // For each concours while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($nb_concours > $this->my_config['nbconcours_menubar']) break; $conc_to_show = false; // Default ==> dont show // Guest OR admin if ((is_a_guest() AND $row['guest']) OR (is_admin() AND $row['admin'])) $conc_to_show = true; // Group present elseif (!empty($row['groups'])) { $authorized_groups = explode(',', $row['groups']); if (array_intersect($this->user_groups, $authorized_groups) != array()) $conc_to_show = true; } // Allowed for any user (logged) elseif (empty($row['groups'])) $conc_to_show = true; if ($conc_to_show) { $nb_concours ++; array_push($menu_list, array( 'NAME' => $row['name'], 'TITLE' => $row['name'], 'URL' => './index.php?/concours/'.$row['id_concours'], 'EDIT' => (is_admin()? PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php?page=plugin-' . CONCOURS_DIR . 'add_concours&concours=' . $row['id_concours'].'&action=modify':"") ) ); } } if (count($menu_list)) { $block->template = CONCOURS_ROOT.'/template/concours_menu.tpl'; $block->data = $menu_list; } } } function section_init_concours() { global $tokens, $page; if ($tokens[0] == 'concours') $page['section'] = 'concours'; elseif ($tokens[0] == 'concours_vote') $page['section'] = 'concours_vote'; } function index_concours() { global $page; if (isset($page['section']) and $page['section'] == 'concours') { include(CONCOURS_PATH . 'publish.php'); } } function index_vote_concours() { global $page; if (isset($page['section']) and $page['section'] == 'concours_vote') { include(CONCOURS_PATH . 'concours_vote.php'); } } // Show the global note under the thumbnail function thumbnail_note($tpl_var, $pictures) { global $page, $user, $template; $this->get_user_groups(); $user['ipguest'] = null; if (is_a_guest()) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) $IP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; elseif(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) $IP = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; else $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // store ip $user['ipguest'] = $IP; } if (($page['section']) == 'categories' AND !empty($page['category'])) { $concours = array(); $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE category =' . $page['category']['id'] // comment to load prepared contests and opened contests . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(begin_date,now())) < 0' . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) < 0'; $result = pwg_query($query); // DEBUG if ($this->debug) echo $query."\n"; // END DEBUG while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) { if ((strtotime($row['begin_date'])-time() > 0) AND $this->my_config['mask_thumbnail']) { // disable picture if contest is prepared for all users $i=0; while ($iuser_groups, $authorized_groups) == array()) continue; $concours = $row; } // If no group is parameter for that concours ==> available for all registered users else $concours = $row; } if (count($concours)) { // Add timeline for all users. if (strtotime($concours['begin_date'])-time() > 0) { $template->assign('begin_concours_min', (strtotime($concours['begin_date'])-time())); $template->assign('deadline_type',$this->my_config['concours_deadline']); $template->assign('begin_concours', $concours['begin_date']); } else { // Check if user is guest and if guest is allowed if ((is_a_guest() AND $concours['guest']) OR (is_admin() AND $concours['admin']) OR !is_a_guest()) { // check if contest is concours not already open (date begin > now) foreach($tpl_var as $cle=>$valeur) { // show only if the author is not the active user $AuthorArray = strip_punctuation2($tpl_var[$cle]['author']); $AddedByID = ($tpl_var[$cle]['added_by']); $UserArray = strip_punctuation2($user['username']); if ($this->my_config['author_vote_available'] == 0 // Allow to vote for all photos (and also show his score) OR ($this->my_config['author_vote_available'] == 1 // check between author and user AND (empty($AuthorArray) OR