May 23, 2011, 7:05:01 PM (13 years ago)

Remove all options related to comments because they are processed in new "Comments Access Manager" plugin.
New version 2.20.8 hard coded for publication.

2 edited


  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/help/plugin.lang.php

    r10957 r11018  
    4747$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Tracking registered users';
    4848$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'This activates a table in the "Tracking users" tab which are registered users listed on the gallery and the date of their last visit and time spent (in days) since their last visit. Monitoring is purely informative for the administrator of the gallery.';
    49 $lang['UAM_commentTitle'] = 'Nickname mandatory for guests comments';
    50 $lang['UAM_commentTitle_d'] = 'If "Comments for All" is active (authority to unregistered visitors to post comments), this option allows to force the non-registered visitor to enter a nickname that the comment is accepted.';
    5149$lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Tips and Examples';
    5250$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Tips and various examples of use';
    285283$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    286284// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    289 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.7
    290 $lang['UAM_GroupCommTitle'] = 'Allow comments to a group of users';
    291 $lang['UAM_GroupCommTitle_d'] = 'This option lets you specify a group of users who will allowed to post comments when the gallery is configured to not allow comments for all.
    292 <br><br>
    293 By default, when &quot;comments for all&quot; option is disabled, only registered users can post comments. With this option, you can restrict this behavior by specifying a user group. Thus, only registered users and members of this group may post comments.';
    294 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.7
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r10957 r11018  
    2727$lang['UAM_Err_audit_email_forbidden'] = '<b>This account uses a forbidden email provider :</b> ';
    2828$lang['UAM_Err_audit_advise'] = '<b>you have to perform corrections to comply with new rules that you have activated.<br>Use a database management utility to correct user accounts directly in the table ###_USERS';
    29 $lang['UAM_Empty Author'] = 'The author field have to be filled to send a comment.';
    3029$lang['UAM_reg_err_login2'] = 'Username does not have to match the following characters: ';
    3130$lang['UAM_reg_err_login5'] = 'Your email provider is banned for registration. Banned email providers are: ';
    143142$lang['UAM_GhostTracker_ReminderText'] = 'Customizing Ghost Tracker\'s reminder message';
    144143$lang['UAM_LastVisit'] = ' Tracking registered users';
    145 $lang['UAM_No_Comment_Anonymous'] = 'Nickname mandatory for guests comments';
    147145$lang['UAM_Tab_UserManager'] = 'Tracking validations';
    332330$lang['UAM_HidePassw'] = 'Password in clear text in the information email';
    333331// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    336 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.7
    337 $lang['UAM_Group_Comments'] = 'Allow comments to a group of users';
    338 $lang['UAM_AllowedComm_Group'] = 'Select the group of users allowed to post comments:';
    339 $lang['UAM_Not_Allowed_Author'] = 'Sorry, you are not authorized to post a comment. Please contact the site administrator.';
    340 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.7
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