Sep 16, 2012, 5:20:39 PM (12 years ago)
  • stores emails in database (/!\ update only from published version, not from trunk)
  • allow emails to be categorized
21 edited


  • extensions/ContactForm/language/bg_BG/plugin.lang.php

    r17723 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Моля въведете съобщение';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Грешка при изпращане на e-mail';
    42 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Префикс на изпращания имейл обект (Може да използвате "%gallery_title%")';
     41$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Префикс на изпращания имейл обект';
     42$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'Може да използвате "%gallery_title%"';
    4343$lang['Plain text'] = 'Свободен текст';
    4444$lang['No active email address'] = 'Неактивет имейл адрес';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/cs_CZ/plugin.lang.php

    r17559 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Prosím zadejte zprávu';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Nastala chyba při odeslání zprávy';
    4241$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s nesmí být delší než %d znaků';
    4342$lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Přidat email';
    4847$lang['Plain text'] = 'Prostý text';
    4948$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Prosím, vložte e-mail';
    50 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Předpona poslaného e-mail předmětu (můžete použít "%gallery_title%")';
     49$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Předpona poslaného e-mail předmětu';
     50$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'můžete použít "%gallery_title%"';
    5151$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s nesmí být kratší než %d znaků';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/da_DK/plugin.lang.php

    r17502 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Angiv en beskred';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Fejl ved afsendelse af e-mail';
    4241$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s må ikke være kortere end %d karakterer';
    4342$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s må ikke være længere end %d karakterer';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Ren tekst';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Angiv en email adresse';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Præfix for email emne (du kan anvende "%gallery_title%")';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Præfix for email emne';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'du kan anvende "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r17530 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Bitte fügen Sie eine Mitteilung hinzu';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Es ist ein Fehler beim Versand der E-Mail aufgetreten';
    4241$lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Eine Mail hinzufügen';
    4342$lang['E-mail format :'] = 'E-Mail Format:';
    4948$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s darf nicht mehr als %d Zeichen lang sein';
    5049$lang['Default e-mail subject'] = 'Standard E-mail-Betreff';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Präfix des gesendeten e-Mail-Betreffs (Sie können "% Gallery_title" benutzen)';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Präfix des gesendeten e-Mail-Betreffs';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'Sie können "%gallery_title%" benutzen';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/el_GR/plugin.lang.php

    r17499 r17945  
    3333$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Παρακαλώ εισάγετε ένα μήνυμα';
    3434$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Λάθος κατά την απόστολή e-mail';
    36 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Πρόθεμα για το θέμα του e-mail που στέλνετε (μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το " "%gallery_title%"")';
     35$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Πρόθεμα για το θέμα του e-mail που στέλνετε';
     36$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το "%gallery_title%"';
    3737$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Παρακαλώ εισάγετε ένα e-mail';
    3838$lang['Plain text'] = 'Απλό κείμενο';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r17498 r17945  
    2626$lang['Subject'] = 'Subject';
    2727$lang['Message'] = 'Message';
     28$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
    2829$lang['General configuration'] = 'General configuration';
    2930$lang['Add link in menu'] = 'Add link in menu';
    3536$lang['Plain text'] = 'Plain text';
    3637$lang['Default e-mail subject'] = 'Default e-mail subject';
    37 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")';
     38$lang['can be translated with LocalFiles Editor plugin'] = 'can be translated with LocalFiles Editor plugin';
     39$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Prefix of the sent e-mail subject';
     40$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'you can use "%gallery_title%"';
    3841$lang['Text before the contact form'] = 'Text before the contact form';
    3942$lang['Text after the contact form'] = 'Text after the contact form';
    4043$lang['Active'] = 'Active';
    4144$lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Add an email';
     45$lang['+ Add a category'] = '+ Add a category';
    4246$lang['No active email address'] = 'No active email address';
    4347$lang['E-mail sent successfully'] = 'E-mail sent successfully';
    4650$lang['Please enter a subject'] = 'Please enter a subject';
    4751$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Please enter a message';
     52$lang['Please choose a category'] = 'Please choose a category';
    4853$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s must not be less than %d characters long';
    4954$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s must not be more than %d characters long';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r17533 r17945  
    3838$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Por favor, entre un mensaje';
    3939$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Error en el momento del envío del e-mail';
    4140$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s no debe ser menor que %d caracteres';
    4241$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s no debe ser mayor que %d caracteres';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Texto sin formato';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Por favor, introduzca un e-mail';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Prefijo del asunto del correo electrónico de envío (se puede utilizar "%galería de title%")';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Prefijo del asunto del correo electrónico de envío';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'se puede utilizar "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/fa_IR/plugin.lang.php

