setDirectory($directory); $this->setFileName($fileName); } public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } /** * return informations about the current data file * * @return Array */ public function getInfo() { $returned=array( 'dirName' => $this->fileDir, 'fileName' => $this->fileName, 'fileExist' => $this->fileExist(), 'open' => ($this->dbHandle==null)?false:true, 'unpackedFile' => array( 'fileName' => $this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED), 'fileSize' => ($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, true)!='')?filesize($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED)):0 ), 'packedFile' => array( 'fileName' => $this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED), 'fileSize' => ($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED, true)!='')?filesize($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED)):0 ) ); if($this->dbHandle!=null) { $tables=$this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, null, ASDF_DB_LIST); $returned['nbRecords']=array(); foreach($tables as $table) { $returned['nbRecords'][$table] = $this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, $table, ASDF_DB_NUM_ROWS); } $returned['db']=array( 'integrity' => $this->getPragma('integrity_check'), 'pages' => $this->getPragma('page_count'), 'pageSize' => $this->getPragma('page_size'), 'unusedPages' => $this->getPragma('freelist_count'), 'version(s)' => $this->getPragma('schema_version'), 'version(u)' => $this->getPragma('user_version') ); $logs=$this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_LOG, null, null); $returned['log']=array(); foreach($logs as $log) { $returned['log'][$log['key']] = $log['value']; } $nfos=$this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_NFO, null, null); $returned['nfo']=array(); foreach($nfos as $nfo) { $returned['nfo'][$nfo['key']] = $nfo['value']; } } return($returned); } /** * set the directory * * @param String $directory: the directory * @return String: directory set */ public function setDirectory($directory) { if(substr($directory,-1)!='/') $directory.='/'; // check if directory is valid if(file_exists($directory) and !$this->isOpen()) { $this->fileDir=$directory; } return($this->fileDir); } /** * set the file name * * @param String $fileName: file name * @return String: file name */ public function setFileName($fileName) { if($this->fileName!=$fileName) { if($this->close()) $this->fileName=$fileName; } return($this->fileName); } /** * return information, if set file exists or not * * @return Integer : 0x00 not exist (ASDF_EXIST_NO) * 0x01 exist, packed (ASDF_EXIST_PACKED) * 0x02 exist, unpacked ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED */ public function fileExist() { $returned=ASDF_EXIST_NO; if($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED)!='') $returned=$returned | ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED; if($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED)!='') $returned=$returned | ASDF_EXIST_PACKED; return($returned); } /** * set the sqlite file name to retrieve IP country values * $file must exist * * @param String $file * @param Boolean $force: if true, $force the filename affectation even if file doesn't exist * @return String: file name set */ public function setIpCountryFile($file, $force=false) { if($force or file_exists($file)) $this->ipCountryFile=$file; return($this->ipCountryFile); } /** * return the sqlite file name used to retrieve IP country values * * @return String */ public function getIpCountryFile() { return($this->ipCountryFile); } /** * open the filename * if $mode=ASDF_OPEN_WRITE and file doesn't exist, create it; if a packed file * exist, try to unpack the packed file; in this case the unpacked file will be * packed and removed automatically when the process will close * * if $mode=ASDF_OPEN_READ, and unpacked file doesn't exist, try to unpack * packed file (if exists); in this case the unpacked file will be removed * automatically when the process will close (if there's no lock * files linked to the uncompressed file); a new lock file is created * * @param Integer $mode: READ or WRITE * @return Boolean: true if opened, otherwise false */ public function open($mode=ASDF_OPEN_READ) { $dbFile=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, true); $this->createLockFile(); $this->waitForUnpackedFile(); /* * encountered bug: sometime, an unpacked file stay with a zero size length * in this case, assume to unpack packed file */ if($dbFile!