Error code : %s'] = '發生錯誤,請聯絡將圖片庫所有者。 錯誤代碼: %s'; $lang['Authentication canceled'] = '驗證取消了'; $lang['Contacting %s. Please wait.'] = '聯繫%s。請稍候。'; $lang['Disabled'] = '已停用'; $lang['Display sign in buttons in the menubar'] = '顯示登入按鈕在選單欄上'; $lang['Display sign in buttons on the register page'] = '顯示登入按鈕在登入頁面'; $lang['Enabled'] = '啟用'; $lang['Error...'] = '錯誤...'; $lang['Icon size in the menubar'] = '圖標尺寸在選單欄上'; $lang['Icon size on the identification page'] = '圖標尺寸在識別頁面上'; $lang['Loading...'] = '載入中...'; $lang['Logged with'] = '已記錄與'; $lang['Social Connect: PHP Curl extension is needed'] = 'Social Connect: PHP Curl 擴展模塊是需要的'; $lang['Social Connect: You need to configure the credentials'] = 'Social Connect: 您需要設定的憑據'; $lang['OpenID must be enabled in order to use %s authentication'] = '為了使用OpenID,必須啟用 %s 認證'; $lang['Or sign in with'] = '或登入以'; $lang['Please enter your OpenID URL'] = '請輸入您的OpenID URL'; $lang['Please enter your username'] = '請輸入您的使用者名稱'; $lang['Profile URL'] = '個人資料的網址'; ?>