add('info', l10n('Tab_Info'), $my_base_url.'&tab=info'); $tabsheet->add('manage', l10n('Tab_Manage'), $my_base_url.'&tab=manage'); $tabsheet->add('Migration', l10n('Tab_Migration'), $my_base_url.'&tab=Migration'); $tabsheet->add('Synchro', l10n('Tab_Synchro'), $my_base_url.'&tab=Synchro'); $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); $page['infos'] = array(); $error = array(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Getting plugin version | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $plugin = RegPhpBB_Infos(REGPHPBB_PATH); $version = $plugin['version'] ; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Functions // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ function Audit_PWG_PhpBB() { global $page, $conf, $errors; $conf_Register_PhpBB = isset($conf['Register_PhpBB']) ? explode(";" , $conf['Register_PhpBB']) : array(); $page_Register_PhpBB_admin = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(__FILE__); $msg_error_PWG_Dup = ''; $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup = ''; $msg_error_Link_Break = ''; $msg_error_Link_Bad = ''; $msg_error_Synchro = ''; $msg_ok_Synchro = ''; $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB = ''; $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG = ''; $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, id, username FROM ".USERS_TABLE." GROUP BY BINARY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) $msg_error_PWG_Dup .= '
'.l10n('Error_PWG_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' x '.stripslashes($row['username']); if ($msg_error_PWG_Dup == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_PWG_Dup').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_PWG_Dup = l10n('Audit_PWG_Dup').$msg_error_PWG_Dup.'
'.l10n('Advise_PWG_Dup'); $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, username FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." GROUP BY BINARY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= '
'.l10n('Error_PhpBB_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' x '.stripslashes($row['username']); $subquery = " SELECT user_id, username, user_email FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username = BINARY '".$row['username']."' ;"; $subresult = pwg_query($subquery); while($subrow = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($subresult)) { $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= '
id:'.$subrow['user_id'].'='.stripslashes($subrow['username']).' ('.$subrow['user_email'].')'; $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= ' '; } } if ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_PhpBB_Dup').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup = l10n('Audit_PhpBB_Dup').$msg_error_PhpBB_Dup.'
'.l10n('Advise_PhpBB_Dup'); $query = " SELECT as pwg_id, bb.user_id as bb_id, pwg.username as pwg_user, pwg.mail_address as pwg_mail FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb, ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg WHERE bb.user_id NOT in ( SELECT id_user_PhpBB FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND NOT in ( SELECT id_user_pwg FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND pwg.username = bb.username AND pwg.mail_address = bb.user_email ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Break .= '
'.l10n('Error_Link_Break').stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' ('.$row['pwg_mail'].')'; $msg_error_Link_Break .= ' '; } if ($msg_error_Link_Break == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_Link_Break').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_Link_Break = l10n('Audit_Link_Break').$msg_error_Link_Break; $query = " SELECT pwg.username as pwg_user, as pwg_id, pwg.mail_address as pwg_mail, bb.user_id as bb_id, bb.username as bb_user, bb.user_email as bb_mail FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = bb.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = WHERE pwg.username <> bb.username ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Error_Link_Del').stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' ('.$row['pwg_mail'].')'.' -- '.stripslashes($row['bb_user']).' ('.$row['bb_mail'].')'; $msg_error_Link_Bad .= ' '; $msg_error_Link_Bad .= ' -- '; } $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) as nbr_dead FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS Link WHERE id_user_PhpBB NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) OR id_user_pwg NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) ;"; $Compteur = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($Compteur) and $Compteur['nbr_dead'] > 0) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Error_Link_Dead').$Compteur['nbr_dead']; $msg_error_Link_Bad .= ' '; } $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, AS pwg_id, pwg.username AS pwg_user, bb.username AS bb_user, bb.user_id AS bb_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = bb.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = GROUP BY link.id_user_pwg, link.id_user_PhpBB HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Error_Link_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' = '.stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' -- '.stripslashes($row['bb_user']).')'; $msg_error_Link_Bad .= ' '; } if ($msg_error_Link_Bad == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_Link_Bad').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_Link_Bad = l10n('Audit_Link_Bad').$msg_error_Link_Bad; $query = " SELECT pwg.username as username, pwg.password as pwg_pwd, pwg.mail_address as pwg_eml, PhpBB.user_password as bb_pwd, PhpBB.user_email as bb_eml FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS PhpBB INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = PhpBB.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = AND BINARY pwg.username = BINARY PhpBB.username ORDER BY LOWER(pwg.username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ( ($row['pwg_pwd'] != $row['bb_pwd']) or ($row['pwg_eml'] != $row['bb_eml']) ) { $msg_error_Synchro .= '
'.l10n('Error_Synchro').stripslashes($row['username']); $msg_error_Synchro .= ' '; if ($row['pwg_pwd'] != $row['bb_pwd']) $msg_error_Synchro .= '
'.l10n('Error_Synchro_Pswd'); if ($row['pwg_eml'] != $row['bb_eml']) $msg_error_Synchro .= '
-- PWG = '.$row['pwg_eml'].'