='' and filesize($dbFile)==0) { unlink($dbFile); $dbFile=''; } if($dbFile=='') { // file doesn't exist, check if a packed file exist $dbFileP=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED, true); if($dbFileP=='' and $mode==ASDF_OPEN_READ) return(false); //no packed file to open for READ, exit if($dbFileP!='') { $this->unpack(); //unpack the file $this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose=ASDF_CLOSE_DO_DELETE; // the unpacked file will be deleted when the process will close } } else { if($this->lckFileNumber>1 and $this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED, true)!='' and $mode==ASDF_OPEN_READ) $this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose=ASDF_CLOSE_DO_DELETE; } switch($mode) { case ASDF_OPEN_READ: $dbFile=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, true); if($dbFile=='') return(false); //big problem with unpacked file!? $this->dbHandle=new SQLite3($dbFile, SQLITE3_OPEN_READONLY); if($this->dbHandle) return(true); break; case ASDF_OPEN_WRITE: $dbFile=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED); //if file was unpacked, pack it before deleting if($this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose==ASDF_CLOSE_DO_DELETE) $this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose=$this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose|ASDF_CLOSE_DO_PACK; $this->dbHandle=new SQLite3($dbFile, SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE); if($this->dbHandle) $this->checkSchema(); return(true); break; } return(false); } /** * close the file * * @return Boolean : true if file is closed */ public function close() { if($this->dbHandle==null) return(true); $this->stopTransac(); if($this->dbHandle->close()) { if(($this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose&ASDF_CLOSE_DO_PACK)==ASDF_CLOSE_DO_PACK) { $this->pack(); } $this->deleteLockFile(); if(($this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose&ASDF_CLOSE_DO_DELETE)==ASDF_CLOSE_DO_DELETE and !$this->fileIsLocked()) { $this->delete(ASDF_DELETE_UNPACKED); } $this->deleteUnpackedWhenClose=ASDF_CLOSE_DO_NOTHING; $this->dbHandle=null; return(true); } return(false); } /** * pack the data file in a .gz file * * @return Bool : false if a problem happened */ public function pack() { $files=array(); $file=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, true); if($file!='') return(GPCCompress::gzip($file, $this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED))); return(false); } /** * unpack the .gz file * * @return Boolean : false if an error occurs */ public function unpack() { if($this->fileExist() & ASDF_EXIST_PACKED==ASDF_EXIST_PACKED) { $unpackedFile=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED); // create a temp file $fHandle=fopen($unpackedFile, 'w'); fclose($fHandle); $returned=GPCCompress::gunzip($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED), $unpackedFile.'.tmp'); unlink($unpackedFile); if($returned) { rename($unpackedFile.'.tmp', $unpackedFile); } return($returned); } } /** * delete the file * * $mode can take this option * - ASDF_DELETE_PACKED : delete packed file if exists * - ASDF_DELETE_UNPACKED : delete unpacked file if exists * option can be combined with a pipe * * @param Integer $mode : delete mode to apply * @return Integer : */ public function delete($mode) { $returned=0; if(($mode & ASDF_DELETE_PACKED)==ASDF_DELETE_PACKED) { if($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED, true)!='') { if(unlink($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_PACKED))) $returned=ASDF_DELETE_PACKED; } } if(($mode & ASDF_DELETE_UNPACKED)==ASDF_DELETE_UNPACKED) { $ok=true; if($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, true)!='') $ok=unlink($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED)); if($ok) $returned=$returned | ASDF_DELETE_UNPACKED; } return($returned); } /** * return true is the file is open * * @return Boolean */ public function isOpen() { return($this->dbHandle!