0, 'autoplay' => 1, 'loop' => 1, 'full' => 1, 'forced_width' => '', 'forced_height' => '', 'video_default_width' => '', 'video_default_height' => '', 'volume' => 150, 'onclick' => 'playpause', 'onclicktarget' => 0, 'ondoubleclick' => 'fullscreen', 'ondoubleclicktarget' => 0, 'buffer' => 10, 'buffermessage' => 'Buffering _n_', 'buffershowbg' => 0, 'config' => 0, 'configxml' => 0, 'margin' => 2, 'skin' => '', /* './plugins/charlies_content/skin.jpg', */ 'title' => '/n/n/nCharlies\'s content ', 'titlesize' => 26, 'start_image' => './plugins/charlies_content/city-lights.jpg', 'showtitleandstartimage'=> 0, 'showiconplay' => 0, 'iconplaybgalpha' => 20, 'showplayer' => 1, 'showloading' => 1, 'showmouse' => 1, 'showtime' => 2, 'srt' => 0, 'playeralpha' => 20, 'playertimeout' => 1500, 'showstop' => 1, 'showvolume' => 1, 'showswitchsubtitles' => 0, 'loadonstop' => 0, 'shortcut' => 1, 'phpstream' => 1, 'curtain' => 'none', 'start_image' => CHARLIES_PATH . 'background.jpg', ); if (!isset($charlie['version'])) $charlie = $default; else $charlie = array_merge( $default, $charlie ); if (!isset($charlie['FlvStreamer'])) $charlie['FlvStreamer'] = array('flv',); if (!isset($charlie['html5'])) $charlie['html5'] = array('mp4',); if (!isset($charlie['Flash'])) $charlie['Flash'] = array('swf',); if (!isset($charlie['Music'])) $charlie['Music'] = array('pls','m3u','wav','mid','au','aif',); if (!isset($charlie['mp3Player'])) $charlie['mp3Player'] = array('mp3',); if (!isset($charlie['Acrobat'])) $charlie['Acrobat'] = array('pdf',); if (!isset($charlie['WMplayer'])) $charlie['WMplayer'] = array('asf','wmv','divx','xvid',); if (!isset($charlie['QuickTime'])) $charlie['QuickTime'] = array('aiff','aac','bmp','gsm','mov','mpg','mpeg','m4a','psd','qt','qtif','qif','qti','snd','tif','tiff','3g2','3pg','3gp'); if (!isset($charlie['Archive'])) $charlie['Archive'] = array('zip','rar',); if (!isset($charlie['GPS'])) $charlie['GPS'] = array('gpx',); $charlie['version'] = CHARLIES_VER; $dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.PWG_LOCAL_DIR.'/plugins/'; @mkdir($dir); $file = fopen( $dir.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'.dat', 'w' ); fwrite($file, serialize($charlie)); fclose( $file ); } /* Note: Uppercase extensions are not requested */ /** * That means you must have a tpl file for each... player * like for Flash => ./plugings/charlies_content/flash_content.tpl * * Player name is in lower-case followed by _content.tpl (non c'est charlie_nomplayer) */ $all = array(); foreach ($charlie as $ext) { if ( is_array($ext) ) { $all = array_merge ($all, $ext); } } $conf['file_ext'] = array_merge ( $conf['file_ext'], $all, array_map('strtoupper', $all) ); # $charlie['all'] = $all; add_event_handler('render_element_content', 'render_Charlie_element_content', 40, 2 ); function render_Charlie_element_content($content, $picture) { global $template, $charlie, $page, $conf; if ( isset($page['slideshow']) and $page['slideshow'] ) return $content; if ( @$picture['is_picture'] ) return $content; $all = array(); foreach ($charlie as $ext) { if (is_array($ext)) $all = array_merge ($all, $ext); } $extension = strtolower(get_extension($picture['file'])); if (!in_array($extension, $all)) { // in fact nothing to do (Lucky Charlies) return $content; } include_once(CHARLIES_PATH.'charlies.inc.php'); return Charlies_content($picture); } ?>