> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this classes provides base functions to add ajax.js file into html page ; just instanciate an ajax object, and call return_result $ajax_content_to_be_returned = "..............."; $ajax = new ajax(); $ajax->return_result($ajax_content_to_be_returned); - constructor ajax() - function return_result($str) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class ajax { function ajax() { add_event_handler('loc_end_page_header', array(&$this, 'load_JS')); } function load_JS() { global $template; $name='plugins/'.basename(dirname(__FILE__)).'/ajax.js'; $template->append('head_elements', ''); } function return_result($str) { //$chars=get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_NOQUOTES); $chars['<']='<'; $chars['>']='>'; $chars['&']='&'; exit(strtr($str, $chars)); } } //class /* it's better to make $ajax instance into the plugin object, otherwise an object made here cannot be acceeded.. */ //$ajax=new ajax(); ?>