This tag allows to insert a slideshow (NivoSlider). (you must set album OR list):

- album (optional) source album
- nb_images (optional) max number of photos to display in the slideshow
- random (optional) choose photos randomly in the album {yes, no}
- list (optional) a list of photos ids separated by a comma
- size (optional) the size of the photos, from {SQ, TH, XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL}
- speed (optional) the slideshow speed (in seconds)
- title (optional) display photo title {yes, no}
- effect (optional) transition effect (see NivoSlider doc)
- arrows (optional) display navigation arrows {yes, no}
- control (optional) display navigation controls {yes, no, thumb}
- elastic (optional) adapt slideshow size to each photo {yes, no}
- thumbs_size (optional) thumbnails size in pixel if control=thumb