Changeset 2540

Sep 16, 2008, 6:32:17 PM (16 years ago)

Admin goto/roma minor CSS / templates changes.
Public yoga/Sylvia minor CSS / gif changes

6 edited


  • trunk/admin/template/goto/rating.tpl

    r2534 r2540  
    4343  <td></td>
    45 {foreach from=$images item=image}
    46 <tr valign="bottom">
     45{foreach from=$images item=image name=image}
     46<tr valign="bottom" class="{if $smarty.foreach.image.index is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}">
    4747  <td rowspan="{$image.NB_RATES_TOTAL+1}"><a href="{$image.U_URL}"><img src="{$image.U_THUMB}" alt="{$image.FILE}" title="{$image.FILE}"></a></td>
    4848  <td rowspan="{$image.NB_RATES_TOTAL+1}"><strong>{$image.NB_RATES}/{$image.NB_RATES_TOTAL}</strong></td>
    5151  <td rowspan="{$image.NB_RATES_TOTAL+1}" style="border-right: 1px solid;" ><strong>{$image.SUM_RATE}</strong></td>
    53 {foreach from=$image.rates item=rate}
    54 <tr>
     53{foreach from=$image.rates item=rate name=rate}
     54<tr class="{if ($smarty.foreach.image.index+$smarty.foreach.rate.index) is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}">
    5555    <td>{$rate.RATE}</td>
    5656    <td><b>{$rate.USER}</b></td>
  • trunk/admin/template/goto/site_manager.tpl

    r2531 r2540  
    3939        </tr>
    4040  {foreach from=$sites item=site}
    41   <tr style="text-align:left"><td>
     41  <tr style="text-align:left" class="{if $ is odd}row1{else}row2{/if}"><td>
    4242    <a href="{$site.NAME}">{$site.NAME}</a><br/>({$site.TYPE}, {$site.CATEGORIES} {'Categories'|@translate}, {$pwg->l10n_dec('%d element','%d elements',$site.IMAGES)})
    4343  </td><td>
  • trunk/admin/template/goto/theme/roma/theme.css

