Jan 30, 2012, 11:07:09 PM (12 years ago)

[extensions] - delete_hit_rate - rename key language to EN

4 edited


  • extensions/delete_hit_rate/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r9796 r12999  
    3 $lang['pdhr_onglet_all'] = 'Purge All';
    4 $lang['pdhr_all_h'] = 'Purge all hits on all pictures gallery';
    5 $lang['pdhr_all_hok'] = 'Hit purge completed successfully';
    6 $lang['pdhr_all_r'] = 'Purge all rate on all pictures gallery';
    7 $lang['pdhr_all_rok'] = 'Rate purge completed successfully';
    8 $lang['pdhr_l'] = 'Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
    9 $lang['pdhr_photo_h'] = 'Purge hit of the photo';
    10 $lang['pdhr_photo_r'] = 'Purge rate of the photo';
    11 $lang['pdhr_album_h'] = 'Purge hits on all pictures album';
    12 $lang['pdhr_album_r'] = 'Purge rates on all pictures album';
     3$lang['Purge All'] = 'Purge All';
     4$lang['Purge all hits on all pictures gallery'] = 'Purge all hits on all pictures gallery';
     5$lang['Hit purge completed successfully'] = 'Hit purge completed successfully';
     6$lang['Purge all rate on all pictures gallery'] = 'Purge all rate on all pictures gallery';
     7$lang['Rate purge completed successfully'] = 'Rate purge completed successfully';
     8$lang['Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate'] = 'Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
     9$lang['Purge hit of the photo'] = 'Purge hit of the photo';
     10$lang['Purge rate of the photo'] = 'Purge rate of the photo';
     11$lang['Purge hits on all pictures album'] = 'Purge hits on all pictures album';
     12$lang['Purge rates on all pictures album'] = 'Purge rates on all pictures album';
  • extensions/delete_hit_rate/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r9796 r12999  
    3 $lang['pdhr_onglet_all'] = 'Purge Total';
    4 $lang['pdhr_all_h'] = 'Purger tous les hits de la galerie';
    5 $lang['pdhr_all_hok'] = 'Purge totale des hits effectuée avec succès';
    6 $lang['pdhr_all_r'] = 'Purger toutes les notes de la galerie';
    7 $lang['pdhr_all_rok'] = 'Purge total des notes effectuée avec succès';
    8 $lang['pdhr_l'] = 'Purger - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
    9 $lang['pdhr_photo_h'] = 'Purger le hit de la photo';
    10 $lang['pdhr_photo_r'] = 'Purger la note de la photo';
    11 $lang['pdhr_album_h'] = 'Purger les hits de toutes les photos de l\'album';
    12 $lang['pdhr_album_r'] = 'Purger les notes de toutes les photos de l\'album';
     3$lang['Purge All'] = 'Purge Total';
     4$lang['Purge all hits on all pictures gallery'] = 'Purger tous les hits de la galerie';
     5$lang['Hit purge completed successfully'] = 'Purge totale des hits effectuée avec succès';
     6$lang['Purge all rate on all pictures gallery'] = 'Purger toutes les notes de la galerie';
     7$lang['Rate purge completed successfully'] = 'Purge total des notes effectuée avec succès';
     8$lang['Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate'] = 'Purger - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
     9$lang['Purge hit of the photo'] = 'Purger le hit de la photo';
     10$lang['Purge rate of the photo'] = 'Purger la note de la photo';
     11$lang['Purge hits on all pictures album'] = 'Purger les hits de toutes les photos de l\'album';
     12$lang['Purge rates on all pictures album'] = 'Purger les notes de toutes les photos de l\'album';
  • extensions/delete_hit_rate/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r12571 r12999  
    2 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    3 // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery                                    |
    4 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    5 // | Copyright(C) 2008-2009 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
    6 // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team    http://phpwebgallery.net |
    7 // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL   http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
    8 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    9 // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
    10 // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
