Feb 22, 2013, 8:23:46 AM (11 years ago)

[trunk_admin] Update zh_CN, thanks to : dennisyan

1 edited


  • trunk/language/zh_CN/admin.lang.php

    r20571 r20927  
    600600$lang['Visit Gallery'] = '浏览图库';
    601601$lang['Visit Piwigo project website'] = '浏览 Piwigo 项目网站';
    602 $lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader是<em>Piwigo上传客户端</em> 的官方标准软件。pLoader可将您电脑里的图片上传到Piwigo的图片画廊里。';
     602$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.'] = 'pLoader是<em>Piwigo上传客户端</em> 的官方标准软件。pLoader可将您电脑里的图片上传到Piwigo图库里。';
    603603$lang['Guest Settings'] = '游客设置';
    604604$lang['Main Page'] = '主页';
    829829$lang['registered users'] = '注册用户';
    830830$lang['Save visits in history for'] = '保存访问的历史记录';
    831 $lang['simple visitors'] = '游客';
     831$lang['simple visitors'] = '访问者';
    832832$lang['This album contains %d photos, added between %s and %s.'] = '此相册包含%d张图片,添加于%s和%s之间.';
    833833$lang['This album contains %d photos, added on %s.'] = '此相册包含%d张图片,添加于%s.';
    851851$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.'] = '用户 %u 因为在有权限的组中, 所以自动获得权限。';
    852852$lang['Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photography software designed to manage large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.'] = 'Adobe公司的Photoshop Lightroom是一款图片处理软件,用于管理大量的数字图像和后期制作工作。';
    853 $lang['any visitor can see this album'] = '任何游客都可访问此相册';
     853$lang['any visitor can see this album'] = '任何访问者都可访问此相册';
    854854$lang['Aperture is a powerful tool to refine images and manage massive libraries on Mac.'] = 'Aperture是Mac上一个功能强大的图片管理、编辑工具。';
    855855$lang['Aperture is designed for professional photographers with iPhoto simplicity.'] = 'Aperture用于在iPhoto上进行专业的图片处理。';
    878878$lang['There is no group in this gallery.'] = '这个图库中还没有组.';
    879879$lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.'] = '只要安装digiKam和Kipi插件, 就可以从digiKam中导出照片到Piwigo.';
    880 $lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album'] = '游客需要登录,并有适当的权限才访问这个相册';
     880$lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album'] = '需要登录且有适当的权限才能查看这个相册';
    881881$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than'] = '如果高度大于此值则添加水印:';
    882882$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than'] = '如果宽度大于此值则添加水印:';
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