#!/usr/bin/perl # usage: # perl piwigo_import_tree.pl --directory=/Users/pierrick/piwigo/album1 use strict; use warnings; # make it compatible with Windows, but breaks Linux #use utf8; use File::Find; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use Getopt::Long; use Encode qw/is_utf8 decode/; use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday tv_interval/; use Digest::MD5 qw/md5 md5_hex/; my %opt = (); GetOptions( \%opt, qw/ base_url=s username=s password=s directory=s parent_album_id=s define=s% quiet only_write_cache reload_properties debug short_lines / ); my $album_dir = $opt{directory}; $album_dir =~ s{^\./*}{}; our $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent('Mozilla/piwigo_remote.pl 1.25'); $ua->cookie_jar({}); my %conf; my %conf_default = ( base_url => 'http://localhost/plg/piwigo/salon', username => 'plg', password => 'plg', ); foreach my $conf_key (keys %conf_default) { $conf{$conf_key} = defined $opt{$conf_key} ? $opt{$conf_key} : $conf_default{$conf_key} } $ua->default_headers->authorization_basic( $conf{username}, $conf{password} ); my $result = undef; my $query = undef; binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(utf-8)"; # Login to Piwigo piwigo_login(); # Fill an "album path to album id" cache my %piwigo_albums = (); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', { method => 'pwg.categories.getList', recursive => 1, fullname => 1, } ); my $albums_aref = from_json($response->content)->{result}->{categories}; foreach my $album_href (@{$albums_aref}) { $piwigo_albums{ $album_href->{name} } = $album_href->{id}; } # print Dumper(\%piwigo_albums)."\n\n"; if (defined $opt{parent_album_id}) { foreach my $album_path (keys %piwigo_albums) { if ($piwigo_albums{$album_path} == $opt{parent_album_id}) { $conf{parent_album_id} = $opt{parent_album_id}; $conf{parent_album_path} = $album_path; } } if (not defined $conf{parent_album_path}) { print "Parent album ".$opt{parent_album_id}." does not exist\n"; exit(); } } # Initialize a cache with file names of existing photos, for related albums my %photos_of_album = (); # Synchronize local folder with remote Piwigo gallery find({wanted => \&add_to_piwigo, no_chdir => 1}, $album_dir); #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Functions #--------------------------------------------------------------------- sub piwigo_login { $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', { method => 'pwg.session.login', username => $conf{username}, password => $conf{password}, } ); } sub fill_photos_of_album { my %params = @_; if (defined $photos_of_album{ $params{album_id} }) { return 1; } piwigo_login(); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', { method => 'pwg.categories.getImages', cat_id => $params{album_id}, per_page => 1000000, } ); foreach my $image_href (@{from_json($response->content)->{result}{images}{_content}}) { $photos_of_album{ $params{album_id} }{ $image_href->{file} } = $image_href->{id}; } } sub photo_exists { my %params = @_; fill_photos_of_album(album_id => $params{album_id}); if (defined $photos_of_album{ $params{album_id} }{ $params{file} }) { return $photos_of_album{ $params{album_id} }{ $params{file} }; } else { return 0; } } sub add_album { my %params = @_; my $form = { method => 'pwg.categories.add', name => $params{name}, }; if (defined $params{parent}) { $form->{parent} = $params{parent}; } piwigo_login(); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); return from_json($response->content)->{result}{id}; } sub set_album_properties { my %params = @_; print '[set_album_properties] for directory "'.$params{dir}.'"'."\n" if $opt{debug}; # avoid to load the readme.txt file 10 times if an album has 10 # sub-albums our %set_album_properties_done; if (defined $set_album_properties_done{ $params{id} }) { print '[set_album_properties] already done'."\n" if $opt{debug}; return; } $set_album_properties_done{ $params{id} } = 1; $params{dir} =~ s{ / }{/}g; # is there a file "readme.txt" in the directory of the album? my $desc_filepath = $params{dir}.'/readme.txt'; if (not -f $desc_filepath) { print "no readme.txt for ".$params{dir}."\n" if $opt{debug}; return; } # example of readme.txt: # # Title: First public opening # Date: 2009-09-26 # Copyright: John Connor # # Details: # The first day Croome Court is opened to the public by the National Trust. # And here is another line for details! open(IN, '<', $desc_filepath); my $title = undef; my $date_string = undef; my $copyright = undef; my $is_details = 0; my $details = ''; while (my $desc_line = ) { chomp($desc_line); if ($is_details) { $details.= $desc_line; } elsif ($desc_line =~ /^Date:\s*(.*)$/) { $date_string = $1; } elsif ($desc_line =~ /^Title:\s*(.*)$/) { $title = $1; } elsif ($desc_line =~ /^Copyright:\s*(.*)$/) { $copyright = $1; } elsif ($desc_line =~ /^Details:/) { # from now, all the remaining lines are "details" $is_details = 1; } } close(IN); if (defined $date_string or $details ne '') { my $comment = ''; if (defined $date_string) { $comment.= ''.$date_string.'
