OR enter an url ($r/ at the start of url means this gallery)
OR enter q=Term to search for a specific term'] = '留空以相册自动搜索
或者输入 q=条件 来搜索指定的内容 '; $lang['Look for matches in other languages if the number of matches in main language is less than'] = '如果与主语言匹配的数量少的话就到其他语言中去匹配'; $lang['Stop accumulating matches after'] = '停止累积匹配'; $lang['Use \ to break search (e.g. Central Park\, NY will not match NY but it will display it)'] = '使用\以分开搜索(如,Central Park\, NY 将不会匹配 NY 但它将会显示出来)'; $lang['positive matches'] = '正匹配'; ?>