true, 'Delete level' => 20, 'Radar limit' => 25, 'Webmasters' => 2, // Normal 'Administrators' => 2, 'Obsolete limit' => 20, 'Default display' => true, 'Add to Plugins menu' => false, 'Add icon to History' => true, 'Keep data' => true, 'Search id' => 0, 'Users' => Array('max' => 0, 'When' => date('Y-m-d'), 'count' => 0), ); $conf_whois = array_merge($default, unserialize($conf['Whois Online'])); if ((!isset($conf_whois['Version'])) or $conf_whois['Version'] != WHOIS_ONLINE_VER or $conf['Whois Online'] != serialize($conf_whois)) { $conf_whois['Version'] = WHOIS_ONLINE_VER; $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois); pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment) VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');"); } return $conf_whois; } define('ONLINE_LEVEL', (100+$conf_whois['Delete level'])/100); define('ONLINE_LIMIT', $conf_whois['Obsolete limit']); /* Admin menus are always available */ add_event_handler('get_admin_plugin_menu_links', 'whois_add_icon' ); /* On Active */ if ($conf_whois['Active']) { $conf['Whois Online Update'] = true; add_event_handler('loc_begin_picture', 'whois_online_management'); add_event_handler('loc_begin_index', 'whois_online_management'); add_event_handler('register_user', 'whois_online_register'); if ($conf_whois['Default display'] or (defined('IN_ADMIN') and IN_ADMIN)) add_event_handler('loc_begin_page_tail', 'whois_default_display' ); } if ( !function_exists('pwg_get_contents') ) { function pwg_get_contents($url, $mode='') { global $pwg_mode, $pwg_prev_host; $timeout = 5; // will be a parameter (only for the socket) $host = (strtolower(substr($url,0,7)) == 'http://') ? substr($url,7) : $url; $host = (strtolower(substr($host,0,8)) == 'https://') ? substr($host,8) : $host; $doc = substr($host, strpos($host, '/')); $host = substr($host, 0, strpos($host, '/')); if ($pwg_prev_host != $host) $pwg_mode = ''; // What was possible with one website could be different with another $pwg_prev_host = $host; if (isset($pwg_mode)) $mode = $pwg_mode; if ($mode == 'r') $mode = ''; // $mode = 'ch'; // Forcing a test '' all, 'fs' fsockopen, 'ch' cURL // 1 - The simplest solution: file_get_contents // Contraint: php.ini // ; Whether to allow the treatment of URLs (like http:// or ftp://) as files. // allow_url_fopen = On if ( $mode == '' ) { if ( true === (bool) ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) { $value = file_get_contents($url); if ( $value !== false and substr($value,0,21) != '= 200 and $status < 400) { $value = substr($value, $header_length); // echo '
-ch- ('. $value . ')
'; return $value; } else $pwg_mode = 'failed'; // Sorry but remind it as well } // No other solutions return false; } } // Assume the Default display on pages function whois_default_display() { global $template; $template->set_filenames(array( 'Whois_display' => dirname(__FILE__).'/default.tpl')); $template->pparse('Whois_display'); } // Add admin links function whois_add_icon($menu) { global $conf_whois, $lang; if ($conf_whois['Add icon to History']) $lang['History'] .= ' Whois Online configuration'; if ($conf_whois['Add to Plugins menu']) array_push($menu, array( 'NAME' => 'Whois Online', 'URL' => get_admin_plugin_menu_link(WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH.'config.php'), )); return $menu; } // Template function function Whois_most($text, $count, $when, $format) { return sprintf(l10n($text),$count,date(l10n($format),$when)); } // New member function whois_online_register($who) { global $conf, $conf_whois; $conf_whois['Users']['count'] = $who['id']; $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois); pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment) VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');"); return; } function whois_country($trace, $bypass = false) { if (!isset($trace['country'])) { pwg_query('ALTER TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' ADD `country` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL AFTER `lang` ;'); $trace['country']=''; } $c = array(); if ($trace['country']!