'; } if (defined $copyright) { $comment.= ''.$copyright.'
'; } $comment.= $details; my $form = { method => 'pwg.categories.setInfo', category_id => $params{id}, comment => $comment, }; if (defined $title) { $form->{name} = $title; } piwigo_login(); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); } } sub set_photo_properties { my %params = @_; print '[set_photo_properties] for "'.$params{path}.'"'."\n" if $opt{debug}; # is there any title defined in a descript.ion file? my $desc_filepath = dirname($params{path}).'/descript.ion'; if (not -f $desc_filepath) { print '[set_photo_properties] no descript.ion file'."\n" if $opt{debug}; return; } my $property = undef; my $photo_filename = basename($params{path}); open(IN, '<', $desc_filepath); while (my $desc_line = ) { if ($desc_line =~ /^$photo_filename/) { chomp($desc_line); $property = (split /\t/, $desc_line, 2)[1]; } } close(IN); if (defined $property and $property ne '') { print '[photo '.$params{id}.'] "'; if (defined $opt{short_lines}) { print basename($params{path}); } else { print $params{path}; } print '", set photo description "'.$property.'"'."\n"; my $form = { method => 'pwg.images.setInfo', image_id => $params{id}, single_value_mode => 'replace', comment => $property, }; piwigo_login(); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form ); } } sub add_photo { my %params = @_; my $form = { method => 'pwg.images.addSimple', image => [$params{path}], category => $params{album_id}, }; print '[album '.$params{album_id}.'] "'; if (defined $opt{short_lines}) { print basename($params{path}); } else { print $params{path}; } print '" upload starts... '; $| = 1; my $t1 = [gettimeofday]; piwigo_login(); my $response = $ua->post( $conf{base_url}.'/ws.php?format=json', $form, 'Content_Type' => 'form-data', ); my $photo_id = from_json($response->content)->{result}{image_id}; my $elapsed = tv_interval($t1); print ' completed ('.sprintf('%u ms', $elapsed * 1000).', photo '.$photo_id.')'."\n"; return $photo_id; } sub add_to_piwigo { # print $File::Find::name."\n"; my $path = $File::Find::name; my $parent_dir = dirname($album_dir); if ($parent_dir ne '.') { # print '$parent_dir = '.$parent_dir."\n"; $path =~ s{^$parent_dir/}{}; } # print $path."\n"; if (-d) { my $up_dir = ''; my $parent_id = undef; if (defined $conf{parent_album_path}) { $up_dir = $conf{parent_album_path}.' / '; $parent_id = $conf{parent_album_id}; } foreach my $dir (split '/', $path) { my $is_new_album = 0; if (not defined $piwigo_albums{$up_dir.$dir}) { my $id = cached_album(dir => $up_dir.$dir); # if the album is not in the cache OR if the id in the cache # matches no album fetched by pwg.categories.getList, then # we have to create the album first if (not defined $id or not grep($_ eq $id, values(%piwigo_albums))) { print 'album "'.$up_dir.$dir.'" must be created'."\n"; $is_new_album = 1; $id = add_album(name => $dir, parent => $parent_id); cache_add_album(dir => $up_dir.$dir, id => $id); } $piwigo_albums{$up_dir.$dir} = $id; } if ($is_new_album or defined $opt{reload_properties}) { set_album_properties(dir => $up_dir.