    11 // | the Free Software Foundation                                          |
    12 // |                                                                       |
    13 // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   |
    14 // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
    16 // | General Public License for more details.                              |
    17 // |                                                                       |
    18 // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
    19 // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
    20 // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
    21 // | USA.                                                                  |
    22 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['pdhr_album_h'] = 'Összes kép találat törlése az albumban';
    24 $lang['pdhr_album_r'] = 'Összes kép értékelés törlése az albumban';
    25 $lang['pdhr_all_h'] = 'Az összes kép találat törlése a galériában';
    26 $lang['pdhr_all_hok'] = 'A találat törlése sikeres';
    27 $lang['pdhr_all_r'] = 'Az összes kép értékelés törlése a galériában';
    28 $lang['pdhr_all_rok'] = 'Az értékelés törlése sikeres';
    29 $lang['pdhr_l'] = 'Tisztítás - Találat/Értékelés törlése bővítmény';
    30 $lang['pdhr_onglet_all'] = 'Összes találat törlése';
    31 $lang['pdhr_photo_h'] = 'Kép találatok törlése';
    32 $lang['pdhr_photo_r'] = 'Kép értékelések törlése';
     2$lang['Purge hits on all pictures album'] = 'Összes kép találat törlése az albumban';
     3$lang['Purge rates on all pictures album'] = 'Összes kép értékelés törlése az albumban';
     4$lang['Purge all hits on all pictures gallery'] = 'Az összes kép találat törlése a galériában';
     5$lang['Hit purge completed successfully'] = 'A találat törlése sikeres';
     6$lang['Purge all rate on all pictures gallery'] = 'Az összes kép értékelés törlése a galériában';
     7$lang['Rate purge completed successfully'] = 'Az értékelés törlése sikeres';
     8$lang['Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate'] = 'Tisztítás - Találat/Értékelés törlése bővítmény';
     9$lang['Purge All'] = 'Összes találat törlése';
     10$lang['Purge hit of the photo'] = 'Kép találatok törlése';
     11$lang['Purge rate of the photo'] = 'Kép értékelések törlése';
  • extensions/delete_hit_rate/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r10287 r12999  
    3 $lang['pdhr_onglet_all'] = 'Cancellazione Totale';
    4 $lang['pdhr_all_h'] = 'Cancella il numero di viste di tutte le foto della galleria';
    5 $lang['pdhr_all_hok'] = 'Cancellazione del numero delle viste completata con successo';
    6 $lang['pdhr_all_r'] = 'Cancella tutti i voti della galleria';
    7 $lang['pdhr_all_rok'] = 'Cancellazione dei voti completata con successo';
    8 $lang['pdhr_l'] = 'Cancellazione - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
    9 $lang['pdhr_photo_h'] = 'Cancellare il numero di visite della foto';
    10 $lang['pdhr_photo_r'] = 'Cancellare la nota della foto';
    11 $lang['pdhr_album_h'] = 'Cancellare il numero di visite di tutte le foto dell\'album';
    12 $lang['pdhr_album_r'] = 'Cancellare le note di tutte le foto dell\'album';
     2$lang['Purge All'] = 'Cancellazione Totale';
     3$lang['Purge all hits on all pictures gallery'] = 'Cancella il numero di viste di tutte le foto della galleria';
     4$lang['Hit purge completed successfully'] = 'Cancellazione del numero delle viste completata con successo';
     5$lang['Purge all rate on all pictures gallery'] = 'Cancella tutti i voti della galleria';
     6$lang['Rate purge completed successfully'] = 'Cancellazione dei voti completata con successo';
     7$lang['Purge - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate'] = 'Cancellazione - Plugin Delete Hit/Rate';
     8$lang['Purge hit of the photo'] = 'Cancellare il numero di visite della foto';
     9$lang['Purge rate of the photo'] = 'Cancellare la nota della foto';
     10$lang['Purge hits on all pictures album'] = 'Cancellare il numero di visite di tutte le foto dell\'album';
     11$lang['Purge rates on all pictures album'] = 'Cancellare le note di tutte le foto dell\'album';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.