Changeset 2325 for trunk/language

May 2, 2008, 11:56:21 PM (16 years ago)

Resolved issue 0000823: Enhance upload functionalities

First commit, others will be follow.
Not hesitate to change my translations.

Add upload configuration tabsheet (move and add configuration)
Change and add define for access level
Can show upload link every time
Can restrict access upload.class.php
Can choice category on upload page
Add upload class not use for the moment
Review quickly and temporary style of upload.tpl

12 edited


  • trunk/language/en_UK/admin.lang.php

    r2305 r2325  
    635635// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (1.8)
    636636$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purge compiled templates';
    637 /* TODO */ $lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Caddie is currently empty';
     637$lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Caddie is currently empty';
     638$lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Upload';
     639$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Show upload link every time';
     640$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'User access level to upload';
     641$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
     642$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
     643$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to subscribed';
     644$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
     645$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
     646$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
  • trunk/language/en_UK/common.lang.php

    r2299 r2325  
    307307$lang['update_rate'] = 'Update your rating';
    308308$lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'wrong filename';
    309 $lang['upload_advise'] = 'Choose an image to place in the category : ';
    310309$lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'the filesize of the picture must not exceed : ';
    311310$lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'the picture must be to the fileformat jpg, gif or png';
    365364$lang['See elements linked to this tag only'] = 'See images linked to this tag only';
    366365$lang['elements posted during the last %d days'] = 'images posted during the last %d days';
     366$lang['Choose an image'] = 'Choose an image';
  • trunk/language/en_UK/help/configuration.html

    r2048 r2325  
    3535  <li><strong>Email admins when a new user registers</strong>: Administrators will be received mail for each registration.</li>
    37   <li><strong>Email adminis when a picture is uploaded</strong>: Administrators will be received mail for each picture uploaded by a user.</li>
    7775User comments validation takes place in the screen <span class="pwgScreen">Administration, Pictures, Comments</span>.</li>
     79<!--TODO --><h3>Upload</h3>
     81<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>Show upload link every time</strong>: If exists uploadeable categories, add link will be show for each categoy.</li>
     82<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>User access level to upload</strong>: Allows to restrict upload by users</li>
     83  <li><strong>Email adminis when a picture is uploaded</strong>: Administrators will be received mail for each picture uploaded by a user.</li>
  • trunk/language/es_ES/admin.lang.php

    r2305 r2325  
    640640// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (1.8)
    641641$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purgar el templates compilado';
    642 $lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Caddie is currently empty';
     642/* TODO */ $lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Caddie is currently empty';
     643/* TODO */ $lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Upload';
     644/* TODO */ $lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Show upload link every time';
     645/* TODO */ $lang['User access level to upload'] = 'User access level to upload';
     646/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
     647/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
     648/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to subscribed';
     649/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
     650/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
     651/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
  • trunk/language/es_ES/common.lang.php

    r2300 r2325  
    307307$lang['update_rate'] = 'Actualizar nota';
    308308$lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'Mal nombre de repertorio';
    309 $lang['upload_advise'] = 'Elegir una imagen para agregar en esta categoría : ';
    310309$lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'El peso de la imagen debe sobrepasar : ';
    311310$lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'El tamaño de la imagen debe ser jpg, png ou gif';
    365364$lang['See elements linked to this tag only'] = 'Ver las imágenes relacionadas únicamente a este tag';
    366365$lang['elements posted during the last %d days'] = 'esta imagen tiene menos de %d dias';
     366$lang['Choose an image'] = 'Elegir una imagen';
  • trunk/language/es_ES/help/configuration.html

    r2145 r2325  
    2525  <li><strong>Permitir el registro de los utilizadores</strong>: La inscripción es libre para ellos todos.</li>
    27   <li><strong>Notificar a los administradores cuando una imagen es cargada</strong>: Los administradores recibirán un courriel a cada imagen puesto en disposición por un utilizador.</li>
     63<!--TODO --><h3>Upload</h3>
     65<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>Show upload link every time</strong>: If exists uploadeable categories, add link will be show for each categoy.</li>
     66<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>User access level to upload</strong>: Allows to restrict upload by users</li>
     67  <li><strong>Notificar a los administradores cuando una imagen es cargada</strong>: Los administradores recibirán un courriel a cada imagen puesto en disposición por un utilizador.</li>
    6570<h3>Fijación por defecto</h3>
    6671<p>Modificar las opciones de fijación por defecto: para los visitadores no conectados. Una vez conectado, estas opciones son sobrecargadas por las del utilizador, a las que puede modificar en la pantalla <span
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/admin.lang.php

