= minimal width'] = '視區的最大寬度[像素 >= 最小寬度]'; $lang['Viewport minimal width ']['pixels > 320'] = '視區的最小寬度[像素 > 320]'; $lang['Viewport width ']['% between 50-100'] = '視區寬度在[% 50-100]'; $lang['Viewport width ratio is out of range (Correct range: 50-100).'] = '視區寬度比例超出了範圍 (正確範圍:50-100)。'; $lang['You are not authorized to change this configuration (Webmaster only).'] = '您沒有權限更改此設定(網站管理員權限)。'; $lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = '由於上述原因而沒有儲存你的設定。'; $lang['Your configuration is saved.'] = '已儲存你的設定。'; $lang['authors of'] = '的作者'; $lang['Picture name substrings must be different.'] = '圖片名稱的 substring 必須是不一樣的。'; $lang['Relative speed factor ']['10-90'] = '相對速度係數[10-90]'; $lang['Picture name substring to display in Mode 180 '][' != previous substring '] = '圖片名稱 substring 顯示在 180模式[!=前面的substring]'; $lang['Picture name substring to display in Mode 360'] = '圖片名稱 substring 顯示在 360 模式'; ?>