-- PhpBB = '.$row['bb_eml']; } else if ($conf_Register_PhpBB[4] == 'true') $msg_ok_Synchro .= '
- '.stripslashes($row['username']).' ('.$row['pwg_eml'].')'.l10n('Audit_Synchro_OK'); } if ($msg_error_Synchro <> '') $msg_error_Synchro = l10n('Audit_Synchro').$msg_error_Synchro; if ($msg_ok_Synchro <> '') if ($msg_error_Synchro <> '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_Synchro').$msg_ok_Synchro.'

'); else array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_Synchro').$msg_ok_Synchro.'

'.l10n('Audit_OK')); $query = " SELECT username, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username <> BINARY 'guest' AND id not in ( SELECT id_user_pwg FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND BINARY username not in ( SELECT username FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) ORDER BY LOWER(username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB .= '
'.l10n('Error_PWG2PhpBB').stripslashes($row['username']).' ('.$row['mail_address'].')'; $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB .= ' '; } if ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_PWG2PhpBB').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB = l10n('Audit_PWG2PhpBB').$msg_error_PWG2PhpBB; $query = " SELECT user_id, username, user_email FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username <> BINARY '".$conf_Register_PhpBB[2]."' AND user_id not in ( SELECT id_user_PhpBB FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND BINARY username not in ( SELECT username FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) ORDER BY LOWER(username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= '
'.l10n('Error_PhpBB2PWG').stripslashes($row['username']).' ('.$row['user_email'].')'; $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= ' '; } if ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Audit_PhpBB2PWG').'
'.l10n('Audit_OK')); else $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG = l10n('Audit_PhpBB2PWG').$msg_error_PhpBB2PWG; if ($msg_error_PWG_Dup <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PWG_Dup . ( ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup == '' and $msg_error_Link_Break == '' and $msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup . ( ($msg_error_Link_Break == '' and $msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Link_Break <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Link_Break . ( ($msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Link_Bad <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Link_Bad . ( ($msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Synchro <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Synchro . ( ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB . ( ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Actions process // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='link_dead')) { $query = " DELETE FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." WHERE id_user_PhpBB NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) OR id_user_pwg NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='link_del') and isset($_GET['pwg_id']) and isset($_GET['bb_id'])) { $query = " DELETE FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." WHERE id_user_pwg = ".$_GET['pwg_id']." AND id_user_PhpBB = ".$_GET['bb_id']." ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='new_link') and isset($_GET['pwg_id']) and isset($_GET['bb_id'])) { PhpBB_Linkuser($_GET['pwg_id'], $_GET['bb_id']); Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='sync_user') and isset($_GET['username'])) { $query = " SELECT id AS id_pwg, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username = BINARY '".pwg_db_real_escape_string($_GET['username'])."' LIMIT 1 ;"; $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($data)) { PhpBB_Updateuser($data['id_pwg'], stripslashes($data['username']), $data['password'], $data['mail_address']); } Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='add_user') and isset($_GET['username'])) { $query = " SELECT id, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username = BINARY '".pwg_db_real_escape_string($_GET['username'])."' LIMIT 1 ;"; $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($data)) PhpBB_Adduser($data['id'], stripslashes($data['username']), $data['password'], $data['mail_address']); Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } else if (isset($_GET['action']) and ($_GET['action']=='del_user') and isset($_GET['id'])) { PhpBB_Deluser( $_GET['id'], true ); Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Tabssheet select | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ switch ($page['tab']) { case 'info': $template->assign( array( 'REGPHPBB_PATH' => REGPHPBB_PATH, 'REGPHPBB_VERSION' => $version, ) ); $template->set_filename('plugin_admin_content', dirname(__FILE__).'/template/info.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); break; case 'manage': if (isset($_POST['submit']) and isset($_POST['PhpBB_prefix']) and isset($_POST['PhpBB_admin']) and isset($_POST['PhpBB_guest']) and isset($_POST['PhpBB_confirm']) and isset($_POST['PhpBB_details'])) { /* Configuration controls */ // Piwigo's admin username control $query1 = " SELECT username, id FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE id = ".