Nov 28, 2011, 9:06:21 PM (12 years ago)

Language files simplified
Version 2.30.2 hard coded

14 edited


  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/de_DE/help.lang.php

    r12205 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Einschränkungen für Registrierungen';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Bestätigungen und Validierungen der Registrierung';
    64$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    75- Informationen E-Mail generation<br>
    14 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Registrierung gefolgt und andere Optionen';
    15 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Benutzernamen: Ausschluss von Zeichen';
    1612$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'Es mag interessant sein, bestimmte Zeichen in Benutzernamen verbieten (Beispiel: verweigern Logins mit &quot;@&quot;). Diese Option erm&ouml;glicht es, Zeichen oder Zeichenfolge, Veranstaltungen auszuschlie&szlig;en.<br>
    1713NB: Die Option kann auch ausschließen, ganze Wörter.
    1915<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warnung: Diese Option hat keine Auswirkungen auf den Benutzernamen erstellt vor ihrer Aktivierung.</b>';
    20 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Stärkung des Sicherheitsniveaus von Kennwörtern';
    2116$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'Durch die Aktivierung dieser Option ist zwingend die Beschlagnahme eines Passwortes bei der Anmeldung und das Kennwort erfordert vom Besucher ausgewählt, um ein Mindestmaß an Komplexität gerecht zu werden. Wird der Schwellenwert nicht erreicht wird, die Gäste erzielt, und die Mindestpunktzahl erreicht werden soll angezeigt werden, zusammen mit Empfehlungen an den Wert dieser Gäste zu steigern.<br><br>
    2217Es gibt Feldtest der Komplexität eines Passworts zu messen und sich leisten können, eine Vorstellung von der Partitur zu erhalten, um komplexe, kundenspezifische definieren.<br><br>
    2419$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Prüfung der Komplexität eines Passworts';
    2520$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Geben Sie das Kennwort zu testen, und klicken Sie auf &quot;Ergebnis Berechnung&quot;, um das Ergebnis zu sehen.';
    26 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Die Anwendung für Administratoren';
    2721$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'Ein Administrator kann einen Benutzer-Account erstellen, mit oder ohne Anwendung der Regel der Komplexität des Computings.<br><br>
    2822Hinweis: Wenn der Benutzer erstellte Konto will Passwort zu ändern und Passwörter für die Benutzer Stärkung aktiv ist, wird es vorbehaltlich der Regel-Satz.';
    29 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'Ausschluss von Mail-Domänen';
    30 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Informationen E-Mail an Benutzer';
    3123$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'Diese Option ermöglicht die Automatisierung Senden einer E-Mail-Informationen an einen Benutzer bei der Anmeldung oder bei Änderungen sein Passwort oder E-Mail-Adresse in ihrem Profil.<br><br>
    3224Der Inhalt der Nachricht gesendet wird von einem anpassbaren Teil komponiert, um eine kleine Begrüßung und Einführung fester Bestandteil in denen die Login, Passwort und E-Mail-Adresse des Benutzers.';
    33 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Anpassen der Informationen per E-Mail';
    34 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Anpassen der E-Mail-Bestätigung';
    3525$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle'] = 'Validation Gruppen';
    3626$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNUNG: Validierung Gruppen setzt voraus, dass Sie mindestens einen Benutzer Gruppe angelegt haben und definiert ist &quot;by default&quot; im User-Gruppen Piwigo-Management.</b><br><br>
    3929$lang['UAM_confirmstatTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNUNG: Die Verwendung des Status Validierung erfordert, dass Sie die &quot;Gast&quot;-Nutzer mit Standard-Einstellung (als User Template) f&uuml;r neu registrierte gehalten haben. Hinweis: Sie k&ouml;nnen einem anderen Benutzer als neue Vorlage f&uuml;r registrierte gesetzt. Bitte beachten Sie die Dokumentation des Piwigo f&uuml;r weitere Details.</b><br><br>
    4030Die Satzung sind validiert f&uuml;r den Einsatz in Verbindung mit der &quot;Best&auml;tigung der Anmeldung&quot;';
    41 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Anmeldeschluss Validierung beschränkt';
    42 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Erinnern Unvalidierte User';
    4331$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Reminder per E-Mail mit den neuen Schlüssel generiert';
    4432$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Reminder per E-Mail, ohne dass neue Schlüssel generiert';
    45 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Geist Besucher-Management';
    46 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Geist Tracker Erinnerungs-Nachricht';
    47 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Tracking registrierte Benutzer';
    4833$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'Dies aktiviert einen Tisch in der &quot;Tracking users&quot;-Reiter, die Mitglieder der Galerie aufgef&uuml;hrt sind und zum Zeitpunkt ihres letzten Besuch und verbrachte Zeit (Tage) seit ihrem letzten Besuch. Die &Uuml;berwachung ist rein informativ f&uuml;r den Administrator der Galerie.';
    49 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Tipps und Beispiele';
    5034$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Tipps und verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele';
    51 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Tracking Benutzer';
    52 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Tracking Validierungen';
    53 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Geist Besucher-Management';
    5637// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    57 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Best&auml;tigung der Anmeldung f&uuml;r Administratoren';
    5838$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'Sie k&ouml;nnen diese Validierung deaktivieren nur f&uuml;r Benutzer-Accounts durch den Administrator &uuml;ber Piwigo\'s Benutzer-Management-Schnittstelle geschaffen.<br><br>
    5939Bei Aktivierung dieser Option, E-Mail-Best&auml;tigung f&uuml;r die Registrierung wird f&uuml;r jeden Benutzer vom Administrator erstellt wurde gesendet werden.<br><br>
    10989<b>Die Sortierung der Tabelle Function</b> : Sie können die Daten mit einem Klick auf die Spaltenüberschriften angezeigt. Halten Sie SHIFT-Taste, um Art bis zu 4 gleichzeitige maximale Spalten.';
    110 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Die Bestätigung der Anmeldung';
    11190/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    11291In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    11897Diese Option ist in der Regel mit der automatischen Zuordnung der Gruppe und / oder Satzung verwendet. Zum Beispiel, ein Benutzer, der nicht validiert ihre Eintragung in eine bestimmte Gruppe von Nutzern eingestellt werden (mit oder ohne Einschr&auml;nkungen auf der Galerie), w&auml;hrend ein Benutzer, der seine Registrierung best&auml;tigt wird in einem &quot;normalen&quot; Gruppe eingestellt werden.';
    119 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Umleitung auf &quot;Benutzerdaten&quot; Seite';
    12098// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    129107// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    130 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Text der Best&auml;tigungs-Seite - Best&auml;tigung akzeptiert';
    131 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Text der Best&auml;tigungs-Seite - Best&auml;tigung abgelehnt';
    132108$lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    133109- Automatische oder manuelle Verwaltung von Geist Benutzern<br>
    144120@hotmail.com -> Ausnahme-Adressen *@hotmail.com<br>
    145121@hotmail -> ohne alle Adressen *@hotmail *';
    146 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Automatische Verwaltung von Geist Benutzern';
    147122$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'Diese Option ermöglicht es, Regeln für die automatisierte Verwaltung von Geistern Benutzer anwenden.
    148123<br><br>Grundprinzip: Ein Benutzer, der die maximale Zeit zwischen den Besuchen <b><u>und</u></b> hat bereits per E-Mail gilt als abgelaufen gemeldet erreicht. Dann können Sie automatisierte Verarbeitung Regeln wie das automatische Löschen von abgelaufenen Konten oder Herabstufung durch Beschränkung des Zugangs zur Galerie (schaltet automatisch auf eine eingeschränkte Gruppe und / oder Status).
    152127/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
    153128<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    154 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automatisches Versenden einer E-Mail beim Wechsel Gruppe / Status';
    155129/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When an account is expired (group / status change demoting the visitor), an email information can be sent to clarify the reasons for this change and the means to recover the initial access to the gallery.
    156130<br>To do this, a link to revalidation of registration is attached to the email (automatic generation of a new validation key).<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>If the user has already been notified, his account is automatically destroyed.</b>
    158132<br><br>Um mehrere Sprachen zu benutzen, können Sie die Extended description Plugin-Tags verwenden, wenn er aktiv ist.
    159133<br><br><b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: The use of this function is intimately associated with the confirmation of registration by the user (confirmation by mail) and can not be activated without this option.</b>';
    160 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Mitteilung der manuellen Registrierung Validierung';
    161134// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    164137// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    165 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    166138/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'Diese Option ermöglicht es, die Gültigkeit der Schlüssel Validierung E-Mail-Grenze geschickt, um neue Registranten. Besucher, wer x Tage Zeit haben, um sich identifizieren, zu registrieren. Nach Ablauf dieser Frist die Validierung Link läuft.
