Contacts as Read and Social Directory as Read Public'] = 'Als de applicatie is geregistreerd, vernieuw de rechten : set Contacts as Read and Social Directory as Read Public'; $lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: %s'] = 'Geef deze URL als de callback/Redirect URL voor uw applicatie: %s'; $lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'] = 'Vul uw website domain in in de %s velden. Deze dient overeen te komen met uw huidige hostnaam %s'; $lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = 'Na registratie, kopieer en plak de aangemaakte applicatie aanmeldgegevens in deze setup pagina'; $lang['Fill out any required fields such as the application name and description'] = 'Vul alle verplichte velden in zoals applicatie-naam en omschrijving'; $lang['Go to %s and create a new application'] = 'Ga naar %s en maak een nieuwe applicatie'; $lang['Set %s to %s'] = 'Vul als %s in %s'; $lang['Based on OpenID'] = 'Gebaseerd op OpenID'; $lang['No registration required'] = 'Geen registratie vereist'; $lang['Go to Settings->Advanced and activate Client OAuth Login'] = 'Ga naar Settings->Advanced en activeer Client OAuth Login'; $lang['On the APIs & auth -> Credentials tab, Create new client ID'] = 'Op de APIs & auth -> Credentials tab, Create new client ID'; ?>