='') $c = @unserialize(htmlspecialchars_decode($trace['country'])); if (isset($c['Code']) and $c['Code']!='' and $c['Code']!='__') return $c; if ($bypass and isset($c['Code']) and $c['Code']=='__') return $c; $result = pwg_get_contents ('' . $trace['IP'], 'r'); if ( $result !== false ) { $tokens = preg_split("/[:]+/", $result); $c = array ('Name' => $tokens[1], 'City' => substr($tokens[3],0,-3)); if (strpos ($c['Name'], '?') === FALSE) { $tokens = preg_split ("/[\(\)]/", $c['Name']); $c['Code'] = isset($tokens[1]) ? $tokens[1]:'__'; $c['Name'] = ucwords ( strtolower( substr($c['Name'],0,-5))); } } else $c = Array('Code' => '__', 'Name' => l10n('Unknown country'), 'City' => 'N/A',); if ($c['Code'] == 'Private Address') { $c['Name'] = l10n('Private Address'); $c['City'] = l10n('N/A'); $c['Code'] = '__'; } $new = htmlspecialchars(serialize($c),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); if ($new == $trace['country']) return $c; pwg_query('UPDATE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' SET `country` = \'' . $new . '\' WHERE `session_id` = \'' . $trace['session_id'] . '\';'); return $c; } function whois_flag($trace, &$step, $limit = 10) { $flag = WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/' . $trace['Country']['Code'] . '.jpg'; if (file_exists($flag)) return $flag; if ( $step > $limit ) return WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH . 'flags/__.jpg'; $f = fopen ('' . $trace['IP'], 'r'); $result=''; while ($l = fgets ($f, 1024)) $result .= $l; fclose ($f); $f = fopen($flag,"w+"); fputs($f,$result); fclose($f); return $flag; } // Read all data function whois_online_get_data($order='') { $remove = "''"; // Nothing to remove ( = an empty session_id) $ctr = 0; $Online[0] = ''; $result = pwg_query('SELECT * FROM ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . $order . ';'); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $row['delay'] = (int) time() - $row['last_access']; $row['elm_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_elm_ids']); $row['cat_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_cat_ids']); $row['tag_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_tag_ids']); $row['sch_ids'] = explode(' ', $row['last_sch_ids']); $row['dates'] = explode(' ', $row['last_dates']); $ctr++; if ( $row['IP'] != 'global' and $row['permanent'] == 'false' and $row['delay'] > (float)( 60 * 60 * 24 * 3 )) $remove .= ", '" . $row['session_id'] . "'"; elseif ($row['IP'] == 'global') $Online[0] = $row; else $Online[] = $row; } // Out of 7 visits: Reduce registered visits for 3 days without access if ($remove != "''" and $ctr > (count($Online) * ONLINE_LEVEL) and ($ctr-count($Online)) > ONLINE_LIMIT and ($Online[0]['pag_hits']%7)==0) { pwg_query('DELETE FROM ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' WHERE `session_id` IN ('. $remove .') AND `permanent` = \'false\' AND `IP` <> \'global\';'); if (($Online[0]['pag_hits']%13)==0) @pwg_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ';'); } return $Online; } // Update global and update/create current session_id function whois_online_update(&$global, &$dedicated, &$gtrace) { global $lang_info; // Rewrite the global record if ( $gtrace == 2 ) { $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' (`IP`, `hidden_IP`, `session_id`,`user_id`,`username`,`lang`, `permanent`,`last_access`,`last_elm_ids`, `last_cat_ids`, `last_tag_ids`, `last_sch_ids`, `first_access_date`, `last_dates`, `elm_hits`, `pag_hits`) VALUES (\'global\', \'true\',\'global\', 0, \''. $global['username'] .'\', \'--\', \'true\', \'' . time() .'