setHandler($requestFormat, $handler); } if (!is_null($responseFormat)) { $encoder = null; switch ($responseFormat) { case 'rest': include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/ws_protocols/rest_encoder.php'); $encoder = new PwgRestEncoder(); break; case 'php': include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/ws_protocols/php_encoder.php'); $encoder = new PwgSerialPhpEncoder(); break; case 'json': include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/ws_protocols/json_encoder.php'); $encoder = new PwgJsonEncoder(); break; case 'xmlrpc': include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/ws_protocols/xmlrpc_encoder.php'); $encoder = new PwgXmlRpcEncoder(); break; } $service->setEncoder($responseFormat, $encoder); } set_make_full_url(); $service->run(); /** * event handler that registers standard methods with the web service */ function ws_addDefaultMethods( $arr ) { global $conf, $user; $service = &$arr[0]; include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/'); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.getVersion', 'ws_getVersion', null, 'retrieves the PWG version' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.getInfos', 'ws_getInfos', null, 'retrieves general informations' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.caddie.add', 'ws_caddie_add', array( 'image_id'=> array('flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), ), 'adds the elements to the caddie' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.getImages', 'ws_categories_getImages', array( 'cat_id' => array('default'=>0, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'recursive' => array('default'=>false ), 'per_page' => array('default'=>100, 'maxValue'=>$conf['ws_max_images_per_page']), 'page' => array('default'=>0), 'order' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_level' => array('default'=>null), ), 'Returns elements for the corresponding categories.
cat_id can be empty if recursive is true. Can be sent as an array.
order comma separated fields for sorting (file,id, rating_score,...)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.getList', 'ws_categories_getList', array( 'cat_id' => array('default'=>0), 'recursive' => array('default'=>false), 'public' => array('default'=>false), 'tree_output' => array('default'=>false), 'fullname' => array('default'=>false), ), 'retrieves a list of categories (tree_output option only compatible with json/php output format' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.getMissingDerivatives', 'ws_getMissingDerivatives', array( 'types' => array('default'=>array(), 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'ids' => array('default'=>array(), 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'max_urls' => array('default'=>200), 'prev_page' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_level' => array('default'=>null), ), 'retrieves a list of derivatives to build' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.addComment', 'ws_images_addComment', array( 'image_id' => array(), 'author' => array('default'=>is_a_guest()?'guest':$user['username']), 'content' => array(), 'key' => array(), ), 'add a comment to an image' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.getInfo', 'ws_images_getInfo', array( 'image_id' => array(), 'comments_page' => array('default'=>0 ), 'comments_per_page' => array('default' => $conf['nb_comment_page'], 'maxValue' => 2*$conf['nb_comment_page']), ), 'retrieves information about the given photo' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.rate', 'ws_images_rate', array('image_id', 'rate'), 'rate the image' ); $service->addMethod( '', 'ws_images_search', array( 'query' => array(), 'per_page' => array('default'=>100, 'maxValue'=>$conf['ws_max_images_per_page']), 'page' => array('default'=>0), 'order' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_level' => array('default'=>null), ), 'Returns elements for the corresponding query search.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.setPrivacyLevel', 'ws_images_setPrivacyLevel', array( 'image_id' => array('flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'level' => array('maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']), ), 'sets the privacy levels for the images (POST method only)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.setRank', 'ws_images_setRank', array('image_id', 'category_id', 'rank'), 'sets the rank of a photo for a given album (POST method only, for admins)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.rates.delete', 'ws_rates_delete', array( 'user_id' => array(), 'anonymous_id' => array('default'=>null), ), 'deletes all rates for a user (POST method only, admins only)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.session.getStatus', 'ws_session_getStatus', null, null ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.session.login', 'ws_session_login', array('username', 'password'), 'POST method only' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.session.logout', 'ws_session_logout', null, null ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.tags.getList', 'ws_tags_getList', array( 'sort_by_counter' => array('default' =>false), ), 'retrieves a list of available tags' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.tags.getImages', 'ws_tags_getImages', array( 'tag_id' => array('default'=>null, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'tag_url_name' => array('default'=>null, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'tag_name' => array('default'=>null, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_FORCE_ARRAY), 'tag_mode_and' => array('default'=>false), 'per_page' => array('default'=>100, 'maxValue'=>$conf['ws_max_images_per_page']), 'page' => array('default'=>0), 'order' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_rate' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_hit' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_available' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_date_created' => array('default'=>null), 'f_min_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_ratio' => array('default'=>null), 'f_max_level' => array('default'=>null), ), 'Returns elements for the corresponding tags. Note that tag_id, tag_url_name, tag_name an be arrays. Fill at least one of them. ' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.addChunk', 'ws_images_add_chunk', array('data', 'original_sum', 'type', 'position'), 'POST method only. For admin only.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.addFile', 'ws_images_addFile', array('image_id', 'type', 'sum'), 'Add or update a file for an existing photo. pwg.images.addChunk must have been called before (maybe several times)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.add', 'ws_images_add', array( 'file_sum' => array(), 'thumbnail_sum' => array('default'=>null), 'high_sum' => array('default'=>null), 'original_sum' => array(), 'original_filename' => array('default'=>null), 'name' => array('default'=>null), 'author' => array('default'=>null), 'date_creation' => array('default'=>null), 'comment' => array('default'=>null), 'categories' => array('default'=>null), 'tag_ids' => array('default'=>null), 'level' => array('default'=>0, 'maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']), 'check_uniqueness' => array('default'=>true), 'image_id' => array('default'=>null), ), 'POST method only.
categories is a string list "category_id[,rank];category_id[,rank]" The rank is optional and is equivalent to "auto" if not given.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.addSimple', 'ws_images_addSimple', array( 'category' => array('default'=>null), 'name' => array('default'=>null), 'author' => array('default'=>null), 'comment' => array('default'=>null), 'level' => array('default'=>0, 'maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']), 'tags' => array('default'=>null, 'flags'=>WS_PARAM_ACCEPT_ARRAY), 'image_id' => array('default'=>null), ), 'POST method only.