    177149If this option and the option &quot;Anmeldeschluss Validierung beschränkt&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    178 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    179150/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    183154- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    184 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    185 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    186155/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    187 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'PWG Stuffs Modul';
    188156/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    194162// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    195 $lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Sichern Sie Ihre Konfiguration';
    196163$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'Dies ermöglicht Ihnen die gesamte Konfiguration des Plugins in eine Datei zu speichern damit Sie sie wiederherstellen können wenn etwas schief geht (falsche Manipulation oder vor einem Update, zum Beispiel). Standardmäßig wird die Datei in diesem Ordner gespeichert ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ und heißt &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    206173// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    207 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Passwort im Klartext in der Informations-E-Mail';
    208174/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    209175// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r11318 r12666  
    197197$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Aktivieren - Validation von Benutzer';
    198198$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Aktivieren - Validation von admin (keine Validierung Key gesendet)';
    199 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Umleitung auf "Benutzerdaten" Seite';
    200199// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    206205$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Automatische Verwaltung von Geist Benutzern';
    207206$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Automatisches Löschen von Konten';
    208 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatischer Wechsel der Gruppe / Status';
    209 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatisches Versenden einer E-Mail beim Wechsel Gruppe / Status';
    210207$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Zugriff verweigert - Account zerstört!';
    211208$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Zugriff verweigert sich für ein Konto zerstört!';
    333330/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Error_Using_illegal_flag'] = 'Syntax error ! The [Kdays] AutoText flag is used as the "Anmeldeschluss Validierung beschränkt" option was not activated. Please activate the option or correct the text field(s) colored in red.';
    334331// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
     334// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     335$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Umleitung auf Benutzerdaten Seite';
     336$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatischer Wechsel der Gruppe / Status / Vertraulichkeit Grad';
     337$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatisches Versenden einer E-Mail beim Wechsel Gruppe / Status / Vertraulichkeit Grad';
     338/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
     339/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
     340/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion_Custom_Txt'] = 'Customize rejection text';
     341/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Default_RejectConnexion_Txt'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have validate your registration yet, so you can\'t connect the gallery now. Please check your email box. You should find an email sent by the gallery, containing a link to perform your validation. If not, please contact the webmaster.';
     342/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Reject_Page_Title'] = 'Connexion not allowed !';
     343// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/help.lang.php

    r12661 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Restrictions for registrations';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Confirmations and validations of registration';
    6 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Usernames: Exclusion of characters';
    74$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'It may be interesting to prohibit certain characters in usernames (example: refuse login names containing &quot;@&quot;). This option allows to exclude characters or sequence of characters, events.<br>
    85NB: The option can also exclude whole words.
    107<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: This option has no effect on the user names created prior to its activation.</b>';
    11 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Strengthening the security level of passwords';
    128$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'Enabling this option makes mandatory the seizure of a password upon registration, and requires the password chosen by the visitor to meet a minimum level of complexity. If the threshold is not reached, the score achieved and the minimum score to be achieved are displayed, along with recommendations to increase the value of this score.<br><br>
    139There is field test to measure the complexity of a password, and can afford to get an idea of the score to define complex custom.<br><br>
    1511$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Testing the complexity of a password';
    1612$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Enter the password to test and then click on &quot;Score calculation&quot; to see the result.';
    17 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Applying to administrators';
    1813$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'An administrator can create a user account with or without application of the rule of computing complexity.<br><br>
    1914Note: If the user account created wants to change password and strengthening passwords for users is active, it will be subject to the rule set.';
    20 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'Exclusion of mail domains';
    21 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Information email to user';
    2215$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to automate sending an information email to a user when registering or when changes his password or email address in their profile.<br><br>
    2316The content of the message sent is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part indicating the login name, password and email address of the user.';
    24 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Customizing the information email';
    25 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Customizing the confirmation email';
    26 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Deadline for registration validation limited';
    27 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Remind unvalidated users';
    2817$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Reminder email with new key generated';
    2918$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Reminder email without new key generated';
    30 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    31 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Ghost Tracker\'s reminder message';
    32 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Tracking registered users';
    3319$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'This activates a table in the &quot;Tracking users&quot; tab which are registered users listed on the gallery and the date of their last visit and time spent (in days) since their last visit. Monitoring is purely informative for the administrator of the gallery.';
    34 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Tips and Examples';
    3520$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Tips and various examples of use';
    36 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Tracking users';
    37 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Tracking validations';
    38 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    4123// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    42 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Confirmation of registration for admins';
    4324$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'You can disable this validation only for user accounts created by the administrator via Piwigo\'s users management interface.<br><br>
    4425By activating this option, email validation for registration will be sent to each user created by admin.<br><br>
    4526By disabling this option (default), only the email information is sent (if &quot;Information email to user&quot; is enabled).';
    4627// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    49 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    50 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation accepted';
    51 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation rejected';
    52 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    10075<b>Table Sorting Function</b>: You can sort the data displayed by clicking on the column headers. Hold the SHIFT key to sort up to 4 simultaneous columns.';
    101 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Confirmation of registration';
    10276$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    10377In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    11084This option is generally used with the automatic assignment of group and/or statutes. For example, a user who has not validated their registration will be set in a specific group of users (with or without restrictions on the gallery) while a user who validated his registration shall be set in a &quot;normal&quot; group.';
    111 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Redirect to &quot;Customization&quot; page';
    11285// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    128101@hotmail.com -> excluding addresses *@hotmail.com<br>
    129102@hotmail -> excluding all addresses *@hotmail*';
    130 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
    131103$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
    132104<br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
    133105<br><br>The triggering of these automation is achieved when connecting users (any user!) to the gallery.';
    134106$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    135 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notification of manual registration validation';
    136107// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    139110// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    140 $lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    141111$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to limit the validity of key validation email sent to new registrants. Visitors who register will have x days of time to validate their registration. After this period the validation link will expire.
    152122If this option and the option &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    153 $lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    154123$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    158127- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    159 $lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    160 $lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    161128$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    162 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'PWG Stuffs block';
    163129$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    169135// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    170 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Password in clear text in the information email';
    171136$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    172137// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    296261$lang['UAM_confirmlevelTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNING : The use of privacy level requires that you have used them with your pictures. Please refer to the Piwigo\'s documentation for more details.</b><br><br>
    297262The privacy level is validated for use in conjunction with the &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot;';
    298 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle'] = 'Automatic change of group / status / privacy level';
    299263$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group, status or privacy level is like a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group, status or privacy level of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group, status and / or level demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status / level.<br><br>
    300264<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    301 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status / privacy level';
    302265$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When an account is expired (group / status / privacy level change demoting the visitor), an email information can be sent to clarify the reasons for this change and the means to recover the initial access to the gallery.
    303266<br>To do this, a link to revalidation of registration is attached to the email (automatic generation of a new validation key).<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>If the user has already been notified, his account is automatically destroyed.</b>
    314277<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: The use of this function is intimately associated with the confirmation of registration by the user (confirmation by mail) and can not be activated without this option.</b>';
    315 $lang['UAM_GT_MainTitle'] = 'Ghost users management';
    316278$lang['UAM_GT_MainTitle_d'] = '
    317279- Automatic or manuel management of ghost users<br>
    321 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Miscellaneous options';
    322283$lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    323284- Registered users monitoring<br>
    327 $lang['UAM_PwdResetTitle'] = 'Password renewal';
    328288$lang['UAM_PwdResetTitle_d'] = 'Enabling this option will add a new feature in the Piwigo\'s user management panel (Users> Manage) that can apply to renew the password for selected users. In addition, a new column is added to show the status of passwords for each of them with the following values:<br>
    329289- Password to be renewed: A password renewal request has been planned.<br>
    332292Webmaster, generic and guest accounts are excluded from this function.<br>
    333293These users will be automatically redirected to their customization page at each of their connections until they changed their password and an explicit message will be displayed on this page.';
    334 $lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Backup and restore your configuration';
    335294$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r12661 r12666  
    104104$lang['UAM_SubTitle1'] = 'Plugin configuration';
    105105$lang['UAM_Tab_Global'] = 'Configuration';
    106 $lang['UAM_Title1'] = 'Setting restrictions for registrations';
    107 $lang['UAM_Title2'] = 'Setting confirmations and validations of registration';
    108106$lang['UAM_Title4'] = 'Tips and examples of use';
    109107$lang['UAM_No_Casse'] = 'Usernames: Case sensitivity';
    190188$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Enable - Validation by user';
    191189$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Enable - Validation by admin (no validation key sent)';
    192 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirect to "Customization" page';
    193190// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    199196$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
    200197$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Automatic deletion of accounts';
    201 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status';
    202198$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Access denied - Account destroyed!';
    203199$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Access denied for having an account destroyed!';
    410406// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     407$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirect to Customization page';
     408$lang['UAM_Title1'] = 'Restrictions for registrations';
     409$lang['UAM_Title2'] = 'Confirmations and validations of registration';
     410$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status / privacy level';
    411411$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
    412412$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/es_ES/help.lang.php

    r12205 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Restricciones para el registro';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Confirmaciones y validaciones de registro';
    64$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    75- Información por correo electrónico para el usuario<br>
    14 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Registros seguido y otras opciones';
    15 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Nombres de usuario: Excluyendo los caracteres';
    1612$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'Puede ser interesante para prohibir ciertos caracteres en nombres de usuario (por ejemplo, se niegan los inicios de sesi&oacute;n que contiene &quot;@&quot;). Esta opci&oacute;n permite excluir caracteres o secuencia de caracteres, los acontecimientos.<br>
    1713Nota: La opción también puede excluir palabras completas.
