Changeset 16322 for trunk

Jul 3, 2012, 6:47:05 PM (12 years ago)

[trunk_public] Update zh_CN, thanks to : quqibing

1 edited


  • trunk/language/zh_CN/common.lang.php

    r15662 r16322  
    5959$lang['Album'] = "相册";
    6060$lang['Close this window'] = "关闭此窗口";
    61 $lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = "完整的RSS feed(照片,评论)";
     61$lang['Complete RSS feed (photos, comments)'] = '完整RSS(图片,评论)';
    6262$lang['Confirm Password'] = "确认密码";
    6363$lang['Connection settings'] = '注册信息';
    8484$lang['Help'] = '帮助';
    8585$lang['Identification'] = '用户信息';
    86 $lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = '图片RSS';
     86$lang['Photos only RSS feed'] = '图片RSS';
    8787$lang['Keyword'] = '关键字';
    8888$lang['Links'] = '链接';
    8989$lang['N/A'] = '不存在';
    9090$lang['New on %s'] = '创建于 %s';
    91 $lang['Notification'] = '通知';
     91$lang['Notification'] = 'RSS';
    9292$lang['Number of items'] = '总数';
    9393$lang['Original dimensions'] = '原始大小';
    9898$lang['Profile'] = '用户信息';
    9999$lang['Quick connect'] = '快速登录';
    100 $lang['RSS feed'] = 'RSS流';
     100$lang['RSS feed'] = '订阅RSS通知';
    101101$lang['Register'] = '注册';
    102102$lang['Registration'] = '注册';
    108108$lang['Search'] = '搜索';
    109109$lang['display available tags'] = '查看现有标签';
    110 $lang['Since'] = '';
    111 $lang['Sort by'] = '排序';
    112 $lang['Sort order'] = '排序';
     110$lang['Since'] = '时间';
     111$lang['Sort by'] = '排序字段';
     112$lang['Sort order'] = '排序方式';
    113113$lang['Tag'] = '标签';
    114114$lang['Tags'] = '标签';
    115 $lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS摘要,从本网站上获取通知:新图片,相册更新,新评论。要使用RSS阅读器来查看这些.';
    116 $lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = '未知RSS标识';
     115$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = '通过订阅RSS,您可以从本网站及时获取新图片,相册更新与新评论。您可以通过RSS阅读器来订阅。';
     116$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = '未知RSS标识';
    117117$lang['User comments'] = '用户评论';
    118118$lang['Username'] = '用户名';
    134134$lang['Best rated'] = '得票最高';
    135135$lang['display best rated photos'] = '显示得票最高的图片';
    136 $lang['Calendar'] = '日历';
     136$lang['Calendar'] = '图片日历';
    137137$lang['All'] = '所有';
    138138$lang['display each day with photos, month per month'] = '按时间顺序显示';
    201201$lang['Maximum photo width'] = '图片的最大宽度';
    202202$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = '图片最大宽度必须大于50';
    203 $lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = '通过创建时间显示日历';
     203$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = '创建时间显示日历';
    204204$lang['display all photos in all sub-albums'] = '显示所有相册和子相册的图片';
    205 $lang['return to normal view mode'] = '返回到普通模式显示';
    206 $lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = '通过发布时间来显示日历';
     205$lang['return to normal view mode'] = '返回到普通视图';
     206$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = '按发布时间显示日历';
    207207$lang['month'][10] = '十月';
    208208$lang['month'][11] = '十一月';
    273273$lang['SQL queries in'] = 'SQL搜索语句';
    274274$lang['display only recently posted photos'] = '只显示最新图片';
    275 $lang['return to the display of all photos'] = '返回到所有图片页面';
    276 $lang['the beginning'] = '开始';
    277 $lang['Interface theme'] = '主题';
     275$lang['return to the display of all photos'] = '显示所有图片';
     276$lang['the beginning'] = '所有时间';
     277$lang['Interface theme'] = '界面主题';
    278278$lang['Thumbnails'] = '缩略图';
    279279$lang['Menu'] = '菜单';
    310310$lang['Yes'] = '是';
    311311$lang['No'] = '否';
    312 $lang['%d photo']='%d 张图片';
    313 $lang['%d photos']='%d 张图片';
    314 $lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '%d 张图片与当前标签相关';
    315 $lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '%d 张图片与当前标签相关';
    316 $lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = '只查看和此标签相关的图片';
     312$lang['%d photo'] = '%d张图片';
     313$lang['%d photos'] = '%d张图片';
     314$lang['%d photo is also linked to current tags'] = '当前标签有%d张图片';
     315$lang['%d photos are also linked to current tags'] = '当前标签有%d张图片';
     316$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = '在此标签上显示图片链接';
    317317$lang['photos posted during the last %d days'] = '在最近%d天里更新的图片';
    318318$lang['Piwigo Help'] = 'Piwigo帮助';
    342342$lang['%d rates'] = '%d 评分';
    343343$lang['Rating score'] = '评价得分';
    344 $lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = '每页片数量必须大于0';
    345 $lang['Number of photos per page'] = '每页片数量';
     344$lang['The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar'] = '每页片数量必须大于0';
     345$lang['Number of photos per page'] = '每页片数量';
    346346$lang['display photos linked to this tag'] = '在此标签上显示相片链接';
    347347$lang['Invalid username or email'] = '用户名或邮件地址无效';
    369369$lang['Here are your connection settings'] = '您的注册信息';
    370370$lang['If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s'] = '如果您觉得您收到有邮件有误,请联系我们 %s';
    371 $lang['large'] = '大尺寸';
    372 $lang['medium'] = '中尺寸';
     371$lang['large'] = 'L';
     372$lang['medium'] = 'M';
    373373$lang['Original'] = '原始尺寸';
    374374$lang['Password: %s'] = '密码:%s';
    375375$lang['Send my connection settings by email'] = '发送注册信息到我的Email';
    376 $lang['small'] = '小尺寸';
     376$lang['small'] = 'S';
    377377$lang['square'] = '图标';
    378378$lang['Successfully registered, you will soon receive an email with your connection settings. Welcome!'] = '注册成功,您马上会收到注册信息邮件。感谢您注册!';
    381381$lang['Username modification'] = '修改用户名';
    382382$lang['Username: %s'] = '用户名:%s';
    383 $lang['xlarge'] = '很大尺寸';
    384 $lang['xxlarge'] = '非常大尺寸';
     383$lang['xlarge'] = 'XL';
     384$lang['xxlarge'] = 'XXL';
    385385$lang['Your username has been successfully changed to : %s'] = '您的用户名成功修改为:%s';
    386 $lang['Photo sizes'] = '';
     386$lang['Photo sizes'] = '缩放图片';
    387387$lang['Desktop'] = '桌面版';
    388388$lang['Mobile'] = '手机版';
    390390$lang['Show oldest comments first'] = '先显示旧评论';
    391391$lang['View in'] = '查看';
    392 $lang['2small'] = 'XXS - 微小';
    393 $lang['xsmall'] = 'XS - 非常小';
     392$lang['2small'] = 'XXS';
     393$lang['xsmall'] = 'XS';
    394394$lang['Date created, new → old'] = '创建日期, 新 → 旧';
    395395$lang['Date created, old → new'] = '创建日期, 旧 → 新';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.