\', \'' . implode(' ',$global['elm_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$global['cat_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$global['tag_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$global['sch_ids']) . '\', \'' . $global['first_access_date'] . '\', \'\', \'' . $global['elm_hits'] . '\', \'' . $global['pag_hits'] . '\');'; pwg_query($query); } // Write or Rewrite the dedicated record $query = 'REPLACE INTO ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' (`IP`, `hidden_IP`, `session_id`,`user_id`,`username`,`lang`, `user_agent`, `any_previous`, `same_previous`, `permanent`,`last_access`,`last_elm_ids`, `last_cat_ids`, `last_tag_ids`, `last_sch_ids`, `first_access_date`, `last_dates`, `elm_hits`, `pag_hits`) VALUES (\''. $dedicated['IP'] .'\', \'' . $dedicated['hidden_IP'] .'\', \''. $dedicated['session_id'] .'\', \'' . $dedicated['user_id'] .'\', \''. $dedicated['username'] .'\', \'' . substr($lang_info['code'],0,2) .'\', \'' . $dedicated['user_agent'] .'\', \'' . $dedicated['any_previous'] .'\', \'' . $dedicated['same_previous'] .'\', \'' . $dedicated['permanent'] . '\', \''. time() .'\', \'' . implode(' ',$dedicated['elm_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$dedicated['cat_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$dedicated['tag_ids']) . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$dedicated['sch_ids']) . '\', \'' . $dedicated['first_access_date'] . '\', \'' . implode(' ',$dedicated['dates']) . '\', \'' . $dedicated['elm_hits'] . '\', \'' . $dedicated['pag_hits'] . '\');'; pwg_query($query); } // Data tracking // Parameters: // - Array of Ids // - New ID // - Array of dates // => Add the ID if needed, Add Today if needed function whois_online_track(&$key, $id, &$date) { if ($id != '') array_unshift($key, $id); $key = array_unique($key); if (count($key)>10) array_pop($key); array_unshift($date, date('Y-m-d')); $date = array_unique($date); if (count($date)>5) array_pop($date); return; } // Antiaspi delay conversion in seconds // delay in "HH:ii:ss" or "d :HH:ii:ss" // return delay in seconds function whois_online_duration($date_string) { list($s, $i, $H, $d, $more) = array_merge(array_reverse( explode(" ",str_ireplace(':',' ', $date_string))), array(0,0,0,0,0)); $t = time(); return strtotime(sprintf("+%s days %s hours %s minutes %s seconds", $d, $H, $i, $s), $t) - $t; } /* Main process: Analyze, set new values and prepare displayed values. Update on parameter... */ function whois_online_management() { global $user, $conf, $conf_whois, $template, $page, $lang, $lang_info; load_language('plugin.lang', WHOIS_ONLINE_PATH); srand((float)time()); pwg_debug('*********** start Online_management ***********'); if (!isset($conf_whois['Active'])) $conf_whois = whois_online_conf(); $online = whois_online_get_data(); $global = $online[0]; unset($online[0]); $sid = session_id(); // Step 1 - Find the User and/or IP/session_id foreach ($online as $key => $record) { // 1st case: Same IP and same member (Proxy guests are viewed as one) if ($record['IP'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] and $record['username'] == $user['username'] ) { $visit = $record; $v = $key; break; } // 2nd case: Same session and user (No doubt) if ($record['session_id'] == $sid and $record['username'] == $user['username'] ) { $visit = $record; // Maybe a guest if (!is_a_guest()) $visit['hidden_IP'] = 'true'; // Maybe Proxy or hidden IP //$visit['IP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $v = $key; break; } // 3rd and last case: Same user_id if ($record['user_id'] == $user['id'] and !is_a_guest()) { // new IP and new session $visit = $record; $visit['hidden_IP'] = 'true'; /* Or Generic user or the user is using several connections */ //$visit['IP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $v = $key; break; } } // Step 2 - Assume a new comer if ( !isset($visit) ) { $visit = Array( 'IP' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // First known IP (Is that one true?) 