    1915<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Advertencia: Esta opción no tiene efecto sobre los nombres de usuario creados antes de su activación.</b>';
    20 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Fortalecimiento del nivel de seguridad de las contraseñas';
    2116$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'Al habilitar esta opción hace obligatoria la creación de una contraseña en el registro, y requiere la contraseña elegida por el usuario para cumplir un nivel mínimo de complejidad. Si el umbral no se alcanza, la puntuación obtenida y la puntuación mínima que deben alcanzarse se muestran, junto con recomendaciones para aumentar el valor de esta puntuación.<br><br>
    2217Un campo de prueba permite medir la complejidad de la contraseña, y puede hacerse una idea de la puntuación necesaria para alcanzar una contraseña valida .<br><br>
    2419$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Prueba de la complejidad de la contraseña';
    2520$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Introduzca la contrase&ntilde;a para pruebar y luego haga clic en &quot;c&aacute;lcular complejidad&quot; para ver el resultado.';
    26 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Aplicando a los administradores';
    2721$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'Un administrador puede crear una cuenta de usuario, con o sin aplicación de la regla de la complejidad informática.<br><br>
    2822Nota: Si el  usuario de la cuenta  creada quiere cambiar la contraseña, y el fortalecimiento de las contraseñas de los usuarios está activo, la misma estará sujeta a la norma establecida.';
    29 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'Exclusión de dominios de correo electrónico';
    30 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Información por correo electrónico para el usuario';
    3123$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'Esta opción permite automatizar el envío de un correo electrónico y la información a un usuario cuando se registra o cuando cambie su contraseña o dirección de correo electrónico en su perfil.<br><br>
    3224El contenido del mensaje enviado se compone de una parte personalizable para introducir una nota de bienvenida, y una parte fija que indica el inicio de sesión, contraseña y dirección de correo electrónico del usuario.';
    33 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Personalización del correo electrónico de información';
    34 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Personalización del mensaje recordatorio';
    3525$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle'] = 'Grupos de validación';
    3626$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>ADVERTENCIA: El uso de grupos de validación requiere que se haya creado al menos un grupo de usuarios y se define &quot;por defecto&quot; en la gestión de Piwigo de grupos de usuarios.</b><br><br>
    3929$lang['UAM_confirmstatTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>ADVERTENCIA: El uso de la validaci&oacute;n de estado requiere que se haya mantenido el &quot;Invitado&quot; del usuario con la configuraci&oacute;n predeterminada (como usuario de plantilla) para los nuevos registrados. Nota Puede establecer cualquier otro usuario como una plantilla para nuevos registrados. Por favor, consulte la documentaci&oacute;n de Piwigo para obtener m&aacute;s detalles.</b><br><br>
    4030Los estatutos son validados para su uso en relaci&oacute;n con la &quot;confirmaci&oacute;n de registro&quot;';
    41 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Plazo para la validación de registro limitado';
    42 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Recordarle a los usuarios no validados';
    4331$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Recordatorio por correo electrónico con la llave generada';
    4432$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Recordatorio por correo electrónico sin la llave generada';
    45 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Gestión de usuarios fantasmas';
    46 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Mensaje recordatorio de Ghost Tracker';
    47 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Seguimiento de usuarios registrados';
    4833$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'Esto activa una tabla de &quot;Seguimiento de los usuarios&quot; ficha de matriculaci&oacute;n de los usuarios que aparecen en la galer&iacute;a y la fecha de su &uacute;ltima visita y el tiempo (en d&iacute;as) desde su &uacute;ltima visita. El seguimiento es meramente informativo para el administrador de la galer&iacute;a.';
    49 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Consejos y ejemplos';
    5034$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Consejos y diversos ejemplos de uso de';
    51 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Seguimiento de los usuarios';
    52 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Seguimiento de las Validaciones';
    53 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Gestión de los usuarios fantasmas';
    5637// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    57 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Confirmaci&oacute;n de registro por los administradores';
    5838$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'Puede desactivar esta validaci&oacute;n s&oacute;lo para las cuentas de usuario creadas por el administrador de Piwigo a trav&eacute;s de la interfaz de gesti&oacute;n de los usuarios.<br><br>
    5939Al activar esta opci&oacute;n, la validaci&oacute;n del email de registro ser&aacute; enviado a cada usuario creado por el administrador.<br><br>
    10989<b>Funciones Clasificación de la tabla</b>: Puede ordenar los datos mostrados, haga clic en los encabezados de columna. Sostenga la tecla SHIFT para ordenar hasta 4 columnas máxima simultánea.';
    110 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Confirmación de registro';
    11190/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    11291In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    11998Esta opci&oacute;n se utiliza generalmente con la asignaci&oacute;n autom&aacute;tica de grupo y / o estatutos. Por ejemplo, un usuario que no ha validado su registro se encuentra en un grupo espec&iacute;fico de usuarios (con o sin restricciones a la galer&iacute;a) mientras que un usuario que haya validado su registro se encuentra en un &quot;normal&quot; del grupo.';
    120 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Redirigir a la página de &quot;personalizaci&oacute;n&quot;';
    12199// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    130108// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    131 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Texto de la página de confirmación - Confirmación aceptada';
    132 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Texto de la página de confirmación - Confirmación rechazada';
    133109/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle_d'] = 'Also called &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot;, when this function is activated, you can manage your visitors depending on the frequency of their visits. 2 operating modes are available:<br><br>
    134110- Manual management : When the time between 2 visits is reached,, the visitor appears in the &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; table where you will be able to remind visitors via email or delete him.<br><br>
    145121@hotmail.com -> con exclusión de direcciones *@hotmail.com<br>
    146122@hotmail -> con exclusión de todas las direcciones de *@hotmail*';
    147 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Gestión automática de los Espíritus usuarios';
    148123/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
    149124<br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
    153128/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
    154129<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    155 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automáticamente el envío de un correo electrónico cuando se cambia de grupo / estado';
    156 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notificación de la validación manual de registro';
    157130// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    160133// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    161 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    162134/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'Esta opción permite limitar la validez de la validación de claves de correo electrónico enviado a los solicitantes de registro nuevo. Los visitantes que se registren tendrán x días de tiempo para validar su inscripción. Después de este período el enlace de validación expira.
    173145If this option and the option &quot;Plazo para la validación de registro limitado&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    174 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    175146/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    179150- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    180 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    181 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    182151/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    183 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'PWG Stuffs módulo';
    184152/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    190158// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    191 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Backup your configuration';
    192159/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    202169// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    203 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Contraseña en texto claro en la información del correo electrónico';
    204170/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    205171// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r12209 r12666  
    236236$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Activar - La validación por el usuario';
    237237$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Activar - La validación por el administrador (sin clave de validación enviado)';
    238 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirigir a la página de "personalización"';
    239238// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    245244$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Gestión automática de los Espíritus usuarios';
    246245$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Borrado automático de las cuentas';
    247 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Cambio automático de grupo / estado';
    248 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automáticamente el envío de un correo electrónico cuando se cambia de grupo / estado';
    249246$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Acceso denegado - Cuenta destruido!';
    250247$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Acceso denegado por haber destruido una cuenta!';
    266263$lang['UAM_HidePassw'] = 'Contraseña en texto claro en la información del correo electrónico';
    267264// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
     267// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     268$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirigir a la página de personalización';
     269$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Cambio automático de grupo / estado / nivel de confidencialidad';
     270$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automáticamente el envío de un correo electrónico cuando se cambia de grupo / estado / nivel de confidencialidad';
     271/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
     272/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
     273/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion_Custom_Txt'] = 'Customize rejection text';
     274/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Default_RejectConnexion_Txt'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have validate your registration yet, so you can\'t connect the gallery now. Please check your email box. You should find an email sent by the gallery, containing a link to perform your validation. If not, please contact the webmaster.';
     275/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Reject_Page_Title'] = 'Connexion not allowed !';
     276// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/fr_FR/help.lang.php

    r12661 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Restriction des inscriptions';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Confirmation et validation des inscriptions';
    6 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Noms d\'utilisateurs : Exclusion de certains caractères';
    74$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'Il peut être intéressant d\'interdire certains caractères dans les noms d\'utilisateurs (exemple : refuser les logins contenant un &quot;@&quot;). Cette option permet d\'exclure les caractères, ou suite de caractères, indésirables.<br>NB: l\'option permet également d\'exclure des mots complets.
