$ext) { if (is_array($ext)) { $players[] = array( 'name' => $tpl, 'ext' => $ext); $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $ext); } } // add some wellknown $extensions = array_merge($extensions, array( 'flv','swf','pls','m3u','wav', 'mid','au','aif','mp3','pdf','asf','wmv','divx','xvid','aiff','aac','bmp', 'gsm','mov','mpg','mpeg','mp4','m4a','psd','qt','qtif','qif','qti','snd', 'tif','tiff','3g2','3pg','zip','rar' )); // Adding some specific new extension by $conf['Charlies more extensions'] = array('dvx', 'mp8',); if (isset($conf['Charlies more extensions']) and is_array($conf['Charlies more extensions'])) $extensions = array_merge($extensions, $conf['Charlies more extensions']); // Uniqueness $extensions = array_unique($extensions); // Pending TODO // Addind some specific new players (comming from $conf['Charlies more players']) // Include added TPL (in template-extension as well) => need a change in charlie.inc.php // Check if templates are still available // Remove deleted players // Tabsheets include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/tabsheet.class.php'); $CC_url = get_admin_plugin_menu_link(__FILE__); if (!isset($_GET['tab'])) $page['tab'] = 'templates'; else $page['tab'] = $_GET['tab']; $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $tabsheet->add('templates', l10n('Templates configuration'), $CC_url.'&tab=templates'); $tabsheet->add('options', l10n('Players options'), $CC_url.'&tab=options'); $tabsheet->add('colors', l10n('Players colors'), $CC_url.'&tab=colors'); $tabsheet->add('curtain', l10n('Curtain selection'), $CC_url.'&tab=curtain'); $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); $template->assign('page', $page['tab']); $sub = ( isset($_POST['submit']) ) ? true : false; // Check input on templates if ($sub and isset($_POST['from']) and $_POST['from']=='templates') { foreach ($_POST as $tpl => $ext) { if (is_array($ext) and isset($charlie[$tpl])) $charlie[$tpl] = $ext; } } // Check input on options if ($sub and isset($_POST['from']) and $_POST['from']=='options') { $charlie = array_merge($charlie, $_POST); if ( $charlie['forced_width']!='' and (!is_numeric($charlie['forced_width']) or $charlie['forced_width'] < 90 or $charlie['forced_width'] > 1024 )) array_push($errors, l10n('Forced width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)')); if ( $charlie['forced_height']!='' and (!is_numeric($charlie['forced_height']) or $charlie['forced_height'] < 90 or $charlie['forced_height'] > 1024 )) array_push($errors, l10n('Forced height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['video_default_width']) or $charlie['video_default_width'] < 90 or $charlie['video_default_width'] > 1024 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Default width is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['video_default_height']) or $charlie['video_default_height'] < 90 or $charlie['video_default_height'] > 1024 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Default height is out of range (Correct range: 90-1024)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['volume']) or $charlie['volume'] < 0 or $charlie['volume'] > 200 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Volume is out of range (Correct range: 0-200)')); if ($charlie['start_image'] != '' and !is_file($charlie['start_image'])) array_push($errors, l10n('Unknown file (Start image)')); if ($charlie['top1'] != '') { list($url, $x, $y) = explode('|', $charlie['top1'], 3); if ( !is_file($url) or !is_numeric($x) or !is_numeric($x) ) array_push($errors, l10n('Unknown file or URL|x|y error (x and y must be numeric)')); } if ( $charlie['titlesize']!='' and (!is_numeric($charlie['titlesize']) or $charlie['titlesize'] < 12 or $charlie['titlesize'] > 72 )) array_push($errors, l10n('Title font size is out of range (Correct range: 12-72)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['iconplaybgalpha']) or $charlie['iconplaybgalpha'] < 0 or $charlie['iconplaybgalpha'] > 100 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Play icon transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)')); if ( $charlie['margin']!