> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * theses classes provides base functions to manage search pictures in the * database * * * HOW TO USE IT ? * =============== * * when installing the plugin, you have to register the usage of the request * builder * * 1/ Create a RBCallback class * - extends the GPCSearchCallback class ; the name of the extended class must * be "RBCallBack%" => replace the "%" by the plugin name * for example : 'ThePlugin' => 'RBCallBackThePlugin' * * 2/ In the plugin 'maintain.inc.php' file : * - function plugin_install, add : * GPCRequestBuilder::register('plugin name', 'path to the RBCallback classe'); * for example : GPCRequestBuilder::register('ThePlugin', $piwigo_path.'plugins/ThePlugin/rbcallback_file_name.php'); * * * - function plugin_uninstall, add : * GPCRequestBuilder::unregister('plugin name'); * for example : GPCRequestBuilder::unregister('ThePlugin'); * * 3/ In the plugin code, put somewhere * GPCRequestBuilder::loadJSandCSS(); * => this will load specific JS and CSS in the page, by adding url in the * the header, so try to put this where you're used to prepare the header * * 4/ to display the request builder, just add the returned string in the html * page * $stringForTheTemplate=GPCRequestBuilder::displaySearchPage(); * * * * HOW DOES THE REQUEST BUILDER WORKS ? * ==================================== * * the request builder works in 2 steps : * - first step : build a cache, to associate all image id corresponding to * the search criterion * the cache is an association of request ID/image id * - second step : use the cache to retrieve images informations * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :: HISTORY | release | date | | 1.0.0 | 2010/04/30 | * start coding | | | | 1.1.0 | 2010/09/08 | * add functionnalities to manage complex requests | | | | 1.1.1 | 2010/10/14 | * fix bug on the buildGroupRequest function | | | . adding 'DISTINCT' keyword to the SQL requests | | | | | | * ajax management moved into the gpc_ajax.php file | | | | | | * fix bug on user level access to picture | | | | 1.1.2 | 2010/11/01 | * mantis bug:1984 | | | . RBuilder returns an error message when one picture | | | have multiple categories | | | | 1.1.3 | 2011/01/31 | * mantis bug:2156 | | | . undefined variable on RBuilder screens | | | | 1.1.4 | 2011/01/31 | * mantis bug:2167 | | | | 1.1.5 | 2011/04/10 | * Compatibility with piwigo 2.2 | | | | 1.1.6 | 2011/05/15 | * mantis bug:2302 | | | . Request builder user interface don't work | | | | 1.1.7 | 2012/06/24 | * use some GPCCore function instead of code | | | | | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if(!defined('GPC_DIR')) define('GPC_DIR' , baseName(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); if(!defined('GPC_PATH')) define('GPC_PATH' , PHPWG_PLUGINS_PATH . GPC_DIR . '/'); include_once('GPCTables.class.inc.php'); /** * * Preparing the temporary table => doCache() * ------------------------------------------ * To prepare the cache, the request builder use the following functions : * - getImageId * - getFrom * - getWhere * - getHaving * * Preparing the cache table => doCache() * -------------------------------------- * To prepare the cache, the request builder use the following functions : * => the getFilter function is used to prepare the filter for the getPage() * function ; not used to build the cache * * Retrieving the results => getPage() * ----------------------------------- * To retrieve the image informations, the request builder uses the following * functions : * - getSelect * - getFrom * - getJoin * - getFilter (in fact, the result of this function is stored by the doCache() * function while the cache is builded, but it is used only when * retrieving the results for multirecord tables) * - formatData * * * Example * ------- * Consider the table "tableA" like this * * - (*) imageId * - (*) localId * - att1 * - att2 * The primary key is the 'imageId'+'localId' attributes * => for one imageId, you can have ZERO or more than ONE record * when you register the class, you have to set the $multiRecord parameter * to 'y' * * gatImageId returns : "tableA.imageId" * getSelect returns : "tableA.att1, tableA.att2" * getFrom returns : "tableA" * getWhere returns : "tableA.localId= xxxx AND tableA.att1 = zzzz" * getJoin returns : "tableA.imageId = pit.id" * getFilter returns : "tableA.localId= xxxx" * * Examples : * - plugin AdvancedMetadata use getFilter * - plugin AdvancedSearchEngine, module ASETag use getHaving and getWhere */ class GPCSearchCallback { /** * the getImageId returns the name of the image id attribute * return String */ static public function getImageId() { return(""); } /** * the getSelect function must return an attribute list separated with a comma * * "att1, att2, att3, att4" * * you