=null); } /** * return the file name * * @return String */ public function getName() { return($this->fileName); } /** * return the directory * * @return String */ public function getDirectory() { return($this->fileDir); } /** * return the physical file name * * @param Integer $mode: ask for PACKED or UNPACKED file name * @return String: file name if file exists, otherwise '' */ public function getFileName($mode=ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED, $onlyIfExist=false) { $fileName=''; switch($mode) { case ASDF_EXIST_PACKED: $fileName=$this->fileDir.$this->fileName.$this->fileRootName.ASDF_FILE_EXT_ZIP; break; case ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED: $fileName=$this->fileDir.$this->fileName.$this->fileRootName.ASDF_FILE_EXT; break; case ASDF_EXIST_LOCK: $fileName=$this->fileDir.$this->fileName.$this->fileRootName.'-'.$this->lckFileNumber.ASDF_FILE_EXT_LOCK; break; } if($onlyIfExist) { if($fileName!='' and file_exists($fileName)) return($fileName); return(''); } return($fileName); } /** * begin a transaction * * usefull for performances when mass update are needed * * @return Boolean: true if the transaction is opened, otherwise false */ public function startTransac() { if($this->dbHandle==null or $this->transacOpen) return(false); if($this->dbHandle->exec("BEGIN TRANSACTION")) { $this->transacOpen=true; return(true); } return(false); } /** * stop an opened transaction * * @param Integer $mode: COMMIT (ASDF_TRANSAC_COMMIT) or ROLLBACK (ASDF_TRANSAC_ROLLBACK) the current transaction * @return Boolean: true if the transaction is opened, otherwise false */ public function stopTransac($mode=ASDF_TRANSAC_COMMIT) { if($this->dbHandle==null or !$this->transacOpen) return(false); $returned=false; switch($mode) { case ASDF_TRANSAC_COMMIT: $returned=$this->dbHandle->exec("COMMIT TRANSACTION"); break; case ASDF_TRANSAC_ROLLBACK: $returned=$this->dbHandle->exec("ROLLBACK TRANSACTION"); break; } if($returned) $this->transacOpen=false; return($returned); } /** * set a value in the infos tables * if key doesn't exist, insert it * * @param String $domain: domain to update * @param String $key: key to update * @param String $value: value to set * @return Boolean */ public function setInfoProperty($domain, $key, $value) { if($this->dbHandle==null) return(false); $sql="REPLACE INTO info (domain, key, value) VALUES('".$this->dbHandle->escapeString($domain)."', '".$this->dbHandle->escapeString($key)."', '".$this->dbHandle->escapeString($value)."');"; return($this->dbHandle->exec($sql)); } /** * get a value from the info tables * if key doesn't exist, return null by default * * @param String $domain: domain to update * @param String $key: key to update * @param String $value: default value if not found * @return Boolean */ public function getInfoProperty($domain, $key, $value=null) { if($this->dbHandle==null) return($value); $sql="SELECT value FROM info WHERE domain = '".$this->dbHandle->escapeString($domain)."' AND key = '".$this->dbHandle->escapeString($key)."';"; $returned=$this->dbHandle->querySingle($sql); if($returned==null) $returned=$value; return($returned); } /** * how the file lock system works: * * the lock system is used only when for uncompressed files, allowing to know * if an uncompressed file can be deleted or not; locks function are called only * in READ mode by function open() and close() * * createLockFile() * 1/ Search for existing lock files * 2/ If files are found, increase the $lckFileNumber with number of existing files + 1 * 3/ Create the lock file * * deleteLockFile() * delete the lock file associated with the current $lckFileNumber * * fileIsLocked() * return true if at least, one lock exists * * ...................................... * ...................................... * .............. * -+-------+--------+------------+------+-------+--> * (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * p1 p2 p3 p3 p1 p2 * start start start end end end * * (A) process 1 start: createLockFile() => lock file '1' is created * (B) process 2 start: createLockFile() => lock file '2' is created * (C) process 3 start: createLockFile() => lock file '3' is created * (D) process 3 end: deleteLockFile() => lock file '3' is deleted * lock files '1' & '2' still exist (uncompressed SQLite file can't be deleted) * (E) process 1 end: deleteLockFile() => lock file '1' is deleted * lock