'hidden_IP' => 'false', // supposed a fixed IP 'session_id' => $sid, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'username' => $user['username'], 'delay' => 0, 'lang' => substr($lang_info['code'],0,2), 'permanent' => 'false', // False: delete after 72 Hours / True: delete after 90 days 'last_access' => time(), // Last access by this user 'elm_ids' => array_fill(0, 10, 0), // 10 last minutes + Last reference minute 'cat_ids' => array_fill(0, 12, 0), // 12 ranges (of 5 minutes) + ref 'tag_ids' => array_fill(0, 24, 0), // 24 hours + ref 'sch_ids' => array_fill(0, 14, 0), // 14 days + ref 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), // Futur usage 'elm_hits' => 0, 'pag_hits' => 0, // elements hits and pages hits by this user 'first_access_date' => date('Y-m-d'), // First access by this user 'dates' => Array(), // 5 last access dates ); $online[] = $visit; $v = count($online); } // Step 3 - Monitor this access $base = script_basename(); // Picture page if (isset($page['image_id']) and $base == 'picture') { whois_online_track($visit['elm_ids'], $page['image_id'],$visit['dates']); if (isset($page['tags'])) whois_online_track($visit['tag_ids'], $page['image_id'],$visit['dates']); if (isset($page['search'])) whois_online_track($visit['sch_ids'], $page['image_id'],$visit['dates']); $visit['elm_hits']++; $global['elm_hits']++; } // Category page if (isset($page['category']['id']) and $base == 'index') whois_online_track($visit['cat_ids'], $page['category']['id'],$visit['dates']); // Page index if (!isset($page['category']['id']) and !isset($page['image_id'])) whois_online_track($visit['cat_ids'], '' ,$visit['dates']); $visit['pag_hits']++; $global['pag_hits']++; // Step 4 - Identify current range $current = floor(time() / 60); // minutes for Unix time origin $minute = $current % 10; // (0-9) current minute $five = floor($current / 5); // (0-11) last 5 minutes range $hour = floor($current / 60); // (0-11) last hours $day = floor($current / 1440); // (0-13) last days if (isset($global['elm_ids'][10])) $old = $global['elm_ids'][10]; // previous minute (last one, or maybe 60 minutes ago or more). else $old = $current; /* Only the first time or prevent wrong changes */ // Step 5 - Hits by range if ($current != $old) { $global['elm_ids'][11] = $global['elm_ids'][$minute]; $raz = min($current-$old, 10); // 5.1 - $global['elm_ids'] ( hits by minute range ) for ($i=0;$i<$raz;$i++) { $global['elm_ids'][($minute+10-$i)%10] = 0; } // 5.2 - $global['cat_ids'] ( hits by 5 minutes range ) if (isset($global['cat_ids'][12])) $oldfive = $global['cat_ids'][12]; else $oldfive = floor($old / 5); $raz = min($five - $oldfive, 12); for ($i=0;$i<$raz;$i++) { $global['cat_ids'][($five+12-$i)%12] = 0; // Reset in backside } // 5.3 - $global['tag_ids'] (hits by hours ) if (count($global['tag_ids'])<25) $global['tag_ids'] = array_fill(0, 24, 0); if (isset($global['tag_ids'][24])) $oldhour = $global['tag_ids'][24]; else $oldhour = floor($old / 60); $raz = min($hour - $oldhour, 24); for ($i=0;$i<$raz;$i++) { $global['tag_ids'][($hour+24-$i)%24] = 0; // Reset in backside } // 5.4 - $global['sch_ids'] ( hits by days ) if (isset($global['sch_ids'][14])) $oldday = $global['sch_ids'][14]; else $oldday = floor($old / 1440); $raz = min($day - $oldday, 14); for ($i=0;$i<$raz;$i++) { $global['sch_ids'][($day+14-$i)%14] = 0; // Reset in backside } } $global['elm_ids'][$minute]++; $global['cat_ids'][$five%12]++; $global['tag_ids'][$hour%12]++; $global['sch_ids'][$day%14]++; // !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! $global['elm_ids'][10] = $current; // reference minute has changed $global['cat_ids'][12] = $five; $global['tag_ids'][24] = $hour; $global['sch_ids'][14] = $day; // !