can specifie tables names and aliases * * "table1.att1 AS alias1, table1.att2 AS alias2, table2.att3 AS alias3" */ static public function getSelect($param="") { return(""); } /** * the getFrom function must return a tables list separated with a comma * * "table1, (table2 left join table3 on table2.key = table3.key), table4" */ static public function getFrom($param="") { return(""); } /** * the getWhere function must return a ready to use where clause * * "(att1 = value0 OR att2 = value1) AND att4 LIKE value2 " */ static public function getWhere($param="") { return(""); } /** * the getHaving function return a ready to user HAVING clause * * " FIND_IN_SET(value0, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT att1 SEPARATOR ',')) AND * FIND_IN_SET(value0, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT att1 SEPARATOR ',')) " * */ static public function getHaving($param="") { return(""); } /** * the getJoin function must return a ready to use sql statement allowing to * join the IMAGES table (key : pit.id) with given conditions * * "att3 = pit.id " */ static public function getJoin($param="") { return(""); } /** * the getFilter function must return a ready to use where clause * this where clause is used to filter the cache when the used tables can * return more than one result * * the filter can be empty, can be equal to the where clause, or can be equal * to a sub part of the where clause * * in most case, return "" is the best solution * */ static public function getFilter($param="") { //return(self::getWhere($param)); return(""); } /** * this function is called by the request builder, allowing to display plugin * data with a specific format * * @param Array $attributes : array of ('attribute_name' => 'attribute_value') * @return String : HTML formatted value */ static public function formatData($attributes) { return(print_r($attributes, true)); } /** * this function is called by the request builder to make the search page, and * must return the HTML & JS code of the dialogbox used to select criterion * * Notes : * - the dialogbox is a JS object with a public method 'show' * - when the method show is called, one parameter is given by the request * builder ; the parameter is an object defined as this : * { * cBuilder: an instance of the criteriaBuilder object used in the page, * } * * * * * @param String $mode : can take 'admin' or 'public' values, allowing to * return different interface if needed * @return String : HTML formatted value */ static public function getInterfaceContent($mode='admin') { return(""); } /** * this function returns the label displayed in the criterion menu * * @return String : label displayed in the criterions menu */ static public function getInterfaceLabel() { return(l10n('gpc_rb_unknown_interface')); } /** * this function returns the name of the dialog box class * * @return String : name of the dialogbox class */ static public function getInterfaceDBClass() { return(''); } } //load_language('rbuilder.lang', GPC_PATH); class GPCRequestBuilder { static public $pluginName = 'GPCRequestBuilder'; static public $version = '1.1.4'; static private $tables = Array(); static protected $tGlobalId=0; /** * register a plugin using GPCRequestBuilder * * @param String $pluginName : the plugin name * @param String $fileName : the php filename where the callback function can * be found * @return Boolean : true if registering is Ok, otherwise false */ static public function register($plugin, $fileName) { $config=Array(); if(!GPCCore::loadConfig(self::$pluginName, $config)) { $config['registered']=array(); } $config['registered'][$plugin]=Array( 'name' => $plugin, 'fileName' => $fileName, 'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'version' => self::$version ); return(GPCCore::saveConfig(self::$pluginName, $config)); } /** * unregister a plugin using GPCRequestBuilder * * assume that if the plugin was not registerd before, unregistering returns * a true value * * @param String $pluginName : the plugin name * @return Boolean : true if registering is Ok, otherwise false */ static public function unregister($plugin) { $config=Array(); if(GPCCore::loadConfig(self::$pluginName, $config)) { if(array_key_exists('registered', $config)) { if(array_key_exists($plugin, $config['registered'])) { unset($config['registered'][$plugin]); return(GPCCore::saveConfig(self::$pluginName, $config)); } } } // assume if the plugin was not registered before, unregistering it is OK return(true); } /** * @return Array : list of registered plugins */ static public function getRegistered() { $config=Array(); if(GPCCore::loadConfig(self::$pluginName, $config)) { if(array_key_exists('registered', $config)) { return($config['registered']); } } return(Array()); } /** * initialise the class * * @param String $prefixeTable : the piwigo prefixe used on tables name * @param String $pluginNameFile : the plugin name used for tables name */ static public function init($prefixeTable, $pluginNameFile) { $list=Array('request', 'result_cache', 'temp'); for($i=0;$icreate($tablesDef); return(true); } /** * update the tables needed by RequestBuilder (used during the gpc process * activation) */ static public function updateTables($pluginPreviousRelease) { $tablef=new GPCTables(array(self::$tables['temp'])); switch($pluginPreviousRelease) { case '03.01.00': $tablesCreate=array(); $tablesUpdate=array(); $tablesCreate[]= "CREATE TABLE `".self::$tables['temp']."