file '2' still exist (uncompressed SQLite file can't be deleted) * (F) process 2 end: deleteLockFile() => lock file '2' is deleted * there's no lock files (uncompressed SQLite file can be deleted) * * @return Boolean: true if the lock file was created, otherwise false */ protected function createLockFile() { $this->lckFileNumber=$this->getNumberOfLockFiles()+1; $fHandle=fopen($this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_LOCK), 'w'); if($fHandle) { fclose($fHandle); return(true); } $this->lckFileNumber=0; return(false); } /** * delete the current lock file * return true if file is deleted (or file doesn't exists => there's no more file to delete...), otherwise return false * * the function also delete all lock files older than current timestamp+max_execution_time (if * the file still exist, it means that a problem has occured at a moment) * * @return Boolean */ protected function deleteLockFile() { $returned=true; $file=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_LOCK); if(file_exists($file)) $returned=unlink($file); if($returned) $this->lckFileNumber=0; $regExp="/\\".ASDF_FILE_EXT_LOCK.'/i'; scandir(dirName($this->fileDir)); $files=scandir($this->fileDir); $timeOut=time()-ini_get('max_execution_time'); foreach($files as $file) { if(preg_match($regExp, $file, $result)>0) { if(filemtime($this->fileDir.$file)<$timeOut) { unlink($this->fileDir.$file); } } } return($returned); } /** * return true if a lock file exists * * @return Boolean */ protected function fileIsLocked() { if($this->getNumberOfLockFiles()>0) return(true); return(false); } /** * return true the number of existing lock files * * @return Integer: number of existing lock files */ protected function getNumberOfLockFiles() { $returned=0; $regExp='/'.$this->fileName.$this->fileRootName."-(\d+)\\".ASDF_FILE_EXT_LOCK.'/i'; $files=scandir($this->fileDir); foreach($files as $file) { if(preg_match($regExp, $file, $result)>0) { $tmp=$result[1]*1; if($tmp>$returned) $returned=$tmp; } } return($returned); } /** * if the unpacked exist with a '.tmp' extension, assume that an unpacking process * is running and loop until the file doesn't exist anymore * * @param Integer $maxWait: maximum wait time in millisecond... * @return Boolean: true if file was unpacked in the waiting time, otherwise false */ protected function waitForUnpackedFile($maxWait=2000) { $tmpFile=$this->getFileName(ASDF_EXIST_UNPACKED).'.tmp'; $maxTimer=microtime(true)+$maxWait/1000; while(file_exists($tmpFile)) { if(microtime(true)>=$maxTimer) return(false); usleep(5000); //wait 5milliseconds before next check } return(true); } /** * check, create & update the schema of the database * * automatically called when the file is opened * * the table 'info' is created by default */ protected function checkSchema() { if($this->dbHandle) { $result=$this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, 'info', ASDF_DB_INFO); if(count($result)==0) { $this->dbHandle->exec( "CREATE TABLE 'info' ( 'domain' TEXT, 'key' TEXT, 'value' TEXT );" ); $this->dbHandle->exec("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX iInfo ON info ('domain', 'key');"); $this->dbHandle->exec(" INSERT INTO info (domain, key, value) VALUES ('nfo', 'create', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."'); INSERT INTO info (domain, key, value) VALUES ('nfo', 'version', '00.00.00'); INSERT INTO info (domain, key, value) VALUES ('log', 'buildStatPeriod-count', '0'); "); } return(true); } return(false); } /** * return table infos * * $mode=ASDF_DB_INFO * return the table structure, one row per field * 'name' => field name * 'type' => field type * * $mode=ASDF_DB_NUM_ROWS * return the number of rows in the table * * @param Integer $type: ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, ASDF_DB_TYPE_INDEX, ASDF_DB_TYPE_TRIGGER * @param String $name * @param Integer $mode : ASDF_DB_INFO, ASDF_DB_NUM_ROWS * @return : */ protected function getDBInfo($type, $name, $mode=0) { if($this->dbHandle==null) return(null); switch($type) { case ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE: switch($mode) { case ASDF_DB_INFO: $returned=array(); $result=$this->dbHandle->query("PRAGMA table_info('$name')"); if($result) { while($row=$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $returned[]=array( 