$conf['webmaster_id']." ;"; $pwgadmin = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query1)); // PhpBB's admin username control $query2 = " SELECT username, user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE user_id = 2 ;"; $fbbadmin = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query2)); // PhpBB's Anonymous username control $query3 = " SELECT username, user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE user_id = 1 ;"; $fbbguest = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query3)); // Compute configuration errors if (stripslashes($pwgadmin['username']) != stripslashes($_POST['PhpBB_admin'])) { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('error_config_admin1')); } if (stripslashes($pwgadmin['username']) != stripslashes($fbbadmin['username'])) { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('error_config_admin2')); } if (stripslashes($fbbguest['username']) != stripslashes($_POST['PhpBB_guest'])) { array_push($page['errors'], l10n('error_config_guest')); } elseif (count($page['errors']) == 0) { if (!function_exists('FindAvailableConfirmMailID')) { $conf['Register_PhpBB'] = $_POST['PhpBB_prefix'].';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_admin']).';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_guest']).';'.$_POST['PhpBB_confirm'].';'.$_POST['PhpBB_details'].';false;REGISTERED'; } elseif (function_exists('FindAvailableConfirmMailID')) { $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); if (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and ($conf_UAM[1] == 'true' or $conf_UAM[1] == 'local') and isset($conf_UAM[2]) and $conf_UAM[2] != '-1') { $conf['Register_PhpBB'] = $_POST['PhpBB_prefix'].';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_admin']).';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_guest']).';'.$_POST['PhpBB_confirm'].';'.$_POST['PhpBB_details'].';'.$_POST['PhpBB_UAM'].';'.$_POST['PhpBB_group']; } else { $conf['Register_PhpBB'] = $_POST['PhpBB_prefix'].';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_admin']).';'.addslashes($_POST['PhpBB_guest']).';'.$_POST['PhpBB_confirm'].';'.$_POST['PhpBB_details'].';false;REGISTERED'; } } $query = ' UPDATE '.CONFIG_TABLE.' SET value="'.$conf['Register_PhpBB'].'" WHERE param="Register_PhpBB" LIMIT 1 ;'; pwg_query($query); array_push($page['infos'], l10n('save_config')); } } $conf_Register_PhpBB = isset($conf['Register_PhpBB']) ? explode(";" , $conf['Register_PhpBB']) : array(); $template->assign( array ( 'REGPHPBB_PATH' => REGPHPBB_PATH, 'REGPHPBB_VERSION' => $version, 'PhpBB_PREFIX' => $conf_Register_PhpBB[0], 'PhpBB_ADMIN' => stripslashes($conf_Register_PhpBB[1]), 'PhpBB_GUEST' => stripslashes($conf_Register_PhpBB[2]), 'PhpBB_CONFIRM_TRUE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[3]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[3] == 'true') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PhpBB_CONFIRM_FALSE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[3]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[3] == 'false') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PhpBB_DETAILS_TRUE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[4]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[4] == 'true') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PhpBB_DETAILS_FALSE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[4]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[4] == 'false') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', ) ); // If UAM exists and if UAM ConfirmMail is set, we can set this feature if (function_exists('FindAvailableConfirmMailID')) { $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']); $UAM_bridge = false; if (isset($conf_UAM[1]) and ($conf_UAM[1] == 'true' or $conf_UAM[1] == 'local') and isset($conf_UAM[2]) and $conf_UAM[2] != '-1') { $UAM_bridge = true; } $template->assign( array ( 'UAM_BRIDGE' => $UAM_bridge, 'PhpBB_UAM_LINK_TRUE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[5]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[5] == 'true') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PhpBB_UAM_LINK_FALSE' => (isset($conf_Register_PhpBB[5]) and $conf_Register_PhpBB[5] == 'false') ? 'checked="checked"' : '', 'PhpBB_GROUP' => $conf_Register_PhpBB[6], ) ); } $template->set_filename('plugin_admin_content', dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/manage.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); break; case 'Migration': $conf_Register_PhpBB = isset($conf['Register_PhpBB']) ? explode(";" , $conf['Register_PhpBB']) : array(); if (isset($_POST['Migration'])) { array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Mig_Start').'

'); array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Mig_Del_Link').'

'); $query = "TRUNCATE ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE.";"; $result = pwg_query($query); $msg_Mig_Del_AllUsers = ''; $query = " SELECT username, user_id, group_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE group_id != '6' ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if((stripslashes($row['username']) != stripslashes($conf_Register_PhpBB[2])) and (stripslashes($row['username']) != stripslashes($conf_Register_PhpBB[1]))) { $msg_Mig_Del_AllUsers .= '
- '.l10n('Mig_Del_User').stripslashes($row['username']); PhpBB_Deluser($row['user_id'], false); } } array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Mig_Del_AllUsers').$msg_Mig_Del_AllUsers.'