    r17608 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a subject'] = 'موضوع را وارد کنید';
    4040$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'ایمیل خود را وارد کنید';
    41 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'پیشوند موضوع ایمیل (می توانید از "%gallery_title%" استفاده کنید)';
    4241$lang['Text after the contact form'] = 'متنِ پس از فرمِ تماس';
    4342$lang['Text before the contact form'] = 'متنِ پیش از فرمِ تماس';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r17498 r17945  
    2626$lang['Subject'] = 'Sujet';
    2727$lang['Message'] = 'Message';
     28$lang['Category'] = 'Catégorie';
    2829$lang['General configuration'] = 'Configuration générale';
    2930$lang['Add link in menu'] = 'Ajouter le lien dans le menu';
    3536$lang['Plain text'] = 'Texte brut';
    3637$lang['Default e-mail subject'] = 'Sujet par défaut';
    37 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Préfixe du sujet de l\'e-mail envoyé (vous pouvez utiliser "%gallery_title%")';
     38$lang['can be translated with LocalFiles Editor plugin'] = 'peut être traduit avec le plugin LocalFiles Editor';
     39$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Préfixe du sujet de l\'e-mail envoyé';
     40$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'vous pouvez utiliser "%gallery_title%"';
    3841$lang['Text before the contact form'] = 'Texte au-dessus du formulaire de contact';
    3942$lang['Text after the contact form'] = 'Texte au-dessous du formulaire de contact';
    4043$lang['E-mails'] = 'E-mails';
    4144$lang['Active'] = 'Actif';
    42 $lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Ajouter un email';
     45$lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Ajouter une email';
     46$lang['+ Add a category'] = '+ Ajouter une categorie';
    4347$lang['No active email address'] = 'Aucune adresse email active';
    4448$lang['E-mail sent successfully'] = 'E-mail envoyé avec succès';
    4751$lang['Please enter a subject'] = 'Veuillez entrer un sujet';
    4852$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Veuillez entrer un message';
     53$lang['Please choose a category'] = 'Veuillez choisir une categorie';
    4954$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s ne doit pas faire moins de %d caractères';
    5055$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s ne doit pas faire plus de %d caractères';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r17667 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Írja be az üzenetét';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Hiba történt a levél küldése közben';
    4241$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s nem lehet kevesebb %d karakternél';
    4342$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s nem lehet több %d karakternél';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Egyszerű szöveg';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Kérek egy e-mail címet';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Küldött e-mail tárgy előtag (a "%gallery_title%" használható)';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Küldött e-mail tárgy előtag';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'a "%gallery_title%" használható';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r17610 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Entrare un messaggio';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Errore durante l\'invio dell\'E-mail';
    42 $lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '% deve essere lungo non meno di % caratteri';
    43 $lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '% la lunghezza non deve essere maggiore di % caratteri';
     41$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s deve essere lungo non meno di %d caratteri';
     42$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s la lunghezza non deve essere maggiore di %d caratteri';
    4443$lang['Default e-mail subject'] = 'Oggetto email predefinito';
    4544$lang['E-mail format :'] = 'Formato email';
    4746$lang['Plain text'] = 'Testo non formattato';
    4847$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Aggiungi la tua email';
    49 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Presisso per le email gia inviate';
     48$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Presisso per le email gia inviate';
    5049$lang['Active'] = 'Attivo';
    5150$lang['+ Add an email'] = 'Aggiungi la tua email';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r17557 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Lūdzu ievadiet ziņojumu';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Kļūda sūtot e-pastu';
    42 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Nosūtītā e-pasta tēmas prefikss (varat lietot "%gallery_title%")';
     41$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Nosūtītā e-pasta tēmas prefikss';
     42$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'varat lietot "%gallery_title%"';
    4343$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s jābūt ne vairāk kā %d rakstzīmju garam';
    4444$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s jābūt ne māzāk kā %d rakstzīmju garam';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r17634 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Vul een berichttekst in';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Fout tijdens versturen van e-mail';
    4241$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s mag niet kleiner zijn dan %d tekens';
    4342$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s mag niet groter zijn dan %d tekens';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Platte tekst';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Voer een email adres in';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Voorvoegsel voor het email onderwerp (je kan \'%gallery_title%\') gebruiken';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Voorvoegsel voor het email onderwerp';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'je kan "%gallery_title%" gebruiken';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r17584 r17945  
    4949$lang['Plain text'] = 'Sam tekst';
    5050$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Wprowadź proszę e-mail';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Prefix tematu wysyłanego maila (możesz wykorzystać tytuł galerii: "%gallery_title%")';
     51$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Prefix tematu wysyłanego maila';
     52$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'możesz wykorzystać tytuł galerii: "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/pt_PT/plugin.lang.php