    96<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Attention : Cette option est sans effet sur les noms d\'utilisateurs créés préalablement à son activation.</b>';
    10 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Renforcement de la sécurité des mots de passe';
    117$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'L\'activation de cette option rend obligatoire la saisie d\'un mot de passe  à l\'inscription, et oblige le mot de passe choisi par le visiteur à répondre à un niveau minimum de complexité. Si ce seuil n\'est pas atteint, le score réalisé et le score minimum à atteindre sont affichés, ainsi que des recommandations pour augmenter la valeur de ce score.<br><br>
    128Un champ de test permet de mesurer la complexité d\'un mot de passe, et peut permettre de se faire une idée du score à définir pour une complexité personnalisée.<br><br>
    1410$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Tester la complexité d\'un mot de passe';
    1511$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Saisir le mot de passe à tester puis cliquer sur le bouton &quot;Calcul du score&quot; pour afficher le résultat.';
    16 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Renforcement des mots de passe pour les admins';
    1712$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'Un administrateur peut créer un compte d\'utilisateur avec ou sans application de la règle de calcul de complexité.<br><br>
    1813A noter : Si l\'utilisateur du compte ainsi créé désire changer de mot de passe et que le renforcement des mots de passe pour les utilisateurs est actif, il sera soumis à la règle configurée.';
    19 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'Exclusion des domaines de messagerie';
    20 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Email d\'information';
    2114$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet d\'automatiser l\'envoi d\'un email d\'information à un utilisateur lorsqu\'il s\'inscrit ou modifie son mot de passe ou son adresse de messagerie dans son profil.<br><br>
    2215Le message envoyé comprend une partie fixe (login, mot de passe et adresse email de l\'utilisateur) et une partie personnalisable par un texte d\'accueil.';
    23 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Personnalisation de l\'email d\'information';
    24 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Personnalisation de l\'email de confirmation';
    25 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Limitation du délai de validation d\'inscription';
    26 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Mail de rappel aux inscrits non validés';
    2716$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Message de rappel avec regénération de clé';
    2817$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Message de rappel sans regénération de clé';
    29 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Gestion des visiteurs fantômes (aussi appelée Ghost Tracker)';
    30 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Message de rappel Ghost Tracker';
    31 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Suivi des utilisateurs inscrits';
    3218$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'Cette option active, dans l\'onglet &quot;Suivi des utilisateurs&quot;, un tableau recensant les utilisateurs inscrits, la date de leur dernière visite et le nombre de jours écoulés depuis leur dernière visite. Il s\'agit d\'un suivi purement informatif pour l\'administrateur de la galerie.';
    33 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Astuces et exemples';
    3419$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Astuces et exemples divers d\'utilisation';
    35 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Suivi des utilisateurs inscrits';
    36 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Suivi des validations';
    37 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Gestion des visiteurs fantômes';
    4022// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    41 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Validation d\'inscription pour les admins';
    4223$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'On peut ici désactiver la validation des inscriptions uniquement pour les comptes d\'utilisateurs créés par l\'administrateur via l\'interface de gestion des utilisateurs de Piwigo.<br><br>
    4324En activant cette option, l\'email de validation d\'inscription sera envoyé à chaque utilisateur créé par l\'admin.<br><br>
    4425En désactivant cette option (mode par défaut), seul l\'email d\'information est envoyé (si la fonction &quot;Email d\'information &agrave; l\'utilisateur&quot; est activée).';
    4526// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    48 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    49 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Texte de la page de confirmation - Confirmation acceptée';
    50 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Texte de la page de confirmation - Confirmation rejetée';
    51 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    9570<b>Fonction de tri du tableau</b>: Vous pouvez trier les données affichées en cliquant sur les entêtes de colonnes. L\'utilisation de la touche MAJ ou SHIFT permet de trier sur 1 à 4 colonnes simultanées maximum.';
    96 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Confirmation d\'inscription';
    9771$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet soit à un utilisateur de valider son inscription en cliquant sur un lien reçu dans un email envoyé dès son enregistrement sur la galerie, soit à l\'administrateur d\'activer manuellement les inscriptions.<br><br>
    9872Dans le premier cas, le message envoyé comprend une partie fixe, avec le lien d\'activation généré à partir d\'une clef aléatoire (cette clé peut éventuellement être régénérée via l\'onglet &quot;Suivi des validations&quot;), et une partie personnalisable par un texte d\'accueil.
    10478Cette option est généralement utilisée avec  l\'attribution automatique de groupe et/ou de statut. Selon qu\'il a validé ou non son inscription, il est en effet possible d\'affecter à l\'utilisateur un groupe différent, avec plus ou moins de restrictions d\'accès à la galerie.';
    105 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Redirection vers la page &quot;Personnalisation&quot;';
    106 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet de rediriger automatiquement un utilisateur inscrit vers sa page de personnalisation uniquement lors de sa première connexion à la galerie.<br><br>
    107 A savoir: Cette fonction s\'applique également à tous les utilisateurs déjà inscrits, y compris ceux disposant du status &quot;admin&quot;, &quot;webmaster&quot; ou &quot;generique&quot;.';
    10879// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    12495@hotmail.com -> exclusion des adresses *@hotmail.com<br>
    12596@hotmail -> exclusion de toutes les adresses *@hotmail*';
    126 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Gestion automatique des utilisateurs fantomes';
    12797$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet d\'appliquer des règles de gestion automatisée des visiteurs fantômes.
    12898<br><br>Principe de base : Un utilisateur ayant atteind la limite maximale entre deux visites <b><u>et</u></b> ayant déjà été notifié par email est considéré comme expiré. On peut alors appliquer des règles de traitement automatisées telles que la suppression automatique des comptes expirés ou leur rétrogradation en restreignant l\'accès à la galerie (bascule automatique dans un groupe et/ou un statut à accès restreint).
    12999<br><br>Le déclenchement de ces automatismes se réalise lors de la connexion des utilisateurs (n\'importe quel utilisateur !)à la galerie.';
    130100$lang['UAM_GTAutoDelTitle'] = 'Message personnalisé de suppression de compte';
    131 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notification de validation d\'inscription manuelle';
    132101// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    135104// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    136 $lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Personnaliser le contenu du mail sur mot de passe perdu';
    137105$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'Cette option permet de limiter le nombre de jours pendant lequel un nouvel utilisateur peut valider son inscription. Une fois ce délai expiré, le lien de validation sera invalide, et ne pourra plus être employé.
    148116Si cette option et l\'option &quot;Limitation du délai de validation d\'inscription&quot; sont activées, de nouvelles options apparaitront plus bas dans cette section pour permettre l\'automatisation de la gestion des visiteurs non validés.';
    149 $lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Gestion automatique des visiteurs non validés';
    150117$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'La gestion automatique des visiteurs non validés est déclenchée à chaque connexion à la galerie et fonctionne ainsi :
    154121- Envoi automatique d\'un message de rappel avec génération d\'une nouvelle clé de validation puis suppression automatique des comptes non validés dans le temps imparti après l\'envoi de la relance -> &quot;Limitation du délai de validation d\'inscription&quot; <b><u>est actif</u></b> et &quot;Mail de rappel aux inscrits non validés&quot; <b><u>est actif</u></b>.';
    155 $lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Message à la suppressions automatiques des comptes';
    156 $lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Message de rappel automatique';
    157122$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'Lorsque activée, cette fonction enverra automatiquement le contenu personnalisé dans &quot;Message de rappel avec regénération de clé&quot; aux visiteurs répondant au critère.';
    158 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'Module PWG Stuffs';
    159123$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'Ceci permet d\'activer un module supplémentaire UAM dans le plugin PWG Stuffs (si installé) afin d\'informer sur leur état vos visiteurs n\'ayant pas validé leur inscription.
