Changeset 21632

Mar 17, 2013, 1:55:08 PM (11 years ago)

[extensions] - rv_akismet - Change key language

22 edited


  • extensions/rv_akismet/admin.tpl

    r6672 r21632  
    2 <p>{'This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'|@translate}</a>.</p>
     2<p>{'This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'|@translate}</p>
    44<p>{'Akismet has caught'|@translate} <b>{$AKISMET_SPAM_COMMENTS} {'spam comments'|@translate}</b> {'out of'|@translate} {$AKISMET_CHECKED_COMMENTS} {'comments'|@translate} (<a href="{$AKISMET_RESET_STATS_URL}">{'reset counters'|@translate}</a>).
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/ca_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r14736 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Es necessita una clau d\'ús personal:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Provar la configuració';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Aquest complement comprova si els comentaris són spam a través del <a href="" target="_blank">servei d\'Akismet en línia';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Aquest complement comprova si els comentaris són spam a través del <a href="" target="_blank">servei d\'Akismet en línia</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Cal definir la clau d\'API d\'Akismet';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'La seva clau de l\'API d\'Akismet no és vàlida.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/cs_CZ/plugin.lang.php

    r13607 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Tento modul ověřuje, zda vaše komentáře jsou nevyžádané pomocí <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet online služby';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Tento modul ověřuje, zda vaše komentáře jsou nevyžádané pomocí <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet online služby</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet zachytil';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'nevyžádaný komentář';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/da_DK/plugin.lang.php

    r18257 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Tilmeld her for at få en nøgle til personlig brug:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Afprøv din opsætning';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Plugin\'en kontrollerer om dine kommentarer er spam vha. <a href="" target="_blank">onlinetjensten Akismet';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Plugin\'en kontrollerer om dine kommentarer er spam vha. <a href="" target="_blank">onlinetjensten Akismet</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Du skal angive Akismets API-nøgle';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Din API-nøgle fra Akismet er ikke gyldig.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/de_DE/plugin.lang.php

    r7039 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Dieses Plugin prüft, ob Ihre Kommentare Spam sind durch die Verwendung des <a href="" target="_blank"> Akismet Online-Service';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Dieses Plugin prüft, ob Ihre Kommentare Spam sind durch die Verwendung des <a href="" target="_blank"> Akismet Online-Service</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet hat gefunden';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'Spam-Kommentare';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/el_GR/plugin.lang.php

    r16252 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Εγγραφή για το κλειδί προσωπικής χρήσης εδώ:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Ελέγξτε τις ρυθμίσεις σας';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Αυτό το πρόσθετο ελέγχει αν τα σχόλιά σας είναι spam χρησιμοποιώντας το <a href="" target="_blank">akismet υπηρεσία online';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Αυτό το πρόσθετο ελέγχει αν τα σχόλιά σας είναι spam χρησιμοποιώντας το <a href="" target="_blank">akismet υπηρεσία online</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Θα πρέπει να ορίσετε το Akismet API κλειδί';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Το Akismet API κλειδί σας δεν είναι έγκυρο.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/en_UK/plugin.lang.php

    r6672 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet has caught';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'spam comments';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/es_ES/plugin.lang.php

    r6672 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Este de enchufe verifica si sus comentarios son el bombardeo publicitario que usa el <a href="" target="_blank">akismet el servicio en línea';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Este de enchufe verifica si sus comentarios son el bombardeo publicitario que usa el <a href="" target="_blank">akismet el servicio en línea</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet ha cogido';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'comentarios de bombardeo publicitario';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/fr_FR/plugin.lang.php

    r12628 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Ce plugin vérifie si vos commentaires sont du spam en utilisant les services d\'<a href="" target="_blank">akismet en ligne';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Ce plugin vérifie si vos commentaires sont du spam en utilisant les services d\'<a href="" target="_blank">akismet en ligne</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet a détecté';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'commentaires comme spam';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/hu_HU/plugin.lang.php

    r12121 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Ez a bővítmény az <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet online spamszűrő</a> szolgáltatás használatával ellenőrzi a hozzászólásokat';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Ez a bővítmény az <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet online spamszűrő</a> szolgáltatás használatával ellenőrzi a hozzászólásokat</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Az Akismet';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'spam hozzászólást';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/it_IT/plugin.lang.php

    r7039 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Questo plugin verifica se i vostri commenti sono spam utilizzando il target="_blank"> <a href="" Akismet servizio online';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Questo plugin verifica se i vostri commenti sono spam utilizzando il target="_blank"> <a href="" Akismet servizio online</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet ha trovato';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'commenti con spam';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/lv_LV/plugin.lang.php

    r8003 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Šis spraudnis pārbauda vai jūsu komentāri nav spams, tiek lietots <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online serviss';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Šis spraudnis pārbauda vai jūsu komentāri nav spams, tiek lietots <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online serviss</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet ir noķēris';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'spama komentārs';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/nb_NO/plugin.lang.php

