Extended Description

Multilanguage descriptions

Multilanguage descriptions are placed between [lang=xx] and [/lang] tags, where xx is the language code (for example en, es, fr). There is also 2 special languages : [lang=default] and [lang=all]

The default description will be used if the description is not available in the connected user selected language. If [lang=default] does not exists, anything outside the [lang] tags will be considered as the default description.

Special language all: anything inside [lang=all] will be included in the description, anywhat the connected user defined language is. This is mainly useful to include HTML/JavaScript code inside a description.

Extended descriptions

Extended description tags make it possible to have a short description for the category outside the category, a longer description for the category inside the category page, or even 2 distinct descriptions inside the category page.

tag <!--more--> adds text to the short description.
tag <!--complete--> let the user have 2 distinct descriptions.
tag <!--up-down--> let the user have a top and a bottom description.

short description <!--more--> long description

Only the short description is displayed outside the category. On the category page, you will see short description + long description.

short description <!--complete--> long description

Only the short description is displayed outside the category. On the category page, you will only see the long description, so you have 2 distinct descriptions.

top description <!--up-down--> bottom description

Only the top description is displayed outside the category. On the category page, the top description is displayed above the thumbnails, the bottom description is displayed below the thumbnails.

Insert a category or a photo

This tag inserts a category in the description, where xx is the category identifier.

This tag allows to insert one or more thumbnail in the description, with:

- xx the photo identifier; you can add the category identifier next to the photo identifier: xx.ccc.
- yyyy (optional) : can take any value among {left, right}.

- name (optional) : can take any value among {name, titleName}. If tagged, with name the name of the picture is diplayed under the thumbnail, with titleName the image markup <title> is fill with the name.

Hide a category

Use tag <!--hidden--> in the category name:

- it won't be displayed in the parent category
- it remains visible in the category menu

Hide a category in menu

Use tag <!--mb-hidden--> in the category name:

- it won't be displayed in the category menu
- it remains visible in the parent category

Hide an image

Use tag <!--hidden--> in the image name:

- it won't be displayed on the thumbnails page
- it remains visible inside the category

Redirected category

Insert this tag into a category description to redirect it to the URL of your choice.

Redirect to an image of your gallery where xx is the photo identifier; you can add the category identifier next to the photo identifier: xx.ccc.

Redirect to a category of your gallery where xx the category identifier.

Redirect to a search page of your gallery where xx is the search identifier.