Changeset 15655 for trunk/language

Jun 13, 2012, 11:58:28 AM (12 years ago)

[trunk_public] Update en_UK, thanks to : Tadjio

1 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK/common.lang.php

    r15384 r15655  
    159159$lang['Email address'] = "Email address";
    160160$lang['Email: %s'] = "Email: %s";
    161 $lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = "Empty query. No criteria has been entered.";
     161$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Empty query. No criteria have been entered.';
    162162$lang['End-Date'] = "End date";
    163163$lang['Enter your new password below.'] = 'Enter your new password below.';
    174174$lang['Filter'] = "Filter";
    175175$lang['First'] = "First";
    176 $lang['Forgot your password?'] = "Forgot your password?";
     176$lang['Forgot your password?'] = 'Forgotten your password?';
    177177$lang['from %s to %s'] = "from %s to %s";
    178178$lang['Go through the gallery as a visitor'] = "Navigate the gallery as a visitor";
    330330$lang['Tags'] = "Tags";
    331331$lang['the beginning'] = "the beginning";
    332 $lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = "The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.";
     332$lang['The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please, come back later.'] = 'The gallery is locked for maintenance. Please come back later.';
    333333$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = "The number of photos per page must be a nonzero integer";
    334334$lang['The passwords do not match'] = 'The passwords do not match';
    335335$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = "The RSS feed provides notification on new events from this website: new photos, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.";
    336336$lang['the username must be given'] = "the username is required";
    337 $lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'This author modified following comment:';
     337$lang['This author modified following comment:'] = 'This author modified the following comment:';
    338338$lang['This author removed the comment with id %d'] = 'This author removed the comment with id %d';
    339339$lang['this email address is already in use'] = "this email address is already in use";
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