'name' => $row['name'], 'type' => $row['type'] ); } } break; case ASDF_DB_NUM_ROWS: $returned=$this->dbHandle->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $name"); break; case ASDF_DB_LIST: $returned=array(); $result=$this->dbHandle->query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';"); if($result) { while($row=$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $returned[]=$row['name']; } } break; } break; case ASDF_DB_TYPE_INDEX: $returned=$this->dbHandle->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index' AND name='$name'"); break; case ASDF_DB_TYPE_TRIGGER: $returned=$this->dbHandle->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger' AND name='$name'"); break; case ASDF_DB_TYPE_LOG: $returned=array(); if(count($this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, 'info', ASDF_DB_INFO))==0) return($returned); $result=$this->dbHandle->query("SELECT key, value FROM info WHERE domain='log';"); if($result) { while($row=$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $returned[]=$row; } } break; case ASDF_DB_TYPE_NFO: $returned=array(); if(count($this->getDBInfo(ASDF_DB_TYPE_TABLE, 'info', ASDF_DB_INFO))==0) return($returned); $result=$this->dbHandle->query("SELECT key, value FROM info WHERE domain='nfo';"); if($result) { while($row=$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $returned[]=$row; } } break; } return($returned); } /** * return pragma info * * @param String $pragma: a sqlite pragma command * @return: if single data is returned, return the data otherwise return an array */ protected function getPragma($pragma) { $returned=array(); if($this->dbHandle==null) return($returned); $sql="PRAGMA ".$pragma; $result=$this->dbHandle->query($sql); if($result) { while($row=$result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $returned[]=$row; } if(count($returned)==1) $returned=$returned[0][$pragma]; } return($returned); } /** * build a where clause from a filter array * used by functions: * . getLogs() * . getStatIP() * . getStatCat() * . getStatImages() * * return a string: * . empty '' string if there's no item to filter * . a ready to use ' WHERE ' clause string * * @param Array $filter: a valid filter * @param Array &$IPList: an array, used to return a ':IPn' list for requests * filtering IP adress * @return String */ protected function buildWhereClause($filter, &$IPList) { $where=array(); $IPList=array(); $num=0; if(!is_array($filter)) return(''); foreach($filter as $field => $param) { if(is_array($param)) { switch($param['operator']) { case '=': case '>': case '>=': case '<': case '<=': case '!=': if($field=='IPadress') { $IPList[$num]=$param['value']; $param['value']=':IP'.$num; $num++; } $where[]=' '.$field.' '.$param['operator']." ".$param['value']." "; break; case 'in': if($field=='IPadress') { foreach($param['value'] as $key=>$ipAdress) { $IPList[$num]=$ipAdress; $param[$key]['value']=':IP'.$num; $num++; } } $where[]=' '.$field." IN (".implode(',', $param['value']).") "; break; case 'between': case 'not between': if($field=='IPadress') { $IPList[$num]=$param['minValue']; $param['minValue']=':IP'.$num; $num++; $IPList[$num]=$param['maxValue']; $param['maxValue']=':IP'.$num; $num++; } $where[]=' '.$field.' '.strtoupper($param['operator']).' '.$param['minValue']." AND ".$param['maxValue']." "; break; } } } if(count($where)>0) { $where=" WHERE ".implode(' AND ', $where)." "; } else { $where=''; } return($where); } /** * build an ORDER BY clause * used by functions: * . getLogs() * . getStatIP() * . getStatCat() * . getStatImages() * * return a string: * . empty '' string if there's no limits * . a ready to use ' ORDER BY ' clause string * * @param Array $filter: a valid order by list * @return String */ protected function buildOrderByClause($orderBy) { $order=array(); foreach($orderBy as $sort) { $order[]=' '.$sort['id'].' '.($sort['direction']=='A'?'ASC':'DESC'); } if(count($order)>0) { $orderBy=" ORDER BY ".implode(',', $order); } else { $orderBy=''; } return($orderBy); } /** * build a LIMIT clause * used by functions: * . getLogs() * . getStatIP() * . getStatCat() * . getStatImages() * * return a string: * . empty '' string if there's no limits * . a ready to use ' LIMIT x,y ' clause string * * @param Integer $page: page number * @param Integer $nbItemsPage: number of items per page * @return String */ protected function buildLimitClause($page, $nbItemsPage) { if($page<=0 or $nbItemsPage<=0) { $limit=''; } else { $limit=' LIMIT '.