    r2533 r2540  
    11/* $Id$ */
    22/* text color */
    3 body, h3, dt, h2, .throw, .content,
    4 input.rateButtonSelected /* <= why IE doesn't inherit this ? */ { color:#ccc; }
     3body, h3, dt, h2, .throw, .content, label,
     4input.rateButtonSelected /* <= why IE doesn't inherit this ? */ { color:#666; }
    55INPUT[type="text"], INPUT[type="password"], INPUT[type="button"],
    66INPUT[type="submit"], INPUT[type="reset"], INPUT[type="file"], select, textarea {
    7 color:#111; background-color: #eee; } 
     7color:#444; background-color: #eee; } 
    88input.rateButton, legend, #theAdminPage h3 { color: #777; }
    99#theAdminPage h2 { color: #333; }
    11 .content .infos { color: #3f6; border:0pt none; background-color: transparent;
     11.content .infos { color: #3f6; border:0; background-color: transparent;
    1212padding:5px 0px 0pt 10pt; min-height: 48px; text-align:left; }
    1313.content .infos li, .content .errors li { list-style-type:none; }
    14 .content .errors { color: #f70; border:0pt none; background-color: transparent;
     14.content .errors { color: #f70; border:0; background-color: transparent;
    1515padding:5px 0px 0pt 10pt; min-height: 48px; text-align:left; font-weight:bold; }
    1616#copyright { color:#777; margin:60px auto 0px 240px; text-align:center;
    4646.content div.titrePage { height:55px; }
    4747.instructions { text-align: left; padding: 20px 20px 0 20px; }
     48.instructions  h3 { text-align: center; margin: 30px 0 0 0; }
    4849.throw, td h3 {
    4950 background-image: url(images/fillet.png); background-repeat: repeat-x; }
    5051/* borders */ /* TODO */
    51 INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA { border-left: 2px inset #696969; text-indent:4px; }
    52 TEXTAREA { cursor:text; }
     52fieldset { border: 1px solid #666; }
     53INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA { border-left: 2px inset #666; text-indent:4px; }
     54TEXTAREA { cursor:text; font-family:Univers,Helvetica,Optima,"Bitstream Vera Sans",sans-serif; font-size: 13px; }
    5355INPUT.bigbutton { background: #111 url(images/rapid_local_synchro.png) no-repeat scroll left top;
    5456width: 600px; height: 120px; color:#f70; font-size: 36px; text-align: left; padding: 0 0 0 30px;
    5557border: 0; }
    56 INPUT.bigbutton:hover { background-color: #222;  color:#f33; border: 0; cursor: pointer; }
    5758.content UL.thumbnails SPAN.wrap2 {
    5859  border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;    /* thumbnails border color and style */
    5960  border-radius: 4px 4px;       /* round corners with CSS3 compliant browsers */
     62.tagSelection label { padding-right:12px; }
     63ul.thumbnails input { border:3px double #f70; color:#222; font-size:10px; margin:0; }
     64INPUT[type="submit"]:hover , INPUT[type="reset"]:hover  { color:#f33; cursor: pointer; }
     65INPUT.bigbutton:hover { background-color: #222;  color:#f33; border: 0; cursor: pointer; }
     66.throw  { font-size: 120%; line-height: 26px; padding-top: 10px; font-weight: bold; }
    6167label { cursor:pointer }
    6268.virtual_cat { background: #222 !important; }
    7783.HelpActions li {list-style-image:none; list-style-position:outside;
    7884list-style-type:none; text-align:center; text-indent:0pt; }
     85#content.content div.comment a.illustration{ margin-right: 30px;}
    8086/* tabsheets are often used in admin  pages => No specific css files */
    8187.tabsheet {
    95101.tabsheet a:hover, .tabsheet li.selected_tab  a { color: #F36;
    96102background:transparent url(images/active_tab.png) no-repeat scroll left 5px; }
    97 .tabsheet a span { background-color: #222; }
     103.tabsheet a span { background-color: #222; font-size: 10px; }
    99105#debug { margin-left:248px; font-size:12px; }
    109115 scrollbar-arrow-color: #ff3333; }
    110116html>body #menubar {min-height:477px; height:477px;} /* IE 7 and modern browsers */
    111 #menubar .selected a { color: #f70; border-color: #f36;}
    112 #menubar .selected a:hover { color: #f36; border-bottom: 1px solid #f36;}
     117#menubar .selected a { color: #f70; }
     118#menubar .selected a:hover { color: #f36; border-bottom: 1px solid #f33;}
    113119#menubar dd {
    114120background: transparent url(images/menubar-detail.png) repeat-y top left;
    122128position:relative; padding: 5px 1px 4px 5px; top:-10px; font-size: 13px; color: #666; }
    123129#menubar dt  span { background-color: #111; cursor:pointer; }
    124 #menubar a { border-bottom:0; text-decoration:none; font-size: 12px;
    125 color: #F70; border-bottom: 1px dotted #777;}
     130#menubar a { text-decoration:none; font-size: 12px;
     131color: #F70; border-bottom: 1px dotted #F70;}
    126132#menubar li { margin: 0 0 0 6px; }
    127133#menubar li.external { list-style-image:url(images/external_inactive.png); padding:10px 0px 0pt 10px; }
  • trunk/language/fr_FR/admin.lang.php

    r2522 r2540  
    633633$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'gérer l\'ordre des images';
    634634$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Gérer l\'ordre des images';
    635 $lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Modifier les ordres';
     635$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Modifier l\'ordre';
    636636$lang['No element in this category'] = 'Aucun élément dans cette catégorie';
    637637$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'L\'ordre manuel des images a été sauvé';
  • trunk/template/yoga/theme/Sylvia/theme.css

    r2525 r2540  
    99INPUT.rateButtonSelected { color:#d0d0d0; }
    11 H2, #menubar DT { color: #fff48e; }
     11H2, #menubar DT { color: #666; }
    1313/* backgrounds */
    2121left:0; margin:0; padding:0; position:absolute; top:0; z-index:0;
    2222width: 100%; min-width: 100%; }
     23#mbIdentification p, .totalImages { color: #333; }
    2424.header_notes { background-color: #222; border: 1px solid #000; margin:0 7px -12px 290px; padding-top:0;}
    2525#menubar DL { background:transparent url(images/menuBox_top.gif) no-repeat scroll left top;
    6363#content .thumbnailCategory div.illustration { background:transparent url(images/cat_top-left.gif) no-repeat scroll left top;
    6464padding: 0 0 0 10px; margin: 0; }
    65 .content .thumbnailCategory div.illustration a { display: block; margin: 0; padding:15px 0 0 10px; }
     65.content .thumbnailCategory div.illustration a { display: block; margin: 0; padding:20px 0 0 8px; }
    6666#content .thumbnailCategory div.description { background:transparent url(images/cat_top-right.gif) no-repeat scroll right top;
    6767margin:0; padding:15px 0 0 0; }
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