XPath conversion for adjacent sibling selectors and id/class combinations... Thanks Bob V.! 2011-06-08 Fixed an error where CSS @media types weren't being parsed correctly... Thanks Will W.! 2011-08-03 Fixed an error where an empty selector at the beginning of the CSS would cause a parse error on the next selector... Thanks Alexei T.! 2011-10-13 Fully fixed a bug introduced in 2011-06-08 where selectors at the beginning of the CSS would be parsed incorrectly... Thanks Thomas A.! 2011-10-26 Added an option to allow you to output emogrified code without extended characters being turned into HTML entities. Moved static references to class attributes so they can be manipulated. Added the ability to clear out the (formerly) static cache when CSS is reloaded. 2011-12-22 Fixed a bug that was overwriting existing inline styles from the original HTML... Thanks Sagi L.! 2012-01-31 Fixed a bug that was introduced with the 2011-12-22 revision... Thanks Sagi L. and M. BÄ…kowski! Added extraction of