` ( `requestId` char(30) NOT NULL, `imageId` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`requestId`,`imageId`) ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"; $tablesUpdate[self::$tables['request']]['filter']= "ADD COLUMN `filter` text NOT NULL default '' "; $tablef->create($tablesCreate); $tablef->updateTablesFields($tablesUpdate); // no break ! need to be updated like the next release // break; case '03.01.01': case '03.02.00': case '03.02.01': case '03.03.00': case '03.03.01': $tablesUpdate=array(); $tablesUpdate[self::$tables['request']]['parameters']= "ADD COLUMN `parameters` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `filter`"; $tablef->updateTablesFields($tablesUpdate); // no break ! need to be updated like the next release // break; } return(true); } /** * delete the tables needed by RequestBuilder */ static public function deleteTables() { $tablef= new GPCTables(self::$tables); $tablef->drop(); return(true); } /** * delete the config */ static public function deleteConfig() { GPCCore::deleteConfig(self::$pluginName); } /** * this function add and handler on the 'loc_end_page_header' to add request * builder JS script & specific CSS on the page * * use it when the displayed page need an access to the criteriaBuilder GUI * */ static public function loadJSandCSS() { load_language('rbuilder.lang', GPC_PATH); add_event_handler('loc_begin_page_header', array('GPCRequestBuilder', 'insertJSandCSSFiles'), 9); } /** * insert JS a CSS file in header * * the function is declared public because it used by the 'loc_begin_page_header' * event callback * * DO NOT USE IT DIRECTLY * */ static public function insertJSandCSSFiles() { global $template; $baseName=basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/css/'; GPCCore::addHeaderCSS('gpc.rbuilder', 'plugins/'.$baseName.'rbuilder.css', 25); //$template->append('head_elements', ''); if(defined('IN_ADMIN')) GPCCore::addHeaderCSS('gpc.rbuilderT', 'plugins/'.$baseName.'rbuilder_'.$template->get_themeconf('name').'.css', 26); //$template->append('head_elements', ''); $baseName=basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/js/'; GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery', 'themes/default/js/jquery.js'); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.core.js', array('jquery')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.widget', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.widget.js', array('jquery.ui')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.mouse', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.position', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.position.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.draggable', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.dialog', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.dialog.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.slider', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('gpc.external.inestedsortable', 'plugins/'.$baseName.'external/iNestedSortablePack.js', array('jquery', 'jquery.ui')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('gpc.rbCriteriaBuilder', 'plugins/'.$baseName.'rbCriteriaBuilder.js', array('gpc.external.inestedsortable')); GPCCore::addHeaderContent('js', " var requestBuilderOptions = { textAND:\"".l10n('gpc_rb_textAND')."\", textOR:\"".l10n('gpc_rb_textOR')."\", textNoCriteria:\"".l10n('There is no criteria ! At least, one criteria is required to do search...')."\", textSomethingWrong:\"".l10n('gpc_something_is_wrong_on_the_server_side')."\", textCaddieUpdated:\"".l10n('gpc_the_caddie_is_updated')."\", helpEdit:\"".l10n('gpc_help_edit_criteria')."\", helpDelete:\"".l10n('gpc_help_delete_criteria')."\", helpMove:\"".l10n('gpc_help_move_criteria')."\", helpSwitchCondition:\"".l10n('gpc_help_switch_condition')."