Changeset 23329 for extensions/community

Jun 18, 2013, 7:39:49 PM (11 years ago)

[community] Update zh_CN, thanks to : dennisyan

1 edited


  • extensions/community/language/zh_CN/plugin.lang.php

    r16952 r23329  
    2121// | USA.                                                                  |
    2222// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    23 $lang['%d photos rejected'] = '%d 已拒绝的图片';
    24 $lang['%d photos uploaded by %s'] = '%d 图片上传者 %s';
    25 $lang['%d photos uploaded into album "%s"'] = '%d 已上传的图片 "%s"';
    26 $lang['%d photos validated'] = '%d 已批准的图片';
     23$lang['%d photos rejected'] = '%d 张图片被拒绝';
     24$lang['%d photos uploaded by %s'] = '%d 张图片被 %s 上传';
     25$lang['%d photos uploaded into album "%s"'] = '%d 张图片已上传至相册 "%s"';
     26$lang['%d photos validated'] = '%d 张图片已通过审核';
    2727$lang['%s (the group)'] = '%s (组)';
    2828$lang['%s (the user)'] = '%s (用户)';
    29 $lang['%u pending photos'] = '%u 待审核的图片';
     29$lang['%u pending photos'] = '%u 张图片待审核';
    3030$lang['Add a permission'] = '添加一项授权';
    3131$lang['Cancel'] = '取消';
    32 $lang['Delete permission'] = '删除授权';
     32$lang['Delete permission'] = '删除授权';
    3333$lang['Edit a permission'] = '编辑授权';
    34 $lang['Hi administrators,'] = '管理员 您好,';
     34$lang['Hi administrators,'] = '管理员您好,';
    3535$lang['Level 16'] = '审核';
    3636$lang['No album, this photo is orphan'] = '没有相册,该图片是孤立的';
    3737$lang['Pending Photos'] = '待审核图片';
    38 $lang['Permission added'] = '该项授权已添加';
    39 $lang['Permission removed'] = '该项授权已删除';
    40 $lang['Permission updated'] = '该项授权已更新';
     38$lang['Permission added'] = '授权已添加';
     39$lang['Permission removed'] = '授权已删除';
     40$lang['Permission updated'] = '授权已更新';
    4141$lang['Set Photo Properties'] = '设置图片属性';
    4242$lang['The whole gallery'] = '整个相册';
    4444$lang['Upload your own photos'] = '上传您的图片';
    4545$lang['Validation page: %s'] = '审核页: %s';
    46 $lang['Where?'] = '授权相册';
    47 $lang['Which level of trust?'] = '授权等级';
    48 $lang['Who?'] = '授权对象';
     46$lang['Where?'] = '哪里?';
     47$lang['Which level of trust?'] = '何种信任等级?';
     48$lang['Who?'] = '谁?';
    4949$lang['Your photos are waiting for validation, administrators have been notified'] = '已通知管理员,您上传的图片正等待管理员审核。';
    5050$lang['Zoom'] = '放大';
    6060$lang['uploaded photos must be validated by an administrator'] = '上传图片后须经管理员审核';
    6161$lang['web size'] = '调整至网页大小';
     62$lang['no limit'] = '无限制';
     63$lang['up to %d photos (for each user)'] = '最多 %d 张图片(每位用户)';
     64$lang['up to %dMB (for each user)'] = '最多 %dMB(每位用户)';
     65$lang['How many photos?'] = '多少张图片?';
     66$lang['How much disk space?'] = '多少磁盘空间?';
     67$lang['Maximum number of photos reached (%u)'] = '已达最大图片数量限制(%u)';
     68$lang['Photo %s rejected.'] = '图片 %s 被拒绝。';
     69$lang['Piwigo automatically creates an album for each user, on first connection'] = '首次连接时,Piwigo自动为每位用户创建一个相册';
     70$lang['User album only'] = '仅限用户相册';
     71$lang['User albums'] = '用户相册';
     72$lang['Where should Piwigo create user albums?'] = 'Piwigo在哪里创建用户相册?';
     73$lang['%s out of %s'] = '%s out of %s';
     74$lang['(in addition to user album)'] = '(在用户相册之外)';
     75$lang['Available %s.'] = '可用 %s.';
     76$lang['Available quota %s.'] = '可用配额 %s.';
     77$lang['Disk usage quota reached (%uMB)'] = '已达磁盘配额限制(%uMB)';
     78$lang['File %s too big (%uMB), quota of %uMB exceeded'] = '文件 %s 过大 (%uMB),超过了 %uMB 的限制';
     79$lang['Gallery root'] = '相册根目录';
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