(($page-1)*$nbItemsPage).', '.$nbItemsPage; } return($limit); } /** * to be used with IP filter: replace the given operator with 'between' or 'not between' * * @param Array $value * @return Array */ protected function checkIPFilter($value) { if(is_array($value)) { if(isset($value['operator'])) { if($value['operator']=='=' or $value['operator']=='>' or $value['operator']=='>=' or $value['operator']=='<' or $value['operator']=='<=' or $value['operator']=='like') { $value['operator']='between'; $value['minValue']=$value['value']; $value['maxValue']=$value['value']; $value['value']=null; } elseif($value['operator']=='!=' or $value['operator']=='not like') { $value['operator']='not between'; $value['minValue']=$value['value']; $value['maxValue']=$value['value']; $value['value']=null; } } } return($value); } // checkIPFilter /** * to be used with Date filter: replace the given operator with 'between' or 'not between' * * @param Array $value * @return Array */ protected function checkDateFilter($value) { if(is_array($value)) { if(isset($value['operator'])) { if($value['operator']=='=' or $value['operator']=='like') { $value['operator']='between'; $value['minValue']=$value['value']; $value['maxValue']=$value['value']; $value['value']=null; } elseif($value['operator']=='!=' or $value['operator']=='not like') { $value['operator']='not between'; $value['minValue']=$value['value']; $value['maxValue']=$value['value']; $value['value']=null; } } } return($value); } // checkDateFilter /** * check if value is a valid operator array * if not, return a null value otherwise return the operator * * validity of value are checked according to the format; valid format are: * - 'date' => 'YYYY-MM-DD (HH:II(:SS))' * - 'IP' => '' for IPv4, 'xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx' for IPv6 * - 'string' => a string * - 'integer' => any positive integer value * * @param Array $value * @param String $format * @return Array: */ protected function getOperator($value, $format) { $returned=null; if($value==null) return(null); if(is_array($value)) { if(isset($value['operator'])) { switch($value['operator']) { case '=': case '>': case '>=': case '<': case '<=': case '!=': case 'like': case 'not like': if(isset($value['value'])) { switch($format) { case 'date': switch($value['operator']) { case '>': case '<=': $value['value']=$this->checkValueDate($value['value'], 'E'); break; case '<': case '>=': default: $value['value']=$this->checkValueDate($value['value'], 'B'); break; } if($value['value']==null) return(null); $value['value']=$value['value']; break; case 'IP': // for IP, replace internaly the operator with a 'between' $value['value']=$this->checkValueIP($value['value'], 0); if($value['value']==null) return(null); break; case 'string': if(!is_string($value['value']) or $value['value']=='') return(null); $value['value']="'".$value['value']."'"; break; case 'integer': if(!is_int($value['value']) or $value['value']<0) return(null); break; } $returned=$value; } break; case 'in': if(isset($value['value']) and is_array($value['value'])) { $returned=array(); foreach($value['value'] as $val) { switch($format) { case 'date': $val=$this->checkValueDate($val); if($val!=null) $returned[]=$val; break; case 'IP': $val=$this->checkValueIP($val, 0); if($val!=null) $returned[]=$val; break; case 'string': if(is_string($val) and $val!='') $returned[]="'".$val."'"; break; case 'integer': if(is_int($val*1) and $val>=0) $returned[]=$val; break; } } if(count($returned)==0) return(null); $value['value']=$returned; $returned=$value; } break; case 'between': case 'not between': if(isset($value['minValue']) and isset($value['maxValue'])) { switch($format) { case 'date': $value['minValue']=$this->checkValueDate($value['minValue'], 'B'); if($value['minValue']==null) return(null); $value['maxValue']=$this->checkValueDate($value['maxValue'], 'E'); if($value['maxValue']==null) return(null); break; case 'IP': $value['minValue']=$this->checkValueIP($value['minValue'], 0); if($value['minValue']==null) return(null); $value['maxValue']=$this->checkValueIP($value['maxValue'], 255); if($value['maxValue']==null) return(null); break; case 'string': if(!is_string($value['minValue']) or $value['minValue']=='' or !is_string($value['maxValue']) or $value['maxValue']=='') return(null); $value['minValue']="'".