'); $query = " SELECT id, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); $registred = time(); $registred_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $msg_Mig_Add_AllUsers = ''; while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if((stripslashes($row['username']) != 'guest') and (stripslashes($row['username']) != stripslashes($conf_Register_PhpBB[1]))) { $msg_Mig_Add_AllUsers .= '
- '.l10n('Mig_Add_User').stripslashes($row['username']); PhpBB_Adduser($row['id'], stripslashes($row['username']), $row['password'], $row['mail_address']); } } array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Mig_Add_AllUsers').$msg_Mig_Add_AllUsers.'

'); $query = " SELECT id, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE username = '".$conf_Register_PhpBB[1]."' ;"; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($row)) { array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_User').stripslashes($row['username']).'

'); PhpBB_Updateuser($row['id'], stripslashes($row['username']), $row['password'], $row['mail_address']); } array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Mig_End')); } else if ( isset($_POST['Audit'])) { Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } $template->assign( array ( 'REGPHPBB_PATH' => REGPHPBB_PATH, 'REGPHPBB_VERSION' => $version, ) ); $template->set_filename('plugin_admin_content', dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/migration.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); break; case 'Synchro': if (isset($_POST['Synchro'])) { global $page,$conf, $errors; $conf_Register_PhpBB = isset($conf['Register_PhpBB']) ? explode(";" , $conf['Register_PhpBB']) : array(); $page_Register_PhpBB_admin = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(__FILE__); $msg_error_PWG_Dup = ''; $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup = ''; $msg_error_Link_Break = ''; $msg_error_Link_Bad = ''; $msg_error_Synchro = ''; $msg_ok_Synchro = ''; $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG = ''; $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB = ''; $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, id, username FROM ".USERS_TABLE." GROUP BY BINARY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) $msg_error_PWG_Dup .= '
'.l10n('Error_PWG_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' x '.stripslashes($row['username']); if ($msg_error_PWG_Dup <> '') $msg_error_PWG_Dup = l10n('Audit_PWG_Dup').$msg_error_PWG_Dup.'
'.l10n('Advise_PWG_Dup'); $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, username FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." GROUP BY BINARY username HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= '
'.l10n('Error_PhpBB_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' x '.stripslashes($row['username']); $subquery = " SELECT user_id, username, user_email FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username = BINARY '".$row['username']."' ;"; $subresult = pwg_query($subquery); while($subrow = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($subresult)) { $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= '
id:'.$subrow['user_id'].'='.stripslashes($subrow['username']).' ('.$subrow['user_email'].')'; $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup .= ' '; } } if ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup <> '') $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup = l10n('Sync_Check_Dup').$msg_error_PhpBB_Dup.'
'.l10n('Advise_PhpBB_Dup'); if ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup == '' and $msg_error_PWG_Dup == '') { $query = " SELECT as pwg_id, bb.user_id as bb_id, pwg.username as pwg_user, pwg.mail_address as pwg_mail FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb, ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg WHERE bb.user_id NOT in ( SELECT id_user_PhpBB FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND NOT in ( SELECT id_user_pwg FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND pwg.username = bb.username AND pwg.mail_address = bb.user_email ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Break .= '
'.l10n('New_Link').stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' ('.$row['pwg_mail'].')'; PhpBB_Linkuser($row['pwg_id'], $row['bb_id']); } if ($msg_error_Link_Break == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_Link_Break').'
'.l10n('Sync_OK')); else $msg_error_Link_Break = l10n('Sync_Link_Break').$msg_error_Link_Break; $query = " SELECT pwg.username as pwg_user, as pwg_id, pwg.mail_address as pwg_mail, bb.user_id as bb_id, bb.username as bb_user, bb.user_email as bb_mail FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = bb.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = WHERE BINARY pwg.username <> BINARY bb.username ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Link_Del').stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' ('.$row['pwg_mail'].')'.' -- '.stripslashes($row['bb_user']).' ('.$row['bb_mail'].')'; $subquery = " DELETE FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." WHERE id_user_pwg = ".$row['pwg_id']." AND id_user_PhpBB = ".$row['bb_id']." ;"; $subresult = pwg_query($subquery); } $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) as nbr_dead FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS Link WHERE id_user_PhpBB NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) OR id_user_pwg NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) ;"; $Compteur = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if ( !empty($Compteur) and $Compteur['nbr_dead'] > 0) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Link_Dead').$Compteur['nbr_dead']; $query = " DELETE FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." WHERE id_user_PhpBB NOT IN ( SELECT user_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) OR id_user_pwg NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); } $query = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr_dup, AS pwg_id, pwg.username AS pwg_user, bb.username AS bb_user, bb.user_id AS bb_id FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS bb INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = bb.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = GROUP BY link.id_user_pwg, link.id_user_PhpBB HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_Link_Bad .= '
'.l10n('Link_Dup').$row['nbr_dup'].' = '.stripslashes($row['pwg_user']).' -- '.stripslashes($row['bb_user']).')'; PhpBB_Linkuser($row['pwg_id'], $row['bb_id']); } if ($msg_error_Link_Bad == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_Link_Bad').'