='' and (!is_numeric($charlie['margin']) or $charlie['margin'] < 0 or $charlie['margin'] > 40 )) array_push($errors, l10n('Margin is out of range (Correct range: 0-40)')); if ($charlie['skin'] != '' and !is_file($charlie['skin'])) array_push($errors, l10n('Unknown file (skin)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['playertimeout']) or $charlie['playertimeout'] < 0 or $charlie['playertimeout'] > 9999 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Autohide delay is out of range (Correct range: 0-9999)')); if (!is_numeric($charlie['playeralpha']) or $charlie['playeralpha'] < 0 or $charlie['playeralpha'] > 100 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Player transparency is out of range (Correct range: 0-100)')); if ( $charlie['srtsize']!='' and (!is_numeric($charlie['srtsize']) or $charlie['srtsize'] < 8 or $charlie['srtsize'] > 24 )) array_push($errors, l10n('Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)')); if ($charlie['srturl'] != '' and !is_file($charlie['srturl']) and strtolower(substr($charlie['srturl'],-4))!='.srt') array_push($errors, l10n('Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)')); if ($charlie['netconnection'] != '' and strtolower(substr($charlie['netconnection'],0,4))!='rtmp') array_push($errors, l10n('Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.')); } if ($sub and isset($_POST['from']) and $_POST['from']=='colors') { $charlie['color0'] = $_POST['color0']; $charlie['color1'] = $_POST['color1']; $charlie['color2'] = $_POST['color2']; $charlie['color3'] = $_POST['color3']; $charlie['color4'] = $_POST['color4']; $charlie['color5'] = $_POST['color5']; $charlie['color6'] = $_POST['color6']; $charlie['color7'] = $_POST['color7']; $charlie['color8'] = $_POST['color8']; $charlie['color9'] = $_POST['color9']; $charlie['color10'] = $_POST['color10']; $charlie['color11'] = $_POST['color11']; $charlie['color12'] = $_POST['color12']; $charlie['color13'] = $_POST['color13']; $charlie['color14'] = $_POST['color14']; $charlie['color15'] = $_POST['color15']; $charlie['color16'] = $_POST['color16']; $colors = $charlie['color0']. $charlie['color1'] . $charlie['color2'] . $charlie['color3'] . $charlie['color4'] . $charlie['color5']. $charlie['color6'] . $charlie['color7'] . $charlie['color8'] . $charlie['color9'] . $charlie['color10']. $charlie['color11'] . $charlie['color12'] . $charlie['color13'] . $charlie['color14'] . $charlie['color15']. $charlie['color16']; if ( !preg_match('/^(#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{6})){17}$/', $colors) ) array_push($errors, l10n('Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"')); } if ($sub and isset($_POST['from']) and $_POST['from']=='curtain') { $charlie['curtain'] = $_POST['curtain']; } $charlie['title'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($charlie['title']))); // Submit and errors if ( $sub ) { if ( count($errors) > 0 ) array_push($errors, l10n('Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.')); } // Submit and Advisor => Thanks if ( $sub and is_adviser() and count($errors) == 0 ) array_push($infos, l10n('You are Adviser and you are not authorized to change this configuration.')); // Submit and not Advisor => Update Config table if ( $sub and !is_adviser() and count($errors) == 0 ) { $dir = $conf['local_data_dir'].'/plugins/'; @mkdir($dir); $file = fopen( $dir.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'.dat', 'w' ); fwrite($file, serialize($charlie)); fclose( $file ); array_push($infos, l10n('Your configuration is saved.')); } // Send data $template->set_filenames(array( 'plugin_admin_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/charlies_config.tpl')); if (count($errors) != 0) $template->assign('errors', $errors); if (count($infos) != 0) $template->assign('infos', $infos); if ($charlie['onclick']==0) $charlie['onclick'] = 'playpause'; // ??? $template->assign(array( 'Charlies' => $charlie, 'CHARLIES_PATH' => CHARLIES_PATH, 'curtains' => $curtains, 'players' => $players, 'extensions' => $extensions, ) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content'); //var_dump($charlie); ?>