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! // 5.5 - Add in previous if (!isset($global['any_previous'])) { pwg_query('ALTER TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' ADD `same_previous` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\' AFTER `country`;'); pwg_query('ALTER TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' ADD `any_previous` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\' AFTER `country`;'); pwg_query('ALTER TABLE ' . WHOIS_ONLINE_TABLE . ' ADD `user_agent` VARCHAR( 160 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\' AFTER `country`;'); } $antiaspi = array( 'diff' => '20 pages in 00:00:10' , // Banned for 20 access in 10 seconds or less 'same' => '15 pages in 00:00:30' , // Banned for 15 access on the same page in 30 seconds or less 'banned during' => '23:59:59' , // Banned time hh:mm:ss or any valid MySQL datetime expression 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' 'only guest' => true , // True, registred members won't be banned 'only picture' => false , // True, Check only on picture pages 'allowed ip' => array() // Allowed IP array (Bots, or your fixed IP) ); if (isset($conf['antiaspi'])) $antiaspi = array_merge($antiaspi, $conf['antiaspi']); // For AntiAspi follow ANY PREVIOUS access $access = '0:'; list($max_any, $maxtext) = explode(' pages in ', $antiaspi['diff']); $maxtime = whois_online_duration($maxtext); $prev=''; $previous = (isset($visit['any_previous'])) ? explode(' ', $visit['any_previous']):Array(); foreach ($previous as $v) { $old = explode(':', $v); $old[0] += $visit['delay']; if ($old[0]<$maxtime) $prev .= $old[0].': '; } $prev = $access . ' ' . $prev; $prev = substr($prev, 0, -2); $visit['any_previous'] = $prev; // For AntiAspi follow ANY SAME PICTURE access $access = '0:'; $same_elem = (isset($page['image_id'])) ? $page['image_id']:'0'; list($max_same, $maxtext) = explode(' pages in ', $antiaspi['same']); $maxtime = whois_online_duration($maxtext); $access .= $same_elem . ':'; $prev=''; $previous = (isset($visit['same_previous'])) ? explode(' ', $visit['same_previous']):Array(); foreach ($previous as $v) { $old = explode(':', $v); $old[0] += $visit['delay']; if ($old[0]<$maxtime and $old[1]==$same_elem) $prev .= $old[0].':'.$old[1].': '; } $prev = $access . ' ' . $prev; $prev = substr($prev, 0, -2); $visit['same_previous'] = $prev; // Check limits of $visit['any_previous'] and $visit['same_previous'] // by 256 characters // by $max_any and by $max_same while (strlen($visit['any_previous'])>256) { $previous = explode(' ',$visit['any_previous']); $oldest = array_pop($previous); $visit['any_previous'] = implode(' ', $previous); } $ctr_any = count(explode(' ',$visit['any_previous'])); while (strlen($visit['same_previous'])>256) { $previous = explode(' ',$visit['same_previous']); $oldest = array_pop($previous); $visit['same_previous'] = implode(' ', $previous); } $ctr_same = count(explode(' ',$visit['same_previous'])); $visit['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $Vip =& $visit['IP']; $visit['Allowed_SE'] = false; if (!empty($antiaspi['allowed ip'])) { $allowed_ips = str_replace(array('.', '%'), array('\.', '.*?'), $antiaspi['allowed ip']); foreach ($allowed_ips as $ip) { if (preg_match("#" . $ip . "#", $Vip)) { $visit['Allowed_SE'] = true; break; } } } // Step 6 - Update (on Conf_Update and trace) and send trace to determine global tracing or not $dtrace = 0; if ($user['status'] == 'admin') $dtrace += $conf_whois['Administrators']; elseif ($user['status'] == 'webmaster') $dtrace += $conf_whois['Webmasters']; else $dtrace = 2; if ($conf['Whois Online Update'] and $dtrace > 0) whois_online_update($global, $visit, $dtrace); // Step 7 - Find your recent visits (These image_ids are presumely authorized) $my_ids = $visit['elm_ids']; sort($my_ids); unset($my_ids[0]); $url_visited = (count($my_ids)>0) ? make_index_url(array('list' => $my_ids)).'