%s and create a new application'] = '到 %s,並建立一個新的應用程序'; $lang['No registration required for OpenID based providers'] = '對於OpenID提供者無需註冊'; $lang['On the API Access tab, create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID'] = '在API Access tab, create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID'; $lang['On the Create Client ID popup, switch to advanced settings by clicking on (more options)'] = '在 Create Client ID 彈出窗口,切換到進階的設定,請點擊 (more options)'; $lang['Once the application is registered update the permissions : set Contacts as Read and Social Directory as Read Public'] = '應用程序一旦註冊更新權限:設定 Contacts as Read and Social Directory as Read Public'; $lang['Once you have registered, copy and past the created application credentials into this setup page'] = '一旦你已註冊,複製和過去建立的應用程序憑據到此設定頁面中'; $lang['Provide this URL as the Callback/Redirect URL for your application: %s'] = '為您的應用程序提供URL的回呼/重定向URL: %s'; $lang['Put your website domain in the %s fields. It should match with the current hostname: %s'] = '把你的網站域名,放在 %s 欄位。它應該匹配目前的主機名稱: %s'; $lang['Set the %s to %s'] = '設定 %s%s'; ?>