    r2320 r2325  
    636636$lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purger les templates compilés';
    637637$lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Le panier est actuellement vide.';
     638$lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Téléchargement';
     639$lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Afficher le lien d\'ajout d\'image tout le temps';
     640$lang['User access level to upload'] = 'Niveau d\'accès utilisateur pour télécharger';
     641$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Accès libre';
     642$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Accès à tous';
     643$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Accès aux inscrits';
     644$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Accès aux administrateurs';
     645$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Accès aux webmestres';
     646$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'Pas d\'accès';
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/common.lang.php

    r2299 r2325  
    307307$lang['update_rate'] = 'Mettre à jour votre note';
    308308$lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'mauvais nom de répertoire';
    309 $lang['upload_advise'] = 'Choisir une image à ajouter dans cette catégorie : ';
    310309$lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'le poids de l\'image ne doit dépasser : ';
    311310$lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'le format de l\'image doit être jpg, png ou gif';
    365364$lang['See elements linked to this tag only'] = 'Voir les images liées uniquement à ce tag';
    366365$lang['elements posted during the last %d days'] = 'images ajoutées au cours de %d derniers jours';
     366$lang['Choose an image'] = 'Choisir une image à ajouter';
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/help/configuration.html

    r2130 r2325  
    3535  <li><strong>Notifier les administrateurs lors de l'inscription d'un utilisateur</strong>: Les administrateurs recevront un courriel à chaque inscription.</li>
    37   <li><strong>Notifier les administrateurs quand une image est téléchargée</strong>: Les administrateurs recevront un courriel à chaque image mis à disposition par un utilisateur.</li>
    7775La validation des commentaires utilisateurs a lieu dans l'écran <span class="pwgScreen">Administration, Images, Commentaires</span>.</li>
     81  <li><strong>Afficher le lien d'ajout d'image tout le temps</strong>: S'il existe des catégories permettant le téléchargement, le lien d'ajout d'image sera affiché quelque soit la catégorie.</li>
     82  <li><strong>Niveau d'accès utilisateur pour télécharger</strong>: Permet de restreindre l'ajout à certains utilisateurs</li>
     83  <li><strong>Notifier les administrateurs quand une image est téléchargée</strong>: Les administrateurs recevront un courriel à chaque image mis à disposition par un utilisateur.</li>
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/admin.lang.php

    r2305 r2325  
    644644/* TODO */ $lang['Purge compiled templates'] = 'Purge compiled templates';
    645645/* TODO */ $lang['Caddie is currently empty'] = 'Caddie is currently empty';
     646/* TODO */ $lang['conf_upload_title'] = 'Upload';
     647/* TODO */ $lang['Show upload link every time'] = 'Show upload link every time';
     648/* TODO */ $lang['User access level to upload'] = 'User access level to upload';
     649/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Free access';
     650/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Access to all';
     651/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Access to subscribed';
     652/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Access to administrators';
     653/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Access to webmasters';
     654/* TODO */ $lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'No access';
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/common.lang.php

    r2299 r2325  
    307307$lang['update_rate'] = 'Werk je beoordeling bij';
    308308$lang['update_wrong_dirname'] = 'verkeerde bestandsnaam';
    309 $lang['upload_advise'] = 'Kies een afbeelding om in een categorie te plaatsen : ';
    310309$lang['upload_advise_filesize'] = 'het bestandsformaat mag niet te groot zijn : ';
    311310$lang['upload_advise_filetype'] = 'de afbeelding moet een extensie hebbben die eindigt op jpg, gif of png';
    365364$lang['See elements linked to this tag only'] = 'Toon afbeelding gelinkt met deze tag';
    366365$lang['elements posted during the last %d days'] = 'afbeelding binnen de %d dagen';
     366$lang['Choose an image'] = 'Kies een afbeelding om';
  • trunk/language/nl_NL/help/configuration.html

    r2171 r2325  
    2828  <li><strong>Email admins wanneer een nieuwe gebruiker zich registreerd</strong>: Administrators ontvangen een mailtje bij elke registratie.</li>
    30   <li><strong>Email admins wanneer een afbeelding is ge-upload</strong>: Administrators ontvangen een mailtje voor elke ge-uploade bestand door gebruikers.</li>
     65<!--TODO --><h3>Upload</h3>
     67<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>Show upload link every time</strong>: If exists uploadeable categories, add link will be show for each categoy.</li>
     68<!--TODO -->  <li><strong>User access level to upload</strong>: Allows to restrict upload by users</li>
     69  <li><strong>Email admins wanneer een afbeelding is ge-upload</strong>: Administrators ontvangen een mailtje voor elke ge-uploade bestand door gebruikers.</li>
    6772<h3>Standaard weergave</h3>
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