    r17532 r17945  
    4949$lang['Plain text'] = 'Texto normal';
    5050$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Indique um Email por favor';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Prefixo do assunto Enviar e-mail (Pode usar "%gallery_title%")';
     51$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Prefixo do assunto Enviar e-mail';
     52$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'Pode usar "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/ru_RU/plugin.lang.php

    r17522 r17945  
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Ошибка при отправке сообщения';
    42 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Префикс темы отправляемых e-mail (можно использовать "%gallery_title%")';
     42$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Префикс темы отправляемых e-mail';
     43$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'можно использовать "%gallery_title%"';
    4344$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Пожалуйста, введите e-mail';
    4445$lang['Active'] = 'Активный';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r17531 r17945  
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Chyba počas posielania e-mailu';
    42 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Predpona predmetu posielaného emailu (môžete použiť "%gallery_title%")';
     42$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Predpona predmetu posielaného emailu';
     43$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'môžete použiť "%gallery_title%"';
    4344$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Prosím vložte email';
    4445$lang['Plain text'] = 'Obyčajný text';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r17535 r17945  
    4242$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s, %d karakter uzunluğundan küçük olmamalıdır';
    4343$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s, %d karakter uzunluğundan büyük olmamalıdır';
    44 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Gönderilen e-posta konusu başına bir ön takı ekle ("%gallery_title%" kullanabilirsiniz.)';
     44$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Gönderilen e-posta konusu başına bir ön takı ekle';
     45$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = '"%gallery_title%" kullanabilirsiniz';
    4546$lang['+ Add an email'] = '+ Bir e-posta adresi ekle';
    4647$lang['Active'] = 'Etkin';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/uk_UA/plugin.lang.php

    r17643 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Будь ласка, введіть повідомлення';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Помилка при відправленні по електронній пошті';
    4241$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s повинно бути не коротше %d символів';
    4342$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s повинно бути не довше %d символів';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Простий текст';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Будь ласка, введіть e-mail';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Префікс теми відправлених e-mail (можна використовувати "%gallery_title%")';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Префікс теми відправлених e-mail';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'можна використовувати "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/vi_VN/plugin.lang.php

    r17526 r17945  
    3939$lang['Please enter a message'] = 'Vui lòng nhập nội dung';
    4040$lang['Error while sending e-mail'] = 'Có lỗi trong quá trình gởi email';
    4241$lang['%s must not be less than %d characters long'] = '%s phải có ít nhất %d ký tự';
    4342$lang['%s must not be more than %d characters long'] = '%s phải có ít hơn %d ký tự';
    4948$lang['Plain text'] = 'Thô (không có định dạng gì)';
    5049$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = 'Hãy nhập địa chỉ thư';
    51 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'Chủ đề gắn vào trước chủ đề thư (ví dụ "%gallery_title%")';
     50$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'Chủ đề gắn vào trước chủ đề thư';
     51$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = 'ví dụ "%gallery_title%"';
  • extensions/ContactForm/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r17594 r17945  
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    2323$lang['Please enter an e-mail'] = '请输入email地址';
    24 $lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject (you can use "%gallery_title%")'] = 'email标题的前缀 (您可以使用 "%gallery_title%")';
     24$lang['Prefix of the sent e-mail subject'] = 'email标题的前缀';
     25$lang['you can use "%gallery_title%"'] = '您可以使用 "%gallery_title%"';
    2526$lang['Subject'] = '标题';
    2627$lang['Text after the contact form'] = '联络表单之后的文字';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.