    165129// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    166 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Mot de passe en clair dans le mail d\'information';
    167130$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choisissez ici si vous souhaitez faire afficher le mot de passe choisi par le visiteur dans le mail d\'information. Si vous activez l\'option, le mot de passe apparaitra alors en clair. Si vous la désactivez, le mot de passe n\'apparaitra pas du tout.';
    168131// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    292255$lang['UAM_confirmlevelTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>ATTENTION : L\'utilisation des niveaux de confidentialité à la validation nécessite que vous ayez affecté un niveau de confidentialité aux photos que vous voulez restreindre. Reportez vous à la documentation de Piwigo pour plus de détails.</b><br><br>
    293256Les niveaux de confidentialité à la validation sont à utiliser conjointement avec l\'option &quot;Confirmation d\'inscription&quot;';
    294 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle'] = 'Changement automatique de groupe / statut / niveau de confidentialité';
    295257$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'Le changement automatique de groupe, de statut ou de niveau de confidentialité équivaut à une rétrogradation des comptes concernés et fonctionne sur le même principe que le groupe, le statut ou le niveau de confidentialité à la validation (voir &quot;Paramétrage des confirmations et validations d\'inscriptions&quot;). Il conviendra donc de définir un groupe ou un statut et/ou un niveau de confidentialité rétrogradant l\'accès à la galerie. Si cela a déjà été défini avec l\'utilisation de la fonction Confirmation d\'inscription, on peut utiliser ces mêmes groupes / statuts / niveaux.<br><br>
    296258<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Point important :</b> Si un utilisateur fantôme n\'a toujours pas donné signe de vie après le délai imparti et malgré la notification automatique par mail (si activée), il est automatiquement supprimé de la base de données.';
    297 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Email automatique sur changement de groupe / statut / Niveau de confidentialité';
    298259$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'Lorsqu\'un compte est expiré (changement de groupe, de statut ou de niveau de confidentialité rétrogradant le visiteur), un email d\'information peut être envoyé pour préciser les raisons de ce changement et le moyen de recouvrer l\'accès initial à la galerie.
    299260<br>Pour ce faire, un lien de revalidation de l\'inscription est joint à l\'email (génération automatique d\'une nouvelle clé de validation).<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Si l\'utilisateur a déjà été notifié, son compte est automatiquement détruit.</b>
    310271<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Attention : L\'emploi de cette fonction est intimement lié à l\'option de confirmation d\'inscription par l\'utilisateur (confirmation par mail) et ne peut pas être activée sans cette option.</b>';
    311 $lang['UAM_GT_MainTitle'] = 'Gestion des utilisateurs fantômes';
    312272$lang['UAM_GT_MainTitle_d'] = '
    313273- Gestion automatique ou manuelle des visiteurs fantômes<br>
    317 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Autres options';
    318277$lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    319278- Suivi des visiteurs inscrits<br>
    323 $lang['UAM_PwdResetTitle'] = 'Renouvellement du mot de passe';
    324282$lang['UAM_PwdResetTitle_d'] = 'L\'activation de cette option ajoutera une nouvelle fonction dans le panneau de gestion de utilisateurs (Utilisateurs > Gérer) de Piwigo qui permet de demander le renouvellement du mot de passe pour les utilisateurs sélectionnés. De plus, une nouvelle colonne s\'ajoutera pour présenter le statut des mots de passe pour chacun d\'eux avec les valeurs suivantes :<br>
    325283- Mot de passe à changer : Une demande de changement de mot de passe a été programmée.<br>
    328286Le compte webmaster, génériques et invités (Guest) sont exclus de cette fonction.<br><br>
    329287Ces utilisateurs seront alors systématiquement redirigés vers leur page de personnalisation à chacune de leurs connexions tant qu\'ils n\'auront pas modifié leur mot de passe. Un message explicite sera affiché sur cette page.';
    330 $lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Sauvegarde et restauration de votre configuration';
    331288$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'Ceci vous permet de sauvegarder la configuration complète du plugin dans un fichier afin de pouvoir la restaurer en cas de problème (fausse manipulation ou avant une mise à jour, par exemple). Par défaut, le fichier est stocké dans le dossier ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ et se nomme &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r12661 r12666  
    190190$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Activer - Validation par le visiteur';
    191191$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Activer - Validation par l\'administrateur (pas d\'envoi de clé de validation)';
    192 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirection vers la page "Personnalisation"';
    193192// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    199198$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Gestion automatique des utilisateurs fantomes';
    200199$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Suppressions automatiques des comptes';
    201 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Email automatique sur changement de groupe / statut';
    202200$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Accès refusé - Compte détruit !';
    203201$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Accès refusé pour cause de compte détruit !';
    408406// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     407$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Redirection vers la page de personnalisation';
     408$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Email automatique sur changement de groupe / statut / Niveau de confidentialité';
    409409$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'Nouvelle option !';
    410410$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Rejeter les connexions des utilisateurs non validés';
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/hu_HU/help.lang.php

    r12205 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Restrictions for registrations';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Confirmations and validations of registration';
    64$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    75- Information email generation<br>
    14 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Registration followed and other options';
    15 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Usernames: Exclusion of characters';
    1612$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'It may be interesting to prohibit certain characters in usernames (example: refuse login names containing &quot;@&quot;). This option allows to exclude characters or sequence of characters, events.<br>
    1713NB: The option can also exclude whole words.
    1915<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Warning: This option has no effect on the user names created prior to its activation.</b>';
    20 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Strengthening the security level of passwords';
    2116$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'Enabling this option makes mandatory the seizure of a password upon registration, and requires the password chosen by the visitor to meet a minimum level of complexity. If the threshold is not reached, the score achieved and the minimum score to be achieved are displayed, along with recommendations to increase the value of this score.<br><br>
    2217There is field test to measure the complexity of a password, and can afford to get an idea of the score to define complex custom.<br><br>
    2419$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Testing the complexity of a password';
    2520$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Enter the password to test and then click on &quot;Score calculation&quot; to see the result.';
    26 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Applying to administrators';
    2721$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'An administrator can create a user account with or without application of the rule of computing complexity.<br><br>
    2822Note: If the user account created wants to change password and strengthening passwords for users is active, it will be subject to the rule set.';
    29 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'Exclusion of mail domains';
    30 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Information email to user';
    3123$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to automate sending an information email to a user when registering or when changes his password or email address in their profile.<br><br>
    3224The content of the message sent is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part indicating the login name, password and email address of the user.';
    33 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Customizing the information email';
    34 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Customizing the confirmation email';
    3525$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle'] = 'Validation Groups';
    3626$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNING : Using validation groups requires that you have created at least one users group and is defined &quot;by default&quot; in Piwigo\'s user groups management.</b><br><br>
    3929$lang['UAM_confirmstatTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNING : The use of status validation requires that you have kept the &quot;Guest&quot; user with default setting (as user template) for new registered. Note you can set any other user as a template for new registered. Please refer to the Piwigo\'s documentation for more details.</b><br><br>
    4030The Statutes are validated for use in conjunction with the &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot;';
    41 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Deadline for registration validation limited';
    42 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Remind unvalidated users';
    4331$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Reminder email with new key generated';
    4432$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Reminder email without new key generated';
    45 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    46 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Ghost Tracker\'s reminder message';
    47 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Tracking registered users';
    4833$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'This activates a table in the &quot;Tracking users&quot; tab which are registered users listed on the gallery and the date of their last visit and time spent (in days) since their last visit. Monitoring is purely informative for the administrator of the gallery.';
    49 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Tips and Examples';
    5034$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Tips and various examples of use';
    51 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Tracking users';
    52 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Tracking validations';
    53 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    5637// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    57 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Confirmation of registration for admins';
    5838$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'You can disable this validation only for user accounts created by the administrator via Piwigo\'s users management interface.<br><br>
    5939By activating this option, email validation for registration will be sent to each user created by admin.<br><br>
    6040By disabling this option (default), only the email information is sent (if &quot;Information email to user&quot; is enabled).';
    6141// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    64 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    65 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation accepted';
    66 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Text of the confirmation page - Confirmation rejected';
    67 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    11589<b>Table Sorting Function</b>: You can sort the data displayed by clicking on the column headers. Hold the SHIFT key to sort up to 4 simultaneous columns.';
    116 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Confirmation of registration';
    11790$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    11891In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    12598This option is generally used with the automatic assignment of group and/or statutes. For example, a user who has not validated their registration will be set in a specific group of users (with or without restrictions on the gallery) while a user who validated his registration shall be set in a &quot;normal&quot; group.';
    126 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Redirect to &quot;Customization&quot; page';
    12799// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    149121@hotmail.com -> excluding addresses *@hotmail.com<br>
    150122@hotmail -> excluding all addresses *@hotmail*';
    151 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
    152123$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
    153124<br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
    157128$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
    158129<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    159 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status';
    160 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notification of manual registration validation';
    161130// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    164133// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    165 $lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    166134$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to limit the validity of key validation email sent to new registrants. Visitors who register will have x days of time to validate their registration. After this period the validation link will expire.