$dir, id => $piwigo_albums{$up_dir.$dir}); } $parent_id = $piwigo_albums{$up_dir.$dir}; $up_dir.= $dir.' / '; } } if (-f and $path =~ /\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/i) { my $album_key = join(' / ', split('/', dirname($path))); if (defined $conf{parent_album_path}) { $album_key = $conf{parent_album_path}.' / '.$album_key; } my $album_id = $piwigo_albums{$album_key}; my $image_id = photo_exists(album_id => $album_id, file => basename($File::Find::name)); if (not defined $image_id or $image_id < 1) { $image_id = cached_photo(path => $File::Find::name, dir => $album_key); } if (defined $image_id and $image_id >= 1) { if (not $opt{quiet}) { print $File::Find::name.' already exists in Piwigo, skipped'."\n"; } if (defined $opt{reload_properties}) { set_photo_properties(path => $File::Find::name, id => $image_id); } return 1; } $image_id = add_photo(path => $File::Find::name, album_id => $album_id); set_photo_properties(path => $File::Find::name, id => $image_id); cache_add_photo(path => $File::Find::name, dir => $album_key, id => $image_id); } } sub cache_add_photo { my %params = @_; if (cached_photo(path => $params{path}, dir => $params{dir})) { if (not $opt{quiet}) { print 'photo is in the cache, no upload'."\n"; } return 1; } $params{dir} =~ s{ / }{/}g; my $filepath = $params{dir}.'/.piwigo_import_tree.txt'; open(my $ofh, '>> '.$filepath) or die 'cannot open file "'.$filepath.'" for writing'; print {$ofh} $conf{base_url}.' '.md5_hex(basename($params{path})); if (defined $params{id}) { print {$ofh} ' [id='.$params{id}.']'; } print {$ofh} "\n"; close($ofh); } sub cached_photo { my %params = @_; $params{dir} =~ s{ / }{/}g; my $filepath = $params{dir}.'/.piwigo_import_tree.txt'; if (not -f $filepath) { return undef; } my $photo_id = undef; my $photo_filename_md5 = md5_hex(basename($params{path})); open(my $ifh, '<'.$filepath) or die 'cannot open file "'.$filepath.'" for reading'; while (my $line = <$ifh>) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ m/$photo_filename_md5/) { # TODO if needed : search the [id=(\d+)] for photo_id if ($line =~ m/\[id=(\d+)\]/) { return $1; } else { return -1; # true, but not an image_id } } } close($ifh); return undef; } sub cache_add_album { my %params = @_; $params{dir} =~ s{ / }{/}g; my $filepath = $params{dir}.'/.piwigo_import_tree.txt'; open(my $ofh, '>> '.$filepath) or die 'cannot open file "'.$filepath.'" for writing'; print {$ofh} $conf{base_url}.' album_id = '.$params{id}."\n"; print $conf{base_url}.' album_id = '.$params{id}."\n"; close($ofh); } sub cached_album { my %params = @_; $params{dir} =~ s{ / }{/}g; my $filepath = $params{dir}.'/.piwigo_import_tree.txt'; if (not -f $filepath) { return undef; } my $album_id = undef; open(my $ifh, '<'.$filepath) or die 'cannot open file "'.$filepath.'" for reading'; while (my $line = <$ifh>) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ m/album_id = (\d+)/) { $album_id = $1; } } close($ifh); print 'directory "'.$params{dir}.'" was found as album '.$album_id."\n"; return $album_id; }