Jul 4, 2012, 8:51:43 PM (12 years ago)

[smartalbums] Update sk_SK, thanks to : xpace

1 edited


  • extensions/SmartAlbums/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r16169 r16342  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['%d photos associated to album %s'] = '%d fotiek spojených s albumom %s';
     23$lang['%d photos associated to album %s'] = '%d fotiek spojených s albumom %s';
    2424$lang['%d photo'] = '%d fotka';
    2525$lang['%d photos'] = '%d fotiek';
    4242$lang['Only SmartAlbums are displayed on this page'] = 'Len SmartAlbumy sú zobrazené na tejto stránke';
    4343$lang['Only these tags'] = 'Len tieto kľúčové slová';
    44 $lang['Regenerate photos list of all SmartAlbums'] = 'Zlepšiť zoznam fotiek vo všetkých SmartAlbumoch';
     44$lang['Regenerate photos list of all SmartAlbums'] = 'Regenerovať zoznam fotiek vo všetkých SmartAlbumoch';
    4545$lang['Regenerate photos list of this SmartAlbum'] = 'Zlepšiť zoznam fotiek v tomto SmartAlbume';
    4646$lang['SmartAlbum added'] = 'SmartAlbum pridaný';
    4848$lang['This album is a SmartAlbum'] = 'Tento album je SmartAlbum';
    4949$lang['Update albums on file upload'] = 'Aktualizovať albumy pri nahratí súboru';
    50 $lang['(can cause slowdowns)'] = '(moze sposobit spomalenie)';
    51 $lang['Above'] = 'Vyssie uvedene';
    52 $lang['Author is empty'] = 'Nazov autora je prazdny';
    53 $lang['Begins with'] = 'Zacina s/so';
    54 $lang['Bellow'] = 'Nizsie';
     50$lang['(can cause slowdowns)'] = '(môže spôsobiť spomalenie)';
     51$lang['Above'] = 'Vyššie uvedené';
     52$lang['Author is empty'] = 'Názov autora je prázdny';
     53$lang['Begins with'] = 'Začína s/so';
     54$lang['Bellow'] = 'Nižšie';
    5555$lang['Contains'] = 'Obsahuje';
    56 $lang['Doesn\'t begin with'] = 'Nezacina s/so';
     56$lang['Doesn\'t begin with'] = 'Nezačína s/so';
    5757$lang['Doesn\'t contain'] = 'Neobsahuje';
    58 $lang['Doesn\'t end with'] = 'Nekonci s/so';
    59 $lang['Ends with'] = 'Konci s/so';
     58$lang['Doesn\'t end with'] = 'Nekončí s/so';
     59$lang['Ends with'] = 'Končí s/so';
    6060$lang['Filters'] = 'Filtre';
    61 $lang['For "Is (not) in", separate each author by a comma'] = 'Pre "Je (Nie je) v/vo", oddtelte kazdeho autora ciarkou';
    62 $lang['Hits must be an integer'] = 'Pocet pristupov musi byt cislo';
     61$lang['For "Is (not) in", separate each author by a comma'] = 'Pre "Je (Nie je) v/vo", oddelte každého autora čiarkou';
     62$lang['Hits must be an integer'] = 'Počet prístupov musí byť číslo';
    6363$lang['Is in'] = 'Je v/vo';
    6464$lang['Is not in'] = 'Nie je v/vo';
    6565$lang['Is not'] = 'Nie je ';
    6666$lang['Is'] = 'Je';
    67 $lang['Name is empty'] = 'Meno je prazdne';
    68 $lang['To order albums please go the main albums <a href="%s">management page</a>'] = 'Pre objednanie albumov prejdite na <a href="%s">stranku spravy</a> hlavnych albumov.';
    69 $lang['You can\'t use more than one level filter'] = 'Nie je mozne pouzit viac ako jednu uroven filtrovania';
    70 $lang['You can\'t use more than one limit filter'] = 'Nie je mozne pouzit viac ako jednu hranicu filtrovania';
     67$lang['Name is empty'] = 'Meno je pr&aacute;zdne';
     68$lang['To order albums please go the main albums <a href="%s">management page</a>'] = 'Pre objednanie albumov prejdite na <a href="%s">str&aacute;nku spr&aacute;vy</a> hlavn&yacute;ch albumov.';
     69$lang['You can\'t use more than one level filter'] = 'Nie je mo&#382;n&eacute; pou&#382;i&#357; viac ako jednu &uacute;rove&#328; filtrovania';
     70$lang['You can\'t use more than one limit filter'] = 'Nie je mo&#382;n&eacute; pou&#382;i&#357; viac ako jednu hranicu filtrovania';
    7171$lang['author_filter'] = 'Autor';
    72 $lang['create a new SmartAlbum'] = 'vytvor novy SmartAlbum';
    73 $lang['date_filter'] = 'Datum';
    74 $lang['hit_filter'] = 'Pristupov';
    75 $lang['level_filter'] = 'Uroven';
    76 $lang['limit_filter'] = 'Max. pocet fotiek';
    77 $lang['name_filter'] = 'Nazov fotky';
     72$lang['create a new SmartAlbum'] = 'vytvor nov&yacute; SmartAlbum';
     73$lang['date_filter'] = 'D&aacute;tum';
     74$lang['hit_filter'] = 'Pr&iacute;stupov';
     75$lang['level_filter'] = '&Uacute;rove&#328;';
     76$lang['limit_filter'] = 'Max. po&#269;et fotiek';
     77$lang['name_filter'] = 'N&aacute;zov fotky';
    7878$lang['tags_filter'] = 'Tagov';
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