    177145If this option and the option &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    178 $lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    179146$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    183150- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    184 $lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    185 $lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    186151$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    187 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'PWG Stuffs block';
    188152$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    194158// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    195 $lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Backup your configuration';
    196159$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    206169// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    207 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Password in clear text in the information email';
    208170$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    209171// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r12208 r12666  
    194194$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Bekapcsol - Érvényesítés a felhasználó által';
    195195$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Bekapcsol - Érvényesítés az admin által (nincs érvényesítő kulcs küldés)';
    196 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Átirányítás a "Testreszabás" oldalra';
    197196// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    203202$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Szellem-felhasználók automatikus követése';
    204203$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Azonosítók automatikus törlése';
    205 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Csoport / állapot automatikus változása';
    206 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'E-mail automatikus küldése csoport / állapot változásakor';
    207204$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Hozzáférés megtagadva - Azonosító megsemmisítve!';
    208205$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Hozzáférés megtagadva azonosító megsemmisítése miatt!';
    355352$lang['UAM_Error_Using_illegal_flag'] = 'Szintaktikai hiba! Az [Kdays] AutoText flag van használatban, mert a "Regisztráció érvényesítésének határideje korlátozott" beállítás nincs bekapcsolva. Kérlek, kapcsoldbe ezt a beállítást, vagy javítsd ki a piros szöveg mezőt vagy mezőket.';
    356353// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
     356// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     357$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Átirányítás a Testreszabás oldalra';
     358/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatic change of group / status / privacy level';
     359/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status / privacy level';
     360/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
     361/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
     362/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion_Custom_Txt'] = 'Customize rejection text';
     363/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Default_RejectConnexion_Txt'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have validate your registration yet, so you can\'t connect the gallery now. Please check your email box. You should find an email sent by the gallery, containing a link to perform your validation. If not, please contact the webmaster.';
     364/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Reject_Page_Title'] = 'Connexion not allowed !';
     365// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/it_IT/help.lang.php

    r12205 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Restrizioni per le iscrizzioni';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Confirmazzione e validazione delle iscrizzioni';
    64$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    75- Generazzione di un\'email d\'informazione<br>
    14 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Monitoraggio degli utenti iscritti ed altre opzioni';
    15 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Pseudo : Esclusione di caratteri';
    1612$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'Può essere interessante vietare certi caratteri per i pseudo (ad esempio: negare login contenente &quot;@&quot;). Questa opzione permette di escludere i caratteri o sequenza di caratteri, eventi.<br>
    1713NB: L\'opzione può anche escludere parole intere.
    1915<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Attenzione: questa opzione non ha alcun effetto sui pseudo creati prima della sua attivazione.</b>';
    20 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Rafforzare il livello di sicurezza delle password';
    2116$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'L\'attivazione di questa opzione rende obbligatorio l\'inserimento di una password al momento dell\'iscrizione, e richiede la password scelta dal visitatore di incontrare un livello minimo di complessità. Se la soglia non viene raggiunta, il punteggio conseguito e il punteggio minimo da raggiungere sono visualizzate, insieme con raccomandazioni per aumentare il valore di questa partitura.<br><br>
    2217Non vi è prova in campo per misurare la complessità di una password, e può permettersi di avere un\'idea del punteggio per definire personalizzati complessi.<br><br>
    2419$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Prova la complessità di una password';
    2520$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Inserisci la password per testare e quindi fare clic su &quot;calcolo del punteggio&quot;, per vedere il risultato.';
    26 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Applicando agli amministratori';
    2721$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'Un amministratore può creare un\'pseudo con o senza l\'applicazione della regola della complessità di calcolo.<br><br>
    2822Nota: Se l\'account utente creato vuole cambiare la password e il rafforzamento password per gli utenti è attivo, sarà soggetta alla regola.';
    29 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'L\'esclusione Email domini';
    30 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'E-mail informazioni per l\'utente';
    3123$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'Questa opzione consente di automatizzare l\'invio di una e-mail le informazioni a un utente al momento dell\'iscrizione o quando cambia la sua password o indirizzo e-mail nel loro profilo.<br><br>
    3224Il contenuto del messaggio inviato è composto da una parte personalizzabile di introdurre una piccola nota di benvenuto e una parte fissa che indica il login, password e indirizzo di posta elettronica dell\'utente.';
    33 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Personalizzazione e-mail informazioni';
    34 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Customizing the confirmation email';
    3525/* TODO */$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle'] = 'Validation Groups';
    3626/* TODO */$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNING : Using validation groups requires that you have created at least one users group and is defined &quot;by default&quot; in Piwigo\'s user groups management.</b><br><br>
    3929/* TODO */$lang['UAM_confirmstatTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>WARNING : The use of status validation requires that you have kept the &quot;Guest&quot; user with default setting (as user template) for new registered. Note you can set any other user as a template for new registered. Please refer to the Piwigo\'s documentation for more details.</b><br><br>
    4030The groups are validated for use in conjunction with the &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot;';
    41 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Deadline for registration validation limited';
    42 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Remind unvalidated users';
    4331/* TODO */$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Reminder email with new key generated';
    4432/* TODO */$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Reminder email without new key generated';
    45 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    46 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Ghost Tracker\'s reminder message';
    47 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Tracking registered users';
    4833/* TODO */$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'This activates a table in the &quot;Tracking users&quot; tab which are registered users listed on the gallery and the date of their last visit and time spent (in days) since their last visit. Monitoring is purely informative for the administrator of the gallery.';
    49 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Tips and Examples';
    5034/* TODO */$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Tips and various examples of use';
    51 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Tracking users';
    52 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Tracking validations';
    53 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Ghost visitors management';
    5637// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    57 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Conferma dell\'iscrizione per gli amministratori';
    5838$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = '&Egrave; possibile disattivare la convalida solo per gli account utente creato dall\'amministratore Piwigo tramite l\'interfaccia di gestione di utenti.<br><br>
    5939Attivando questa opzione, la convalida email d\iscrizione verr&agrave; inviato ad ogni utente creato da admin.<br><br>
    10989<b>Table Sorting Function</b>: You can sort the data displayed by clicking on the column headers. Hold the SHIFT key to sort up to 4 simultaneous columns.';
    110 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Conferma della registrazione';
    11190/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'This option allows a user to either confirm registration by clicking on a link received in an email sent upon registration or the administrator to manually activate the registration.<br><br>
    11291In first case, the e-mail is composed of a customizable part to introduce a little welcome note and a fixed part containing the activation link that is generated from a random key that can possibly regenerate through the &quot;Tracking validations&quot; tab.<br><br>
    11594Questa opzione &egrave; generalmente utilizzato con l\'assegnazione automatica di gruppo e / o statuto. Ad esempio, un utente che non ha convalidato la loro registrazione sar&agrave; ambientato in un gruppo specifico di utenti (con o senza le restrizioni alla galleria), mentre un utente che ha convalidato la sua registrazione &egrave; fissato in un &quot;normale&quot; del gruppo.';
    116 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Redirect to &quot;Customization&quot; page';
    11795// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    126104// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    127 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Testo della pagina di conferma - Conferma accettati';
    128 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Testo della pagina di conferma - Conferma respinto';
    129105/* TODO */$lang['UAM_miscTitle_d'] = '
    130106- Automatic or manual management of ghosts users<br>
    141117@hotmail.com -> esclusi gli indirizzi *@hotmail.com<br>
    142118@hotmail -> escludendo tutti gli indirizzi *@hotmail*';
    143 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
    144119/* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to apply rules for automated management of ghosts users.
    145120<br><br>Basic Principle: A user who reaches the maximum time between visits <b><u>and</u></b> has already been notified by email is considered as expired. Then you can apply automated processing rules such as automatic deletion of expired accounts or demotion by restricting access to the gallery (switch automatically to a restricted group and/or status).
    149124/* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoGpTitle_d'] = 'The automatic change of group or status equivalent to a demotion of the accounts involved and working on the same principle as the group or the status of validation (see &quot;Setting confirmations and validations of registration&quot;). Therefore be to define a group and / or status demoting access to the gallery. If this has already been defined with the use of registration confirmation function, you can use the same group / status.<br><br>
    150125<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> If a ghost user still has not heard from after the time limit and despite the automatic notification by email (if enabled), he\'s automatically deleted from the database.';
    151 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status';
    152 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Notification of manual registration validation';
    153126// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    156129// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    157 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    158130/* TODO */$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'This option allows to limit the validity of key validation email sent to new registrants. Visitors who register will have x days of time to validate their registration. After this period the validation link will expire.