\", ajaxUrl:'plugins/GrumPluginClasses/gpc_ajax.php', token:'".get_pwg_token()."' }; " ); } /** * execute request from the ajax call * * @return String : a ready to use HTML code */ static public function executeRequest($ajaxfct) { $result=''; switch($ajaxfct) { case 'public.rbuilder.searchExecute': $result=self::doCache(); break; case 'public.rbuilder.searchGetPage': $result=self::getPage($_REQUEST['requestNumber'], $_REQUEST['page'], $_REQUEST['numPerPage']); break; } return($result); } /** * clear the cache table * * @param Boolean $clearAll : if set to true, clear all records without * checking timestamp */ static public function clearCache($clearAll=false) { if($clearAll) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".self::$tables['result_cache']; } else { $sql="DELETE pgrc FROM ".self::$tables['result_cache']." pgrc LEFT JOIN ".self::$tables['request']." pgr ON pgrc.id = pgr.id WHERE pgr.date < '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-2 hour"))."'"; } pwg_query($sql); } /** * prepare the temporary table used for multirecord requests * * @param Integer $requestNumber : id of request * @return String : name of the request key temporary table */ static private function prepareTempTable($requestNumber) { //$tableName=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$plugin, 'getFrom')); //$imageIdName=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$plugin, 'getImageId')); $tempClauses=array(); foreach($_REQUEST['extraData'] as $key => $extraData) { $tempClauses[$key]=array( 'plugin' => $extraData['owner'], 'where' => call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$extraData['owner'], 'getWhere'), $extraData['param']), 'having' => call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$extraData['owner'], 'getHaving'), $extraData['param']), ); } $sql="INSERT INTO ".self::$tables['temp']." ".self::buildGroupRequest($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['requestName']], $tempClauses, $_REQUEST['operator'], ' AND ', $requestNumber); //echo $sql; $result=pwg_query($sql); return($requestNumber); } /** * clear the temporary table used for multirecord requests * * @param Array $requestNumber : the requestNumber to delete */ static private function clearTempTable($requestNumber) { $sql="DELETE FROM ".self::$tables['temp']." WHERE requestId = '$requestNumber';"; pwg_query($sql); } /** * execute a query, and place result in cache * * * @return String : queryNumber;numberOfItems */ static private function doCache() { global $user; self::clearCache(); $registeredPlugin=self::getRegistered(); $requestNumber=self::getNewRequest($user['id']); $build=Array( 'SELECT' => 'pit.id', 'FROM' => '', 'WHERE' => 'pit.level <= '.$user['level'], 'GROUPBY' => '', 'FILTER' => '' ); $tmpBuild=Array( 'FROM' => Array( '('.IMAGES_TABLE.' pit LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' pic ON pit.id = pic.image_id)' /*JOIN IMAGES & IMAGE_CATEGORY tables*/ .' JOIN '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.' pucc ON pucc.cat_id=pic.category_id', /* IMAGE_CATEGORY & USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE tables*/ ), 'WHERE' => Array(), 'JOIN' => Array(999=>'pucc.user_id='.$user['id']), 'GROUPBY' => Array( 'pit.id' ), 'FILTER' => Array(), ); /* build data request for plugins * * Array('Plugin1' => * Array( * criteriaNumber1 => pluginParam1, * criteriaNumber2 => pluginParam2, * criteriaNumberN => pluginParamN * ), * 'Plugin2' => * Array( * criteriaNumber1 => pluginParam1, * criteriaNumber2 => pluginParam2, * criteriaNumberN => pluginParamN * ) * ) * */ $pluginNeeded=Array(); $pluginList=Array(); $tempName=Array(); foreach($_REQUEST['extraData'] as $key => $val) { $pluginNeeded[$val['owner']][$key]=$_REQUEST['extraData'][$key]['param']; $pluginList[$val['owner']]=$val['owner']; } /* for each plugin, include the rb callback class file */ foreach($pluginList as $val) { if(file_exists($registeredPlugin[$val]['fileName'])) { include_once($registeredPlugin[$val]['fileName']); } } /* prepare the temp table for the request */ self::prepareTempTable($requestNumber); $tmpBuild['FROM'][]=self::$tables['temp']; $tmpBuild['JOIN'][]=self::$tables['temp'].".requestId = '".$requestNumber."' AND ".self::$tables['temp'].".imageId = pit.id"; /* for each needed plugin, prepare the filter */ foreach($pluginNeeded as $key => $val) { foreach($val as $itemNumber => $param) { $tmpFilter=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$key, 'getFilter'), $param); if(trim($tmpFilter)!="") $tmpBuild['FILTER'][$key][]='('.$tmpFilter.')'; } } /* build FROM * */ $build['FROM']=implode(',', $tmpBuild['FROM']); unset($tmpBuild['FROM']); /* build WHERE */ self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['WHERE']); if(count($tmpBuild['WHERE'])>0) { $build['WHERE']=' ('.self::buildGroup($_REQUEST[$_REQUEST['requestName']], $tmpBuild['WHERE'], $_REQUEST['operator'], ' AND ').') '; } unset($tmpBuild['WHERE']); /* build FILTER */ self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['FILTER']); if(count($tmpBuild['FILTER'])>0) { $tmp=array(); foreach($tmpBuild['FILTER'] as $key=>$val) { $tmp[$key]='('.implode(' OR ', $val).')'; } $build['FILTER']=' ('.implode(' AND ', $tmp).') '; } unset($tmpBuild['FILTER']); /* for each plugin, adds jointure with the IMAGE table */ self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['JOIN']); if(count($tmpBuild['JOIN'])>0) { if($build['WHERE']!