var bbcode = new Array(); var theSelection = false; function BBChr(form, field) { BBCwrite(form, field, '', "[hr]", true); } function BBCdir(form, field, dirc) { document.forms[form].elements[field].dir=(dirc); } function BBCft(form, field, box) { BBCfont(form, field, "font", box); } function BBCfs(form, field, box) { //BBCfont(form, field, "size", box); var val = 10 + 2 * (box.selectedIndex - 2 ); if ( val != 0 ) { BBCwrite(form, field, "[size="+ val+"]", "[/size]", true); } box.selectedIndex = 2; } function BBCfc(form, field, box) { BBCfont(form, field, "color", box); box.selectedIndex = 0; } function BBCfont(form, field, code, box) { BBCwrite(form, field, "["+code+"="+box.value+"]", "[/"+code+"]", true); } function BBCwmi(form, field, type) { if (type == 'img') { var URL = prompt("Please enter image URL","http://"); } else { var URL = prompt("Enter the Email Address",""); } if (URL == null) { return; } if (!URL) { return alert("Error : You didn't write the Address"); } BBCwrite(form, field, '', "["+type+"]"+URL+"[/"+type+"]", true); 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if (BBCwrite(form, field, "["+code+"]\n[li]", "\n[/"+code+"]")) { return; } if (bbcode[form+field+code] == null) { ToAdd = "["+code+"]\n[li]"; re = new RegExp(code+".(\\w+)$"); img.src = img.src.replace(re, code+"1.$1"); bbcode[form+field+code] = 1; } else { ToAdd = "\n[/"+code+"]\n"; re = new RegExp(code+"1.(\\w+)$"); img.src = img.src.replace(re, code+".$1"); bbcode[form+field+code] = null; } BBCwrite(form, field, '', ToAdd, true); } function BBCmm(form, field, type) { var URL = prompt("Enter the "+type+" file URL", "http://"); if (URL == null) { return; } if (!URL) { return alert("Error: You didn't write the "+type+" file URL"); } var WS = prompt("Enter the "+type+" width", "250"); if (WS == null) { return; } if (!WS) { WS = 250; } var HS = prompt("Enter the "+type+" height", "200"); if (HS == null) { return; } if (!HS) { HS = 200; } BBCwrite(form, field, '', "["+type+" width="+WS+" height="+HS+"]"+URL+"[/"+type+"]", true); } function BBCurl(form, field) { var URL = prompt("Enter the URL", "http://"); 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