nconvert.exe is not found."; $Lang['fatal.ErrorConfig'] = "Fatal error : Configuration incorrect."; $Lang['notice.EraseFolderOut'] = "Warning : The output folder will be completely emptied."; $Lang['notice.ErrorConfig'] = "Some configuration errors have been fixed, please check your parameters."; $Lang['notice.must_be_integer %s'] = "%s must be an integer."; $Lang['notice.must_be_integer_100 %s'] = "%s must be a decimal below 100."; $Lang['notice.must_be_decimal %s'] = "%s must be a decimal."; $Lang['Source files'] = "Handled files"; $Lang['%d files'] = "%d files"; $Lang['Finish %d seconds'] = "Process done : %d seconds."; $Lang['Ready'] = "Ready to launch."; $Lang['Processing'] = "Processing."; $Lang['Launch'] = "Launch"; $Lang['Config'] = "Configure"; $Lang['Back'] = "Back"; $Lang['Reload'] = "Reload"; $Lang['Saved'] = "Configuration saved. Redirection..."; $Lang['Configuration'] = "Configuration"; $Lang['Folders'] = "Folders"; $Lang['FolderIn'] = "Input folder"; $Lang['FolderOut'] = "Output folder"; $Lang['Options'] = "Options"; $Lang['silentORNOT'] = "If output folder not empty"; $Lang['DIRhighORNOT'] = "Create high-definition folders"; $Lang['DIMhdORNOT'] = "Resize HD pictures"; $Lang['renameORNOT'] = "Rename files and folders"; $Lang['indexORNOT'] = "Add index.php files"; $Lang['prefixe_mini'] = "Thumbnail prefix"; $Lang['Sizes and quality'] = "Sizes and quality"; $Lang['DIMhd'] = "HD pictures max size"; $Lang['DIMnormal'] = "Normal pictures max size"; $Lang['DIMthumbnail'] = "Thumbnails size"; $Lang['Qhd'] = "HD pictures quality"; $Lang['Qnormal'] = "Normal pictures quality"; $Lang['Qthumbnail'] = "Thumbails quality"; $Lang['DPI'] = "HD pictures resolution"; $Lang['Copyright'] = "Copyright"; $Lang['Content'] = "Content"; $Lang['copyONhd'] = "On high-definition"; $Lang['copyONnormal'] = "On normal"; $Lang['copyPOS%s'] = "%sPosition"; $Lang['copyPOSh'] = "Horizontal "; $Lang['copyPOSv'] = "Vertical "; $Lang['copySIZE'] = "Size (ratio image/text)"; $Lang['copyCOLOR'] = "Color"; $Lang['copyFONT'] = "Font"; $Lang['Plugins'] = "Plugins"; $Lang['yes'] = "yes"; $Lang['no'] = "no"; $Lang['top'] = "top"; $Lang['center'] = "center"; $Lang['bottom'] = "bottom"; $Lang['left'] = "left"; $Lang['right'] = "right"; $Lang['erase'] = "Erase"; $Lang['pass'] = "Continue"; $Lang['block'] = "Block"; $Lang['New !'] = "New !"; $Lang['Missing !'] = "Missing !"; $Lang['Reset'] = "Reset"; $Lang['Valid'] = "Validate"; $Lang['Active'] = "Active"; $Lang['Inactive'] = "Inactive"; ?>