$value['minValue']."'"; $value['maxValue']="'".$value['maxValue']."'"; break; case 'integer': if(!is_int($value['minValue']) or $value['minValue']<0 or !is_int($value['maxValue']) or $value['maxValue']<0) return(null); break; } if($value['minValue']>$value['maxValue']) return(null); $returned=$value; } break; } } } return($returned); } /** * check if date is Ok * return the date completed * (YYYY-MM-DD => YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00) if $mode='B' * or (YYYY-MM-DD => YYYY-MM-DD 23:59:59) if $mode='E' * or null if not valid * * @param String $value * @param String $mode: 'B' for begin or 'E' for end * @return String */ protected function checkValueDate($value, $mode='B') { $returned=null; $result=array(); if(preg_match('/^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(?:(\s{1}\d{2}:\d{2})(:\d{2})?)?$/', trim($value), $result)>0) { $returned=$result[1]; if(isset($result[2])) { $returned.=$result[2]; if(isset($result[3])) { $returned.=$result[3]; } else { $returned.=($mode=='B')?':00':':59'; } } else { $returned.=($mode=='B')?' 00:00:00':' 23:59:59'; } } return(strtotime($returned)); } /** * check if IP is Ok (IPv4 or IPv6) * return the IP or null * * @param String $value * @param Integer $completeCode * @return String */ protected function checkValueIP($value, $completeCode=0) { $returned=self::IPBinaryEncode($value, $completeCode); if($returned=="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") return(null); return($returned); } /** * return an IP adress with format '' as a binary encoded string * * @param String $IP: text IP string * @param Integer $completeCode * @return String: a binary string */ static public function IPBinaryEncode($IP, $completeCode=0) { $value=trim($IP); if(preg_match('/\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3})?)?)?/i',$value)>0) { //IPv4 $tmp=explode('.',$value); while(count($tmp)<4) $tmp[]=$completeCode; return("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".chr($tmp[0]+0).chr($tmp[1]+0).chr($tmp[2]+0).chr($tmp[3]+0)); } elseif(preg_match('/[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:[a-f0-9]{0,4}/i',$value)) { //IPv6 } else { return("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"); } } /** * return an IP adress with format '' from a binary encoded string * * @param String $IP: binary encoded string * @return String: a text IP string */ static public function IPBinaryDecode($IP) { $returned=''; if(strlen($IP)==16) { if(substr($IP,0,12)=="\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00") { //IPv4 $returned=sprintf('%d.%d.%d.%d', ord(substr($IP,12,1)), ord(substr($IP,13,1)), ord(substr($IP,14,1)), ord(substr($IP,15,1))); } else { //IPv6 } } else if(strlen($IP)==4) { $returned=sprintf('%d.%d.%d.%d', ord(substr($IP,0,1)), ord(substr($IP,1,1)), ord(substr($IP,2,1)), ord(substr($IP,3,1))); } else { } return($returned); } /** * Convert the given data into an unsigned Short integer (16bit) * * @param String $data : representing the unsigned Short * @param String $endianType : the byte order * @return UShort */ static public function toUShort($data) { if(strlen($data)>=2) return(ord($data{0})*256 + ord($data{1})); return(0); } /** * Convert the given data into an unsigned Long integer (32bit) * * @param String $data : representing the unsigned Long * @param String $endianType : the byte order * @return ULong */ static public function toULong($data) { if(strlen($data)>=4) return(ord($data{0})*16777216 + ord($data{1})*65536 + ord($data{2})*256 + ord($data{3})); return(0); } /* for debug private function log($data) { if($this->logs=='') return(false); $tH=fopen(dirName($this->fileDir).'/logs.log', 'a'); if($tH) { $time=microtime(true); fwrite($tH, sprintf("%s %f - %s\n", $this->logs, $time, $data)); fclose($tH); } } */ } // StatDB /* used to display binary values when debug is necessary... function toHexDump($data) { $returned=""; $maxItems=strlen($data); $tmp=array(); for($i=0;$i<$maxItems;$i++) { $tmp[]=sprintf("%02x", ord($data{$i})); } $returned.=implode(" ", $tmp); return($returned); } */ ?>