='') $build['WHERE'].=' AND '; $build['WHERE'].=' ('.implode(' AND ', $tmpBuild['JOIN']).') '; } unset($tmpBuild['JOIN']); self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['GROUPBY']); if(count($tmpBuild['GROUPBY'])>0) { $build['GROUPBY'].=' '.implode(', ', $tmpBuild['GROUPBY']).' '; } unset($tmpBuild['GROUPBY']); $sql=' FROM '.$build['FROM']; if($build['WHERE']!='') { $sql.=' WHERE '.$build['WHERE']; } if($build['GROUPBY']!='') { $sql.=' GROUP BY '.$build['GROUPBY']; } $sql.=" ORDER BY pit.id "; $sql="INSERT INTO ".self::$tables['result_cache']." (SELECT DISTINCT $requestNumber, ".$build['SELECT']." $sql)"; //echo $sql; $returned="0;0"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { $numberItems=pwg_db_changes($result); self::updateRequest($requestNumber, $numberItems, 0, implode(',', $pluginList), $build['FILTER'], $_REQUEST['extraData']); $returned="$requestNumber;".$numberItems; } self::clearTempTable($requestNumber); return($returned); } /** * return a page content. use the cache table to find request result * * @param Integer $requestNumber : the request number (from cache table) * @param Integer $pageNumber : the page to be returned * @param Integer $numPerPage : the number of items returned on a page * @param String $mode : if mode = 'count', the function returns the number of * rows ; otherwise, returns rows in a html string * @return String : formatted HTML code */ static private function getPage($requestNumber, $pageNumber, $numPerPage) { global $conf, $user; $request=self::getRequest($requestNumber); if($request===false) { return("KO"); } $limitFrom=$numPerPage*($pageNumber-1); $pluginNeeded=explode(',', $request['connected_plugin']); $registeredPlugin=self::getRegistered(); $build=Array( 'SELECT' => '', 'FROM' => '', 'WHERE' => '', 'GROUPBY' => '', ); $tmpBuild=Array( 'SELECT' => Array( 'RB_PIT' => "pit.id AS imageId, pit.name AS imageName, pit.path AS imagePath", // from the piwigo's image table 'RB_PIC' => "GROUP_CONCAT( pic.category_id SEPARATOR ',') AS imageCategoriesId", // from the piwigo's image_category table 'RB_PCT' => "GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN pct.name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE pct.name END SEPARATOR '#sep#') AS imageCategoriesNames, GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN pct.permalink IS NULL THEN '' ELSE pct.permalink END SEPARATOR '#sep#') AS imageCategoriesPLink, GROUP_CONCAT( CASE WHEN pct.dir IS NULL THEN 'V' ELSE 'P' END) AS imageCategoriesDir", //from the piwigo's categories table ), 'FROM' => Array( // join rb result_cache table with piwigo's images table, joined with the piwigo's image_category table, joined with the categories table 'RB' => "(((".self::$tables['result_cache']." pgrc RIGHT JOIN ".IMAGES_TABLE." pit ON pgrc.image_id = pit.id) RIGHT JOIN ".IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE." pic ON pit.id = pic.image_id) RIGHT JOIN ".CATEGORIES_TABLE." pct ON pct.id = pic.category_id) RIGHT JOIN ".USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE." pucc ON pucc.cat_id = pic.category_id", ), 'WHERE' => Array( 'RB' => "pgrc.id=".$requestNumber." AND pucc.user_id=".$user['id'], ), 'JOIN' => Array(), 'GROUPBY' => Array( 'RB' => "pit.id" ) ); $extraData=array(); foreach($request['parameters'] as $data) { $extraData[$data['owner']]=$data['param']; } /* for each needed plugin : * - include the file * - call the static public function getFrom, getJoin, getSelect */ foreach($pluginNeeded as $key => $val) { if(array_key_exists($val, $registeredPlugin)) { if(file_exists($registeredPlugin[$val]['fileName'])) { include_once($registeredPlugin[$val]['fileName']); $tmp=explode(',', call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val, 'getSelect'), $extraData[$val])); foreach($tmp as $key2=>$val2) { $tmp[$key2]=self::groupConcatAlias($val2, '#sep#'); } $tmpBuild['SELECT'][$val]=implode(',', $tmp); $tmpBuild['FROM'][$val]=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val, 'getFrom'), $extraData[$val]); $tmpBuild['JOIN'][$val]=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val, 'getJoin'), $extraData[$val]); } } } /* build SELECT * */ $build['SELECT']=implode(',', $tmpBuild['SELECT']); /* build FROM * */ $build['FROM']=implode(',', $tmpBuild['FROM']); unset($tmpBuild['FROM']); /* build WHERE */ if($request['filter']!