count(array_intersect($AuthorArray, $UserArray)) != count ($AuthorArray)) // Author is the same as user name ) OR ($this->my_config['author_vote_available'] == 2 // check between author and user AND (!isset($AddedByID) OR ($user['id'] != $AddedByID)) // Addedby is the same as user name ) OR ($this->my_config['author_vote_available'] == 3 // check between author OR addedby and user AND (!isset($AddedByID) OR ($user['id'] != $AddedByID)) // Addedby is the same as user name AND (empty($AuthorArray) OR count(array_intersect($AuthorArray, $UserArray)) != count ($AuthorArray)) // Author is the same as user name ) ) { if ($this->my_config['thumb_note']) // display thumbnail note only if option is activated { $user_global_note = $this->get_img_globalnote_user($tpl_var[$cle]['id'], $concours['id'], $user['id'], $user['ipguest']); $tpl_var[$cle]['NAME'] = $tpl_var[$cle]['NAME'].'('.l10n('thumbnail_global_note').': '.($user_global_note >= 0 ? $user_global_note : 0).')'; } } } // Add deadline on description page $template->assign('end_concours', $concours['end_date']); $template->assign('end_concours_min', (strtotime($concours['end_date'])-time())); $template->assign('deadline_type',$this->my_config['concours_deadline']); if (isset($this->my_config['active_global_score_page']) AND $this->my_config['active_global_score_page']) // only if option is activated $template->assign('global_vote_link', PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'index.php?/concours_vote/'.$concours['id']); } } $template->assign('IMG_URL', CONCOURS_IMG_PATH); $template->set_filenames(array('concours_description' => CONCOURS_ROOT.'/template/concours_description.tpl')); $template->concat('CONTENT_DESCRIPTION', $template->parse('concours_description', true)); } } return $tpl_var; } function concours_stuffs_module($modules) { array_push($modules, array( 'path' => CONCOURS_PATH.'stuffs_module/', 'name' => l10n('concours_stuffs_name'), 'description' => l10n('concours_stuffs_description'), ) ); return $modules; } function add_contest_desc() { include_once CONCOURS_PATH.'/stuffs_module/'; global $page, $user, $template; if (($page['section']) == 'categories' AND !empty($page['category'])) { if ($concoursID = $this->concoursID_on_cat()) { if ($this->is_result_present($concoursID)) { $concours = new Concours($concoursID); if ($concours->concours_infos['Podium_onCat']) { $block = array(); $block['contests'][$concours->concours_infos['id']] = array( 'ID' => $concours->concours_infos['id'], 'NAME' => $concours->concours_infos['name'], 'DESCR' => $concours->concours_infos['descr'], 'BEGIN_DATE' => format_date($concours->concours_infos['begin_date']), 'END_DATE' => format_date($concours->concours_infos['end_date']), 'METHOD' => l10n("concours_method".$concours->concours_infos['method']), 'METHODNB' => $concours->concours_infos['method'], 'URL' => './index.php?/concours/'.$concours->concours_infos['id'], 'DAYS' => NbJours($concours->concours_infos['begin_date'], $concours->concours_infos['end_date']), 'VISIBLE' => true, 'NB_VOTANT' => count($concours->get_user_list($concours->concours_infos['id']))+count($concours->get_guest_list($concours->concours_infos['id'])) ); $podium = array(); // get podium image informations $query = 'SELECT ' .' RESULT.id_concours,, CONC.descr, CONC.begin_date, CONC.end_date, CONC.method, RESULT.img_id as id,,, IMG.file, IMG.path, IMG.added_by, ic.category_id, AS catname,, RESULT.note, RESULT.moyenne, RESULT.moderation1, RESULT.moderation2, RESULT.nbvotant, RESULT.datas' .' FROM ' .CONCOURS_RESULT_TABLE.' AS RESULT' .' INNER JOIN ' . CONCOURS_TABLE.' AS CONC on = RESULT.id_concours' .' INNER JOIN ' . IMAGES_TABLE.' AS IMG on = RESULT.img_id' .' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON = ic.image_id' .' INNER JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS cat ON ic.category_id =' .' WHERE RESULT.id_concours = '.$concours->concours_id .' ORDER BY ' .($concours->concours_infos['method'] == 1 ? 'note': ($concours->concours_infos['method'] == 2 ? 