    169141If this option and the option &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    170 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    171142/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    175146- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    176 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    177 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    178147/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    179 $lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'modulo PWG Stuffs';
    180148/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    186154// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    187 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Backup your configuration';
    188155/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    198165// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    199 $lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Password in chiaro nelle informazioni e-mail';
    200166/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    201167// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r11517 r12666  
    195195$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Attivare - Validazione dal utente';
    196196$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Attivare - Validazione dal amministratore (nessuna chiave di validazione inviata)';
    197 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Ridirezione verso la pagina di personalizzazione';
    198197// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    204203$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Gestione automatica degli utenti fantasmi';
    205204$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Cancellazione automatica dei conti';
    206 $lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Cambiamento automatico del gruppo / statuto';
    207 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Emailing di rilancio automatico per cambiamento gruppo / statuto';
    208205$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Accesso negato - Account cancellato!';
    209206$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Accesso negato per causa di account cancellato!';
    333330$lang['UAM_Error_Using_illegal_flag'] = 'Errore di sintassi! La bandierina d\'inserzione automatica [Kdays] è usata senza che l\'opzione "Termine per la validazione dell\'iscrizione" è stata attivata. Siete pregati di attivare l\'opzione o correggere il(i) campo(i) di colore rosso.';
    334331// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
     334// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     335$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Ridirezione verso la pagina di personalizzazione';
     336$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Cambiamento automatico del gruppo / statuto / livello di riservatezza';
     337$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Emailing di rilancio automatico per cambiamento gruppo / statuto / livello di riservatezza';
     338/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
     339/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
     340/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion_Custom_Txt'] = 'Customize rejection text';
     341/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Default_RejectConnexion_Txt'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have validate your registration yet, so you can\'t connect the gallery now. Please check your email box. You should find an email sent by the gallery, containing a link to perform your validation. If not, please contact the webmaster.';
     342/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Reject_Page_Title'] = 'Connexion not allowed !';
     343// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/lv_LV/help.lang.php

    r12205 r12666  
    22global $lang;
    4 $lang['UAM_restricTitle'] = 'Reģistrācijas ierobežojumi';
    5 $lang['UAM_confirmTitle'] = 'Reģistrācijas pārbaude un apstiprināšana';
    64$lang['UAM_confirmTitle_d'] = '
    75- Informācijas e-pasta ģenerēšana<br>
    14 $lang['UAM_miscTitle'] = 'Pēcreģistrācijas un citas iespējas (options)';
    15 $lang['UAM_casenTitle'] = 'Lietotājvārdi: Reģistrjutīgs';
    16 $lang['UAM_carexcTitle'] = 'Lietotājvārdi: Rakstzīmju izņēmumi';
    1712$lang['UAM_carexcTitle_d'] = 'Varētu būt saistoši aizliegt izmantot lietotājvārdos kādas noteiktas rakstzīmes (piemēram: noraidīt loginus saturošus &quot;@&quot;). Šī iespēja ļauj izslēgt rakstzīmes vai rakstzīmju secību, notikumus.<br>
    1813NB: Šī iespēja ļauj izslēgt arī veselus vārdus.
    2015<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Uzmanību: Šī opcija neatstāj iespaidu uz lietotājvārdiem, kas izveidoti pirms to aktivēšanas.</b>';
    21 $lang['UAM_passwTitle'] = 'Paroļu drošības līmeņa paaugstināšana';
    2216$lang['UAM_passwTitle_d'] = 'Šīs opcijas iespējošana padara par obligātu paroles ietveršanu reģistrējoties, un pieprasa, lai apmeklētāju izvēlētā parole atbilstu minimālajam komplicētības prasībām. Ja šis līmenis nav sasniegts, tiem parādīts sasniegtais komplicētības rādītājs, minimāli pieļaujamais slieksnis, kā arī ieteikumi, kas jādara, lai sasniegtu labāku rezultātu.<br><br>
    2317Pastāv paroles lauka tests, kas mēra paroles komplicētības pakāpi, un var sniegt padomu, kā uzlabot un padarīt šo rezultātu labāku.<br><br>
    2620$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle'] = 'Paroles komplicētības testēšana';
    2721$lang['UAM_passwtestTitle_d'] = 'Ievadiet testēšanao paredzēto paroli un klikšķiniet uz&quot;Score calculation&quot; lai redzētu rezultātu.';
    28 $lang['UAM_passwadmTitle'] = 'Attiecas uz administratoriem';
    2922$lang['UAM_passwadmTitle_d'] = 'Administrators var izveidot lietotāja kontu ar vai bez paroles komplicētības pārbaudes aplikāciju.<br><br>
    3023Note: Ja lietotājs, kura konts jau izveidots, grib nomainīt savu paroli un ir aktīva paroles stingrības uzlabišanas aplikācija, būs jāievēro visi stingrības uzlabošanas noteikumi.';
    31 $lang['UAM_mailexcTitle'] = 'E-Pasta domēnu izslēgšana';
    32 $lang['UAM_infomailTitle'] = 'Lietotājiem e-nosūtāmā informācija';
    3324$lang['UAM_infomailTitle_d'] = 'Šī opcija ļauj automātiski ar e-pastu nosūtīt lietotājam informatīvu ziņu par reģistrāciju vai profila paroles vai e-pasta adreses maiņu.<br><br>
    3425Nosūtāmā ziņa kompozicionāli sastāv no pielāgojamās daļas, maza ievada un fiksētās daļas, kas ietver info par lietotāja loginu, paroli un e-pasta adresi.';
    35 $lang['UAM_infotxtTitle'] = 'Informatīvā e-pastra pielāgošana';
    36 $lang['UAM_confirmtxtTitle'] = 'Apstiprinājuma e-pasta pielāgošana';
    3726$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle'] = 'Pārbaudāmās Grupas';
    3827$lang['UAM_confirmgrpTitle_d'] = '<b style=&quot;color:
    4332red;&quot;>UZMANĪBU : Statusa pārbaudes lietošana prasa, lai lietotājam &quot;Guest&quot; jaunai reģistrācijai būtu iestatījumi pēc noklusējuma (kā lietotāja paraugā). Nēmiet vērā, ka ir iespējams par paraugu jaunai reģistrācijai izmantot jebkuru citu lietotāju. Papildus informācijai, lūdzu izmantojiet Piwigo dokumentāciju.</b><br><br>
    4433Statūti ir validēti lietošanai sasaistē ar (apstiprinājums un reģistrācija)  &quot;Confirmation of registration&quot;';
    45 $lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle'] = 'Reģistrācijas validācijas termiņa ierobežošana';
    46 $lang['UAM_remailTitle'] = 'Atgādināt nevalidētos lietotājus';
    4734$lang['UAM_remailtxt1Title'] = 'Atgādinājuma e-vēstule ar jauni uzģenerēto atslēgu';
    4835$lang['UAM_remailtxt2Title'] = 'Atgādinājuma e-vēstule bez jauni uzģenerētās atslēgas';
    49 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle'] = 'Ghost (slēpto) apmeklētāju pārvaldība';
    50 $lang['UAM_ghosttrackerTitle_d'] = 'Arī saukts par &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; (spoku izsekotāju), kad šī funkcija aktivēta, iespējams sekot lietotājiem atkarībā no to apmeklējuma biežuma. Kad tiek sasniegts laiks starp diviem apmeklējumiem, iekš &quot;Ghost Tracker&quot; tabulas parādās ampmeklētājs ar jautājuma zīmi, kur ar e-pasta palīdzību var nosūtīt atgādinājumu.<br><br>
    51 <b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Ja iespējojat šo iespēju pirmo reizi vai reaktivējat pēc lielāka laika perioda, kurā reģistrējušies jauni lietotāji, ir jāinicializē vai jāveic Ghost Tracker reset operācija.</b>';
    52 $lang['UAM_gttextTitle'] = 'Ghost Tracker atgādinājuma ziņojums';
    53 $lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle'] = 'Reģistrēto lietotāju izsekošana (Tracking)';
    5436$lang['UAM_lastvisitTitle_d'] = 'Šis aktivē tabulu &quot;Tracking users&quot; iezīmē (tabā), kurā reģistrēti galeriju apmeklējušie lietotāji, viņu pēdējā apmeklējuma datums, kā arī galerijā pavadītais laiks (dienās) kopš pēdējā apmeklējuma. Monitoringam ir tīri informatīvs raksturs galerijas administratora vajadzībām.';
    55 $lang['UAM_tipsTitle'] = 'Padomi un Piemēri';
    5637$lang['UAM_tipsTitle_d'] = 'Padomi un dažādi izmantošanas piemēri';
    57 $lang['UAM_userlistTitle'] = 'Lietotāju izsekošana';
    58 $lang['UAM_usermanTitle'] = 'Validāciju izsekošana';
    59 $lang['UAM_gtTitle'] = 'Ghost (slēpto) apmeklētāju vadība';
    6240// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    63 $lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle'] = 'Reģistrācijas apliecinājums adminiem';
    6441$lang['UAM_adminconfmailTitle_d'] = 'Jūs varat atspējot šo apstiprināšanu tikai tiem lietotāju kontiem, ko izveidojis administrators, lietojot Piwigo lietotāju vadības saskarni.<br><br>