='') $tmpBuild['WHERE'][]=$request['filter']; $build['WHERE']=implode(' AND ', $tmpBuild['WHERE']); unset($tmpBuild['WHERE']); /* for each plugin, adds jointure with the IMAGE table */ self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['JOIN']); if(count($tmpBuild['JOIN'])>0) { $build['WHERE'].=' AND ('.implode(' AND ', $tmpBuild['JOIN']).') '; } unset($tmpBuild['JOIN']); self::cleanArray($tmpBuild['GROUPBY']); if(count($tmpBuild['GROUPBY'])>0) { $build['GROUPBY'].=' '.implode(', ', $tmpBuild['GROUPBY']).' '; } unset($tmpBuild['GROUPBY']); $imagesList=Array(); $sql='SELECT DISTINCT '.$build['SELECT'] .' FROM '.$build['FROM'] .' WHERE '.$build['WHERE'] .' GROUP BY '.$build['GROUPBY']; $sql.=' ORDER BY pit.id ' .' LIMIT '.$limitFrom.', '.$numPerPage; //echo $sql; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { // affect standard datas $datas['imageThumbnail']=DerivativeImage::thumb_url(array('id'=>$row['imageId'], 'path'=>$row['imagePath'])); $datas['imageId']=$row['imageId']; $datas['imagePath']=$row['imagePath']; $datas['imageName']=$row['imageName']; $datas['imageCategoriesId']=explode(',', $row['imageCategoriesId']); $datas['imageCategoriesNames']=explode('#sep#', $row['imageCategoriesNames']); $datas['imageCategoriesPLink']=explode('#sep#', $row['imageCategoriesPLink']); $datas['imageCategoriesDir']=explode(',', $row['imageCategoriesDir']); $datas['imageCategories']=Array(); for($i=0;$i $datas['imageCategoriesId'][$i], 'name' => $datas['imageCategoriesNames'][$i], 'dirType' => $datas['imageCategoriesDir'][$i], 'pLinks' => $datas['imageCategoriesPLink'][$i], 'link'=> make_picture_url( array( 'image_id' => $datas['imageId'], 'category' => array ( 'id' => $datas['imageCategoriesId'][$i], 'name' => $datas['imageCategoriesNames'][$i], 'permalink' => $datas['imageCategoriesPLink'][$i] ) ) ) ); } /* affect datas for each plugin * * each plugin have to format the data in an HTML code * * so, for each plugin : * - look the attributes given in the SELECT clause * - for each attributes, associate the returned value of the record * - affect in datas an index equals to the plugin pluginName, with returned HTML code ; HTML code is get from a formatData function * * Example : * plugin ColorStart provide 2 attributes 'csColors' and 'csColorsPct' * * we affect to the $attributes var : * $attributes['csColors'] = $row['csColors']; * $attributes['csColorsPct'] = $row['csColorsPct']; * * call the ColorStat RB callback formatData with the $attributes => the function return a HTML code ready to use in the template * * affect $datas['ColorStat'] = $the_returned_html_code; * * */ foreach($tmpBuild['SELECT'] as $key => $val) { if($key!='RB_PIT' && $key!='RB_PIC' && $key!='RB_PCT') { $tmp=explode(',', $val); $attributes=Array(); foreach($tmp as $key2 => $val2) { $name=self::getAttribute($val2); $attributes[$name]=$row[$name]; } $datas['plugin'][$key]=call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$key, 'formatData'), $attributes); unset($tmp); unset($attributes); } } $imagesList[]=$datas; unset($datas); } } return(self::toHtml($imagesList)); //return("get page : $requestNumber, $pageNumber, $numPerPage
$sql"); } /** * remove all empty value from an array * @param Array a$array : the array to clean */ static private function cleanArray(&$array) { foreach($array as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { self::cleanArray($val); if(count($val)==0) unset($array[$key]); } elseif(trim($val)=='') unset($array[$key]); } } /** * returns the alias for an attribute * * item1 => returns item1 * table1.item1 => returns item1 * table1.item1 AS alias1 => returns alias1 * item1 AS alias1 => returns alias1 * GROUP_CONCAT( .... ) AS alias1 => returns alias1 * * @param String $var : value to examine * @return String : the attribute name */ static private function getAttribute($val) { preg_match('/(?:GROUP_CONCAT\(.*\)|(?:[A-Z0-9_]*)\.)?([A-Z0-9_]*)(?:\s+AS\s+([A-Z0-9_]*))?/i', trim($val), $result); if(array_key_exists(2, $result)) { return($result[2]); } elseif(array_key_exists(1, $result)) { return($result[1]); } else { return($val); } } /** * returns a a sql statement GROUP_CONCAT for an alias * * item1 => returns GROUP_CONCAT(item1 SEPARATOR $sep) AS item1 * table1.item1 => returns GROUP_CONCAT(table1.item1 SEPARATOR $sep) AS item1 * table1.item1 AS alias1 => returns GROUP_CONCAT(table1.item1 SEPARATOR $sep) AS alias1 * item1 AS alias1 => returns GROUP_CONCAT(item1 SEPARATOR $sep) AS alias1 * * @param String $val : value to examine * @param String $sep : the separator * @return String : the attribute name */ static private function groupConcatAlias($val, $sep=',') { /* * table1.item1 AS alias1 * * $result[3] = alias1 * $result[2] = item1 * $result[1] = table1.item1 */ preg_match('/((?:(?:[A-Z0-9_]*)\.)?([A-Z0-9_]*))(?:\s+AS\s+([A-Z0-9_]*))?