package Uploader::GUI::wxImagePreview; use strict; use base qw/Wx::Dialog Class::Accessor::Fast/; use Wx qw/ wxDefaultPosition wxDefaultSize wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH wxRESIZE_BORDER wxDIALOG_EX_METAL wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE wxMAXIMIZE_BOX wxMINIMIZE_BOX wxSTAY_ON_TOP /; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors( qw/ image image_size caption / ); use Data::Dumper; use Wx::Event qw/ EVT_PAINT EVT_SIZE /; sub new { my( $class, $params ) = @_; my( $self ) = $class->SUPER::new( undef, -1, $params->{caption}, wxDefaultPosition, [400,300], wxMAXIMIZE_BOX| wxMINIMIZE_BOX| wxRESIZE_BORDER| wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE| wxSTAY_ON_TOP| wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT ); $self->SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); Wx::InitAllImageHandlers(); EVT_SIZE($self, sub { my ( $this, $event ) = @_; $this->Refresh; $event->Skip(); } ); EVT_PAINT( $self, sub { my ( $this, $event ) = @_; my $dc = Wx::AutoBufferedPaintDC->new($this); if($this->image){ my ($w, $h) = $this->GetSizeWH; my $p_prop = $w / $h; # calculation made to keep aspect # ratio and maximize image size my $scale; my ($img_w, $img_h) = @{$this->image_size}; return unless $img_w; return unless $img_h; my $img_prop = $img_w / $img_h; $scale = ($p_prop > $img_prop) ? ($h / $img_h) : ($w / $img_w); $scale = 1 if($scale > 1); my ($sw, $sh) = map({$_ * $scale} $img_w, $img_h); my $bmp = Wx::Bitmap->new($this->image->Scale($sw, $sh, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH)); my $xoff = ($w - $sw) / 2; my $yoff = ($h - $sh) / 2; $dc->DrawBitmap($bmp, $xoff, $yoff, $dc->Clear ? 1:1); } else{ $dc->Clear; } } ); $self; } 1;