Use the image field for uploading file.
Set the form encoding to "form-data"
category is the numeric identifier of the destination category.
You can update an existing photo if you define an existing image_id.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.delete', 'ws_images_delete', array( 'image_id' => array('default'=>0), 'pwg_token' => array(), ), 'Delete photos. You can give several image_ids, comma separated' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.getAdminList', 'ws_categories_getAdminList', null, 'administration method only' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.add', 'ws_categories_add', array( 'name' => array(), 'parent' => array('default'=>null), 'comment' => array('default'=>null), 'visible' => array('default'=>null), 'status' => array('default'=>null), 'commentable' => array('default'=>'true'), ), 'administration method only' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.delete', 'ws_categories_delete', array( 'category_id'=> array('default'=>0), 'pwg_token' => array(), 'photo_deletion_mode' => array('default'=>'delete_orphans'), ), 'Delete categories. You can give several category_ids, comma separated.
photo_deletion_mode can be "no_delete" (may create orphan photos), "delete_orphans" (default mode, only deletes photos linked to no other album) or "force_delete" (delete all photos, even those linked to other albums)' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.move', 'ws_categories_move', array( 'category_id' => array('default'=>0), 'parent' => array('default'=>0), 'pwg_token' => array(), ), 'Move categories. You can give several category_ids, comma separated. Set parent as 0 to move to gallery root. Only virtual categories can be moved.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.setRepresentative', 'ws_categories_setRepresentative', array( 'category_id' => array('default'=>0), 'image_id' => array('default'=>0), ), 'Set the representative photo for an album. The photo doesn\'t have to belong to the album. POST method only. Administration method only.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.tags.getAdminList', 'ws_tags_getAdminList', null, 'administration method only' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.tags.add', 'ws_tags_add', array('name'), 'administration method only' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.exist', 'ws_images_exist', array( 'md5sum_list' => array('default'=>null), 'filename_list' => array('default'=>null), ), 'check existence of a photo list' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.checkFiles', 'ws_images_checkFiles', array( 'image_id' => array(), 'thumbnail_sum' => array('default'=>null), 'file_sum' => array('default'=>null), 'high_sum' => array('default'=>null), ), 'check if you have updated version of your files for a given photo, for each requested file type, the answer can be "missing", "equals" or "differs"' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.checkUpload', 'ws_images_checkUpload', null, 'check if Piwigo is ready for upload' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.images.setInfo', 'ws_images_setInfo', array( 'image_id' => array(), 'file' => array('default'=>null), 'name' => array('default'=>null), 'author' => array('default'=>null), 'date_creation' => array('default'=>null), 'comment' => array('default'=>null), 'categories' => array('default'=>null), 'tag_ids' => array('default'=>null), 'level' => array('default'=>null, 'maxValue'=>$conf['available_permission_levels']), 'single_value_mode' => array('default'=>'fill_if_empty'), 'multiple_value_mode' => array('default'=>'append'), ), 'POST method only. Admin only
categories is a string list "category_id[,rank];category_id[,rank]" The rank is optional and is equivalent to "auto" if not given.
single_value_mode can be "fill_if_empty" (only use the input value if the corresponding values is currently empty) or "replace" (overwrite any existing value) and applies to single values properties like name/author/date_creation/comment
multiple_value_mode can be "append" (no change on existing values, add the new values) or "replace" and applies to multiple values properties like tag_ids/categories' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.categories.setInfo', 'ws_categories_setInfo', array( 'category_id' => array(), 'name' => array('default'=>null), 'comment' => array('default'=>null), ), 'POST method only.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.plugins.getList', 'ws_plugins_getList', null, 'Admin only
get the list of plugin with id, name, version, state and description' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.plugins.performAction', 'ws_plugins_performAction', array('action', 'plugin', 'pwg_token'), 'Admin only
install/activate/deactivate/uninstall/delete a plugin' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.themes.performAction', 'ws_themes_performAction', array('action', 'theme', 'pwg_token'), 'activate/deactivate/delete/set_default a theme
administration status required' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.extensions.update', 'ws_extensions_update', array('type', 'id', 'revision', 'pwg_token'), 'Update an extension. Webmaster only.
Parameter type must be "plugins", "languages" or "themes".' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.extensions.ignoreUpdate', 'ws_extensions_ignoreupdate', array( 'type' => array('default'=>null), 'id' => array('default'=>null), 'reset' => array('default'=>null), 'pwg_token' => array(), ), 'Ignore an extension if it need update.
Parameter type must be "plugins", "languages" or "themes".
If reset parameter is true, all ignored extensions will be reinitilized.' ); $service->addMethod( 'pwg.extensions.checkUpdates', 'ws_extensions_checkupdates', null, 'Check if piwigo or extensions are up to date.' ); } ?>