/i', trim($val), $result); if(array_key_exists(3, $result)) { return("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ".$result[1]." SEPARATOR '$sep') AS ".$result[3]); } elseif(array_key_exists(2, $result)) { return("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ".$result[1]." SEPARATOR '$sep') AS ".$result[2]); } else { return("GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT $val SEPARATOR '$sep') AS ".$val); } } /** * get a new request number and create it in the request table * * @param Integer $userId : id of the user * @return Integer : the new request number, -1 if something wrong appened */ static private function getNewRequest($userId) { $sql="INSERT INTO ".self::$tables['request']." VALUES('', '$userId', '".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."', 0, 0, '', '', '')"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { return(pwg_db_insert_id()); } return(-1); } /** * update request properties * * @param Integer $request_id : the id of request to update * @param Integer $numItems : number of items found in the request * @param Float $executionTime : time in second to execute the request * @param String $pluginList : list of used plugins * @param String $parameters : parameters given for the request * @return Boolean : true if request was updated, otherwise false */ static private function updateRequest($requestId, $numItems, $executionTime, $pluginList, $additionalFilter, $parameters) { $sql="UPDATE ".self::$tables['request']." SET num_items = $numItems, execution_time = $executionTime, connected_plugin = '$pluginList', filter = '".mysql_escape_string($additionalFilter)."', parameters = '".serialize($parameters)."' WHERE id = $requestId"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { return(true); } return(false); } /** * returns request properties * * @param Integer $request_id : the id of request to update * @return Array : properties for request, false if request doesn't exist */ static private function getRequest($requestId) { $returned=false; $sql="SELECT user_id, date, num_items, execution_time, connected_plugin, filter, parameters FROM ".self::$tables['request']." WHERE id = $requestId"; $result=pwg_query($sql); if($result) { while($row=pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if($row['parameters']!='') $row['parameters']=unserialize($row['parameters']); $returned=$row; } } return($returned); } /** * internal function used by the executeRequest function for single record * requests * * this function is called recursively * * @param Array $groupContent : * @param Array $items : * @return String : a where clause */ static private function buildGroup($groupContent, $items, $groups, $operator) { $returned=Array(); foreach($groupContent as $key => $val) { if(strpos($val['id'], 'iCbGroup')!==false) { preg_match('/[0-9]*$/i', $val['id'], $groupNumber); $returned[]=self::buildGroup($val['children'], $items, $groups, $groups[$groupNumber[0]]); } else { preg_match('/[0-9]*$/i', $val['id'], $itemNumber); $returned[]=" (".$items[$itemNumber[0]].") "; } } return('('.implode($operator, $returned).')'); } /** * internal function used by the executeRequest function for multi records * requests * * this function is called recursively * * @param Array $groupContent : * @param Array $clausesItems : array with 'where' and 'having' conditions (and 'plugin' for the plugin) * @param Array $groups : operators of each group * @param String $operator : 'OR' or 'AND', according with the current group operator * @param String $requestNumber : the request number * @return String : part of a SQL request */ static private function buildGroupRequest($groupContent, $clausesItems, $groups, $operator, $requestNumber) { $returnedS=''; $returned=Array(); foreach($groupContent as $key => $val) { if(strpos($val['id'], 'iCbGroup')!==false) { preg_match('/[0-9]*$/i', $val['id'], $groupNumber); $groupValue=self::buildGroupRequest($val['children'], $clausesItems, $groups, $groups[$groupNumber[0]], $requestNumber); if($groupValue!='') $returned[]=array( 'mode' => 'group', 'value' => $groupValue ); } else { preg_match('/[0-9]*$/i', $val['id'], $itemNumber); $returned[]=array( 'mode' => 'item', 'plugin' => $clausesItems[$itemNumber[0]]['plugin'], 'valueWhere' => ($clausesItems[$itemNumber[0]]['where']!='')?" (".$clausesItems[$itemNumber[0]]['where'].") ":'', 'valueHaving' => ($clausesItems[$itemNumber[0]]['having'])?" (".$clausesItems[$itemNumber[0]]['having'].") ":'', ); } } if(count($returned)>0) { if(strtolower(trim($operator))=='and') { $tId=0; foreach($returned as $key=>$val) { if($tId>0) $returnedS.=" JOIN "; if($val['mode']=='item') { $returnedS.="(SELECT DISTINCT ".call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val['plugin'], 'getImageId'))." AS imageId FROM ".call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val['plugin'], 'getFrom')); if($val['valueWhere']!