assign('ACTIVE_MENU', 4); else $template->assign('ACTIVE_MENU', 3); } // Template function function Whois_most($text, $count, $when, $format) { return sprintf(l10n($text),$count,date(l10n($format),$when)); } function whois_country($trace, $bypass = false) { global $conf; if (!isset($trace['country'])) { pwg_query('ALTER TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' ADD `country` VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL AFTER `lang` ;'); $trace['country']=''; } $c = array(); if ($trace['country']!='') $c = @unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($trace['country'])); if (isset($c['Code']) and $c['Code']!='' and $c['Code']!='__') return $c; if ($bypass and isset($c['Code'])) return $c; $c = array( 'Code' => '__', 'Name' => l10n('Unknown country'), 'City' => 'N/A', ); if (!filter_var($trace['IP'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return $c; } if (isset($conf['whois_online_use_geoiplookup']) and $conf['whois_online_use_geoiplookup']) { $geoiplookup_output = exec('geoiplookup '.$trace['IP']); if (!preg_match('/IP Address not found/', $geoiplookup_output)) { list(,$geoiplookup_output) = explode(':', $geoiplookup_output); list($country_code, $country_name) = explode(',', $geoiplookup_output); $c['Name'] = trim($country_name); $c['Code'] = trim($country_code); } } else { $url = '' . $trace['IP']; if (fetchRemote($url, $result) and $geo_data = @json_decode($result, true)) { // echo '
'; print_r($geo_data); echo '
'; $c['Name'] = $geo_data['country_name']; $c['Code'] = $geo_data['country_code']; } } $new = htmlspecialchars(serialize($c),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); if ($new == $trace['country']) return $c; pwg_query(' UPDATE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' SET `country` = \'' . $new . '\' WHERE `session_id` = \'' . $trace['session_id'] . '\' ;'); return $c; } function whois_flag($trace, &$step, $limit = 10) { $flag = WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/' . $trace['Country']['Code'] . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($flag) and $trace['Country']['Code'] != '__' ) return $flag; if ($trace['Country']['Code'] == '__' ) { $flag = WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/' . substr($trace['lang'],-2, 2) . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($flag)) return $flag; return WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/__.jpg'; } if ( $step > $limit ) return WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/.jpg'; $f = fopen ('' . $trace['IP'], 'r'); $result=''; while ($l = fgets ($f, 1024)) $result .= $l; fclose ($f); $f = fopen($flag,"w+"); fputs($f,$result); fclose($f); return $flag; } /* returns (mixed): (string) 'bot agent name' || (bool) false @param (string) HTTP_USER_AGENT */ function is_a_bot($agent = '') { global $conf; if ($agent == '') $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $botlist = array('Teoma', 'alexa', 'froogle', 'Gigabot', 'inktomi', 'looksmart', 'URL_Spider_SQL', 'Firefly', 'NationalDirectory', 'Ask Jeeves', 'TECNOSEEK', 'InfoSeek', 'WebFindBot', 'girafabot', 'crawler', '', 'Googlebot', 'Scooter', 'Slurp', 'msnbot', 'appie', 'FAST', 'WebBug', 'Spade', 'ZyBorg', 'rabaz', 'Baiduspider', 'Feedfetcher-Google', 'TechnoratiSnoop', 'Rankivabot', 'Mediapartners-Google', 'Sogou web spider', 'WebAlta Crawler'); if (isset($conf['search_agents'])) $botlist = array_merge( $botlist, array_diff( $conf['search_agents'], $botlist ) ); foreach($botlist as $bot) { if (stripos($agent, $bot)!==false) return $bot; } return false; } ?>