set_prefilter('batch_manager_global', 'EA_batch_global'); } // Insert the copyright selector to the template function EA_batch_global($content, &$smarty) { // Replace the piwigo author by our own author stuff $search = '/
/is'; // Tarkista jos ei ole toista
Välillä kirjailija divs preg_match($search, $content, $result); if (substr_count($result[0], ' 1) { global $page; array_push($page['errors'], 'Error, someone added a
between the author
\'s. You can fix this long forseen bug in: extended_author plugin - batch_global.php - EA_batch_global - the regex expression ($search) :).'); } $replacement = '
'; $tempReturn = preg_replace($search, $replacement, $content); return $tempReturn; } // Process the submit action function EA_batch_global_submit($action, $collection) { // If its our plugin that is called if ($action == 'author') { $name = pwg_db_real_escape_string($_POST['author']); insert_default_CR($name); } } ?>