#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $replacement_file = $ARGV[0]; my $language_dir = $ARGV[1]; # load the replacements my %replace_by = (); open(my $ifh_rep, '<'.$replacement_file); while (<$ifh_rep>) { if (m/^\$lang\['(.*)'\] \s* = \s* (['"])(.*)\2;/x) { if ($1 ne $3 and length($1) > 0) { $replace_by{$1} = $3; } } } # use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(\%replace_by); exit(); my $append_to_common = ''; foreach my $file_code (qw/upgrade install admin common plugin/) { my $filename = $language_dir.'/'.$file_code.'.lang.php'; # print $filename; if (not -f $filename) { # print ' is missing', "\n"; next; } print $filename.' is under process', "\n"; my $file_content = ''; open(my $ifh, '<'.$filename); while (my $line = <$ifh>) { if ($line =~ m/^\$lang\['(.*)'\] \s* =/x) { if (defined $replace_by{$1}) { my $search = quotemeta($1); my $replace = $replace_by{$1}; $line =~ s{$search}{$replace}; $file_content.= $line; } else { $file_content.= $line; } } elsif ($line =~ m/^?>/) { $file_content.= $line; } else { $file_content.= $line; } } close($ifh); open(my $ofh, '>'.$filename); print {$ofh} $file_content; close($ofh); }