'.l10n('Sync_OK')); else $msg_error_Link_Bad = l10n('Sync_Link_Bad').$msg_error_Link_Bad; $query = " SELECT as pwg_id, pwg.username as username, pwg.password as pwg_pwd, pwg.mail_address as pwg_eml, PhpBB.user_id as bb_id, PhpBB.user_password as bb_pwd, PhpBB.user_email as bb_eml FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." AS PhpBB INNER JOIN ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." AS link ON link.id_user_PhpBB = PhpBB.user_id INNER JOIN ".USERS_TABLE." as pwg ON link.id_user_pwg = AND BINARY pwg.username = BINARY PhpBB.username ORDER BY LOWER(pwg.username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ( ($row['pwg_pwd'] != $row['bb_pwd']) or ($row['pwg_eml'] != $row['bb_eml']) ) { $msg_error_Synchro .= '
'.l10n('Sync_User').stripslashes($row['username']); $query = " SELECT id, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY id = '".$row['pwg_id']."' ;"; $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($data)) PhpBB_Updateuser($data['id'], stripslashes($data['username']), $data['password'], $data['mail_address']); } } if ($msg_error_Synchro == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_DataUser').'
'.l10n('Sync_OK')); else $msg_error_Synchro = l10n('Sync_DataUser').$msg_error_Synchro; $query = " SELECT username, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username <> BINARY 'guest' AND id not in ( SELECT id_user_pwg FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND BINARY username not in ( SELECT username FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." ) ORDER BY LOWER(username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB .= '
'.l10n('Add_User').stripslashes($row['username']).' ('.$row['mail_address'].')'; $query = " SELECT id, username, password, mail_address FROM ".USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username = BINARY '".$row['username']."' LIMIT 1 ;"; $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($data)) PhpBB_Adduser($data['id'], stripslashes($data['username']), $data['password'], $data['mail_address']); } if ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_PWG2PhpBB').'
'.l10n('Sync_OK')); else $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB = l10n('Sync_PWG2PhpBB').$msg_error_PWG2PhpBB; $query = " SELECT user_id, username, group_id, user_email FROM ".PhpBB_USERS_TABLE." WHERE BINARY username <> BINARY '".$conf_Register_PhpBB[2]."' AND user_id not in ( SELECT id_user_PhpBB FROM ".Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE." ) AND BINARY username not in ( SELECT username FROM ".USERS_TABLE." ) AND group_id <> '6' ORDER BY LOWER(username) ;"; $result = pwg_query($query); while($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= '
'.l10n('Error_PhpBB2PWG').stripslashes($row['username']).' ('.$row['user_email'].')'; $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= ' '; } if ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_PhpBB2PWG').'
'.l10n('Sync_OK')); else $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG = l10n('Sync_PhpBB2PWG').$msg_error_PhpBB2PWG; } else $errors[] = l10n('Advise_Check_Dup'); if ($msg_error_PWG_Dup <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PWG_Dup . ( ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup == '' and $msg_error_Link_Break == '' and $msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PhpBB_Dup <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PhpBB_Dup . ( ($msg_error_Link_Break == '' and $msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Link_Break <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Link_Break . ( ($msg_error_Link_Bad == '' and $msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Link_Bad <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Link_Bad . ( ($msg_error_Synchro == '' and $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_Synchro <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_Synchro . ( ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '' and $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB . ( ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG == '') ? '' : '

' ); if ($msg_error_PhpBB2PWG <> '') $errors[] = $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG; } else if ( isset($_POST['Audit'])) { Audit_PWG_PhpBB(); } $template->assign( array ( 'REGPHPBB_PATH' => REGPHPBB_PATH, 'REGPHPBB_VERSION' => $version, ) ); $template->set_filename('plugin_admin_content', dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/synchro.tpl'); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); break; } ?>