PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf_smiliessupport[0].'/'.$file, 'TITLE' => ':'.get_filename_wo_extension($file).':', 'TR' => ($i>0 AND $i%$conf_smiliessupport[1] == 0) ? '' : null, ); $i++; } } return $smilies; } else { return false; } } // get the smilies button ## must received the unserialized configuration array AND the smilies array function SmiliesTable($conf_smiliessupport, $smilies) { global $template; load_language('plugin.lang', SMILIES_PATH); // edit field has different id // if ( // (isset($_GET['action']) AND $_GET['action'] == 'edit_comment') // OR (isset($page['body_id']) AND $page['body_id'] == 'theCommentsPage') // ) { // $template->assign('form_name', 'editComment'); // } else { // $template->assign('form_name', 'addComment'); // } $template->assign('form_name', 'addComment'); $template->assign(array( 'SMILIES_PATH' => SMILIES_PATH, 'REPRESENTANT' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf_smiliessupport[0].'/'.$conf_smiliessupport[2], 'smiliesfiles' => $smilies, )); $template->set_filename('smiliessupport_page', dirname(__FILE__).'/template/smiliessupport_page.tpl'); return $template->parse('smiliessupport_page', true); } // parse smilies function SmiliesParse($str) { global $conf; $conf_smiliessupport = explode("," , $conf['smiliessupport']); $def_path = $conf_smiliessupport[0].'/smilies.txt'; $accepted_ext = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png'); if ($handle = opendir(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf_smiliessupport[0])) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && in_array(get_extension($file), $accepted_ext)) { $v = ':'.get_filename_wo_extension($file).':'; $s = ':'.get_filename_wo_extension($file).':'; $str = str_replace($v, $s, $str); } } } if (file_exists($def_path)) { $def = file($def_path); foreach($def as $v) { $v = trim($v); if (preg_match('|^([^\t]*)[\t]+(.*)$|',$v,$matches)) { $r = '#'.preg_quote($matches[1],'/').'#'; $t = ':'.get_filename_wo_extension($matches[2]).':'; $str = preg_replace($r, $t, $str); } } } return $str; } ?>