'moyenne' : ($concours->concours_infos['method'] == 3 ? 'moderation1' : 'moderation2'))) .' DESC' .' LIMIT 3 OFFSET 0;'; $rank = 1; $NB_RESULTS = 0; $results = pwg_query($query); while ($result = pwg_db_fetch_array($results)) { $NB_RESULTS ++; // link on picture.php page set_make_full_url(); if ( isset($result['category_id']) & isset($result['catname']) ) { $url = duplicate_picture_url( array( 'image_id' => $result['id'], 'image_file' => $result['file'], 'category' => array( 'id' => $result['category_id'], 'name' => $result['catname'], 'permalink' => '' ) ), array('start') ); } else { $url = duplicate_picture_url( array( 'image_id' => $result['id'], 'image_file' => $result['file'] ), array('start') ); } unset_make_full_url(); $method = ($result['method'] == 1 ? 'note': ($result['method'] == 2 ? 'moyenne' : ($result['method'] == 3 ? 'moderation1' : 'moderation2'))); $block['contests'][$result['id_concours']]['RESULTS'][$rank] = array( 'RANK' => $rank, // 'AUTHOR' => $result['author'], 'AUTHOR' => (strlen($result['author']) === 0 ? get_username($result['added_by']): $result['author']), 'TN_SRC' => DerivativeImage::thumb_url($result), 'XSMALL_SRC' => DerivativeImage::url(IMG_XSMALL, $result), 'XXSMALL_SRC' => DerivativeImage::url(IMG_XXSMALL, $result), 'URL' => $url ); $rank++; } $block['contests'][$concours->concours_infos['id']]['nb_results'] = $NB_RESULTS; $template->assign('block', $block); $template->assign('IMG_URL', CONCOURS_IMG_PATH); $template->set_filenames(array('concours_description' => CONCOURS_ROOT.'/template/concours_description-podium.tpl')); $template->concat('PLUGIN_INDEX_CONTENT_BEFORE', $template->parse('concours_description', true)); } } } } } // retun concours id for the category (if present) function concoursID_on_cat($category = NULL) { global $page; $concours_present = false; if (!isset($category)) // param not present { if (($page['section']) == 'categories' AND !empty($page['category'])) $category = $page['category']['id'] ; } if (isset($category)) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE category =' . $category ; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) return $row['id']; } return false; } // Check if a concours is present (prepared or actived) for the category and user group function concours_present_cat($category = NULL, $no_date = NULL) { global $page; $concours_present = false; if (!isset($category)) // param not present { if (($page['section']) == 'categories' AND !empty($page['category'])) $category = $page['category']['id'] ; } if (isset($category)) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM ' . CONCOURS_TABLE .' WHERE category =' . $category . ' AND time_to_sec(TIMEDIFF(now(), end_date)) < 0 '; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_array($result)) return true; } return false; } // Disable Metatdata to picture for a prepared or active concours function disable_meta_to_picture() { if (isset($this->my_config['mask_meta']) && $this->my_config['mask_meta'] == true) { if ($this->concours_present_cat()) pwg_set_session_var('show_metadata', 0 ); } } } function strip_punctuation($string) { $string = strtolower($string); // lower case $string = preg_replace("/\p{P}+/", "", $string); // remove punctuation $string = preg_replace("/\p{Nd}+/", "", $string); // remove numeric $string = preg_replace("/[\p{Z}\t\r\n\v\f]+/", "", $string); // remove spaces $string = str_replace(" +", "", $string); // remove space //echo "stripPunct=".$string."!\n"; return $string; } // return array function strip_punctuation2($string) { $string = strtolower($string); // lower case $string = preg_replace("/\p{P}+/", " ", $string); // remove punctuation by space $string = preg_replace("/\p{Nd}+/", "", $string); // remove numeric $string = preg_replace("/[\p{Z}\t\r\n\v\f]+/", " ", $string); // remove spaces by spaces (only 1) // $string = str_replace(" +", "", $string); // remove space $stringArray = $returnValue = preg_split('/\\W/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); return $stringArray; } ?>