    r9103 r21632  
    3 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Denne plugginen verifiserer om dine kommentarer er spamved bruk av <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service';
     3$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Denne plugginen verifiserer om dine kommentarer er spamved bruk av <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.';
    44$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet har fanget';
    55$lang['spam comments'] = 'spam Kommentarer';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/nl_NL/plugin.lang.php

    r14515 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Meld je hier aan voor een sleutel voor persoonlijk gebruik:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Test je configuratie';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Deze plugin bepaalt of je commentaar spam is door middel van de <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Deze plugin bepaalt of je commentaar spam is door middel van de <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Je moet de Akismet API sleutel definiëren';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Je Akismet sleutel is niet geldig.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/pl_PL/plugin.lang.php

    r13607 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Ta wtyczka weryfikuje czy komentarz nie jest spamem za pomocą <a href="" target="_blank">usługi online Akismet';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Ta wtyczka weryfikuje czy komentarz nie jest spamem za pomocą <a href="" target="_blank">usługi online Akismet</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet złapał';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'komentarzy spamów';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/pt_BR/plugin.lang.php

    r21454 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Cadastre-se para uma chave de uso pessoal aqui:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Teste a sua configuração';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Este plugin verifica se os seus comentários são spam usando o <a href="" target="_blank"> serviço on-line Akismet';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Este plugin verifica se os seus comentários são spam usando o <a href="" target="_blank"> serviço on-line Akismet</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Você precisa definir a chave Akismet api';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Sua chave Akismet API não é válida.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/pt_PT/plugin.lang.php

    r14664 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Assine aqui uma chave para uso pessoal:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Testar configuração';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Esta extensão verifica se os seus comentários são spam usando o serviço Akismet <a href="" target="_blank"> ';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Esta extensão verifica se os seus comentários são spam usando o<a href="" target="_blank">serviço Akismet</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Necessita definir a chave API Akismet';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'A sua chave Akismet não é válida';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/ru_RU/plugin.lang.php

    r14209 r21632  
    2828$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Регистрация для получения ключа личного использования здесь:';
    2929$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Проверьте ваши настройки';
    30 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Этот плагин проверяет ваши комментарии на спам с помощью <a href="" target="_blank"> Akismet сервис онлайн';
     30$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Этот плагин проверяет ваши комментарии на спам с помощью <a href="" target="_blank"> Akismet сервис онлайн</a>.';
    3131$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Вам нужно ввести ключ Akismet API';
    3232$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Ключ Akismet API недействителен.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/sk_SK/plugin.lang.php

    r10240 r21632  
    4 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Tento doplnok overí, či komentáre sú spamom použitím <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online služby';
     4$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Tento doplnok overí, či komentáre sú spamom použitím <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online služby</a>.';
    55$lang['Akismet has caught'] = 'Akismet zachytil';
    66$lang['spam comments'] = 'spam komentáre';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/tr_TR/plugin.lang.php

    r16581 r21632  
    2929$lang['Signup for a personal usage key here:'] = 'Burada kullanılacak kişisel kullanım anahtarı için kaydolun:';
    3030$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Yapılandırmanızı test edin';
    31 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Bu eklenti yorumlarınızın spam olup olmadığını kontrol eder: <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service';
     31$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Bu eklenti yorumlarınızın spam olup olmadığını kontrol eder: <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.';
    3232$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Akismet API anahtarını tanımlamanız gereklidir';
    3333$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Akismet API anahtarınız geçerli değil';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/uk_UA/plugin.lang.php

    r13284 r21632  
    3535$lang['spam comments'] = 'спам-коментарів';
    3636$lang['Test your configuration'] = 'Перевірити конфігурацію';
    37 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = 'Цей плаґін перевіряє, якщо чи є у вас спам-коментарі за допомогою <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet сервіс онлайн';
     37$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = 'Цей плаґін перевіряє, якщо чи є у вас спам-коментарі за допомогою <a href="" target="_blank">Akismet сервіс онлайн</a>.';
    3838$lang['You need to define the Akismet api key'] = 'Вам потрібно встановити Akismet API Key';
    3939$lang['Your Akismet API key is not valid.'] = 'Ваш Akismet API Key недійсний.';
  • extensions/rv_akismet/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r20340 r21632  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service'] = '本插件可检查相册评论中是否有垃圾信息(通过此在线服务实现):<a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service';
     23$lang['This plugin verifies if your comments are spam using the <a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.'] = '本插件可检查相册评论中是否有垃圾信息(通过此在线服务实现):<a href="" target="_blank">akismet online service</a>.';
    2424$lang['Action when spam is detected:'] = '垃圾信息被删除后的动作:';
    2525$lang['Akismet API Key:'] = 'Akismet API 密钥:';
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.