&review':''; // Step 8 - Guest count and Member list $h24 = 0; $h1 = 0; $guest = 0; $list = array(); $elm = array(); $excl = array(); // Get images_ids from all and from the current visitor foreach ($online as $k => $monit) { if ($user['id']==$monit['user_id']) $excl = $monit['elm_ids']; else $elm = array_merge($elm, $monit['elm_ids']); if ($monit['delay'] <= (24*3600)) $h24++; if ($monit['delay'] <= 3600) $h1++; // Less than 5 minutes: users are considered as still online... if ($monit['delay'] <= 300) { if ($monit['user_id'] == $conf['guest_id']) $guest++; else $list[] = $monit['username']; } } // The first (and current) access are not recorded in $online // As visitor you are not expecting your access to be already counted: Ok that the case // but you are expecting to see you as a member in the member list if you are: and there it is if ($visit['user_id'] != $conf['guest_id'] ) $list[] = $visit['username']; $list = array_unique($list); if (count($list) > $conf_whois['Users']['max']) { $conf_whois['Users']['max'] = count($list); $conf_whois['Users']['When'] = time(); $conf['Whois Online'] = serialize($conf_whois); pwg_query('REPLACE INTO ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " (param,value,comment) VALUES ('Whois Online','". $conf['Whois Online'] ."','Whois Online configuration');"); } // Step 9 - Review pictures viewed by others (all images except yours) $elm = array_diff( array_unique($elm), $excl ); shuffle($elm); $elm = array_slice($elm,0,($conf['top_number']+50)); sort($elm); array_shift($elm); $elm[] = 0; // Check if authorized pictures $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT(image_id) FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON id = image_id WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $elm ).') '.get_sql_condition_FandF( array( 'forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_images' => 'id' ), "\n AND") . ';'; $ids = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); shuffle($ids); $ids = array_slice($ids, 0, $conf['top_number']); // Keep some $url_someothers = (isset($ids[0])) ? make_index_url(array('list' => $ids)).'&others':''; // Random page title change $url_type = pwg_get_session_var('whois_url_type', ''); /* previous review or others */ $list_ids = pwg_get_session_var('whois_list_ids', ''); /* previous list/xx,yy,zz, ... */ $list_section = (isset($page['section']) and $page['section'] == 'list') ? true:false; $same_ids = (isset($page['list']) and $page['list'] == $list_ids) ? true:false; if ($list_section and isset($_GET['review'])) { $url_type = 'Whois_review'; $same_ids = true; } if ($list_section and isset($_GET['others'])) { $url_type = 'Whois_others'; $same_ids = true; } if ($list_section and $same_ids and isset($page['list'])) $list_ids = $page['list']; else $url_type = ''; // Not the same list pwg_set_session_var('whois_list_ids', $list_ids); pwg_set_session_var('whois_url_type', $url_type); if ($url_type != '' and $list_section) $page['title'] = '' .l10n($url_type).''; // Step 10 - Prepare data to display $yesterday = ($day+13) % 14; $template->assign('Whois', array( 'Total' => $global['pag_hits'], 'Image' => $global['elm_hits'], 'Other' => ($global['pag_hits']-$global['elm_hits']), 'Current_minute' => $global['elm_ids'][$minute], 'Previous_minute' => $global['elm_ids'][($minute+9) % 10], 'Current_5mins' => $global['elm_ids'][$minute] + $global['elm_ids'][($minute+9) % 10] + $global['elm_ids'][($minute+8) % 10] + $global['elm_ids'][($minute+7) % 10] + $global['elm_ids'][($minute+6) % 10], 'Current_10mins' => array_sum(array_slice($global['elm_ids'],0,10)), 'Current_hour' => array_sum(array_slice($global['cat_ids'],0,12)), 'Current_24h' => array_sum(array_slice($global['tag_ids'],0,24)), 'Yesterday' => $global['sch_ids'][$yesterday], 'Users_Last_day' => $h24, 'Users_Last_hour' => $h1, 'Guests' => $guest, 'Online' => $list, 'Review_url' => $url_someothers, 'Their_ids' => $ids, 'Seen_url' => $url_visited, 'My_ids' => $my_ids, 'Slideshow' => isset($_GET['slideshow']) ? true:false, )); $template->assign('Online', $global ); pwg_debug('end Online_management'); } ?>