Feb 12, 2006, 10:52:16 PM (18 years ago)

improvement: $pagewhere string replaced by $pageitems.
$pagewhere was an SQL clause used to retrieve pictures in #images
table. $pageitems is the list of picture ids of the current section.

improvement: function initialize_category replaced by dedicated included PHP
script include/section_init.inc.php. Code was refactored to improve
readibility and maintenability. $pagenavigation_bar is now build in
category.php instead of initialize_category function. Function check_cat_id
was also replaced by a piece of code in the new file. The file to include to
display thumbnails from category.php is now set in section_init.inc.php
instead of calculated in category.php.

bug fix: the test for rel="up" link for standard HTML navigation links in
category menu was not working with non numeric categories, such as

improvement: function check_login_authorization removed because useless but
in profile.php.

1 added

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