Mar 8, 2013, 6:55:54 PM (11 years ago)

[extensions] - charlies_content

1 edited


  • extensions/charlies_content/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r18652 r21378  
    2525$lang['Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)'] = 'Subtitle font size is out of range (Correct range: 8-24)';
    2626$lang['Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)'] = 'Wrong filename or file not found (Subtitles file)';
    27 $lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] = 'Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.';
     27$lang['Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     28    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.'] =
     29        'Wrong filename. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is a TCP based propriety protocol
     30    developed by Adobe System for the purpose of streaming Audio/Video data between Flash Player and media server.';
    2831$lang['Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"'] = 'Invalid color code: 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters, preceded by "#"';
    2932$lang['Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.'] = 'Your configuration is NOT saved due to above reasons.';
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