    6542Aktivizējot šo iespēju, katram administratora izveidotajam lietotājam tiks nosūtīta elektroniskā pasta vēstuve ar reģistrācijas apstiprinājumu.<br><br>
    6643Atspējojot šo iespēju (pēc noklusējuma), tiek nosūtīta tikai e-pasta informācija (ja &quot;Information email to user&quot;(Informācijas e-pasts lietotājam) ir iespējots).';
    6744// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.14.0
    70 // --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    71 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom1'] = 'Apstiprinājuma lapas teksts – Apstiprinājums akceptēts';
    72 $lang['UAM_confirmmail_custom2'] = 'Apstiprinājuma lapas teksts – Apstiprinājums noraidīts';
    73 // --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.0
    133104<b>Table Sorting Function</b>: tabulas šķirošanas funkcija ļauj kārtot tabulu noklikšķinot uz tabulas galvenēm. Pieturot SHIFT var kārtot pēc maksimums 4 kolonām vienlaicīgi.';
    134 $lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle'] = 'Reģistrācijas apstiprināšana';
    135105$lang['UAM_confirmmailTitle_d'] = 'Šī opcija dod iespēju lietotājam apstiprināt savu reģistrāciju ar pie reģistrācijas e-pastā saņemtās saites palīdzību vai to var izdarīt administrators manuāli.<br><br>
    136106Pirmajā gadījumā, e-vēstule tiek veidota no pielāgojamas ievadošās daļas un fiksētās daļas, kas satur aktivēšanas saiti, kas uzģenerēta no gadījuma atslēgas, ko iespējams reģenerēt izmantojot &quot;Tracking validations&quot; iezīmi.<br><br>
    143113Šo iespēju parasti izmanto kopā ar grupas un/vai statūtu automātisku nozīmēšanu. Piemēram, lietotāji, kas nav validējuši savu reģistrāciju, tiks ielikti īpašā lietotāju grupā (ar vai bez ierobežojumie uz piekļuvi galerijai), kamēr lietotājs, kas ir apstiprinājis savu reģistrāciju tiks ielikts grupā &quot;normal&quot;.';
    144 $lang['UAM_RedirTitle'] = 'Novirzīt uz &quot;Customization&quot; lapu';
    145114// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    169138@hotmail.com -> izņemot adreses *@hotmail.com<br>
    170139@hotmail -> izņemot visas adreses *@hotmail*';
    171 $lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle'] = ' Ghosts lietotāju automātiskā pārvaldība';
    172140$lang['UAM_GTAutoTitle_d'] = 'Šī opcija dod iespēju pielietot (slēptajiem) ghosts lietotājiem automātiskās pārvaldības nosacījumus.
    173141<br><br>Pamatprincips: Lietotājs, kas sasniedzis maksimālo laiku starp apmeklējumiem <b><u>and</u></b> un ir jau par to ar e-pastu brīdināts, tiek uzskatīts kā vairs neesošs. Tad jūs varat pielietot automātiskās apstrādes nosacījumus, kā notecējušo kontu automātisko dzēšanu vai to pazemināšanu, ierobežojot piekļuvi galerijai (automātiski pārvirzot ierobežojumu grupā vai piešķirot šādu statusu).
    178146Tādējādi jānosaka mainīto (pazemināto) grupu un/vai statusa piekļuves tiesības galerijai. Ja tas jau izdarītslietojot reģistrācijas apstiprināšanas funkciju, varat lietot to pašu grupu vai statusu.<br><br>
    179147<b style=&quot;color: red;&quot;>Important note :</b> Ja no slēptā ghost lietotāja pēc termiņa limita, neskatoties uz informēšanu ar e-pastu (ja iespējots), nav nekādas ziņas, viņš automātiski tie dzēsts no datu bāzes';
    180 $lang['UAM_GTAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automātiska e-pasta nosūtīšana, informējot par grupas vai statusa maiņu.';
    181 $lang['UAM_AdminValidationMail'] = 'Paziņojums par manuālās reģistrācijas apstiprināšanu';
    182148// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.16.0
    185151// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.0
    186 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_CustomPasswRetrTitle'] = 'Customize lost password email content';
    187152/* TODO */$lang['UAM_validationlimitTitle_d'] = 'Šī opcija ļauj ierobežot jaunajiem reģistrantiem nosūtīto atslēgas validācijas e-pastu validitāti. Lietotājiem, kuri reģistrējas ir x dienas laika, lai apstiprinātu savu reģistrāciju. Pēc šī laika beigsies validācijas saite derīgums.
    197162If this option and the option &quot;Reģistrācijas validācijas termiņa ierobežošana&quot; are activated, new options will appear below in this section to enable the automation of unvalidated users management.';
    198 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle'] = 'Automatic management of unvalidated users';
    199163/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoTitle_d'] = 'Automatic handling of unvalidated visitors is triggered each time you connect to the gallery and works as follows:
    203167- Automatically sending a reminder message with a new generation of validation key and automatic deletion of accounts not validated in the time after sending the reminder -> &quot;Deadline for registration validation limited&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b> et &quot;Remind unvalidated users&quot; <b><u>enabled</u></b>.';
    204 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoDelTitle'] = 'Custom message on deleted account';
    205 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle'] = 'Automated email reminder';
    206168/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_USRAutoMailTitle_d'] = 'When activated, this function will automatically send personalized content in &quot;Reminder email with new key generated&quot; to visitors who match criteria.';
    207 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle'] = 'PWG Stuffs block';
    208169/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_StuffsTitle_d'] = 'This enables an additional UAM block in PWG Stuffs plugin (if installed) to inform your visitors who did not validate their registration about their condition.
    214175// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.3
    215 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle'] = 'Backup your configuration';
    216176/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_DumpTitle_d'] = 'This allows you to save the entire configuration of the plugin in a file so you can restore it if something goes wrong (wrong manipulation or before an update, for example). By default, the file is stored in this folder ../plugins/UserAdvManager/include/backup/ and is called &quot;UAM_dbbackup.sql&quot;.
    226186// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
    227 /*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle'] = 'Password in clear text in the information email';
    228187/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_HidePasswTitle_d'] = 'Choose here if you want to display the password chosen by the visitor in the information email. If you enable the option, the password will then appear in clear text. If you disable the password will not appear at all.';
    229188// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.4
  • extensions/UserAdvManager/trunk/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r12047 r12666  
    233233$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_true'] = ' Iespējot – Apstiprinājis lietotājs';
    234234$lang['UAM_Confirm_Mail_local'] = ' Iespējot – Apstiprinājis administrators (netika nosūtīta apstiprināšanas atslēga)';
    235 $lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Novirzīt uz "Customization" (pielāgošanas) lapu';
    236235// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.15.4
    242241/* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAuto'] = 'Automatic management of ghosts users';
    243242/* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoDel'] = 'Automatic deletion of accounts';
    244 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatic change of group / status';
    245 /* TODO */$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status';
    246243/* TODO */$lang['UAM_Deleted_Account_Redirection_Page'] = 'Access denied - Account destroyed!';
    247244/* TODO */$lang['UAM_title_redir_page'] = 'Access denied for having an account destroyed!';
    370367/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Error_Using_illegal_flag'] = 'Syntax error ! The [Kdays] AutoText flag is used as the "Reģistrācijas apstiprināšanas limita robežlīnija" option was not activated. Please activate the option or correct the text field(s) colored in red.';
    371368// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.20.11
     371// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
     372$lang['UAM_RedirToProfile'] = 'Novirzīt uz pielāgošanas lapu';
     373/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoGp'] = 'Automatic change of group / status / privacy level';
     374/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_GTAutoMail'] = 'Automatically sending an email when changing group / status / privacy level';
     375/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_NewFeature'] = 'New feature !';
     376/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion'] = 'Reject user\'s connexion until registration is validated';
     377/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_RejectConnexion_Custom_Txt'] = 'Customize rejection text';
     378/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Default_RejectConnexion_Txt'] = 'Sorry, you don\'t have validate your registration yet, so you can\'t connect the gallery now. Please check your email box. You should find an email sent by the gallery, containing a link to perform your validation. If not, please contact the webmaster.';
     379/*TODO*/$lang['UAM_Reject_Page_Title'] = 'Connexion not allowed !';
     380// --------- End: New or revised $lang ---- from version 2.30.2
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