Thank you to have confirmed your email address and your registration on the gallery. Have fun !

'; $lang['confirm_mail_bad'] = '

Your validation key is broken or you haven\'t validated your registration. Please contact the gallery\'s webmaster to check this issue.

'; $lang['Title_Tab1'] = 'UserAdvManager - Global Configuration'; $lang['Tab_Global_Options'] = 'Global Configuration'; $lang['Title_Tab2'] = 'UserAdvManager - ConfirmMail Configuration'; $lang['Tab_ConfirmMail_Options'] = 'ConfirmMail Configuration'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Title'] = 'Advanced users settings'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Mail_Info'] = 'Mail information user'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Mail_Info_true'] = 'Send a information mail to the user when he registering or updating his profile.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Mail_Info_false'] = 'Turns off the sending of mail.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_MailInfo_Text'] = 'Text used to introduce the email sent to user on his registration or at his profile update.
(!!! WARNING ! Use the multi language tags from Extended Description plugin if this plugin is activated !!!)'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Casse'] = 'User insensitive'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Casse_true'] = 'Make the user account insensitive at the registration and the identification step'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Casse_false'] = 'Let the user-sensitive.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Username_Char'] = 'Limited charset for unsername'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Username_Char_true'] = ' The following characters will be forbidden for username choice'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Username_Char_false'] = ' Use the default username charset control.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Confirm_Mail'] = 'Email address confirmation'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Send an email to user to allow him to validate his email and his registration.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Confirm_Mail_false'] = ' Use the default Piwigo registration system (without registration validation).'; $lang['UserAdvManager_ConfirmMail_Text'] = 'Text used to introduce the email sent to user to allow him to validate his email address
(!!! WARNING ! Use the multi language tags from Extended Description plugin if this plugin is activated !!!)'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Confirm_Group'] = 'Group to use for the users who haven\'t validated their email address.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Validated_Group'] = 'Group to use for the users who have validated their email address.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Confirm_Status'] = 'Status to use for the users who haven\'t validated their email address.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Validated_Status'] = 'Status to use for the users who have validated their email address. Let ------- for using default Piwigo values'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Comment_Anonymous'] = 'Nickname are mandatory for comments'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Comment_Anonymous_true'] = ' The author field have to be filled to send a comment.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_No_Comment_Anonymous_false'] = ' Use the default Piwigo settings on comments sending.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_MailExclusion'] = 'Email provider exclusion'; $lang['UserAdvManager_MailExclusion_true'] = ' Set the email provider exclusion ON (i.e. : @hotmail.* or @msn.*)'; $lang['UserAdvManager_MailExclusion_false'] = ' Set the email provider exclusion OFF.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_MailExclusion_List'] = ' If email provider exclusion is set to ON, fill the email domains to exclude below. You have to use the following format :
@[domaine_name].[domaine_extension] - Example :
Seperate the different domains with a comma (,)
'; $lang['audit'] = 'Audit'; $lang['submit'] = 'Submit'; $lang['Err_audit_no_casse'] = 'These accounts are identical to the case closely : '; $lang['Err_audit_username_char'] = 'This account uses one or more forbidden characters : '; $lang['Err_audit_email_forbidden'] = 'This account uses a forbidden email provider : '; $lang['Err_audit_advise'] = 'you make a correction to comply with new rules that you have activated.
use a utility géstion database to correct user accounts directly in the table ### _USERS'; $lang['UserAdvManager_audit_ok'] = 'Audit OK'; $lang['UserAdvManager_save_config'] ='Configuration registered.'; $lang['UserAdvManager_Empty Author'] = 'The author field have to be filled to send a comment.'; if ( isset($conf_UserAdvManager[1]) and $conf_UserAdvManager[1] == 'true' ) $lang['reg_err_login5'] = 'user name is already taken, attention name is insensitive (Shift = Tiny).'; $lang['reg_err_login6'] = 'Username does not contain the following characters: '; $lang['reg_err_login7'] = 'Your email provider is banned for registration. Banned email providers are: '; $lang['invalid_pwd'] = 'User name or password invalid !'; $lang['UserAdvManager_empty_pwd'] = '[empty password]'; $lang['UserAdvManager_no_update_pwd'] = '[profile updated without password changed]'; $lang['Err_ConfirmMail_Settings'] = 'This page will be available only if "Email address confirmation" is activated in tab "Global Configuration".'; ?>