='') $returnedS.=" WHERE ".$val['valueWhere']; if($val['valueHaving']!='') $returnedS.=" GROUP BY imageId HAVING ".$val['valueHaving']; $returnedS.=") t".self::$tGlobalId." "; } else { $returnedS.="(".$val['value'].") t".self::$tGlobalId." "; } if($tId>0) $returnedS.=" ON t".(self::$tGlobalId-1).".imageId = t".self::$tGlobalId.".imageId "; $tId++; self::$tGlobalId++; } $returnedS="SELECT DISTINCT '$requestNumber', t".(self::$tGlobalId-$tId).".imageId FROM ".$returnedS; } else { foreach($returned as $key=>$val) { if($returnedS!='') $returnedS.=" UNION DISTINCT "; if($val['mode']=='item') { $returnedS.="SELECT DISTINCT '$requestNumber', t".self::$tGlobalId.".imageId FROM (SELECT ".call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val['plugin'], 'getImageId'))." AS imageId FROM ".call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$val['plugin'], 'getFrom')); if($val['valueWhere']!='') $returnedS.=" WHERE ".$val['valueWhere']; if($val['valueHaving']!='') $returnedS.=" GROUP BY imageId HAVING ".$val['valueHaving']; $returnedS.=") t".self::$tGlobalId." "; } else { $returnedS.="SELECT DISTINCT '$requestNumber', t".self::$tGlobalId.".imageId FROM (".$val['value'].") t".self::$tGlobalId; } self::$tGlobalId++; } } } return($returnedS); } /** * convert a list of images to HTML * * @param Array $imagesList : list of images id & associated datas * @return String : list formatted into HTML code */ static protected function toHtml($imagesList) { global $template; $template->set_filename('result_items', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/templates/GPCRequestBuilder_result.tpl'); $template->assign('datas', $imagesList); return($template->parse('result_items', true)); } /** * returns allowed (or not allowed) categories for a user * * used the USER_CACHE_TABLE if possible * * @param Integer $userId : a valid user Id * @return String : IN(...), NOT IN(...) or nothing if there is no restriction * for the user */ public function getUserCategories($userId) { /* $returned=''; if($user['forbidden_categories']!='') { $returned=Array( 'JOIN' => 'AND ('.IMAGE_CATEGORY.'.category_id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].') ) ', 'FROM' => IMAGE_CATEGORY ); } * * */ } /** * display search page * * @param Array $filter : an array of string ; each item is the name of a * registered plugin * if no parameters are given, no filter is applied * otherwise only plugin wich name is given are * accessible */ static public function displaySearchPage($filter=array()) { global $template, $lang; if(is_string($filter)) $filter=array($filter); $filter=array_flip($filter); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.core.js', array('jquery')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.widget', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.widget.js', array('jquery.ui')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.mouse', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.mouse.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.position', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.position.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.draggable', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.draggable.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.dialog', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.dialog.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('jquery.ui.slider', 'themes/default/js/ui/jquery.ui.slider.js', array('jquery.ui.widget')); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('gpc.pagesNavigator', 'plugins/GrumPluginClasses/js/pagesNavigator.js'); GPCCore::addHeaderJS('gpc.rbSearch', 'plugins/GrumPluginClasses/js/rbSearch.js'); $template->set_filename('gpc_search_page', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/templates/GPCRequestBuilder_search.tpl'); $registeredPlugin=self::getRegistered(); $dialogBox=Array(); foreach($registeredPlugin as $key=>$val) { if(array_key_exists($key, $registeredPlugin) and (count($filter)==0 or array_key_exists($key, $filter))) { if(file_exists($registeredPlugin[$key]['fileName'])) { include_once($registeredPlugin[$key]['fileName']); $dialogBox[]=Array( 'handle' => $val['name'].'DB', 'dialogBoxClass' => call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$key, 'getInterfaceDBClass')), 'label' => call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$key, 'getInterfaceLabel')), 'content' => call_user_func(Array('RBCallBack'.$key, 'getInterfaceContent')), ); } } } $datas=Array( 'dialogBox' => $dialogBox, 'themeName' => defined('IN_ADMIN')?$template->get_themeconf('name'):'', ); $template->assign('datas', $datas); return($template->parse('gpc_search_page', true)); } //displaySearchPage } ?>